ArcGIS Pro中的映射功能通过ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping提供。ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping命名空间为编写映射提供类和成员。这包括创建地图、在ArcGIS Online中打开网络地图、向地图添加图层等内容、创建和编辑符号、为图层指定渲染器,以及支持地图注释和动态标记。ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping命名空间还提供了在ArcGIS Pro项目中管理样式和样式项的能力。
Map类是ArcGIS Pro中用于组织地理数据的主要对象。它是图层和独立表格的容器。Map对象具有在地图中的所有图层上操作的特性,例如空间参照、地图比例等,以及操作地图图层和独立表格的方法。Map对象的典型任务包括添加新图层、设置基础地图、更改空间参考、获取当前选定的要素和元素以及管理时空书签。
// create a new map with an ArcGIS Online basemap
QueuedTask.Run(( )=>
Map map = MapFactory.Instance.CreateMap(
"World Map", ArcGIS.Core.CIM.MapType.Map, ArcGIS.Core.CIM.MapViewingMode.Map, Basemap.Streets);
// create and open a new map
Map world_map = await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
// create a new map with an ArcGIS Online basemap
Map map = MapFactory.Instance.CreateMap(
"World Map", ArcGIS.Core.CIM.MapType.Map, ArcGIS.Core.CIM.MapViewingMode.Map, Basemap.Streets);
return map;
//should be called on the UI
await ProApp.Panes.CreateMapPaneAsync(world_map);
// open an existing map
var mapProjectItems = Project.Current.GetItems();
var mapProjectItem = mapProjectItems.FirstOrDefault(mpi => mpi.Name.Equals("World Map"));
await QueuedTask.Run(async () =>
Map map = mapProjectItem.GetMap();
await ProApp.Panes.CreateMapPaneAsync(map);
// access the currently active map
Map map = MapView.Active.Map;
// set or change the basemap layer of the active map
QueuedTask.Run(() =>
Map map = MapView.Active.Map;
底图是一个不可编辑的图层,它在地图中提供背景或参考信息。它通常被设计为为其他层提供视觉参考,以帮助确定地图用户的方向。ArcGIS Online中的航空图像、地形和街道是可以添加到地图中的基础地图图层的示例。此外,您可以通过创建basemap类型的地图并将其创作为常规地图,为项目创建自定义basemap图层。地图将显示在功能区的基础地图图层库中,以及具有不同图标的“目录”窗格中。
// create custom basemap in your current project
Map map = await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
Map basemap = MapFactory.Instance.CreateLocalBasemap("My basemap");
// create and add layer to the basemap using LayerFactory.Instance
string url = @"c:\temp\roads.shp";
Uri uri = new Uri(url);
Layer lyr = LayerFactory.Instance.CreateLayer(uri, basemap);
return basemap;
ArcGIS Pro支持与ArcGIS Online或您的组织门户无缝集成。您可以在项目中添加并打开现有web地图,将现有门户层项目添加到地图,或将项目中的地图发布为web地图,以便在组织内或与更广泛的受众共享。
//Supports access and update of metadata
public interface IMetadataInfo
// Returns true if the metadata can be edited otherwise false
bool GetCanEditMetadata();
// Returns the xml formatted metadata
string GetMetadata();
// Set the metadata xml. The requirements of the current style
//should be met
void SetMetadata(string metadataXml);
var map = MapView.Active.Map; //Assume null check...
QueuedTask.Run(() => {
//read the map metadata and set it back if the metadata
//is editable
var map_xml = map.GetMetadata();
if (map.GetCanEditMetadata())
有关等效Pro UI功能的文档,请参阅离线地图。ArcGIS Server文档中的脱机地图和分支版本数据的附加工作也可能会有所帮助。地图脱机时创建的本地副本的属性也可以通过Pro UI副本管理功能查看。
但是,LOD随着MaximumUserDefinedScale值的减少而增加,平铺的数量(覆盖要导出的区域)也会增加。如果导出的磁贴的组合大小超过1或2 GB(如果网络速度差,则小于1或2),则导出可能需要几分钟。应相应设置MaximumUserDefinedScale和导出范围参数。注:用于确定比例尺列表的范围应与用于导出的范围相同。
var extent = MapView.Active.Extent;
var map = MapView.Active.Map;
await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
//Check map for sync-enabled content
var canGenReplicas = GenerateOfflineMap.Instance.GetCanGenerateReplicas(map);
if (canGenReplicas)
//Calling GenerateReplicas on a map with no sync-enabled content throws
//an InvalidOperationException.
GenerateOfflineMap.Instance.GenerateReplicas(map, new GenerateReplicaParams()
//The area to be exported
Extent = extent,//clip extent - must be in the same SR as the map
//Note: DestinationFolder is _not_ set in this case. Therefore it will default
//to the current offline maps location set in the project properties UI. If
//none is set, it defaults to the current project folder
//Check for raster tile cache content
var canExport = GenerateOfflineMap.Instance.GetCanExportRasterTileCache(map);
if (canExport)
//Get a list of available scales. Calling this method on a map with no raster
//tile cache content returns an empty list
var scales = GenerateOfflineMap.Instance.GetExportRasterTileCacheScales(map, extent);
var max_scale = scales[scales.Count() - 1];//pick a scale - in this case the coarsest
//so the fastest but least detail
//Export the raster tile caches in the map. Calling ExportRasterTileCache on a map
//with no raster tile cache content will throw an InvalidOperationException
GenerateOfflineMap.Instance.ExportRasterTileCache(map, new ExportTileCacheParams()
Extent = extent,//clip extent - must be in the same SR as the map
MaximumUserDefinedScale = max_scale, //Controls the exported LOD
//(and, hence, download performance)
DestinationFolder = @"C:/Data/Exports" //target folder - must exist
//Check for vector tile cache content
canExport = GenerateOfflineMap.Instance.GetCanExportVectorTileCache(map);
if (canExport)
//Get a list of available scales. Calling this method on a map with no vector
//tile cache content returns an empty list
var scales = GenerateOfflineMap.Instance.GetExportVectorTileCacheScales(map, extent);
var max_scale = scales[scales.Count() - 1];//pick a scale - in this case the coarsest
//Export the vector tile caches in the map. Calling ExportVectorTileCache on a map
//with no vector tile cache content will throw an InvalidOperationException
GenerateOfflineMap.Instance.ExportVectorTileCache(map, new ExportTileCacheParams()
Extent = extent,//clip extent - must be in the same SR as the map
MaximumUserDefinedScale = max_scale,
DestinationFolder = @"C:/Data/Exports"
var map = MapView.Active.Map;
//Save or discard any edits first!
await Project.Current.DiscardEditsAsync();
//await Project.Current.SaveEditsAsync();
await QueuedTask.Run(() => {
var canSync = GenerateOfflineMap.Instance.GetCanSynchronizeReplicas(map);
if (canSync) {
//Do a bi-directional sync. If the local replicas were unregistered, this is
//a no-op
要从映射中删除本地副本(以及项目中相应的数据库项),加载项调用GenerateOfflineMap.Instance.RemoveReplicas(map)。Remove replicas会注销服务上源于地图中的内容的任何本地副本,并从项目中删除相应的数据库项。针对本地复制副本内容的层将重新来源,以指向相关的功能服务内容。加载项可以调用GenerateOfflineMap.Instance.GetCanRemoveReplicas(map)以确定映射中是否存在可删除的可同步内容。
var map = MapView.Active.Map;
//Save any outstanding edits and call sync to
//sync pending changes _before_ calling RemoveReplicas
//if addins want local changes sync'd with the parent _first_.
await Project.Current.SaveEditsAsync();
await QueuedTask.Run(() => {
var canRemove = GenerateOfflineMap.Instance.GetCanRemoveReplicas(map);
if (canRemove) {
//Sync first as the discretion of the addin
//unregister on the service and remove associated database items from
//the project. Re-source relevant local feature layers to point back
//to the service content.
MapMember是一个抽象类,表示映射中包含的项。它包含图层和独立表共享的常用方法和特性。Layer和StandaloneTable类继承自MapMember类。要获取地图中可用图层和独立表格的列表,请使用Map.Layers 和Map.StandaloneTables属性。
这些函数不支持部分搜索,但可以通过使用.NET lambda表达式来实现。还可以使用OfType构造将返回列表限制为指定类型的层。下面是一些例子。
//find all layers from the active map that contain 'world' in their name
Map map = MapView.Active.Map;
IEnumerable layers = map.GetLayersAsFlattenedList().Where(l => l.Name.Contains("world"));
// find the layer with the specified Uri from the map
Layer layer = map.FindLayer(layerURI);
// find the standalone table with the specified name from the map
StandaloneTable table = map.FindStandaloneTables(tableName);
// find the first group layer in the map
GroupLayer groupLayer = map.GetLayersAsFlattenedList().OfType().FirstOrDefault();
// find the layers and standalone tables from the group Layer
var layers = groupLayer.Layers;
var tables = groupLayer.StandaloneTables;
// find all layers standalone tables from a group layer (recursively)
var layers = groupLayers.GetLayersAsFlattenedList();
var tables = groupLayer.GetStandaloneTablesAsFlattenedList();
MapView mapView = MapView.Active;
IReadOnlyList selectedLayers = mapView.GetSelectedLayers();
IReadOnlyList selectedTables = mapView.GetSelectedStandaloneTables();
//Supports access and update of metadata
public interface IMetadataInfo {
// Returns true if the metadata can be edited otherwise false
bool GetCanEditMetadata();
// Returns the xml formatted metadata
string GetMetadata();
//Set the metadata xml. The requirements of the current style
//should be met
void SetMetadata(string metadataXml);
//Indicates if metadata can be retrieved from a source other than itself
public interface IMetadataSource {
//Gets whether an underlying source is being used for metadata
bool GetUseSourceMetadata();
// Set to true to use the underlying source object's metadata
void SetUseSourceMetadata(bool useSource);
//var layer = ...;
//Must be on the QueuedTask.Run()
//Is this layer using source metadata?
if (layer.GetUseSourceMetadata())
//Set the metadata to be independent of the underlying layer source
//var layer = ...;
QueuedTask.Run(() => {
//read the layer metadata and set it back if the metadata
//is editable
var layer_xml = layer.GetMetadata();
if (layer.GetCanEditMetadata())
_Sub_layers 不支持元数据。检查map.SupportsMetadata属性为true|false,具体取决于是否支持元数据。子层包括:AnnotationSubLayer、ServiceCompositeSubLayer、ServiceSubLayer和WMSSubLayer。尝试从子层访问元数据(SupportsMetadata为false)将引发NotSupportedException。
//create a layer from a shapefile
string uriShp = @"\\Machine\SharedFolder\Census.shp";
Layer lyr = LayerFactory.Instance.CreateLayer(new Uri(uriShp), map);
//create a layer from a feature class off an sde
string uriSde = @"c:\MyDataConnections\MySDE.sde\Census";
Layer lyr = LayerFactory.Instance.CreateLayer(new Uri(uriSde), map);
//create a layer using a URL
string url = @"";
Layer lyr = LayerFactory.Instance.CreateLayer(new Uri(url), map);
// create a layer and add it to a groupLayer
string urlLyrx = @"\\Machine\SharedFolder\Census.lyrx";
Layer lyr = LayerFactory.Instance.CreateLayer(new Uri(urlLyrx), grpLayer);
LayerCreationParams类是为此目的创建的,可以与LayerFactory.Instance.CreateLayer(LayerCreationParams, ILayerContainerEdit)一起使用。
// create a layer from a uri
// set the name and visibility
var uri = new Uri(@"c:\MyDataConnections\MySDE.sde\LANDUSE_polygon");
var createParams = new LayerCreationParams(uri)
Name = "Landuse",
IsVisible = false,
Layer layer = LayerFactory.Instance.CreateLayer(createParams, MapView.Active.Map);
// create a layer from a feature class
// use the FeatureLayerCreationParams since I want to
// set name, visibility and definition query
var featureCreateParams = new FeatureLayerCreationParams(featureClass)
Name = "Cities",
IsVisible = false,
DefinitionQuery = new DefinitionQuery("My Query", "ObjectID > 3"),
// use the FeatureLayer template to match the FeatureLayerCreationParams
FeatureLayer featurelayer =
LayerFactory.Instance.CreateLayer(featureCreateParams, MapView.Active.Map);
// create a group layer - use GroupLayerCreationParams
// set the name and scale
var groupCreateParams = new GroupLayerCreationParams()
MinimumScale = 1000,
MaximumScale = 1000000,
// use GroupLayer to match GroupLayerCreationParams
GroupLayer grouplayer =
LayerFactory.Instance.CreateLayer(groupCreateParams, MapView.Active.Map);
// create a graphics layer
// set the name
var graphicscreateParams = new GraphicsLayerCreationParams()
Name = "My Graphics Layer",
GraphicsLayer graphicsLayer =
LayerFactory.Instance.CreateLayer(graphicscreateParams, MapView.Active.Map);
//Gets the collection of layer template packages installed with Pro for use with maps
var items = MapView.Active.Map.LayerTemplatePackages;
//Iterate through the collection of items to add each Map Note to the active map
foreach (var item in items)
//Create a parameter item for the map note
var layer_params = new LayerCreationParams(item);
layer_params.IsVisible = false;
await QueuedTask.Run(() => {
//Create a feature layer for the map note
var layer = LayerFactory.Instance.CreateLayer(layer_params, MapView.Active.Map);
//create a feature layer to ONLY cities in California
FeatureLayer flyr = LayerFactory.Instance.CreateLayer(new Uri(strUri), map) as FeatureLayer;
flyr.SetDefinitionQuery("state_name = 'California'");
// or use the FeatureLayerCreationParams
var featureCreateParams = new FeatureLayerCreationParams(new Uri(strUri))
Name = "States",
DefinitionQuery = new DefinitionQuery("California State", "state_name = 'California'"),
// use the FeatureLayer template to match the FeatureLayerCreationParams
FeatureLayer featurelayer =
LayerFactory.Instance.CreateLayer(featureCreateParams, MapView.Active.Map);
//create a feature layer with a graduated color renderer on a numeric field
var featureCreateParams = new FeatureLayerCreationParams(new Uri(strUri))
Name = "Population Density",
RendererDefinition = new GraduatedColorsRendererDefinition("POP10_SQMI"),
// use the FeatureLayer template to match the FeatureLayerCreationParams
FeatureLayer featurelayer =
LayerFactory.Instance.CreateLayer(featureCreateParams, MapView.Active.Map);
//create a feature layer with a graduated color renderer and a definition query
RendererDefinition rd = new GraduatedColorsRendererDefinition("POP10_SQMI");
var createParams = new FeatureLayerCreationParams(uri)
Name = "Population Density",
RendererDefinition = rd,
DefinitionQuery = new DefinitionQuery("Population greater than 1000", "POP > 1000"),
FeatureLayer flyr = LayerFactory.Instance.CreateLayer(createParams, myMap);
渲染器是存储要素图层符号化并基于存储的符号化规则绘制此数据的对象。要在ArcGIS Pro中创建渲染器,建议您创建一个RendererDefinition,调用CreateRenderer方法,该方法返回一个CIMRender对象。如果需要,可以在将其指定给要素层之前通过调用SetRenderer方法对其进行修改。例如,如果要通过调用GetRenderer方法修改渲染器中使用的符号,则可以获取指定给要素层的当前渲染器。
//assign a graduated color renderer with 6 breaks and exclusion clause
GraduatedColorsRendererDefinition gcDef = new GraduatedColorsRendererDefinition()
ClassificationField = "CROP_ACR07",
ClassificationMethod = ArcGIS.Core.CIM.ClassificationMethod.NaturalBreaks,
BreakCount = 6,
ExclusionClause = "CROP_ACR07 = -99",
ExclusionSymbol = aExclusionSymbol,
ColorRamp = aColorRamp,
SymbolTemplate = aSymbolTemplate,
CIMRenderer gcRenderer = aFeatureLayer.CreateRenderer(gcDef);
通过调用GetMaplexLabelPlacementProperties()或GetStandardLabelPlagementProperties(),可以访问地图当前使用的标签引擎的完整标签放置属性,这两个函数分别返回CIMMaplexLabel placement属性和CIMStandardLabelplacementProproperties。要更新这些属性,请根据所使用的标签引擎调用SetMaplexLabelPlacementProperties()或SetStandardLabelPlagementProperties()。
// Create a RasterLayer from an image on disk.
string url = @"C:\Images\Italy.tif";
RasterLayer rasterLayer = LayerFactory.Instance.CreateLayer(new Uri(url), map) as RasterLayer;
// Create a new stretch colorizer definition using default constructor.
StretchColorizerDefinition stretchColorizerDef = new StretchColorizerDefinition();
await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
var rasterCreationParams = new RasterLayerCreationParams(new Uri(url));
rasterCreationParams.Name = layerName;
rasterCreationParams.MapMemberIndex = 0;
rasterCreationParams.ColorizerDefinition = stretchColorizerDef;
// Create a raster layer using the colorizer definition created above.
// Note: You can create a raster layer from a url, project item, or data connection.
RasterLayer rasterLayerfromURL = LayerFactory.Instance.CreateLayer(rasterCreationParams, map);
// Get the Image sublayer of the mosaic layer.
ImageMosaicSubLayer mosaicImageSublayer = mosaiclayer.GetImageLayer();
// Get the Footprint sublayer of the mosaic layer.
FeatureMosaicSubLayer mosaicFootprintSubLayer = mosaiclayer.GetFootprintLayer();
// Get the Boundary sublayer of the mosaic layer.
FeatureMosaicSubLayer mosaicBoundarySubLayer = mosaiclayer.GetBoundaryLayer();
// Get the Seamline sublayer of the mosaic layer.
FeatureMosaicSubLayer mosaicSeamlineSubLayer = mosaiclayer.GetSeamlineLayer();
// Create a new colorizer definition using default constructor.
StretchColorizerDefinition stretchColorizerDef = new StretchColorizerDefinition();
await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
// Note: You can create a mosaic layer from a url, project item, or data connection.
var mosaicCreationParams = new MosaicLayerCreationParams(new Uri(url));
mosaicCreationParams.Name = layerName;
mosaicCreationParams.MapMemberIndex = 0;
mosaicCreationParams.ColorizerDefinition = stretchColorizerDef;
// Create a mosaic layer using the colorizer definition created above.
MosaicLayer newMosaicLayer = LayerFactory.Instance.CreateLayer(mosaicCreationParams, map);
// Get the mosaic rule of the image service.
CIMMosaicRule mosaicRule = isLayer.GetMosaicRule();
// Set the mosaic method to be Center.
mosaicRule.MosaicMethod = RasterMosaicMethod.Center;
// Update the image service with the changed mosaic rule.
// Create a new colorizer definition using default constructor.
StretchColorizerDefinition stretchColorizerDef = new StretchColorizerDefinition();
await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
var rasterCreationParams = new RasterLayerCreationParams(new Uri(url));
rasterCreationParams.Name = "my image layer";
rasterCreationParams.MapMemberIndex = 0;
rasterCreationParams.ColorizerDefinition = stretchColorizerDef;
// Create an image service layer using the colorizer definition created above.
ImageServiceLayer imageServiceLayer =
LayerFactory.Instance.CreateLayer(rasterCreationParams, map) as ImageServiceLayer;
要在ArcGIS Pro中创建着色器,建议您创建一个RasterColorizerDefinition,调用CreateColorizer方法返回CIMRasterColorize,然后使用SetColorizer方法将其分配给图层。
// Get the colorizer from the raster layer.
CIMRasterColorizer rasterColorizer = rasterLayer.GetColorizer();
// Update raster colorizer properties.
rasterColorizer.Brightness = 10;
rasterColorizer.Contrast = -5;
rasterColorizer.ResamplingType = RasterResamplingType.NearestNeighbor;
// Update the raster layer with the changed colorizer.
从3.0开始,高程曲面和源由ElevationSurfaceLayer类表示。ElevationSurfaceLayer派生自CompositeLayer,可以包含零个、一个或多个子高程源层(例如光栅、三角网等)。例如,以下TOC显示了3个高程曲面图层。第一个是地面高程面层(“地面”),它包含2个高程源层。第二个高程曲面图层(“Surface1”)包含一个高程源图层,第三个高程曲面层(“surface 2”)包含0个高程源层。
// retrieve the elevation surface layers in the map including the Ground
var surfaceLayers = map.GetElevationSurfaceLayers();
// retrieve the single ground elevation surface layer in the map
var groundSurfaceLayer = map.GetGroundElevationSurfaceLayer();
// determine the number of elevation sources in the ground elevation surface layer
int numberGroundSources = groundSurfaceLayer.Layers.Count;
// get the first elevation source layer from the ground elevation surface layer
var groundSourceLayer = groundSurfaceLayer.Layers.FirstOrDefault();
var surfaceLayers = map.GetElevationSurfaceLayers();
var surfaceLayer = surfaceLayers.FirstOrDefault(l => l.Name == "Surface2");
var surfaceLayer = map.FindElevationSurfaceLayer(layerUri);
var map = MapView.Active.Map;
await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
string uri = "";
var createParams = new ElevationLayerCreationParams(new Uri(uri));
createParams.Name = "My custom elevation surface";
// adds a new elevation surface layer to the map with the specified elevation source
var eleSurfaceLayer = LayerFactory.Instance.CreateLayer(createParams, map);
var surfaceLayers = map.GetElevationSurfaceLayers();
var surfaceLayer = surfaceLayers.FirstOrDefault(l => l.Name == "Surface2");
// surfaceLayer could also be the ground layer
// var surfaceLayer = map.GetGroundElevationSurfaceLayer();
await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
string uri = "";
var createParams = new ElevationLayerCreationParams(new Uri(uri));
createParams.Name = "Terrain 3D";
var eleSourceLayer = LayerFactory.Instance.CreateLayer(createParams, surfaceLayer);
//Or create a new scene from scratch with a ground elevation source
var scene = MapFactory.Instance.CreateScene("My scene", groundSourceUri, MapViewingMode.SceneGlobal);
map.RemoveLayer(surfaceLayer);//Cannot remove ground
map.RemoveLayers(map.GetElevationSurfaceLayers()); //Ground will not be removed
map.ClearElevationSurfaceLayers(); //Ground will not be removed
await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
//container can be a map or group layer
var container = MapView.Active.Map;
//var container = MapView.Active.Map.GetLayersAsFlattenedList()
// .OfType().First();
QueuedTask.Run(() =>
// use a local path
var table = StandaloneTableFactory.Instance.CreateStandaloneTable(
new Uri(@"C:\Temp\Data\SDK.gdb\EarthquakeDamage_Table", UriKind.Absolute),container);
//use a URI to a feature service table endpoint
var table2 = StandaloneTableFactory.Instance.CreateStandaloneTable(
new Uri(@"" + "/2", UriKind.Absolute),
//Use an item and StandaloneTableCreationParams
// StandaloneTableCreationParams allows you to set name, position, DefinitionQuery
var item = ItemFactory.Instance.Create(@"C:\Temp\Data\SDK.gdb\ParcelOwners");
var tableCreationParams = new StandaloneTableCreationParams(item);
tableCreationParams.Name = "Parcel Owners";
tableCreationParams.MapMemberPosition = MapMemberPosition.AddToTop;
var table3 = StandaloneTableFactory.Instance.CreateStandaloneTable(tableCreationParams, container);
var container = MapView.Active.Map;
//the map standalone table collection
var table = container.GetStandaloneTablesAsFlattenedList()
.FirstOrDefault(tbl => tbl.Name == "EarthquakeDamage");
//or from a group layer
var grp_layer = MapView.Active.Map.FindLayers("GroupLayer1").First() as GroupLayer;
var table2 = grp_layer.FindStandaloneTables("EarthquakeDamage").First();
//or grp_layer.GetStandaloneTablesAsFlattenedList()
//show the table in a table view
//use FrameworkApplication.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke if not on the UI thread
可以在各自的容器(映射或组层)上使用MoveStandaloneTable方法将表移动到其容器内,或移动到另一个容器,其中“位置”被指定为从零开始的索引(在目标容器内),表应移动到该索引。位置0是容器的顶部,位置n-1或任何无效索引(如-1)将是底部。要在组层容器之间移动表,或从映射到组层,请使用MoveStandaloneTable(Standalone表,CompositeLayerWithTables targetLayer,int位置)重载,将目标容器指定为targetLaser参数。
//get the current map
var map = MapView.Active.Map;//assumes non-null
//get the first group layer that has at least one table
var grp_layer = MapView.Active.Map.GetLayersAsFlattenedList()
.OfType().First(g => g.StandaloneTables.Count > 0);//we assume there is one
var grp_layer2 = ....;//get another group layer from the map
QueuedTask.Run(() =>
//move the first table in the group layer to the bottom of the container
grp_layer.MoveStandaloneTable(grp_layer.StandaloneTables.First(), -1);
//move the last table in the map standalone tables to a group
//layer and place it at position 3. If 3 is invalid, the table
//will be placed at the bottom of the target container
//assumes the map has at least one standalone table...
var table = map.StandaloneTables.Last();
map.MoveStandaloneTable(table, grp_layer, 3);//move it to the group layer
//move a table from one group layer to another
grp_layer.MoveStandaloneTable(table, grp_layer2, 0);//move it to group layer "2"
//move a table from a group layer to the map standalone tables
//collection - assumes a table called 'Earthquakes' exists -
//special case - call MoveStandaloneTable() on the map...
var table2 = grp_layer.FindStandaloneTables("Earthquakes").First();
//move to the map container
map.MoveStandaloneTable(table2, 0);//will be placed at the top
可以通过RemoveStandaloneTable(…)从各自的容器中删除表,或者要删除多个,可以通过remove Standalone Tables(…)。
//get the tables from the map container
var tables = map.GetStandaloneTablesAsFlattenedList();
//delete the first...
if (tables.Count() > 0)
//or delete all of them
//delete a table from a group layer
//assumes it has at least one table...