金钱和购买_2_Purchasing a product

tablet computer 平板电脑  laptop computer笔淋电脑  desktop computer台式机

e-reader 电子阅读器 

smartphone 智能手机  game console游戏主机

开场:How can I help you?


购买方式:Cash or credit? dollars and * cents③

买不买:I'll take it. I need to think about it.

need to/want to /like to do①

Do you like to shop online?

It's on sale.在打折扣/It's 25% off.②

How would you like to pay?  I d like to buy By credit card.

driver's license驾驶证.

Here's your receipt.


good - better than  worse than  farther than

easier than④

你可能感兴趣的:(金钱和购买_2_Purchasing a product)