令n表示 len(demand.values)
for i=1,2,3,…,n
当需求为 d e m a n d [ i ] demand[i] demand[i]时,
定义利润函数为 p r o f i t [ i ] profit[i] profit[i],
定义损失函数为 l o s s [ i ] = − p r o f i t [ i ] loss[i]=-profit[i] loss[i]=−profit[i] (在程序中没有),
这段程序的决策变量有: p r o f i t [ i ] , s a l e s [ i ] , o r d e r , e x c e s s [ i ] , t profit[i], sales[i], order,excess[i],t profit[i],sales[i],order,excess[i],t,
其中, s a l e s [ i ] sales[i] sales[i]表示销售量;
定义决策变量 e x c e s s [ i ] = ( l o s s [ i ] − t ) + excess[i]=(loss[i]-t)^+ excess[i]=(loss[i]−t)+,那么产生约束 e x c e s s [ i ] ≥ − p r o f i t [ i ] − t excess[i]\geq -profit[i]-t excess[i]≥−profit[i]−t;
销售量一定不会超过订货量,那么产生约束 o r d e r − s a l e s [ i ] > = 0 ; order-sales[i]>=0; order−sales[i]>=0;
销售量一定不会超过需求量,那么产生约束 s a l e s [ i ] < = d e m a n d [ i ] sales[i]<=demand[i] sales[i]<=demand[i],
根据利润的计算公式,产生等式约束 p r o f i t [ i ] = s a l e s [ i ] ∗ u n i t S a l e s P r i c e − o r d e r ∗ u n i t C o s t profit[i]=sales[i]*unitSalesPrice-order*unitCost profit[i]=sales[i]∗unitSalesPrice−order∗unitCost;
根据CVaR准则,在置信水平 α \alpha α下,零售商预期损失的条件风险值 α − C V a R \alpha-CVaR α−CVaR为
C V a R α ( C ( o r d e r ) ) = E [ C ( o r d e r ) ∣ C ( o r d e r ) > = V a R α ( C ( o r d e r ) ) ] CVaR_\alpha(C(order))=E[C(order)|C(order)>=VaR_\alpha(C(order))] CVaRα(C(order))=E[C(order)∣C(order)>=VaRα(C(order))],
其中, V a R α ( C ( o r d e r ) ) = i n f { k ∈ R ∣ P r o b ( C ( o r d e r ) < = k ) > = α } VaR_\alpha(C(order))=inf\{k\in R|Prob(C(order)<=k)>=\alpha\} VaRα(C(order))=inf{k∈R∣Prob(C(order)<=k)>=α}
0 < = α < = 1 0<=\alpha<=1 0<=α<=1
V a R α ( C ( o r d e r ) ) VaR_\alpha(C(order)) VaRα(C(order))表示零售商的在险价值;
α \alpha α为置信水平,表示损失不超过VaR的概率下界。
对于风险厌恶型零售商,使得 C V a R α ( C ( o r d e r ) ) CVaR_\alpha(C(order)) CVaRα(C(order))最小的订货量表示零售商的最优订货量,
即 m i n q > = 0 C V a R α ( C ( o r d e r ) ) min_{q>=0}CVaR_\alpha(C(order)) minq>=0CVaRα(C(order)).
t + ∑ i = 1 n e x c e s s [ i ] ∗ P r o b [ i ] / ( 1 − α ) t+\sum_{i=1}^nexcess[i]*Prob[i]/(1-\alpha) t+∑i=1nexcess[i]∗Prob[i]/(1−α)
带入到上式,得到成本函数的加权平均,也就是 C V a R α ( C ( o r d e r ) ) = E [ C ( o r d e r ) ∣ C ( o r d e r ) > = V a R α ( C ( o r d e r ) ) ] CVaR_\alpha(C(order))=E[C(order)|C(order)>=VaR_\alpha(C(order))] CVaRα(C(order))=E[C(order)∣C(order)>=VaRα(C(order))])
VaR: value_at_risk;
这里使用随机线性规划解报童模型,目标函数是 m i n V a R α ( l o s s ) min VaR_\alpha(loss) minVaRα(loss);
L [ D ] L[D] L[D]表示损失,依赖于需求量D;
V a R α ( L [ D ] ) : = m i n { v ∣ P r ( L [ D ] < = v ) > = a } VaR_\alpha(L[D]):=min\{v|Pr(L[D]<=v)>=a\} VaRα(L[D]):=min{v∣Pr(L[D]<=v)>=a}
P r ( L [ D ] < = v ) = E { I ( L [ D ] < = v ) } = ∑ d P r ( D = d ) ∗ I ( L [ D ] < = v ) Pr(L[D]<=v)=E\{ I(L[D]<=v) \}=\sum_dPr(D=d)*I(L[D]<=v) Pr(L[D]<=v)=E{I(L[D]<=v)}=∑dPr(D=d)∗I(L[D]<=v);
引入二进制变量 i s R i s k L o w e r T h a n V a R [ d ] : = I ( L [ d ] < = V a R ) isRiskLowerThanVaR[d]:=I(L[d]<=VaR) isRiskLowerThanVaR[d]:=I(L[d]<=VaR)
也就是说,如果 L [ d ] < = V a R L[d]<=VaR L[d]<=VaR,那么 i s R i s k L o w e r T h a n V a R [ d ] = 1 isRiskLowerThanVaR[d]=1 isRiskLowerThanVaR[d]=1,否则 i s R i s k L o w e r T h a n V a R [ d ] = 0 isRiskLowerThanVaR[d]=0 isRiskLowerThanVaR[d]=0.
L ∗ ( 1 − i s R i s k L o w e r T h a n V a R [ d ] ) < = V a R − L [ d ] < = U ∗ i s R i s k L o w e r T h a n V a R [ d ] ) L*(1-isRiskLowerThanVaR[d])<=VaR-L[d]<=U*isRiskLowerThanVaR[d]) L∗(1−isRiskLowerThanVaR[d])<=VaR−L[d]<=U∗isRiskLowerThanVaR[d])
其中,L,U分别是 V a R − L [ d ] VaR-L[d] VaR−L[d]的下界、上界。
所以,这个约束 P r ( L [ D ] < = v ) > = a Pr(L[D]<=v)>=a Pr(L[D]<=v)>=a可以写成 ∑ d P r ( D = d ) ∗ i s R i s k L o w e r T h a n V a R [ d ] > = a \sum_dPr(D=d)*isRiskLowerThanVaR[d]>=a ∑dPr(D=d)∗isRiskLowerThanVaR[d]>=a.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Several implementations of the news vendor problem.
In this problem, a paperboy has to buy N newspapers at cost C that he will sell the next day at price P.
The next-day demand for newspapers is random, and the paperboy needs to carefully build his inventory so
as to maximize his profits while hedging against loss.
import math
from functools import cached_property
from logging import getLogger
from typing import List
import gurobipy as gp
import numpy as np
import scipy
# from gurobipy import GRB
# import gurobipy.GRB as GRB
from gurobipy.gurobipy import GRB
logger = getLogger(__name__)
class Demand:
EPS = 1e-6
def __init__(self, rv: scipy.stats.rv_discrete, seed: int = 42) -> None:
self.rv = rv # customized weight
self.rv.random_state = np.random.RandomState(seed=seed)
def values(self) -> List[int]:
_min = self.rv.ppf(self.EPS)
_max = self.rv.ppf(1 - self.EPS)
return [*range(math.floor(_min), math.ceil(_max) + 1)]
def samples(self, sample_size: int) -> np.ndarray:
return self.rv.rvs(sample_size)
# the following 4 models all return order_quantiy
def max_expected_profit_analytic_solution(
demand: Demand,# Demand class
unit_cost: float,
unit_sales_price: float,
) -> float:
Analytically computes the solution (number of orders) of the news vendor problem - with max E[profit] objective
order* = F^(-1)[(p - c) / p]
return demand.rv.ppf((unit_sales_price - unit_cost) / unit_sales_price) # return the corresponding demand_value
def max_expected_profit_solution(
demand: Demand,
unit_cost: float,
unit_sales_price: float,
) -> float:
Solves the news vendor problem using stochastic linear programming
with max E[profits] objective: E[profits] = ∑ proba[Ω] * profits[Ω]
model = gp.Model("news_vendor_expectation")
order = model.addVar(lb=0, name="order")
sales = model.addVars(demand.values, lb=0, ub=max(demand.values), name="sales")# all the possible demand_value
model.addConstrs(order - sales[d] >= 0 for d in demand.values)
model.addConstrs(sales[d] <= d for d in demand.values)# 销量 必然不大于 需求量
(sales[d] * unit_sales_price - order * unit_cost) * demand.rv.pmf(d)
for d in demand.values
return order.X
def min_conditional_value_at_risk_solution(
demand: Demand,
unit_cost: float,
unit_sales_price: float,
alpha: float,
) -> float:
Solves the news vendor problem using stochastic linear programming
with min CVaR_a[loss] objective.
We use the following trick to compute CVaR: CVaR_a[loss[D]] = min t + E[|loss[D] - t|^+] / (1 - a)
model = gp.Model("news_vendor_CVaR")
order = model.addVar(lb=0, name="order")
sales = model.addVars(demand.values, lb=0, ub=max(demand.values), name="sales") # demand.values is index of decision_vars sales
t = model.addVar(lb=-GRB.INFINITY, name="t")# value_at_risk
# excess := |loss[Ω] - t|+
excess = model.addVars(demand.values, lb=0, name="excess")
# profit := -loss
profit = model.addVars(demand.values, lb=-GRB.INFINITY, name="profit")
model.addConstrs(order - sales[d] >= 0 for d in demand.values) # we don't consider lost sales
model.addConstrs(sales[d] <= d for d in demand.values)
profit[d] == sales[d] * unit_sales_price - order * unit_cost
for d in demand.values
model.addConstrs(excess[d] >= -profit[d] - t for d in demand.values)
# fmt: off # ?? what fmt
t + gp.quicksum(
(excess[d] / (1 - alpha)) * demand.rv.pmf(d) for d in demand.values
# fmt: on
return order.X
def min_value_at_risk_solution(
demand: Demand,
unit_cost: float,
unit_sales_price: float,
alpha: float,
) -> float: # return order_quantity
Solves the news vendor problem using stochastic linear programming
with min VaR_a[loss] objective.
We need to introduce binary variables (therefore the problem becomes a MIP) in order
to compute quantiles. The formulation is quite poor as it relies on large big-M tricks.
This seems coherent with the remark from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jb4a8T5qyVQ
> "it becomes a "bad" MIP, need to track every-scenario"
To compute the VaR we use the following trick:
> VaR_a[L[D]] := min { v | P(L[D] ≤ v) ≥ a } (with L[D] being the loss, that depends on the demand r.v.)
> We have P(L[D] ≤ v) = E[ indicator(L[D] ≤ v) ] = ∑_{d} P(D=d) * indicator(L[d] ≤ v)
> The role of the introduced binary variables is to compute is_risk_lower_than_VaR[d] := indicator(L[d] ≤ VaR)
model = gp.Model("news_vendor_VaR")
order = model.addVar(lb=0, name="order")
sales = model.addVars(demand.values, lb=0, ub=max(demand.values), name="sales")
value_at_risk = model.addVar(name="value_at_risk", lb=-1e6, ub=1e6)
risk = model.addVars(demand.values, name="risk", lb=-1e6, ub=1e6) # risk := loss , reference to the CVaR case
# is_risk_lower_than_VaR[d] := 1 if value_at_risk >= risk[d], else 0
is_risk_lower_than_VaR = model.addVars(
demand.values, vtype=GRB.BINARY, name="is_risk_lower_than_VaR"
model.addConstrs(order - sales[d] >= 0 for d in demand.values)
model.addConstrs(sales[d] <= d for d in demand.values)
risk[d] == order * unit_cost - sales[d] * unit_sales_price # net cost
for d in demand.values
# We use a big-M trick here to linearize the constraint `is_risk_lower_than_VaR[d] := 1 if value_at_risk >= risk[d], else 0`
# L * (1 - is_risk_lower_than_VaR[d]) <= value_at_risk - risk[d] <= U * count_value_at_risk[d]
# where L and U are lower and upper bounds for `value_at_risk - risk[d]`
# TODO: remove hardcoded variables
L, U = -1e6, +1e6
L * (1 - is_risk_lower_than_VaR[d]) <= value_at_risk - risk[d]
for d in demand.values
value_at_risk - risk[d] <= U * (is_risk_lower_than_VaR[d])
for d in demand.values
# VaR definition as a alpha quantile
gp.quicksum(is_risk_lower_than_VaR[d] * demand.rv.pmf(d) for d in demand.values)
>= alpha
model.setObjective(value_at_risk, GRB.MINIMIZE)
return order.X
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from logging import getLogger
from typing import Iterable, Optional, Tuple
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
# from stochastic_optimization.news_vendor.optimizer import Demand
from optimizer import Demand
logger = getLogger(__name__)
def simulate_profits(
demand: Demand,
unit_cost: float,
unit_sales_price: float,
order: float,
sample_size: int = 1000,
) -> np.ndarray:
Simulates a news vendor profits for a given random demand, unit cost & price, and a chosen order
demand_samples = demand.samples(sample_size=sample_size)
sales = np.minimum(order, demand_samples) # actual sales, ndarray, !! use np.minimum, instead of np.min
profits = sales * unit_sales_price - order * unit_cost
return profits # ndarray
def plot_distribution(
samples: Iterable[float],
title: Optional[str] = None,
outstanding_points: Iterable[Tuple[str, float]] = (),
) -> None:
Helper function to plot the distribution and cumulative distribution of a series of samples
from a random variable
ax1 = plt.subplot()
ax2 = ax1.twinx()
ax1.hist(samples, density=True, label="Distribution", color="coral")
label="Cumulative distribution",
if title:
colors = matplotlib.cm.cool(np.linspace(0, 1, len(outstanding_points))) # ready for vertivcal_line of outstanding_points
for i, outstanding_point in enumerate(outstanding_points):
# outstanding_points's usage like ("average_profit",np.mean(profits))
x=outstanding_point[1],# float, np.mean(profits)
label=outstanding_point[0],# string, "average_profit"
h1, l1 = ax1.get_legend_handles_labels()
h2, l2 = ax2.get_legend_handles_labels()
ax1.legend(h1 + h2, l1 + l2, loc=2)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Main entrypoint to the news vendor problem implementation.
Use this script to run an instance of the problem,
get a solution and plot the profits distribution to visualize
if you're hedging against risk.
from enum import Enum
from typing import List, Optional
import numpy as np
import scipy
from stochastic_optimization.news_vendor.optimizer import (
from stochastic_optimization.news_vendor.simulator import (
def get_scipy_discrete_distributions() -> List[str]:
"""Returns the list of scipy discrete distributions supported by the model"""
discrete_distributions: List[str] = []
for distribution_name in dir(scipy.stats):
if isinstance(getattr(scipy.stats, distribution_name), scipy.stats.rv_discrete):
return discrete_distributions
class ProblemInstance(Enum):
expected_profit_analytic = "expected_profit_analytic"
expected_profit_lp = "expected_profit_lp"
VaR = "VaR"
CVaR = "CVaR"
def solve(self) -> "function":
if self == self.expected_profit_analytic:
return max_expected_profit_analytic_solution
if self == self.expected_profit_lp:
return max_expected_profit_solution
if self == self.VaR:
return min_value_at_risk_solution
if self == self.CVaR:
return min_conditional_value_at_risk_solution
raise NotImplementedError()
def is_alpha_expected(self) -> bool:
return self in [self.VaR, self.CVaR]
def solve(
problem: ProblemInstance,
demand: Demand,
unit_cost: float,
unit_sales_price: float,
alpha: Optional[float] = None,
sample_size: int = 1000,
) -> None:
outstanding_points=[("Average demand", demand.rv.mean())],
kwargs = {}
if problem.is_alpha_expected:
kwargs["alpha"] = alpha if alpha is not None else 0.75
order = problem.solve(demand, unit_cost, unit_sales_price, **kwargs) # call one of four methods, like max_expected_profit_analytics_solution, lp, min_var_solution and so on
profits = simulate_profits(
title=f"Profits - {problem.name}",
("Null profit", 0),
("Expected profit", np.mean(profits)),
("Min profit", np.min(profits)),
等装饰器随机优化的目标是如何shift distribution of your economic objective。(没看懂,硬翻译就是这样,,,) 将要赚取的最大利润是什么?坏事发生的机率如何?
if __name__=="__main__":
Problem=ProblemInstance.VaR # .CVaR, .expected_profit_analytic, .expected_profit_lp
# params: Problem,Demand,unit_cost,unit_sales_price, alpha
天蓝色的竖线(Null Profit)表示不盈利;
紫红色的竖线(Min Profit)表示 盈利最小值;
蓝紫色的竖线(Expect Profit)表示 盈利均值。
注:下面图的题目中 以Profit
表示第四版本的报童模型(目标是最小化 C V a R α ( L o s s ( D ) ) CVaR_\alpha(Loss(D)) CVaRα(Loss(D)))
最小化 C V a R α CVaR_\alpha CVaRα会把利润(或损失)分布压缩到一个小范围,也就是说,我们以牺牲极好情况下的高利润为代价,来规避坏情况的出现。