免费获取Github Copilot
配置QT Github Copilot
在Neovim中配置Github Copilot
Using GitHub Copilot
The Copilot plugin (disabled by default) integrates GitHub Copilot into Qt Creator. You can view suggestions from Copilot in the Edit mode.
Note: If you enable the Copilot plugin, you must agree with and abide by the GitHub terms of use. It is your responsibility to know and accept the requirements and parameters of using Copilot, such as ensuring you have the rights to grant it access to your code. Also, you must understand the implications of using it and the suggestions it produces, such as code copyright and accuracy.
To use the Copilot plugin, you need:
Enabling the Copilot Plugin
To enable the Copilot plugin:
Setting Copilot Preferences
To set preferences for using Copilot:
The button turns into a Sign Out button.
Receiving Suggestions
When you write code in the Edit mode and Request completions automatically is enabled, Copilot automatically makes suggestions when you type.
To manually request a suggestion at the current editor's cursor position, select Request Copilot Suggestion in the context menu.
Hover the mouse over a suggestion to show a toolbar with "" buttons for cycling between Copilot suggestions.
To apply a suggestion as a whole, select Apply or press the Tab key.
To apply a suggestion word-by-word, select Apply Word or press Alt+Right.
To reject a suggestion, press Esc or the arrow keys.
Enabling and Disabling Suggestions
You can enable and disable the Copilot suggestions either globally for all projects or at project level for a particular project.
To enable or disable Copilot suggestions globally, select the (Toggle Copilot) button. This also sets the value of the Enable Copilot check box in Edit > Preferences accordingly.
To enable or disable Copilot suggestions for a particular project, select Projects > Project Settings > Copilot, and then select or deselect the Enable Copilot check box.
注:以上是QT官方文档给出的关于Github Copilot的插件安装并使用的方法、演示,可以在这个官方文档页面直接用浏览器翻译并对照说明。
但是,这个文档一开始的两步非常重要,而且只有QT Creator 11可以内置github copilot,版本不对的再下一个就是了,电脑上可以同时存在很多个Creator。没有文档中下面这两步是根本启动不了QT copilot的,即:
首先,如上述文档截图所示,你必须先获得Github Copilot的订阅权限,有两种方法:
要明确一点,这个网址是Github官方给出的,即使用Neovim+copilot的组合,实现在QT Creator中内置Copilot的功能,我们要先下载一个Neovim然后在Neovim中启动copilot。
git clone https://github.com/github/copilot.vim.git \
:Copilot setup
也就是先打一个冒号,然后输入Copilot setup(注意空格),这个时候大概率会卡一下然后跳出来一些文字,大致意思给你一个8位的字符串,让你等几秒就会跳转Github用这个字符串授权copilot。
这个时候,我们打开QT Creator 11,按照下图QT文档所示步骤操作:
而当你正确的选择了对应文件的路径后,上面那个"sign out xxx"就会自动识别为你的Github账号,如果不自动识别就是之前的步骤不对。
当你上面的步骤都成功了后,恭喜你,可以在QT Creator 11中开始使用copilot了,目前我的最基本的使用方法就是写一段注释,中英文都可,然后回车到下一行,等待自动生成代码后,敲Tab键接受自动生成的代码。