HackerRank-Medium笔记(二) Second 5 Problems

*Forming a Magic Square(规制魔方)

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Problem Description

设计算矩阵行列之和,得出两个代表行列和的数组 ,并结合元素排序得到的数组进行判断

查询其他解答发现使用的是枚举出所有的 3 阶魔方解集,依次遍历求得代价,感觉不太巧妙

Function Description

Complete the formingMagicSquare function in the editor below. It should return an integer that represents the minimal total cost of converting the input square to a magic square.
formingMagicSquare has the following parameter(s):

  • s: a array of integers
def formingMagicSquare(s):
    row = []
    for line in s:
    column = s[0]
    for i in range(1, len(s)):
        for j in range(len(s)):
            column[j] = column[j] + s[i][j]

The Time in Words(时间文字)

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Problem Description


Function Description

Complete the timeInWords function in the editor below. It should return a time string as described.
timeInWords has the following parameter(s):

  • h: an integer representing hour of the day
  • m: an integer representing minutes after the hour
def timeInWords(h, m):
    _known = {
    2: 'two',
    3: 'three',
    4: 'four',
    5: 'five',
    6: 'six',
    7: 'seven',
    8: 'eight',
    9: 'nine',
    10: 'ten',
    11: 'eleven',
    12: 'twelve',
    13: 'thirteen',
    14: 'fourteen',
    15: 'quarter',
    16: 'sixteen',
    17: 'seventeen',
    18: 'eighteen',
    19: 'nineteen',
    20: 'twenty',
    21: 'twenty one',
    22: 'twenty two',
    23: 'twenty three',
    24: 'twenty four',
    25: 'twenty five',
    26: 'twenty six',
    27: 'twenty seven',
    28: 'twenty eight',
    29: 'twenty nine',
    30: 'half'}
    if 0<=m<=30:
        mKey = _known.get(m)
        hKey = _known.get(h)
        if m == 1:
            return mKey + " minute" + " past " + hKey
        if m == 15 or m == 30:
            return mKey + " past " + hKey
        elif m == 0:
            return hKey+" o' clock"
        else :
            return mKey + " minutes" + " past " + hKey
    elif m>30:
        mKey = _known.get(60-m)
        hKey = _known.get(h+1)
        if m == 45:
            return mKey + " to " + hKey
        else :
            return mKey + " minutes" + " to " + hKey

3D Surface Area(三维表面积)

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Problem Description


def surfaceArea(A):
    r = len(A)
    c = len(A[0])
    # 上下表面积
    surface = 2*r*c
    for line in A:
    # 前后左右面积
    up = sum(A[0])
    down = sum(A[-1])
    for i in range(r):
        left += A[i][0]
        right += A[i][-1]
    for i in range(r-1):
        for j in range(c):
            if A[i][j]A[i+1][j]:
    for i in range(r):
        for j in range(c-1):
            if A[i][j]A[i][j+1]:

    s = surface + up + down + left + right
    return s

*Queen's Attack II(皇后攻势II)

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Problem Description



def queensAttack(n, k, r_q, c_q, obstacles):
    # 将皇后的位置改为0-base
    r_q -= 1
    c_q -= 1
    # 初始化棋盘矩阵
    matrix =[]
    for i in range(n):
        line = []
        for j in range(n):
    # 先确定无障碍的攻击区域
    for i in range(n):
        for j in range(n):
            if i==r_q or j==c_q or abs(r_q-i) == abs(c_q-j):
                matrix[i][j] = 1
    # 修改攻击区域
    for item in obstacles:
        x = item[0]-1
        y = item[1]-1
        if x == r_q:
            if y


New Solution
def queensAttack(n, k, r_q, c_q, obstacles):
    # 统计无障碍攻击区域面积
    count = 2*(n-1)
    count += n - abs(r_q-c_q)-1
    count += n - abs(r_q+c_q-n-1)-1
    # 修改攻击区域
    for item in obstacles:
        x = item[0]
        y = item[1]
        if x == r_q:
            if y

*Non-Divisible Subset(不可除子集)

Problem Link

Problem Description


8/17 test cases failed,基本上是"Your code did not execute within the time limits",算法有待优化

def nonDivisibleSubset(k, s):
    # Write your code here
    mod = []
    for i in s:

    # if mod[0]==0:
    #     for i in range(len(mod[0])):
    #         if mod[i]==0:
    #             mod.remove(0)
    #     mod.append(0)
    #     mod.sort()

    pairs = []
    count = len(mod)
    for num in mod:
        dist = k - num
        if mod.count(dist)!=0 and pairs.count([min(num,dist), max(num,dist)])==0:
            pairs.append([min(num,dist), max(num,dist)])
            if mod.count(num)

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