

  • ORC 文件格式,配置参数及相关概念
    • ORC 文件格式
    • UML类图
    • OrcFile writer 创建
    • OrcFile Writer 配置参数
    • 相关概念
  • 动态数组 DynamicIntArray 和 DynamicByteArray
    • 初始化
    • chunk 扩容
  • OrcFile writer的 write()方法 写数据
    • WriterImpl addRow程序入口
    • StringTreeWriter : void write(Object obj)
    • StringTreeWriter 内部数据存储结构
    • 使用红黑树来做 dictionary
  • OutStream 管理
    • 使用 StreamFactory 创建 BufferedStream
    • BufferedStream 数据写入 | RowIndexEntry 创建和管理
      • recordDirectStreamPosition()
  • ORC物理文件写入
    • MemoryManager 的 checkMemory
    • ORC 建立 OutputStream 输出文件
      • getStream() 方法调用入口:
      • OutputStream 说明:
    • Stripe 数据写入
  • String Dictionary
  • RunLengthIntegerWriterV2
  • 参考文献

ORC 文件格式,配置参数及相关概念

ORC 文件格式

ORC 文件格式

  stripe1 {
  stripe2 {
  PostScript + size(PostScript)




OrcFile writer 创建

通过 OrcFile.createWriter()静态方法设置写文件参数,生成一个WriterImpl对象来写ORC文件。

Writer writer = OrcFile.createWriter()

OrcFile Writer 配置参数

  • opts.configuration,
  • opts.inspectorValue, : 借用hive serde2 中的ObjectInspector 来解析 ROW,确定文件Schema
  • opts.stripeSizeValue (default = 64L * 1024 * 1024) : Writer 操作单元,stripe 内容先写入内存,内存满了之后Flush到磁盘
  • opts.compressValue (default = ZLIB) : 允许的压缩方式 CompressionKind(NONE, ZLIB, * SNAPPY, LZO)
  • opts.bufferSizeValue (default = 256 * 1024) : memory buffers 大小
  • opts.rowIndexStrideValue (default = 10000) : Stride is the number of rows an index entry represents.
  • opts.memoryManagerValue, : 默认取当前Heap Max Size 的一半作为 totalMemoryPool
  • opts.blockPaddingValue,
  • opts.versionValue,
  • opts.callback, : when the stripe and file are about to be closed,flush 磁盘,默认还是* 调用在 WriterImpl.checkMemory() 方法
  • opts.encodingStrategy,
  • opts.compressionStrategy,
  • opts.paddingTolerance,
  • opts.blockSizeValue


  • Writer : 一个Path对应一个Writer,并根据Path 去重

动态数组 DynamicIntArray 和 DynamicByteArray

动态数组是ORC 读写文件中非常重要的一步,设计的目的是 memory optimization,具有如下特点:

  • 数据分chunks管理,当发生 resizes 操作的时候,只需要移动部分数据即可;
  • space efficient storage of potentially huge arrays without good a-priori size guesses;
  • API 介于 array 和 AbstractList之间
  • DynamicIntArray 和 DynamicByteArray 类似,却别在于一个内存存储Int,一个存储Byte.

下面以 DynamicIntArray 为例。


data = new int[128][];

  • chunk初始个数 128个,每个ChunkSize 为 8192
  • 增删改查操作需要根据 index,计算出对应的chunk 和在该chunk 内的偏移量来操作数据
  • 当chunk个数不够的时候,将chunk个数 double一下,申请新的二维数组再来管理
  • 内存空间的分配是根据当前使用到的最大 chunkIndex 需要来分配的,不会造成资源浪费。
  data[0] : 0 - 8191 
  data[1] : 8192 - 16384
  data[n] : 

chunk 扩容

   * Ensure that the given index is valid.
  private void grow(int chunkIndex) {
    if (chunkIndex >= initializedChunks) {
      if (chunkIndex >= data.length) {
        int newSize = Math.max(chunkIndex + 1, 2 * data.length);
        int[][] newChunk = new int[newSize][];
        System.arraycopy(data, 0, newChunk, 0, data.length);
        data = newChunk;
      for (int i=initializedChunks; i <= chunkIndex; ++i) {
        data[i] = new int[chunkSize];
      initializedChunks = chunkIndex + 1;

OrcFile writer的 write()方法 写数据

WriterImpl addRow程序入口


  • treeWriter 写数据
  • RowIndexEntry 管理
  • memoryManager 内存管理
  • Stripe 生成(flushStripe)
  public void addRow(Object row) throws IOException {
    synchronized (this) {
      // 这里只是做 indexStatistics,NULL,bit位的一些统计
      rowsInStripe += 1;
      if (buildIndex) {
        rowsInIndex += 1;
        // rows
        if (rowsInIndex >= rowIndexStride) {  

StringTreeWriter : void write(Object obj)

    // StringTreeWriter
    void write(Object obj) throws IOException {
      super.write(obj);  // 父类TreeWriter 为抽象类,只做一些 indexStatistics 统计等抽象操作
      if (obj != null) {
        Text val = getTextValue(obj);
        if (useDictionaryEncoding || !strideDictionaryCheck) {
        } else {
          // write data and length
          directStreamOutput.write(val.getBytes(), 0, val.getLength());
  • 未使用字典压缩(useDictionaryEncoding=false) 且 已经做了是否使用字典检查(strideDictionaryCheck =true)
    • 不需要使用字典
      • 将data and length直接写入OutStream,至于 directStreamOutput 和 directLengthOutput 后面会有详细介绍
  • 否则调用 rows.add(dictionary.add(val));
    • dictionary.add(val) : 使用红黑树存储当前字符串的bytes值
    • rows.add(dictionary.add(val)); : 元素存储在dictionary中的offset

StringTreeWriter 内部数据存储结构

例如,现在要写入两个字符串,01234(因为对象的存储最终会存储该对象Writable方法的UDF-8编码 chars,所以使用数字字符串来理解);

  • 内部数据存储结构

  • StringTreeWriter 中数据存储


使用红黑树来做 dictionary

  • 如果 newKey 在 红黑树中不存在:
    • add() 返回true,
    • 将newKey的bytes数据存入byteArray
    • 将数据在 byteArray中的offset 存入 keyOffsets
  // StringRedBlackTree 
  private int addNewKey() {
    // if the newKey is actually new, add it to our byteArray and store the offset & length
    if (add()) {
      int len = newKey.getLength();
      keyOffsets.add(byteArray.add(newKey.getBytes(), 0, len));
    return lastAdd;

OutStream 管理

使用 StreamFactory 创建 BufferedStream

以StringTreeWriter 创建的Stream为例

private final StreamFactory streamFactory = new StreamFactory(); // 全局唯一 streamFactory
treeWriter = createTreeWriter(inspector, streamFactory, false);
new StringTreeWriter(streamFactory.getNextColumnId(), inspector, streamFactory, nullable); // 根据 inspector.getCategory() 类型创建对应的TreeWriter
super(columnId, inspector, writer, nullable); // 调用父类 TreeWriter() 构造方法
rowIndexStream = streamFactory.createStream(id, OrcProto.Stream.Kind.ROW_INDEX); // 因为 HIVE_ORC_DEFAULT_ROW_INDEX_STRIDE(“hive.exec.orc.default.row.index.stride”, 10000) 默认 stride > 0(Stride is the number of rows an index entry represents.) 所以创建 (id=0,ROW_INDEX) 类型 OutStream
在 StringTreeWriter 构造方法中创建其他三个Stream

  • 根据 column 和 kind 创建 OutStream 对象,并在 streams 中记录,后续在 flushStripe() 方法中会处理所有的streams.

  • BufferedStream 中有两个对象,OutStream outStreamList outputTreeWriters直接写数据到outStream; codec compresses the data as buffers 存储在output;

  • StringTreeWriter 内部Stream和引用对象关系

    • 使用DictionaryEncoding
    • 没有使用DictionaryEncoding
  • 所有 TreeWriter 都有rowIndexStream

  • 对于 LENGTH 类型的Stream 使用 createIntegerWriter 进行包装

  • 对于 DATA 类型Stream,有createIntegerWriter的包装,也有Direct Stream

Column 可能创建的Stream 类型(OrcProto.Stream.Kind):

  • DATA

BufferedStream 数据写入 | RowIndexEntry 创建和管理

  • 当前IndexEntry 中记录数超过 10000 条,创建新的 IndexEntry,并添加到 rowIndex 中。
  • OutStream 的write方法先将需要write的数据写入到 ByteBuffer current 中;当 current 被写满后,开始 spill()
  • 在 BufferedStream 中有一个List output来存储中间结果,spill() 其实就是将将 current 添加到 BufferedStream的 output中,然后重新申请一个新的ByteBuffer 。
StringTreeWriter : void createRowIndexEntry() | void writeStripe()
private void flushDictionary() {
      final int[] dumpOrder = new int[dictionary.size()];
      if (useDictionaryEncoding) {
        // Write the dictionary by traversing the red-black tree writing out
        // the bytes and lengths; and creating the map from the original order
        // to the final sorted order.

        // 对red-black tree中所有node调用visit方法,将数据写入到 BufferedStream
        dictionary.visit(new StringRedBlackTree.Visitor() {
          private int currentId = 0;
          public void visit(StringRedBlackTree.VisitorContext context
                           ) throws IOException {
            // 将red-black tree 中当前节点写入 stringOutput : DICTIONARY_DATA
            // 将当前节点长度写入 lengthOutput : LENGTH
            // 当前节点在树中的位置,
            dumpOrder[context.getOriginalPosition()] = currentId++;
      } else {
        // for direct encoding, we don't want the dictionary data stream
      int length = rows.size();
      int rowIndexEntry = 0;
      OrcProto.RowIndex.Builder rowIndex = getRowIndex();
      Text text = new Text();
      // write the values translated into the dump order.
      for(int i = 0; i <= length; ++i) {
        // now that we are writing out the row values, we can finalize the
        // row index
        if (buildIndex) {
          // 对于每个 RowIndex,将base 对象包装为PositionRecorder,并调用当前recorder的position
          while (i == rowIndexValueCount.get(rowIndexEntry) &&
              rowIndexEntry < savedRowIndex.size()) {
            OrcProto.RowIndexEntry.Builder base =
            if (useDictionaryEncoding) {
              rowOutput.getPosition(new RowIndexPositionRecorder(base));
            } else {
              PositionRecorder posn = new RowIndexPositionRecorder(base);
            // base.build() 创建一个 RowIndexEntry 实例,再添加到 rowIndex
        if (i != length) {
          if (useDictionaryEncoding) {
            // 如果使用字典压缩,因为dictionary数据已经全部写出,只需要将对应数据在stringOutput : DICTIONARY_DATA 中的数组dumpOrder的下标即可
          } else {
            // 如果不使用字典,将 text 值,写入 directStreamOutput,将 text length 写入 directLengthOutput
            dictionary.getText(text, rows.get(i));
            directStreamOutput.write(text.getBytes(), 0, text.getLength());


在flush 完数据后,在下面的recordDirectStreamPosition() 方法中

  • directStreamOutput中position
    • codec = null 记录 uncompressedBytes
    • codec != null 记录 compressedBytes, uncompressedBytes
  • 记录 directLengthOutput 中position
    • 因为是RunLengthIntegerWriterV2,先记录和上面一个的 position
    • 再补充记录一个 numLiterals


MemoryManager 的 checkMemory

通过addRow() 方法入口,每5000条记录,检查一下内存使用是否超出 limit 限制,超出限制后,调用 flushStripe()

  public synchronized boolean checkMemory(double newScale) throws IOException {
    long limit = (long) Math.round(adjustedStripeSize * newScale);
    long size = estimateStripeSize();
    if (size > limit) {
      return true;
    return false;

ORC 建立 OutputStream 输出文件

输出流的建立时机发生在checkMemory满足条件 或 close() 文件时,调用 flushStripe()方法。

getStream() 方法调用入口:

  • void close()
    • void flushStripe()
    • int writeMetadata(long bodyLength)
    • int writeFooter(long bodyLength)
  • OrcFileMergeOperator : void processKeyValuePairs(Object key, Object value)
    • void appendStripe(byte[] stripe, int offset, int length,StripeInformation stripeInfo,OrcProto.StripeStatistics stripeStatistics)

OutputStream 说明:

  • rawWriter : 对应HDFS 文件 writer
  • writer 和 protobufWriter:
    • DirectStream : 包装 rawWriter,增加向outputStrema 写 ByteBuffer功能
    • write() 方法将数据写入 current 中
    • 在 spill() 和 flush() 方法中调用 codec.compress(current, compressed, overflow),再将 compressed 数据写出
    • CodedOutputStream protobufWriter : 使用protobuf 包装 writer,增强写入BUFFER功能。
    • 每次 protobufWriter flulsh之后,会同步flush writer。
  FSDataOutputStream getStream() throws IOException {
    if (rawWriter == null) {
      rawWriter = fs.create(path, false, HDFS_BUFFER_SIZE,
                            fs.getDefaultReplication(), blockSize);
      headerLength = rawWriter.getPos();
      writer = new OutStream("metadata", bufferSize, codec,
                             new DirectStream(rawWriter));
      protobufWriter = CodedOutputStream.newInstance(writer);
    return rawWriter;

Stripe 数据写入

  • 将streams中的数据全部flush到ByteBuffer List中
  • 依次将 streams 中各个Stream 中数据写入到文件,实现列存储
  • 写入 footer
  • build StripeInformation 对象,包括 Offset,rowsInStripe,indexSize,dataSize,footerLength
  • rowCount
  private void flushStripe() throws IOException {
    if (buildIndex && rowsInIndex != 0) {
    if (rowsInStripe != 0) {
      if (callback != null) {
      // finalize the data for the stripe
      int requiredIndexEntries = rowIndexStride == 0 ? 0 :
          (int) ((rowsInStripe + rowIndexStride - 1) / rowIndexStride);
      OrcProto.StripeFooter.Builder builder =
      treeWriter.writeStripe(builder, requiredIndexEntries);
      long indexSize = 0;
      long dataSize = 0;
      for(Map.Entry<StreamName, BufferedStream> pair: streams.entrySet()) {
        BufferedStream stream = pair.getValue();
        if (!stream.isSuppressed()) {
          StreamName name = pair.getKey();
          long streamSize = pair.getValue().getOutputSize();
          if (StreamName.Area.INDEX == name.getArea()) {
            indexSize += streamSize;
          } else {
            dataSize += streamSize;
      OrcProto.StripeFooter footer = builder.build();

      // Do we need to pad the file so the stripe doesn't straddle a block
      // boundary?
      long start = rawWriter.getPos();
      final long currentStripeSize = indexSize + dataSize + footer.getSerializedSize();
      final long available = blockSize - (start % blockSize);
      final long overflow = currentStripeSize - adjustedStripeSize;
      final float availRatio = (float) available / (float) defaultStripeSize;

      if (availRatio > 0.0f && availRatio < 1.0f
          && availRatio > paddingTolerance) {
        // adjust default stripe size to fit into remaining space, also adjust
        // the next stripe for correction based on the current stripe size
        // and user specified padding tolerance. Since stripe size can overflow
        // the default stripe size we should apply this correction to avoid
        // writing portion of last stripe to next hdfs block.
        float correction = overflow > 0 ? (float) overflow
            / (float) adjustedStripeSize : 0.0f;

        // correction should not be greater than user specified padding
        // tolerance
        correction = correction > paddingTolerance ? paddingTolerance
            : correction;

        // adjust next stripe size based on current stripe estimate correction
        adjustedStripeSize = (long) ((1.0f - correction) * (availRatio * defaultStripeSize));
      } else if (availRatio >= 1.0) {
        adjustedStripeSize = defaultStripeSize;

      if (availRatio < paddingTolerance && addBlockPadding) {
        long padding = blockSize - (start % blockSize);
        byte[] pad = new byte[(int) Math.min(HDFS_BUFFER_SIZE, padding)];
        LOG.info(String.format("Padding ORC by %d bytes (<=  %.2f * %d)", 
            padding, availRatio, defaultStripeSize));
        start += padding;
        while (padding > 0) {
          int writeLen = (int) Math.min(padding, pad.length);
          rawWriter.write(pad, 0, writeLen);
          padding -= writeLen;
        adjustedStripeSize = defaultStripeSize;
      } else if (currentStripeSize < blockSize
          && (start % blockSize) + currentStripeSize > blockSize) {
        // even if you don't pad, reset the default stripe size when crossing a
        // block boundary
        adjustedStripeSize = defaultStripeSize;

      // 将 streams 中的List output 数据(Write the saved compressed buffers)写出到 rawWriter中
      // write out the data streams
      for(Map.Entry<StreamName, BufferedStream> pair: streams.entrySet()) {
        BufferedStream stream = pair.getValue();
        if (!stream.isSuppressed()) {
      // write footer 数据
      // protobufWriter包装了writer,并增加了Buffer,所以需要同步flush writer
      long footerLength = rawWriter.getPos() - start - dataSize - indexSize;
      OrcProto.StripeInformation dirEntry =
      // dirEntry 包含stripe 元数据信息
      rowCount += rowsInStripe;
      rowsInStripe = 0;

  public void close() throws IOException {
    // remove us from the memory manager so that we don't get any callbacks
    // actually close the file
    synchronized (this) {
      // 写入 treeWriter.stripeStatsBuilders 中所有Stripe metadata
      int metadataLength = writeMetadata(rawWriter.getPos());
      int footerLength = writeFooter(rawWriter.getPos() - metadataLength);
      rawWriter.writeByte(writePostScript(footerLength, metadataLength));

String Dictionary

RedBlackTree add() 方法

  // RedBlackTree 和 StringRedBlackTree 
  // TODO 对应Int 类型红黑树的处理  
   * Insert or find a given key in the tree and rebalance the tree correctly.
   * Rebalancing restores the red-black aspect of the tree to maintain the
   * invariants:
   *   1. If a node is red, both of its children are black.
   *   2. Each child of a node has the same black height (the number of black
   *      nodes between it and the leaves of the tree).
   * Inserted nodes are at the leaves and are red, therefore there is at most a
   * violation of rule 1 at the node we just put in. Instead of always keeping
   * the parents, this routine passing down the context.
   * The fix is broken down into 6 cases (1.{1,2,3} and 2.{1,2,3} that are
   * left-right mirror images of each other). See Algorighms by Cormen,
   * Leiserson, and Rivest for the explaination of the subcases.
   * @param node The node that we are fixing right now.
   * @param fromLeft Did we come down from the left?
   * @param parent Nodes' parent
   * @param grandparent Parent's parent
   * @param greatGrandparent Grandparent's parent
   * @return Does parent also need to be checked and/or fixed?
  private boolean add(int node, boolean fromLeft, int parent,
                      int grandparent, int greatGrandparent) {
    if (node == NULL) {
      if (root == NULL) {
        lastAdd = insert(NULL, NULL, false);
        root = lastAdd;
        wasAdd = true;
        return false;
      } else {
        lastAdd = insert(NULL, NULL, true);
        node = lastAdd;
        wasAdd = true;
        // connect the new node into the tree
        if (fromLeft) {
          setLeft(parent, node);
        } else {
          setRight(parent, node);
    } else {
      int compare = compareValue(node);
      boolean keepGoing;

      // Recurse down to find where the node needs to be added
      if (compare < 0) {
        keepGoing = add(getLeft(node), true, node, parent, grandparent);
      } else if (compare > 0) {
        keepGoing = add(getRight(node), false, node, parent, grandparent);
      } else {
        lastAdd = node;
        wasAdd = false;
        return false;

      // we don't need to fix the root (because it is always set to black)
      if (node == root || !keepGoing) {
        return false;

    // Do we need to fix this node? Only if there are two reds right under each
    // other.
    if (isRed(node) && isRed(parent)) {
      if (parent == getLeft(grandparent)) {
        int uncle = getRight(grandparent);
        if (isRed(uncle)) {
          // case 1.1
          setRed(parent, false);
          setRed(uncle, false);
          setRed(grandparent, true);
          return true;
        } else {
          if (node == getRight(parent)) {
            // case 1.2
            // swap node and parent
            int tmp = node;
            node = parent;
            parent = tmp;
            // left-rotate on node
            setLeft(grandparent, parent);
            setRight(node, getLeft(parent));
            setLeft(parent, node);

          // case 1.2 and 1.3
          setRed(parent, false);
          setRed(grandparent, true);

          // right-rotate on grandparent
          if (greatGrandparent == NULL) {
            root = parent;
          } else if (getLeft(greatGrandparent) == grandparent) {
            setLeft(greatGrandparent, parent);
          } else {
            setRight(greatGrandparent, parent);
          setLeft(grandparent, getRight(parent));
          setRight(parent, grandparent);
          return false;
      } else {
        int uncle = getLeft(grandparent);
        if (isRed(uncle)) {
          // case 2.1
          setRed(parent, false);
          setRed(uncle, false);
          setRed(grandparent, true);
          return true;
        } else {
          if (node == getLeft(parent)) {
            // case 2.2
            // swap node and parent
            int tmp = node;
            node = parent;
            parent = tmp;
            // right-rotate on node
            setRight(grandparent, parent);
            setLeft(node, getRight(parent));
            setRight(parent, node);
          // case 2.2 and 2.3
          setRed(parent, false);
          setRed(grandparent, true);
          // left-rotate on grandparent
          if (greatGrandparent == NULL) {
            root = parent;
          } else if (getRight(greatGrandparent) == grandparent) {
            setRight(greatGrandparent, parent);
          } else {
            setLeft(greatGrandparent, parent);
          setRight(grandparent, getLeft(parent));
          setLeft(parent, grandparent);
          return false;
    } else {
      return true;

   * Add the new key to the tree.
   * @return true if the element is a new one.
  protected boolean add() {
    add(root, false, NULL, NULL, NULL);
    if (wasAdd) {
      setRed(root, false);
      return true;
    } else {
      return false;




  • ORC Talks
  • ORC File and Vectorization
  • LanguageManual ORC
