基于以太网的诊断协议DoIP,Diagnostic over Internet protocol (DoIP) stack,符合ISO13400规范的全部内容,德国技术开发,很多主机厂使用
Very performant and stable programming
Modular design
Individual adjustments easy to implement
Overview protocol stacks and complementary products:Flashbootloader (designed according to ISO 25119 SRL-2)
Diagnostic event manager for UDS and J1939
ISO 15765 transport protocol for UDS and KWP2000
ISO 13400 DoIP transport protocol
CAN basic driver for your platform
Possible Usecases
– ECU libararies
– Manufacturer specific use
Key Features
– complete implementation of ISO 13400
– very performant and stable programming
– modular design
– easy to integrate
Key Features
Possible use-cases
ISO 13400 (DoIP) compliant protocol stack
The Sontheim Diagnostic over Internet protocol (DoIP) stack is completely implementing
ISO 13400. DoIP is specifying communication, especially for diagnostic purposes, within a
vehicle based on and completely compatible to the existing Ethernet standard.
The amount of electronic control units (ECU) within a system is growing rapidly. Besides an
increasing volume of diagnostic data, especially flashing of new firmware, brings the capability
of e.g. CAN-Bus to its limits. Therefore DoIP is utilizing the synergies, this broad band
communication offers, based on a widely spread and standardized communication system.
The diagnostic communication over IP supports the standardized service primitive interface
as specified in ISO 14229-2.
Performant and modular software design
A performant programming and clearly defined interfaces are essentially important for the
creation of protocol stacks. Due to our modular software design, using socket interfaces, our
DoIP protocol stack can be easily integrated into your particular software and hardware architecture.
The Sontheim protocol stacks were often ported on various hardware platforms and
micro controllers, such as PowerPC, ColdFire MCF548x, Infineon XC 164CS, Atmel
AT89C51CC03C ARM7 LPC2458, Star12, HC12.
The DoIP protocol stack is able to handle different applications
on the ECU and performing routing functionality.
Besides an embedded ECU (Server) side implementation,
also a PC-based Tester (Client) side DoIP protocol stack
can be provided and be adapted to your particular Tester
architecture. Using Sontheim DoIP protocol stack on
both server and client side, assures a maximum of compatibility.
Due to our extensive experience in the development
and a