考研阅读计划7——1987 Translation




Have there always been cities? Life without large urban areas may seem inconceivable to us, but actually cities are relatively recent development. Groups with primitive economics still manage without them. The trend, however, is for such groups to disappear, while cities are increasingly becoming the dominant mode of man’s social existence.

  • urban areas城市地区
  • inconceivable不能想像的,不可思议的,难以置信的; 〈口〉难于相信的,惊人的
  • relatively相对地; 关系上地; 比较地; 较比
  • recent development最近发展
  • primitive原始的; 发展水平低的; 落后的; 原生的; 原始人; 早期的艺术家; 单纯的人:不世故的人; 自学的艺术家
  • manage without在没有的情况下继续
  • disappear不见,消失; 不复存在,灭绝
  • increasingly越来越多地; 日益,格外; 越来越…; 愈
  • dominant mode主模; 振荡; 振荡基型; 波基型
  • social existence社会存在

Historically, city life has always been among the elements which form a civilization. Any high degree of human endeavor and achievement has been closely linked to life in an urban environment.

  • Historically在历史上; 从历史角度; 以历史观点; 根据历史事实
  • city life城市生活
  • closely linked to同。。。密切联系
  • urban environment城市环境

It is virtually impossible to imagine that universities, hospitals, large businesses or even science and technology could have come into being without cities to support them. To most people, cities have traditionally been the areas where there was a concentration of culture as well as of opportunity.

  • virtually无形; 无形中; 实际上,实质上,事实上,几乎
  • universities大学( university的名词复数 )
  • hospitals医院( hospital的名词复数 )
  • or even乃至,以至
  • science and technology科技; 科学技术
  • could have本能够; 本来也可以
  • come into being产生; 诞生; 开始存在; 长
  • traditionally传统上,传说上
  • concentration浓度; 集中; 专心; 关注
  • as well as也,又; 既…又…; 除…之外; 此外

In recent years, however, people have begun to become aware that cities are also areas where there is a concentration of problems. What has happened to the modern American city? Actually, the problem is not such a new one. Long before this century started, there had begun a trend toward the concentration of the poor of the American society into the cities.

  • In recent years近几年; 最近几年中; 晚近
  • begun着手; 开始( begin的过去分词 ); 创始; 创办
  • become aware觉
  • there is那儿有; 有着
  • concentration浓度; 集中; 专心; 关注
  • happened出现; 碰巧; 发生( happen的过去式和过去分词 )
  • a new one全新的东西:
  • Long before很久以前
  • toward向; 对于; 为了; 接近; 即将来到的; 进行中的
  • the American美国公民; 他来自美国

Each great wave of immigration from abroad and from the rural areas made the problem worse. During this century, there has also been the development of large suburban areas surrounding the cities, for the rich prefer to live in these areas. Within the cities, sections may be sharply divided into high and low rent districts, the “right side of town” and the slums.

  • great wave巨浪
  • from abroad从国外,从海外
  • rural areas农村地区
  • prefer to较喜欢,宁愿; 提升某人为
  • live in住在学习[工作]的地方; 住在; 存在于…; 为…而生存
  • may be也许,可能
  • sharply divided森严壁垒
  • high and low到处; 贵贱上下; 上下
  • right side右侧; 正面
  • slums贫民窟,贫民区( slum的名词复数 )

Of course, everyone wants to do something about this unhappy situation. But there is no agreement as to goals. Neither is there any systematic approach or integrated program. Opinions are as diverse as the people who give them.

  • systematic approach系统研究法
  • integrated完整的; 整体的; 结合的; 和谐的; 使一体化( integrate的过去式和过去分词 ); 使整合; 使完整; 使结合成为整体
  • Opinions舆论; 意见( opinion的名词复数 ); 评价; 专门意见
  • as diverse as包括,例如

But one basic difference of opinion concerns the question of whether or not the city as such is to be preserved. Perhaps transportation and the means of communication have really made it possible for there to be an end to the big cities. Of course, there is the problem of persuading people to move out of them of their own free will.

  • But one第二
  • basic difference根本区别
  • whether or not是否; 无论
  • as such依其身份、资格或名义等, 本身
  • means of communication通讯工具[手段]
  • Of course当然,自然; 敢情; 自是; 理当
  • there is那儿有; 有着
  • persuading说服( persuade的现在分词 ); 劝告; 使信服; 使相信
  • move out of搬出;脱离;摆脱
  • free will自愿,自由意志

And there is also the objection that the city has always been the core from which cultural advancement has radiated. Is this, however, still the case today in the presence of easy transportation and communication? Does culture arise as a result of people living together communally, or is it too the result of decisions made at the level of government and the communications industry?

  • objection反对; 反对的话,异议; 反对的理由
  • the core地心末日
  • advancement前进,进步; 提升,升级; 预付
  • radiated有辐射棱线的,辐射的; 发射出( radiate的过去式和过去分词 ); 显出,流露; 射出,向四周伸出
  • in the presence of在面前
  • transportation and communication交通运输车辆
  • as a result of因; 由于…的结果; 起因; 经
  • communally公有地,社区地
  • communications industry通信行业

It is probably true to say that most people prefer to preserve the cities. Some think that the cities could be cleaned up or totally rebuilt. This is easy to say; it would not be so easy to do. To be sure, a great rebuilding project would give jobs to many of those people who need them. Living conditions could not help but improve, at least for a while. But would the problems return after the rebuilding was completed?

  • true to忠于
  • prefer to较喜欢,宁愿; 提升某人为
  • rebuilt重建; 重建( rebuild的过去式和过去分词 ); 重新组装; 再形成某事物; 恢复
  • easy to便于
  • would not不肯
  • so easy搜衣廊;如此轻而易举
  • be sure确信; 诚然; 有谱儿
  • Living conditions生活条件[状况]
  • at least至少; 无论如何,反正
  • for a while暂时; 小

Nevertheless, with the majority of the people living in urban areas, the problem of the cities must be solved. From agreement on this general goal, we have, unfortunately, in the past proceeded to disagreement on specific goals, and from there to total inaction. At the basis of much of this inaction is an old-fashioned concept -- the idea human conditions will naturally tend to regulate themselves for the general goal.

  • on this这时候
  • general goal大处
  • in the past在过去; 以往; 平昔; 往昔
  • from there从那里
  • inaction不活动; 不活跃; 迟钝; 懒散
  • much of大量,许多的
  • old-fashioned陈旧; 老式的,过时的; 老派的,守旧的; 村女蛾眉
  • tend to趋向; 朝某方向; 偏重


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