
英文 中文
- Marry me. - You'd be raising another man's baby. -嫁给我-可你要抚养的是别的男人的孩子
With the woman I love. 和我爱的女人一起
You know Rita Castillo? 你知道丽塔·卡斯蒂罗吗
- Is she ill? - No, but she has a husband. -她病了吗-没不过她有个丈夫
He's in so much pain. 他病痛难忍
You really want me to kill Carlo Castillo? 你真想让我杀了卡洛·卡斯蒂罗
And if the police did do an autopsy, 那如果警察进行了尸检
would they find the drug that you used? 他们会发现你用的药吗
They'd have to be looking for it, 他们得专门去找才行
and they wouldn't be unless they suspected foul play. 但除非他们怀疑谋杀否则他们是不会去找的
I need you to screw her tonight. 我要你今晚上了她
Carlo is starting to communicate. 卡洛已经开始跟人沟通了
Once we have the photo, Catherine will go back home. 一旦我们拿到照片凯瑟琳就会回家
I won't be too late. 我不会太晚的
I'll tuck you in when I come home. 我会回来照顾你上床睡觉
She's going to have sex tonight. 她今晚会跟人做爱的
If you hadn't threatened to disinherit her, 要是你之前没威胁她剥夺她的遗产
I wouldn't have anything to blackmail her with. 我也不会有把柄威胁她
We can kill him. Gotten away with it before. 我们可以杀了他我们之前也逍遥法外过
Elysian Park is not Galveston. 极乐公园不是加尔维斯顿
I won't go inside. I'll stay in the car. 我不会进去我待在车上
Keep watch, just in case. 给你把风以防万一
And I'm here to relieve you of your suffering. 我是来帮你解除痛苦的
I overheard his wife Rita saying things 我无意中听到他妻子丽塔
about the money that she expected to inherit 说她想继承他的财产
"Any day now." "要不了多久"
It's a good thing you called. 还好你打来了
The widow Castillo sat on her sofa that morning 那天早上寡妇卡斯蒂罗坐在她的沙发上
thinking about her dreams and how they'd all come true. 想着她的梦想以及它们如何成真
Her brute of a husband was dead. 她的畜生丈夫死了
And she was now insanely rich. 而她变得无比富有
Yes. 是的
Rita had the feeling 丽塔有感觉
she'd be happy for the rest of her life. 她余生都会很幸福
She was wrong. 可是她错了
What? 干什么
Wait. What, what are you doing? 等等你们干什么
Excuse me. Hello? 喂回答我
Excuse me! 等等
Where are they going? 他们要去哪
Ma'am, we have a search warrant. 夫人我们有搜查令
Why do you need to search my house? 你们为什么要搜我家
I asked them to solve the mystery of Papa's death. 我叫他们来破解爸爸死亡的谜团
Mystery? He had a heart attack. 谜团他犯心脏病了
That's what we thought until we performed an autopsy. 我们本来也这么以为直到进行了尸检
And who asked you to do that? 谁叫你去做的
I did.
It was my last gift to Papa. 这是我给爸爸的最后一份礼物
That's what you call a gift? 你把这叫做礼物
An autopsy? 尸检
Well, now I know what I'm getting you for Christmas. 现在我知道圣诞节该送你什么了
Isabel, get me another drink. 伊莎贝尔再给我拿杯酒
Mrs. Castillo, we have evidence your husband was poisoned. 卡斯蒂罗太太我们有证据表明你丈夫被下毒了
Poisoned? That's impossible. 被下毒不可能
We also know you were the only one upstairs with him. 我们还知道当时楼上只有你跟他在一起
And you stand to inherit half his estate. 而且你有机会继承他的一半遗产
She gets the other half, and she was here, too. 而她会继承另一半而且她当时也在这房子里
I was downstairs, on that sofa with a friend. 我当时在楼下跟一个朋友在那张沙发上
We talked all night long. 我们聊了一整晚
Talked. Yeah, right. "聊"了整晚鬼信啊
I didn't go upstairs until 6:00. 我直到早上六点才上楼
And the coroner said Papa died before 1:00. 验尸官说爸爸在凌晨一点前就走了
This is ludicrous. 这太扯了
My husband was old and sick. 我丈夫又老又有病
All I had to do was wait for him to die. 我只需要等他自然死亡就行
And I am a very patient woman. 我可是个很有耐心的女人
Where the hell is my drink? 我的酒呢
She was cheating on Papa, 她背着爸爸出轨了
but I think he found out. 但我认为他发现了
I think he was planning to divorce her. 他应该在计划跟她离婚
That would be motive. 这可以是动机
I refuse to listen to another word. 我不要再听你们说了
Going somewhere, Mrs. Castillo? 急着去哪吗卡斯蒂罗太太
Yes, to my lawyer. 对我要去找我的律师
I'm going to sue all of you for libel. 我要告你们所有人诽谤我
What's in the purse? 你的包里装了什么
Why? 怎么了
You just seem in kind of a hurry to get it out of the house. 你好像有些急着要把它从房子里带走
You are ridiculous, you know that? 你简直荒唐至极你知道吗
There. Satisfied? 给你看满意了吗
As she arrived at the police station, 丽塔到达警局的时候
Rita wondered how her new happiness 十分不解她的幸福新生
could have vanished so quickly. 为何如此转瞬即逝
Hey, Rita, over here. 丽塔看这边
She had no idea the answer... 她丝毫不知道...
was staring her in the face. 答案其实正盯着她看呢
The arrest of her archnemesis 艾尔玛·菲尔科特死敌的被捕
had left Alma Fillcot in the best possible mood. 让她的心情好到了极致
Her scheming had yielded the results she'd hoped for. 她的计谋产出了想要的结果
And she was as happy as she'd ever been. 她从未如此开心过
Sadly... 遗憾的是
the same could not be said for her husband. 这话并不适用于她的丈夫
Have you spoken to Rita? 你跟丽塔联系过了吗
Why? 怎么了
Well, it's been four days since we killed Carlo. 我们杀死卡洛已经四天了
I'm just worried about her. 我很担心她
I keep wondering how she's feeling, if she's happier now. 我一直在想她有什么感觉她现在会更开心吗
Well, I've left messages, but she hasn't called me back. 我给她留了消息但她还没给我打过来
Perhaps you can pop by and visit her. See how she's doing. 也许你可以去看看她现在情况如何了
You're sweet to be concerned, 你这么关心她可真贴心
but I'm sure Rita is just fine. 但我相信丽塔不会有事的
- Thank you. - Hmm. Morning, Dee. -谢谢-早啊小迪
Would you like some breakfast? 要来点早餐吗
Oh, I can't stay. I got a job interview. 我马上就得走我有个工作面试
But I did want to know 但我确实想问问
if you two had plans for dinner tonight. 你俩今天的晚餐有安排了吗
I don't think so. Why? 我想没有怎么了
There's someone I want you to meet. 我想让你们见个人
Oh, who?
This fella I know. 我认识的一个小伙子
Actually, he's my fella. 其实他是我的小伙子
I have a fella. 我有男友了
This, uh, this the young man who...? 这个这年轻人他...
No, no. It's not Scooter. 不不是斯库特
Who's Scooter? 谁是斯库特
So, this is a new boyfriend? 这个是新男友吗
Was there an old boyfriend? 之前还有个旧男友吗
I met Vern last month. 我上个月遇见了维恩
He's smart and he's kind. 他聪明又善良
And I love him. 而且我爱他
Darling. 亲爱的
- Does he love you back? - Oh, yes. -他也爱你吗-当然
In fact... 事实上
he proposed. 他求婚了
You're engaged? 你订婚了吗
Oh, my God. 天呐
I'm so happy. 我太开心了
Bertram! Oh, it's happened. 伯特伦终于成真了
- I told you not to lose faith. - Yes. -我说了让你别失去信心-对
You said what now? 你说什么
I've just been so concerned about your love life. 我只是一直担心你的婚恋生活
I started praying to St. Jude to send you a man to marry. 我开始向圣裘德祈祷给你一个能结婚的男人
And he finally came through! 他终于同意了
Isn't he the patron saint of lost causes? 他不是无望之人的守护神吗
Oh, don't be insulted. 别觉得被侮辱了
Besides, you can't argue with results. 再说结果好一切都好
My goodness. 我的天哪
It's about time you showed up. 你总算来了
May I offer my condolences on the death of your husband? 请允许我表达对你已故丈夫的哀悼
Yes. It's very sad. 是的非常悲惨
When can you post bail and get me out of here? 你什么时候能把我保释出去
Well, this is only a courtesy visit. 这只是个礼节性拜访
I came to tell you I can't serve as your attorney in this matter. 我是来告诉你我不能在这件事上做你的律师
It would be a conflict of interest. 会有利益冲突
But you're my family lawyer. 但你是我家的律师
I was your late husband's lawyer, 我是你已故丈夫的律师
and you're not the only member of his family. 而你不是家庭的唯一成员
His daughter engaged my services a week ago. 他女儿一周前让我做她的律师
And since your interests and hers don't quite align, 因为你和她的利益并不一致
I can't represent you both. 我无法代理你们两人
Then who is going to bail me out? 那谁来保释我出去
Yes, about that, the judge denied bail. 关于这点法官不同意保释
What? 什么
Catherine told him if you were set free, 凯瑟琳跟他说如果你出狱了
you'd pose a danger to her. 会对她有危险
And he believed her? 他相信她了吗
The judge was a personal friend of Mr. Castillo's. 法官是卡斯蒂罗先生的私人好友
He wishes to spare 他不希望
his now orphaned daughter any further distress. 好友的孤儿女儿遭遇任何痛苦
Orphaned? She's 50. 孤儿她都五十岁了
What about my distress? I'm the fucking widow. 那我的痛苦呢我都成寡妇了
A circumstance you might have avoided 如果你多点耐心少点毒药
with a little more patience and a little less poison. 就不会成寡妇了
Wait! 等等
Ah. Hello, ladies. Lovely to see you today. 女士们好今天很高兴见到大家
Doctor, have you heard the news? 医生您听说新闻了吗
News? What news? 新闻什么新闻
It was just on the radio. 电台里刚刚才提到
Rita Castillo has been arrested. 丽塔·卡斯蒂罗被逮捕了
Arrested? 逮捕了
Yes. They're saying she killed her husband. 是的说她杀了自己丈夫
Isn't it just terrible? 真是太糟糕了
Please. 请进
Doctor? 医生
Are you okay? 你没事吧
No, I-I don't think I am. 不我有事
Hello? 你好
Oh, thank God you picked up. 谢天谢地你接电话了
Rita, are you still in jail? 丽塔你还被关在监狱吗
Yes, I am. Thanks to Catherine. 是的多亏了凯瑟琳
Now listen. I need you to do something. 听好了我需要你帮忙
Anything you need, Rita. 没问题丽塔
Get the cash in my desk. 去拿我桌子里的现金
Then go to Vern Loomis and pay for the photos 然后找维恩·卢米斯给他钱
he took of Catherine last night. 买他昨晚偷拍的凯瑟琳的照片
- The photos of Catherine having sex? - Yes. -凯瑟琳做爱的照片吗-是的
Go through all the photos, 仔细翻看照片
and pick the one where Catherine looks as indecent as possible. 选一张凯瑟琳最下流的照片
- Then what? - Show it to her. -之后怎么做-给她看
Tell her everyone she knows is gonna get a copy of that photo, 告诉她如果她不请求法官给我保释
if she doesn't tell the judge to give me bail. 她认识的所有人将收到这张照片
And then tell Vern I need to see him today. 然后告诉维恩我今天要见他
Sorry. I got to go. 抱歉我得挂了
Oh. Bertie. 伯特
What are you doing home? 你回家做什么
Rita Castillo has been arrested. 丽塔·卡斯蒂罗被逮捕了
Oh. I know. I heard. 我知道我听说了
- Oh, it's shocking. - Shocking? -这太震惊了-震惊
Confounding, more like. 更像是疑惑吧
How did they find out that Carlo was poisoned? 他们是怎么发现卡洛是被毒死的
Well, I don't know. 我不知道
The drug you used can't be detected. Right? 你下的药是察觉不到的对吧
Not unless you test for it. 除非你专门做检测
No one ever has, not once. 从没有人检测过一次都没有
- Careful. - What? -注意了-怎么了
People are watching. 大家看着呢
Alma. 艾尔玛
Your friend is in jail. 你朋友被抓去牢里了
It's our fault. 是我们害了她
Why aren't you upset? 你为什么一点都不难过
Well, I am. 我难过啊
Haven't you ever heard of putting on a brave face? 但你没听说过勇敢面对吗
Perhaps we should call the police. 或许我们应该报警
Tell them they've made a mistake. 告诉他们搞错了
And when they ask how we know that, what will we tell them? 他们要是问我们是怎么知道的我们该如何回答
I'm not sure, but we can't just let her rot in jail. 我也不知道但是我们不能让她在监狱里受罪
Oh, Bertram, relax. 伯特伦放松点
The police can't prove Rita did something she didn't do. 警察无法证明丽塔做了她根本没做的事
Let's hope you're right. 但愿你是对的
Don't worry. 别担心
I'm sure everything will work out exactly as it should. 我相信一切都会顺其自然发展的
Where are you off to? 你这是要去哪儿
Oh, I have some unfinished business to attend to. 我还有一些事没做完
Downtown. Put those in the good vase. 在市中心把这些放进花瓶里
I'll be back soon to make a nice dinner. 我会很快回来做顿丰盛的晚餐
And don't forget, 别忘了
tonight we're meeting our future son-in-law. 今晚我们要见未来的女婿
All things considered, 从各个方面来说
it's a happy day. 今天真是个好日子
Well? 那么
How'd it go? 怎么样
My parents can't wait to meet you, 我父母迫不及待想见你
and dinner will be served at 7:30. 晚餐七点半开始
And you told them everything? 你把一切都告诉他们了吗
About the engagement and the baby? 关于订婚还有孩子
I told them we're engaged. 我告诉他们我们订婚了
That was enough happiness for one morning. 一个好消息就够了
Look, I just want them to know how much I love you. 我只想让他们知道我有多爱你
And I don't mind that you're carrying another man's child. 而且我不介意你怀着别人的孩子
Oh. You think that'll make 'em see what a good guy you are? 你觉得这能让他们看出来你是个好人吗
Maybe a little. 也许有一点
And you'll look noble. 你看起来会很高尚
Well, yeah. 没错
Question. 提问
Once I admit I got knocked up by a completely different guy, 一旦我向他们坦白我被另一个男人搞大了肚子
how will I look? 他们会怎么看我
Yeah, okay. 好吧
What's the plan? 有什么计划
We don't speak a word of Junior 我们对这个小家伙只字不提
until we're being pelted with rice. 直到我们在婚礼上被祝福

