Function component is not a function declaration. eslint(react/function-component-definition)报错原因

这个是eslint-plugin-react 的规则!

阅读该 linting 规则的文档:


为函数组件强制实施特定函数类型 ( react/function-component-definition )


Examples of incorrect code for this rule:

// function expression for named component
const Component = function (props) {
; }; // arrow function for named component const Component = (props) => { return
; }; // arrow function for unnamed component function getComponent() { return (props) => { return
; }; }

Rule Options 规则选项

此规则将选项对象作为第二个参数,其中可以指定组件的首选函数类型。选项对象的第一个属性可以是 "namedComponents" 、 "function-declaration" "arrow-function" 、 "function-expression" 或包含其中任何一个的数组,并且作为 'function-declaration' 其默认值。第二个属性可以是 "unnamedComponents" "function-expression" 、 "arrow-function" 或包含其中任何一个的数组,并且具有 'function-expression' 默认值。

"react/function-component-definition": [, {
  "namedComponents": "function-declaration" | "function-expression" | "arrow-function" | Array<"function-declaration" | "function-expression" | "arrow-function">,
  "unnamedComponents": "function-expression" | "arrow-function" | Array<"function-expression" | "arrow-function">
// only function declarations for named components
// [2, { "namedComponents": "function-declaration" }]
const Component = function (props) {
; }; const Component = (props) => { return
; }; // only function expressions for named components // [2, { "namedComponents": "function-expression" }] function Component (props) { return
; }; const Component = (props) => { return
; }; // only arrow functions for named components // [2, { "namedComponents": "arrow-function" }] function Component (props) { return
; }; const Component = function (props) { return
; }; // only function expressions for unnamed components // [2, { "unnamedComponents": "function-expression" }] function getComponent () { return (props) => { return
; }; } // only arrow functions for unnamed components // [2, { "unnamedComponents": "arrow-function" }] function getComponent () { return function (props) { return
; }; }

// only function declarations for named components
// [2, { "namedComponents": "function-declaration" }]
function Component (props) {
; } // only function expressions for named components // [2, { "namedComponents": "function-expression" }] const Component = function (props) { return
; }; // only arrow functions for named components // [2, { "namedComponents": "arrow-function" }] const Component = (props) => { return
; }; // only function expressions for unnamed components // [2, { "unnamedComponents": "function-expression" }] function getComponent () { return function (props) { return
; }; } // only arrow functions for unnamed components // [2, { "unnamedComponents": "arrow-function" }] function getComponent () { return (props) => { return
; }; }

Unfixable patterns 无法修复的模式

There is one unfixable pattern in JavaScript.
JavaScript 中有一个无法修复的模式。

It has to do with the fact that this is valid syntax:

export default function getComponent () {
; }

While these are not:

export default var getComponent = () => {
; } export default var getComponent = function () { return
; }

These patterns have to be manually fixed.

Heads up, TypeScript users

请注意,自动修复器对于 TypeScript 用户来说有些限制。

以下模式不能在 TypeScript 中自动修复:

// function expressions and arrow functions that have type annotations cannot be autofixed to function declarations
// [2, { "namedComponents": "function-declaration" }]
const Component: React.FC = function (props) {
; }; const Component: React.FC = (props) => { return
; }; // function components with one unconstrained type parameter cannot be autofixed to arrow functions because the syntax conflicts with jsx // [2, { "namedComponents": "arrow-function" }] function Component(props: Props) { return
; }; const Component = function (props: Props) { return
; }; // [2, { "unnamedComponents": "arrow-function" }] function getComponent() { return function (props: Props) => { return
; } }


可以在 TypeScript 中自动修复以下模式:

// autofix to function expression with type annotation
// [2, { "namedComponents": "function-expression" }]
const Component: React.FC = (props) => {
; }; // autofix to arrow function with type annotation // [2, { "namedComponents": "function-expression" }] const Component: React.FC = function (props) { return
; }; // autofix to named arrow function with one constrained type parameter // [2, { "namedComponents": "arrow-function" }] function Component(props: Props) { return
; } const Component = function (props: Props) { return
; }; // autofix to named arrow function with multiple type parameters // [2, { "namedComponents": "arrow-function" }] function Component(props: Props) { return
; } const Component = function (props: Props) { return
; }; // autofix to unnamed arrow function with one constrained type parameter // [2, { "unnamedComponents": "arrow-function" }] function getComponent() { return function (props: Props) => { return
; }; } // autofix to unnamed arrow function with multiple type parameters // [2, { "unnamedComponents": "arrow-function" }] function getComponent() { return function (props: Props) => { return
; } }

When Not To Use It

