RPKI IRR Hygiene in the RPKI Era (Paper Reading)

RPKI-IRR Hygiene in the RPKI Era (Paper Reading)

Note of paper “IRR Hygiene in the RPKI Era” (PAM '22)


  • IRR & RPKI
    • Improve routing security in the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) by allowing networks to register information and develop route filters based on information other networks have registered.
    • IRR: 基于签名的系统,IRR的签名可以由任何人创建(lack of validation standards, not strictly validated)
    • RPKI: 基于证书的系统,RPKI证书由根CA颁发
  • Goal: Protect against unauthorized origin announcements (origin validation check)
  • IRR and RPKI operate in parallel
    • Telia Carrier (recently rebranded to Arelion), a participant of MANRS, helps its customers keep their IRR records current and drops all RPKI invalid routes [5]
    • IRR is inaccurate due to improper hygiene (no penalty to the address space owner for not updating the origin information after changes in routing policy or prefix ownership)
    • Increase inconsistency between IRR and RPKI

Background and Related Work

  • IRR
    • Use Routing Policy Specification Language (RPSL)
      • mntner: contains authentication information required to create, modify, and delete other IRR objects
      • aut-num: contains the name and routing policies of an AS
      • route / route6: contain IPv4 and IPv6 prefixes and their origin AS information
        • e.g., route: origin: AS7377
    • IRR mismatching information: 55% outdated (Khan, A Comparative Study on IP Prefixes and Their Origin Ases in BGP and the IRR, SIGCOMM’13)
  • RPKI
    • ROA
      • Format: IP Prefix, ASN, Max Length
        • E.g.,, AS7377, 20
    • Misconfigurations caused invalid announcements decreased (Chung, RPKI is Coming of Age: A Longitudinal Study of RPKI Deployment and Invalid Route Origins. IMC’19)
    • More transit and content providers had started to enforce RPKI-based filtering, and fewer illicit BGP announcements were propagating across networks. (Testart, To Filter or not to Filter: Measuring the Benefits of Registering in the RPKI Today, PAM’20)
    • Caching servers of up to 20% of deployed RPKI RPs did not fetch complete or timely copies of RPKI data (Kristoff, On Measuring RPKI Relying Parties, IMC’20)


  • Analysis of the causes of inconsistency
    • CAIDA’s Inferred AS to Organization Mappings (as2org)
      • authoritative IRR information
    • Routeviews Prefix to AS mappings for IPv4 and IPv6 (pfx2as)
    • AS Relationships
    • AS Rank
  • IRR datasets
    • Routing Assets Database (RADB)
    • RIPE IRR
  • RPKI datasets
    • RIPE NCC publishes daily validated ROA objects from all five RPKI trust anchors (APNIC, ARIN, RIPE NCC, AFRINIC, LACNIC)
  • MANRS Participants
    • Mutually Agreed Norms for Routing Security (MANRS) project publishes its list of participants on its website.


  • Classification of IRR records
    • Consistent: Records that show full consistency in prefix and origin AS.
    • Inconsistent ASN: The ASN in an IRR record does not equal that of the ROA.
    • Inconsistent length: The ASNs are the same, but the prefix length differs.
    • Not in RPKI: No corresponding prefix in the ROA
  • Classification of ASes registered in IRR
    • Entirely Consistent: All its IRR records are classified
    • Entirely Inconsistent: either inconsistent ASN or inconsistent length
    • Mixed: associated with both consistent and inconsistent IRR records

Prefix Origin Pair Consistency

  • IRR & RPKI
    RPKI IRR Hygiene in the RPKI Era (Paper Reading)_第1张图片

    • IRR records >> RPKI records (nearly 10x)
  • IPv4 vs IPv6

    • RADB IRR: 28.3% matching ROA
      RPKI IRR Hygiene in the RPKI Era (Paper Reading)_第2张图片

      • Oct. 2021: RADB IRR dataset (v4, 21% has corresponding ROA): 38% consistent, 46% inconsistent ASN, 16% inconsistent length
    • RIPE IRR: 45.2% matching ROA
      RPKI IRR Hygiene in the RPKI Era (Paper Reading)_第3张图片

      • RIPE IRR has better-maintained records
    • APNIC IRR: highest consistency with RPKI

    • The IRR databases operated by RIRs showed higher consistency with RPKI compared to RADB

  • Causes of Prefix Length Inconsistency

    • RPKI misconfiguration
    • To find out whether the networks registered inaccurate IRR records or incorrectly used the RPKI Max Length, we compared the inconsistent length records to their BGP announcement and corresponding RPKI ROAs.
      RPKI IRR Hygiene in the RPKI Era (Paper Reading)_第4张图片
  • Analysis of ASN Inconsistency

    • Conflicts: any two IRR records with the same IP prefix but different origin ASes.
      RPKI IRR Hygiene in the RPKI Era (Paper Reading)_第5张图片

    • This result contradicts the intuition that an inconsistent ASN record should be older than its correct counterpart because inaccurate IRR records are likely stale.

    • Providers could proactively require their customers to remove their IRR entries upon reclamation of address space to promote good IRR maintenance

ASes behind IRR inconsistency

RPKI IRR Hygiene in the RPKI Era (Paper Reading)_第6张图片

  • Table 3 shows that the authoritative RIPE IRR had few users outside of the RIPE service region, and the ASes had good IRR hygiene as a result of the validation requirement of the RIPE Database.

Summary and Future Work

  • The future of IRR can be promising, as new tools such as IRRd Version 4 have been developed to help operators automatically validate IRR information against RPKI. This could further improve the accuracy of the IRR and contribute to better routing security.
