cilium作为k8s cni插件,提供了ipam的机制,可用来给pod分配ip地址,具体配置可参考官网,其中Kubernetes Host Scope表示每个node的cidr由k8s来分配,node上每个pod的ip由cilium-agent来分配;Cluster Scope为默认的ipam方式,每个node的cidr由cilium-operator来分配,并更新到ciliumnode crd中,node上每个pod的ip仍然由cilium-agent来分配,其他几种模式为云厂商提供的。
rootCmd = &cobra.Command{
// Prepopulate option.Config with options from CLI.
func runOperator()
// Configure API server for the operator.
srv, err := api.NewServer(shutdownSignal, k8sInitDone, getAPIServerAddr()...)
go func() {
err = srv.WithStatusCheckFunc(checkStatus).StartServer()
if err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Fatalf("Unable to start operator apiserver")
resourceToCreateFnMapping := map[string]crdCreationFn{
synced.CRDResourceName(k8sconstv2.CNPName): createCNPCRD,
synced.CRDResourceName(k8sconstv2.CCNPName): createCCNPCRD,
synced.CRDResourceName(k8sconstv2.CNName): createNodeCRD,
synced.CRDResourceName(k8sconstv2.CIDName): createIdentityCRD,
synced.CRDResourceName(k8sconstv2.CEPName): createCEPCRD,
synced.CRDResourceName(k8sconstv2.CEWName): createCEWCRD,
synced.CRDResourceName(k8sconstv2.CLRPName): createCLRPCRD,
synced.CRDResourceName(k8sconstv2alpha1.CENPName): createCENPCRD,
synced.CRDResourceName(k8sconstv2alpha1.CESName): createCESCRD,
synced.CRDResourceName(k8sconstv2alpha1.CCECName): createCCECCRD,
synced.CRDResourceName(k8sconstv2alpha1.CECName): createCECCRD,
synced.CRDResourceName(k8sconstv2alpha1.BGPPName): createBGPPCRD,
synced.CRDResourceName(k8sconstv2alpha1.BGPPoolName): createBGPPoolCRD,
for _, r := range synced.AllCRDResourceNames() {
fn, ok := resourceToCreateFnMapping[r]
if !ok {
log.Fatalf("Unknown resource %s. Please update pkg/k8s/apis/ to understand this type.", r)
g.Go(func() error {
return fn(clientset)
return g.Wait()
func onOperatorStartLeading(ctx context.Context)
switch ipamMode := option.Config.IPAM; ipamMode {
case ipamOption.IPAMAzure, ipamOption.IPAMENI, ipamOption.IPAMClusterPool, ipamOption.IPAMClusterPoolV2, ipamOption.IPAMAlibabaCloud:
//1. 根据ipammode找出allocatorProviders
alloc, providerBuiltin := allocatorProviders[ipamMode]
if !providerBuiltin {
log.Fatalf("%s allocator is not supported by this version of %s", ipamMode, binaryName)
//2. 初始化
//3. 启动
nm, err := alloc.Start(ctx, &ciliumNodeUpdateImplementation{})
nodeManager = nm
//4. 启动对ciliumnode资源的监听
startSynchronizingCiliumNodes(ctx, nodeManager, withKVStore)
func init() {
allocatorProviders[ipamOption.IPAMClusterPool] = &clusterpool.AllocatorOperator{}
allocatorProviders[ipamOption.IPAMClusterPoolV2] = &clusterpool.AllocatorOperator{}
// AllocatorOperator is an implementation of IPAM allocator interface for Cilium
// IPAM.
type AllocatorOperator struct {
v4CIDRSet, v6CIDRSet []podcidr.CIDRAllocator
// Init sets up Cilium allocator based on given options
func (a *AllocatorOperator) Init(ctx context.Context) error {
if option.Config.EnableIPv4 {
if len(operatorOption.Config.ClusterPoolIPv4CIDR) == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("%s must be provided when using ClusterPool", operatorOption.ClusterPoolIPv4CIDR)
//根据配置文件中指定的 cluster-pool-ipv4-cidr: 和 cluster-pool-ipv4-mask-size: "24" 进行初始化,
v4Allocators, err := newCIDRSets(false, operatorOption.Config.ClusterPoolIPv4CIDR, operatorOption.Config.NodeCIDRMaskSizeIPv4)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to initialize IPv4 allocator %w", err)
a.v4CIDRSet = v4Allocators
} else if len(operatorOption.Config.ClusterPoolIPv4CIDR) != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("%s must not be set if IPv4 is disabled", operatorOption.ClusterPoolIPv4CIDR)
func newCIDRSets(isV6 bool, strCIDRs []string, maskSize int) ([]podcidr.CIDRAllocator, error) {
cidrAllocators := make([]podcidr.CIDRAllocator, 0, len(strCIDRs))
for _, strCIDR := range strCIDRs {
addr, cidr, err := net.ParseCIDR(strCIDR)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Check if CIDRs collide with each other.
for _, cidrAllocator := range cidrAllocators {
if cidrAllocator.InRange(cidr) {
return nil, &ErrCIDRColision{
cidr: strCIDR,
allocator: cidrAllocator,
cidrSet, err := newCIDRSet(isV6, addr, cidr, maskSize)
cidrAllocators = append(cidrAllocators, cidrSet)
return cidrAllocators, nil
func newCIDRSet(isV6 bool, addr net.IP, cidr *net.IPNet, maskSize int) (podcidr.CIDRAllocator, error) {
return cidrset.NewCIDRSet(cidr, maskSize)
// NewCIDRSet creates a new CidrSet.
func NewCIDRSet(clusterCIDR *net.IPNet, subNetMaskSize int) (*CidrSet, error) {
clusterMask := clusterCIDR.Mask
clusterMaskSize, _ := clusterMask.Size()
isV6 := clusterCIDR.IP.To4() == nil
var maxCIDRs int
if isV6 {
} else if subNetMaskSize > maxSubNetMaskSizeIPv4 {
return nil, ErrSubNetMaskSizeInvalid
//maxCIDRs为: 24-8=16, 2的16次方为65536(已上面的配置举例)
maxCIDRs = 1 << uint32(subNetMaskSize-clusterMaskSize)
return &CidrSet{
clusterCIDR: clusterCIDR,
clusterIP: clusterCIDR.IP,
clusterMaskSize: clusterMaskSize,
maxCIDRs: maxCIDRs,
subNetMaskSize: subNetMaskSize,
isV6: isV6,
}, nil
/ Start kicks of Operator allocation.
func (a *AllocatorOperator) Start(ctx context.Context, updater ipam.CiliumNodeGetterUpdater) (allocator.NodeEventHandler, error) {
logfields.IPv4CIDRs: operatorOption.Config.ClusterPoolIPv4CIDR,
logfields.IPv6CIDRs: operatorOption.Config.ClusterPoolIPv6CIDR,
}).Info("Starting ClusterPool IP allocator")
nodeManager := podcidr.NewNodesPodCIDRManager(a.v4CIDRSet, a.v6CIDRSet, updater, iMetrics)
return nodeManager, nil
func NewNodesPodCIDRManager(
v4Allocators, v6Allocators []CIDRAllocator,
nodeGetter ipam.CiliumNodeGetterUpdater,
triggerMetrics trigger.MetricsObserver) *NodesPodCIDRManager {
n := &NodesPodCIDRManager{
nodesToAllocate: map[string]*v2.CiliumNode{},
v4CIDRAllocators: v4Allocators,
v6CIDRAllocators: v6Allocators,
nodes: map[string]*nodeCIDRs{},
ciliumNodesToK8s: map[string]*ciliumNodeK8sOp{},
k8sReSyncController: controller.NewManager(),
// Have a trigger so that multiple calls, within a second, to sync with k8s
// will result as it was a single call being made.
t, err := trigger.NewTrigger(trigger.Parameters{
MinInterval: time.Second,
TriggerFunc: func([]string) {
// Trigger execute UpdateController multiple times so that we
// keep retrying the sync against k8s in case of failure.
DoFunc: func(context.Context) error {
defer n.Mutex.Unlock()
return syncToK8s(nodeGetter, n.ciliumNodesToK8s)
RunInterval: updateK8sInterval,
MetricsObserver: triggerMetrics,
Name: "update-cilium-nodes-pod-cidr",
n.k8sReSync = t
return n
func startSynchronizingCiliumNodes(ctx context.Context, nodeManager allocator.NodeEventHandler, withKVStore bool) error
if nodeManager != nil {
nodeManagerSyncHandler = syncHandlerConstructor(
func(name string) {
func(node *cilium_v2.CiliumNode) {
// node is deep copied before it is stored in pkg/aws/eni
resourceEventHandler = cache.ResourceEventHandlerFuncs{
AddFunc: func(obj interface{}) {
key, err := cache.DeletionHandlingMetaNamespaceKeyFunc(obj)
if err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Warning("Unable to process CiliumNode Add event")
if nodeManager != nil {
//创建ciliumNodeInformer,用来listwatch ciliumnode资源事件,
//当监听到事件后,调用resourceEventHandler处理,如果是添加事件,则将obj添加到队列 nodeManagerQueue
var ciliumNodeInformer cache.Controller
ciliumNodeStore, ciliumNodeInformer = informer.NewInformer(
cilium_v2.CNPluralName, v1.NamespaceAll, fields.Everything()),
//启动协程,从队列 nodeManagerQueue 中获取obj,并对obj执行 nodeManagerSyncHandler
go func() {
cache.WaitForCacheSync(wait.NeverStop, ciliumNodeInformer.HasSynced)
log.Info("CiliumNodes caches synced with Kubernetes")
// Only handle events if nodeManagerSyncHandler is not nil. If it is nil
// then there isn't any event handler set for CiliumNodes events.
if nodeManagerSyncHandler != nil {
go func() {
// infinite loop. run in a go routine to unblock code execution
for processNextWorkItem(nodeManagerQueue, nodeManagerSyncHandler) {
//执行 nodeManagerSyncHandler,即 nodeManager.Update(NodesPodCIDRManager.Update)
go ciliumNodeInformer.Run(wait.NeverStop)
当监听到ciliumnode资源添加事件后,会调用 nodeManager.Update 给ciliumnode分配cidr,并更新到ciliumnode
func (n *NodesPodCIDRManager) Update(node *v2.CiliumNode) bool {
defer n.Mutex.Unlock()
return n.update(node)
// Needs n.Mutex to be held.
func (n *NodesPodCIDRManager) update(node *v2.CiliumNode) bool {
var (
updateStatus, updateSpec bool
cn *v2.CiliumNode
err error
if option.Config.IPAMMode() == ipamOption.IPAMClusterPoolV2 {
cn, updateSpec, updateStatus, err = n.allocateNodeV2(node)
if err != nil {
return false
} else {
// FIXME: This code block falls back to the old behavior of clusterpool,
// where we only assign one pod CIDR for IPv4 and IPv6. Once v2 becomes
// fully backwards compatible with v1, we can remove this else block.
var allocated bool
cn, allocated, updateStatus, err = n.allocateNode(node)
if err != nil {
return false
// if allocated is false it means that we were unable to allocate
// a CIDR so we need to update the status of the node into k8s.
updateStatus = !allocated && updateStatus
// ClusterPool v1 never updates both the spec and the status
updateSpec = !updateStatus
if cn == nil {
// no-op
return true
if updateStatus {
// the n.syncNode will never fail because it's only adding elements to a
// map.
// NodesPodCIDRManager will later on sync the node into k8s by the
// controller defined, which keeps retrying to create the node in k8s
// until it succeeds.
// If the resource version is != "" it means the object already exists
// in kubernetes so we should perform an update status instead of a create.
if cn.GetResourceVersion() != "" {
n.syncNode(k8sOpUpdateStatus, cn)
} else {
n.syncNode(k8sOpCreate, cn)
//将分配的cidr更新到ciliumnode资源中,可通过kubectl describe cn xxx来查看
if updateSpec {
// If the resource version is != "" it means the object already exists
// in kubernetes so we should perform an update instead of a create.
if cn.GetResourceVersion() != "" {
n.syncNode(k8sOpUpdate, cn)
} else {
n.syncNode(k8sOpCreate, cn)
return true
// syncNode adds the given node to the map of nodes that need to be synchronized
// with kubernetes and triggers a new resync.
// Needs n.Mutex to be held.
func (n *NodesPodCIDRManager) syncNode(op k8sOp, ciliumNode *v2.CiliumNode) {
n.ciliumNodesToK8s[ciliumNode.GetName()] = &ciliumNodeK8sOp{
ciliumNode: ciliumNode,
op: op,
//触发 syncToK8s 的执行
func syncToK8s(nodeGetterUpdater ipam.CiliumNodeGetterUpdater, ciliumNodesToK8s map[string]*ciliumNodeK8sOp) (retErr error) {
for nodeName, nodeToK8s := range ciliumNodesToK8s {
var (
err, err2 error
newCiliumNode *v2.CiliumNode
log = log.WithFields(logrus.Fields{
"node-name": nodeName,
switch nodeToK8s.op {
case k8sOpCreate:
// Try creating the node
_, err = nodeGetterUpdater.Create(nodeToK8s.ciliumNode)
case k8sOpUpdate:
var updatedNode *v2.CiliumNode
updatedNode, err = nodeGetterUpdater.Update(nil, nodeToK8s.ciliumNode)
func (c *ciliumNodeUpdateImplementation) Create(node *cilium_v2.CiliumNode) (*cilium_v2.CiliumNode, error) {
return ciliumK8sClient.CiliumV2().CiliumNodes().Create(context.TODO(), node, meta_v1.CreateOptions{})
func (c *ciliumNodeUpdateImplementation) Update(origNode, node *cilium_v2.CiliumNode) (*cilium_v2.CiliumNode, error) {
if origNode == nil || !origNode.Spec.DeepEqual(&node.Spec) {
return ciliumK8sClient.CiliumV2().CiliumNodes().Update(context.TODO(), node, meta_v1.UpdateOptions{})
return nil, nil
func NewDaemon(ctx context.Context, cancel context.CancelFunc, epMgr *endpointmanager.EndpointManager, dp datapath.Datapath) (*Daemon, *endpointRestoreState, error)
//等待cilium operator创建所有的crd资源
//如果把operator停了,同时把ciliumnode crd删了,重启cilium agent pod后,会卡在这里等待ciliumnode被创建,
level=info msg="Waiting until all Cilium CRDs are available" subsys=k8s
if option.Config.IPAM == ipamOption.IPAMClusterPool || option.Config.IPAM == ipamOption.IPAMClusterPoolV2 {
// Create the CiliumNode custom resource. This call will block until
// the custom resource has been created
log.WithField(logfields.Node, nodeTypes.GetName()).Info("Creating or updating CiliumNode resource")
ciliumClient := k8s.CiliumClient()
switch option.Config.IPAM {
case ipamOption.IPAMClusterPool, ipamOption.IPAMClusterPoolV2:
// We want to keep the podCIDRs untouched in these IPAM modes because
// the operator will verify if it can assign such podCIDRs.
// If the user was running in non-IPAM Operator mode and then switched
// to IPAM Operator, then it is possible that the previous cluster CIDR
// from the old IPAM mode differs from the current cluster CIDR set in
// the operator.
// There is a chance that the operator won't be able to allocate these
// podCIDRs, resulting in an error in the CiliumNode status.
nodeResource.Spec.IPAM.PodCIDRs = []string{}
if cidr := node.GetIPv4AllocRange(); cidr != nil {
nodeResource.Spec.IPAM.PodCIDRs = append(nodeResource.Spec.IPAM.PodCIDRs, cidr.String())
if cidr := node.GetIPv6AllocRange(); cidr != nil {
nodeResource.Spec.IPAM.PodCIDRs = append(nodeResource.Spec.IPAM.PodCIDRs, cidr.String())
k8s.WaitForNodeInformation(d.ctx, d.k8sWatcher)
n := waitForNodeInformation(ctx, nodeGetter, nodeName)
//nodeRetrievalMaxRetries = 15 尝试获取15次
for retry := 0; retry < nodeRetrievalMaxRetries; retry++ {
n, err := retrieveNodeInformation(ctx, nodeGetter, nodeName)
if option.Config.IPAM == ipamOption.IPAMClusterPool || option.Config.IPAM == ipamOption.IPAMClusterPoolV2 {
ciliumNode, err := CiliumClient().CiliumV2().CiliumNodes().Get(ctx, nodeName, v1.GetOptions{})
no := nodeTypes.ParseCiliumNode(ciliumNode)
n = &no
log.WithField(logfields.NodeName, n.Name).Info("Retrieved node information from cilium node")
} else {
//如果ipam模式为kubernetes,则从k8s node获取cidr信息
k8sNode, err := nodeGetter.GetK8sNode(ctx, nodeName)
nodeInterface := ConvertToNode(k8sNode)
typesNode := nodeInterface.(*slim_corev1.Node)
n = ParseNode(typesNode, source.Unspec)
log.WithField(logfields.NodeName, n.Name).Info("Retrieved node information from kubernetes node")
if requireIPv4CIDR && n.IPv4AllocCIDR == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("required IPv4 PodCIDR not available")
return n, nil
if err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Warning("Waiting for k8s node information")
return n
//将获取的cidr保存到全局变量 addrs
if n.IPv4AllocCIDR != nil && option.Config.EnableIPv4 {
addrs.ipv4AllocRange = net.DeepCopy()
// Configure IPAM without using the configuration yet.
// Start IPAM
// Set up ipam conf after init() because we might be running d.conf.KVStoreIPv4Registration
d.ipam = ipam.NewIPAM(d.datapath.LocalNodeAddressing(), option.Config, d.nodeDiscovery, d.k8sWatcher, &d.mtuConfig)
ipam := &IPAM{
nodeAddressing: nodeAddressing,
config: c,
owner: map[string]string{},
expirationTimers: map[string]string{},
blacklist: IPBlacklist{
ips: map[string]string{},
switch c.IPAMMode() {
case ipamOption.IPAMKubernetes, ipamOption.IPAMClusterPool:
//AllocationCIDR 返回 node.GetIPv4AllocRange() return addrs.ipv4AllocRange.DeepCopy()
//最终返回全局变量 addrs 中的v4地址
logfields.V4Prefix: nodeAddressing.IPv4().AllocationCIDR(),
logfields.V6Prefix: nodeAddressing.IPv6().AllocationCIDR(),
}).Infof("Initializing %s IPAM", c.IPAMMode())
if c.IPv4Enabled() {
ipam.IPv4Allocator = newHostScopeAllocator(nodeAddressing.IPv4().AllocationCIDR().IPNet)
cidrRange, err := ipallocator.NewCIDRRange(n)
a := &hostScopeAllocator{
allocCIDR: n,
allocator: cidrRange,
return a
比如cilium-cni的cmdAdd -> allocateIPsWithCiliumAgent -> client.IPAMAllocate(“”, podName, true)
// IPAMAllocate allocates an IP address out of address family specific pool.
func (c *Client) IPAMAllocate(family, owner string, expiration bool) (*models.IPAMResponse, error) {
params := ipam.NewPostIpamParams().WithTimeout(api.ClientTimeout)
resp, err := c.Ipam.PostIpam(params)
if err != nil {
return nil, Hint(err)
return resp.Payload, nil
// Handle incoming requests address allocation requests for the daemon.
func (h *postIPAM) Handle(params ipamapi.PostIpamParams) middleware.Responder {
ipv4Result, ipv6Result, err := h.daemon.ipam.AllocateNextWithExpiration(family, owner, expirationTimeout)
ipv4Result, ipv6Result, err = ipam.AllocateNext(family, owner)
ipv4Result, err = ipam.AllocateNextFamily(IPv4, owner)
ipam.allocateNextFamily(family, owner, needSyncUpstream)
switch family {
case IPv6:
allocator = ipam.IPv6Allocator
case IPv4:
allocator = ipam.IPv4Allocator
//调用 hostScopeAllocator 的 AllocateNext
result, err = allocator.AllocateNext(owner)
resp := &models.IPAMResponse{
HostAddressing: node.GetNodeAddressing(),
Address: &models.AddressPair{},
func (h *hostScopeAllocator) AllocateNext(owner string) (*AllocationResult, error) {
ip, err := h.allocator.AllocateNext()
return &AllocationResult{IP: ip}, nil
// AllocateNext reserves one of the IPs from the pool. ErrFull may
// be returned if there are no addresses left.
func (r *Range) AllocateNext() (net.IP, error) {
offset, ok, err := r.alloc.AllocateNext()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if !ok {
return nil, ErrFull
return addIPOffset(r.base, offset), nil