研经日课: 三年读经计划

研经日课: 三年读经计划

Search The Scriptures:A Three-Year Bible Study Course


A Three-Year Bible Study Course

edited by Alan M. Stibbs

研经日课 亚马逊 研经日课

研经日课 课程介绍:

研经日课 目的Aim:

to help Christians young and old in their daily study ofWord of God

研经日课 特色Features:

  1. 三年的研读
    Three years study

  2. 提出对经文的内容、意义及其应用的问题,但不提供答案。
    Questions on contents, meaning and application

  3. 除非必要,尽量减少解释。自己找答案。
    minimum explanatory notes, dig out the truth yourself

正确的态度 Right approach
  1. 读经不是只为作学术研究。读经是上帝让我们遇见他的方式之一。仅回答问题不是我们研经的目的,而在欣喜地与我们的主会面。
    Don’t read the Bible merely academically. Bible study: ameans appointed by God by which we can encounter Him. Answering the questionsis not the end of bible study, but joyfully meeting with our Lord.

  2. 研经不只是知识上的,而是灵性上的。要去除骄傲和自满。首先,以谦卑的心承认我们必须依靠上帝,并乞求圣灵能开我们的眼睛,给我们属灵的分辨力,帮助我们理解。
    Not merely intellectual, but also spiritual;whollywithout pride and self-confidence Begin with: humble acknowledgment of ourdependence upon God, a pray that His Holy Spirit will open our blind eyes andgive us spiritual discernment and understanding.(林前2:14;太11:25-26)

  3. 上帝在一个特殊的历史处境启示他的真理。要完全发现上帝要对我们说什么,需要勤奋的研读,需要我们的耐心和毅力,不断地发问,并且用各种适当的工具来帮助我们理解。这需要我们严谨、专注地运用我们的理性的能力。
    God revealed His truth in a particular historicalenvironment. Full discovery of all that God has to say demand diligent studyinvolving patient and persistent enquiry and the use of all proper availableaids to understanding demanding the serious and concentrated exercise of allone’s intellectual powers.

需要多少时间 The Time Required
  1. 每天至少20分钟。如果能有30分钟更好,因为要加上祷读的时间。
    Atleast 20 min/day. 30 min/day is even better (for Prayerful meditation)
  1. 圣经。
    A Bible

  2. 一本笔记本。
    A notebook

  3. 其他的材料﹕例如研经书,圣经辞典。
    Other aids: commentary, bible dictionary

  1. 以祷告开始
    Begin with prayer

  2. 阅读指定的经文
    Read the portion of Scripture appointed for study.

  3. 阅读问题和相关的注解。
    Read the questions and any notes on the passage.

  4. 在笔记本上写下答案(这步骤很重要,需要操练)。
    Write answers to the question in thenotebook;A weekly review is helpful.

  5. 用这段经文作敬拜赞美。
    Use the passage as a basis for worship and praise.




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