

$ cd --help
cd: cd [-L|[-P [-e]] [-@]] [dir]
    Change the shell working directory.

    Change the current directory to DIR.  The default DIR is the value of the
    HOME shell variable.

    The variable CDPATH defines the search path for the directory containing
    DIR.  Alternative directory names in CDPATH are separated by a colon (:).
    A null directory name is the same as the current directory.  If DIR begins
    with a slash (/), then CDPATH is not used.

    If the directory is not found, and the shell option `cdable_vars' is set,
    the word is assumed to be  a variable name.  If that variable has a value,
    its value is used for DIR.

      -L        force symbolic links to be followed: resolve symbolic
                links in DIR after processing instances of `..'
      -P        use the physical directory structure without following
                symbolic links: resolve symbolic links in DIR before
                processing instances of `..'
      -e        if the -P option is supplied, and the current working
                directory cannot be determined successfully, exit with
                a non-zero status
      -@        on systems that support it, present a file with extended
                attributes as a directory containing the file attributes

    The default is to follow symbolic links, as if `-L' were specified.
    `..' is processed by removing the immediately previous pathname component
    back to a slash or the beginning of DIR.

    Exit Status:
    Returns 0 if the directory is changed, and if $PWD is set successfully when
    -P is used; non-zero otherwise.


$ cd /d

$ pwd


curl --help all
Usage: curl [options...] 
     --abstract-unix-socket   Connect via abstract Unix domain socket
     --alt-svc   Enable alt-svc with this cache file
     --anyauth       Pick any authentication method
 -a, --append        Append to target file when uploading
     --aws-sigv4   Use AWS V4 signature authentication
     --basic         Use HTTP Basic Authentication
     --cacert   CA certificate to verify peer against
     --capath   CA directory to verify peer against
 -E, --cert   Client certificate file and password
     --cert-status   Verify the status of the server cert via OCSP-staple
     --cert-type   Certificate type (DER/PEM/ENG)
     --ciphers   SSL ciphers to use
     --compressed    Request compressed response
     --compressed-ssh  Enable SSH compression
 -K, --config   Read config from a file
     --connect-timeout   Maximum time allowed for connection
     --connect-to   Connect to host
 -C, --continue-at   Resumed transfer offset
 -b, --cookie   Send cookies from string/file
 -c, --cookie-jar   Write cookies to  after operation
     --create-dirs   Create necessary local directory hierarchy
     --create-file-mode   File mode (octal) for created files
     --crlf          Convert LF to CRLF in upload
     --crlfile   Use this CRL list
     --curves   (EC) TLS key exchange algorithm(s) to request
 -d, --data    HTTP POST data
     --data-ascii   HTTP POST ASCII data
     --data-binary   HTTP POST binary data
     --data-raw   HTTP POST data, '@' allowed
     --data-urlencode   HTTP POST data url encoded
     --delegation   GSS-API delegation permission
     --digest        Use HTTP Digest Authentication
 -q, --disable       Disable .curlrc
     --disable-eprt  Inhibit using EPRT or LPRT
     --disable-epsv  Inhibit using EPSV
     --disallow-username-in-url  Disallow username in url
     --dns-interface   Interface to use for DNS requests
IPv4 address to use for DNS requests --dns-ipv6-addr
IPv6 address to use for DNS requests --dns-servers DNS server addrs to use --doh-cert-status Verify the status of the DoH server cert via OCSP-staple --doh-insecure Allow insecure DoH server connections --doh-url Resolve host names over DoH -D, --dump-header Write the received headers to --egd-file EGD socket path for random data --engine Crypto engine to use --etag-compare Pass an ETag from a file as a custom header --etag-save Parse ETag from a request and save it to a file --expect100-timeout How long to wait for 100-continue -f, --fail Fail silently (no output at all) on HTTP errors --fail-early Fail on first transfer error, do not continue --fail-with-body Fail on HTTP errors but save the body --false-start Enable TLS False Start -F, --form Specify multipart MIME data --form-string Specify multipart MIME data --ftp-account Account data string --ftp-alternative-to-user String to replace USER [name] --ftp-create-dirs Create the remote dirs if not present --ftp-method Control CWD usage --ftp-pasv Use PASV/EPSV instead of PORT -P, --ftp-port
Use PORT instead of PASV --ftp-pret Send PRET before PASV --ftp-skip-pasv-ip Skip the IP address for PASV --ftp-ssl-ccc Send CCC after authenticating --ftp-ssl-ccc-mode Set CCC mode --ftp-ssl-control Require SSL/TLS for FTP login, clear for transfer -G, --get Put the post data in the URL and use GET -g, --globoff Disable URL sequences and ranges using {} and [] --happy-eyeballs-timeout-ms Time for IPv6 before trying IPv4 --haproxy-protocol Send HAProxy PROXY protocol v1 header -I, --head Show document info only -H, --header
Pass custom header(s) to server -h, --help Get help for commands --hostpubmd5 Acceptable MD5 hash of the host public key --hsts Enable HSTS with this cache file --http0.9 Allow HTTP 0.9 responses -0, --http1.0 Use HTTP 1.0 --http1.1 Use HTTP 1.1 --http2 Use HTTP 2 --http2-prior-knowledge Use HTTP 2 without HTTP/1.1 Upgrade --http3 Use HTTP v3 --ignore-content-length Ignore the size of the remote resource -i, --include Include protocol response headers in the output -k, --insecure Allow insecure server connections when using SSL --interface Use network INTERFACE (or address) -4, --ipv4 Resolve names to IPv4 addresses -6, --ipv6 Resolve names to IPv6 addresses -j, --junk-session-cookies Ignore session cookies read from file --keepalive-time Interval time for keepalive probes --key Private key file name --key-type Private key file type (DER/PEM/ENG) --krb Enable Kerberos with security --libcurl Dump libcurl equivalent code of this command line --limit-rate Limit transfer speed to RATE -l, --list-only List only mode --local-port Force use of RANGE for local port numbers -L, --location Follow redirects --location-trusted Like --location, and send auth to other hosts --login-options Server login options --mail-auth
Originator address of the original email --mail-from
Mail from this address --mail-rcpt
Mail to this address --mail-rcpt-allowfails Allow RCPT TO command to fail for some recipients -M, --manual Display the full manual --max-filesize Maximum file size to download --max-redirs Maximum number of redirects allowed -m, --max-time Maximum time allowed for the transfer --metalink Process given URLs as metalink XML file --negotiate Use HTTP Negotiate (SPNEGO) authentication -n, --netrc Must read .netrc for user name and password --netrc-file Specify FILE for netrc --netrc-optional Use either .netrc or URL -:, --next Make next URL use its separate set of options --no-alpn Disable the ALPN TLS extension -N, --no-buffer Disable buffering of the output stream --no-keepalive Disable TCP keepalive on the connection --no-npn Disable the NPN TLS extension --no-progress-meter Do not show the progress meter --no-sessionid Disable SSL session-ID reusing --noproxy List of hosts which do not use proxy --ntlm Use HTTP NTLM authentication --ntlm-wb Use HTTP NTLM authentication with winbind --oauth2-bearer OAuth 2 Bearer Token -o, --output Write to file instead of stdout --output-dir Directory to save files in -Z, --parallel Perform transfers in parallel --parallel-immediate Do not wait for multiplexing (with --parallel) --parallel-max Maximum concurrency for parallel transfers --pass Pass phrase for the private key --path-as-is Do not squash .. sequences in URL path --pinnedpubkey FILE/HASHES Public key to verify peer against --post301 Do not switch to GET after following a 301 --post302 Do not switch to GET after following a 302 --post303 Do not switch to GET after following a 303 --preproxy [protocol://]host[:port] Use this proxy first -#, --progress-bar Display transfer progress as a bar --proto Enable/disable PROTOCOLS --proto-default Use PROTOCOL for any URL missing a scheme --proto-redir Enable/disable PROTOCOLS on redirect -x, --proxy [protocol://]host[:port] Use this proxy --proxy-anyauth Pick any proxy authentication method --proxy-basic Use Basic authentication on the proxy --proxy-cacert CA certificate to verify peer against for proxy --proxy-capath CA directory to verify peer against for proxy --proxy-cert Set client certificate for proxy --proxy-cert-type Client certificate type for HTTPS proxy --proxy-ciphers SSL ciphers to use for proxy --proxy-crlfile Set a CRL list for proxy --proxy-digest Use Digest authentication on the proxy --proxy-header
Pass custom header(s) to proxy --proxy-insecure Do HTTPS proxy connections without verifying the proxy --proxy-key Private key for HTTPS proxy --proxy-key-type Private key file type for proxy --proxy-negotiate Use HTTP Negotiate (SPNEGO) authentication on the proxy --proxy-ntlm Use NTLM authentication on the proxy --proxy-pass Pass phrase for the private key for HTTPS proxy --proxy-pinnedpubkey FILE/HASHES public key to verify proxy with --proxy-service-name SPNEGO proxy service name --proxy-ssl-allow-beast Allow security flaw for interop for HTTPS proxy --proxy-ssl-auto-client-cert Use auto client certificate for proxy (Schannel) --proxy-tls13-ciphers TLS 1.3 proxy cipher suites --proxy-tlsauthtype TLS authentication type for HTTPS proxy --proxy-tlspassword TLS password for HTTPS proxy --proxy-tlsuser TLS username for HTTPS proxy --proxy-tlsv1 Use TLSv1 for HTTPS proxy -U, --proxy-user Proxy user and password --proxy1.0 Use HTTP/1.0 proxy on given port -p, --proxytunnel Operate through an HTTP proxy tunnel (using CONNECT) --pubkey SSH Public key file name -Q, --quote Send command(s) to server before transfer --random-file File for reading random data from -r, --range Retrieve only the bytes within RANGE --raw Do HTTP "raw"; no transfer decoding -e, --referer Referrer URL -J, --remote-header-name Use the header-provided filename -O, --remote-name Write output to a file named as the remote file --remote-name-all Use the remote file name for all URLs -R, --remote-time Set the remote file's time on the local output -X, --request Specify request command to use --request-target Specify the target for this request --resolve <[+]host:port:addr[,addr]...> Resolve the host+port to this address --retry Retry request if transient problems occur --retry-all-errors Retry all errors (use with --retry) --retry-connrefused Retry on connection refused (use with --retry) --retry-delay Wait time between retries --retry-max-time Retry only within this period --sasl-authzid Identity for SASL PLAIN authentication --sasl-ir Enable initial response in SASL authentication --service-name SPNEGO service name -S, --show-error Show error even when -s is used -s, --silent Silent mode --socks4 SOCKS4 proxy on given host + port --socks4a SOCKS4a proxy on given host + port --socks5 SOCKS5 proxy on given host + port --socks5-basic Enable username/password auth for SOCKS5 proxies --socks5-gssapi Enable GSS-API auth for SOCKS5 proxies --socks5-gssapi-nec Compatibility with NEC SOCKS5 server --socks5-gssapi-service SOCKS5 proxy service name for GSS-API --socks5-hostname SOCKS5 proxy, pass host name to proxy -Y, --speed-limit Stop transfers slower than this -y, --speed-time Trigger 'speed-limit' abort after this time --ssl Try SSL/TLS --ssl-allow-beast Allow security flaw to improve interop --ssl-auto-client-cert Use auto client certificate (Schannel) --ssl-no-revoke Disable cert revocation checks (Schannel) --ssl-reqd Require SSL/TLS --ssl-revoke-best-effort Ignore missing/offline cert CRL dist points -2, --sslv2 Use SSLv2 -3, --sslv3 Use SSLv3 --stderr Where to redirect stderr --styled-output Enable styled output for HTTP headers --suppress-connect-headers Suppress proxy CONNECT response headers --tcp-fastopen Use TCP Fast Open --tcp-nodelay Use the TCP_NODELAY option -t, --telnet-option Set telnet option --tftp-blksize Set TFTP BLKSIZE option --tftp-no-options Do not send any TFTP options -z, --time-cond


Vim Chinese Documentation

$ vim --help
VIM - Vi IMproved 8.1 (2018 May 18, compiled Oct  1 2019 05:31:13)

用法: vim [参数] [文件 ..]       编辑指定的文件
  或: vim [参数] -               从标准输入(stdin)读取文本
  或: vim [参数] -t tag          编辑 tag 定义处的文件
  或: vim [参数] -q [errorfile]  编辑第一个出错处的文件

   --                   在这以后只有文件名
   -v                   Vi 模式 (同 "vi")
   -e                   Ex 模式 (同 "ex")
   -E                   Improved Ex mode
   -s                   安静(批处理)模式 (只能与 "ex" 一起使用)
   -d                   Diff 模式 (同 "vimdiff")
   -y                   容易模式 (同 "evim",无模式)
   -R                   只读模式 (同 "view")
   -Z                   限制模式 (同 "rvim")
   -m                   不可修改(写入文件)
   -M                   文本不可修改
   -b                   二进制模式
   -l                   Lisp 模式
   -C                   兼容传统的 Vi: 'compatible'
   -N                   不完全兼容传统的 Vi: 'nocompatible'
   -V[N][fname]         Be verbose [level N] [log messages to fname]
   -D                   调试模式
   -n                   不使用交换文件,只使用内存
   -r                   列出交换文件并退出
   -r (跟文件名)                恢复崩溃的会话
   -L                   同 -r
   -A                   以 Arabic 模式启动
   -H                   以 Hebrew 模式启动
   -T         设定终端类型为 
   --not-a-term         Skip warning for input/output not being a terminal
   --ttyfail            Exit if input or output is not a terminal
   -u            使用  替代任何 .vimrc
   --noplugin           不加载 plugin 脚本
   -p[N]                打开 N 个标签页 (默认值: 每个文件一个)
   -o[N]                打开 N 个窗口 (默认值: 每个文件一个)
   -O[N]                同 -o 但垂直分割
   +                    启动后跳到文件末尾
   +              启动后跳到第  行
   --cmd       加载任何 vimrc 文件前执行 
   -c          加载第一个文件后执行 
   -S          加载第一个文件后执行文件 
   -s         从文件  读入正常模式的命令
   -w        将所有输入的命令追加到文件 
   -W        将所有输入的命令写入到文件 
   -x                   编辑加密的文件
   --startuptime  Write startup timing messages to 
   -i          使用  取代 .viminfo
   --clean              'nocompatible', Vim defaults, no plugins, no viminfo
   -h  或  --help       打印帮助(本信息)并退出
   --version            打印版本信息并退出
