习题 3-8 循环小数(Repeating Decimals, ACM/ICPC World Finals 1990, UVa202)

习题 3-8 循环小数(Repeating Decimals, ACM/ICPC World Finals 1990, UVa202)

输入整数a和b (0<=a<=3000, 1<=b<=3000),输出a/b的循环小数表示以及循环节长度。例如a=5, b=43,小数表示为0.(116279069767441860465),循环节长度为21

习题 3-8 循环小数(Repeating Decimals, ACM/ICPC World Finals 1990, UVa202)_第1张图片
习题 3-8 循环小数(Repeating Decimals, ACM/ICPC World Finals 1990, UVa202)_第2张图片

using namespace std;

const int MAX_N = 10000;
int a, b;
int resInt;    // 存储结果的整数部分 
char res[MAX_N];  // 存储结果的小数部分 
char cycle[2*MAX_N]; // 存储循环节 

int main(){
	#ifdef LOCAL
	freopen("input.txt", "r", stdin);
	freopen("output.txt", "w", stdout);
	while(scanf("%d%d", &a, &b) == 2) {  // 当成功读取到a和b 
		memset(res, '0', sizeof(res));  // 重置结果和循环节 
		memset(cycle, '\0', sizeof(cycle));
		// 计算整数部分 
		int numA = a, numB = b;
		resInt = a/b;
		a = (a - resInt * b) * 10;
		int resIndex = 0;
		// 计算小数部分	
		while(resIndex < MAX_N - 1) {
			if(a < 1){
			while(a < b) {
				a = a * 10;
			int num = a/b;
			res[resIndex] = (char)('0' + num);
			a = a - num*b;
		int lenCycle = 1;  // 循环节长度 
		int site = 0;  // 循环节位置,从小数点后开始数		
		bool found = false;
		for(int i = 0; i < MAX_N; i++) {  // 寻找循环节位置 
			int cTime = 0;   // 循环次数 
			for(int j = 1; j <= MAX_N/2; j++) {  //寻找循环节长度 
				cTime = 0;
				memset(cycle, '\0', sizeof(cycle));
				strncpy(cycle, res + i, j);
				for(int k = 0; i + (k+1) * j < MAX_N; k++) {  // 判断是否构成循环节 
					if(strstr(res + i + k*j, cycle) == res + i + k*j) {
						found = true; 
					} else {
						found = false;
				if(found && cTime > 1) {
					lenCycle = j;
					site = i;
			if(found && cTime > 1) break;
		printf("%d/%d = %d", numA, numB, resInt);
		for(int i = 0; i < site; i++) {
			printf("%c", res[i]);
		for(int i = 0; i < lenCycle && site + i < 50; i++) printf("%c", cycle[i]);
		if(site + lenCycle > 50) printf("...");
		printf("   %d = number of digits in repeating cycle\n\n", lenCycle);
	return 0;


using namespace std;

const int MAX_N = 100000;
int mod[MAX_N];  // 存储被除数 
int ans[MAX_N];  // 存储所求小数 

int main(){
	#ifdef LOCAL
	freopen("input.txt", "r", stdin);
	freopen("output.txt", "w", stdout);
	int a, b;
	while(scanf("%d%d", &a, &b) == 2) {
		memset(mod, 0, sizeof(mod));
		memset(ans, 0, sizeof(ans));
		ans[0] = a/b;
		printf("%d/%d = %d.", a, b, ans[0]);  // 输出整数部分
		int pos = 1; // 小数位数  也是循环体结束位置 
		int start = 1;   //循环体开始位置,小数点后第几位 
		int count = 0; // 被除数的个数 (循环体之前的小数位数) 
		a = (a % b) * 10;
		while(!(start = mod[a])) {  // 被除数没重复
			// 计算下一个被除数和小数下一位 
			mod[a] = ++count;  // 存放第count个被除数a 
			ans[pos++] = a / b;
			a = (a % b) * 10;
		for(int i = 1; i < start; i++) {
			printf("%d", ans[i]);
		for(int i = start; i < pos && i < 51; i++) {
			printf("%d", ans[i]);
		if(pos > 50) printf("...");
		printf("   %d = number of digits in repeating cycle\n\n", pos - start);
	return 0;
