java语言中7 2_JAVA 2核心技术 卷I:基础知识(第7版)(英文影印版)

Chapter 1 An Introduction to Java.

Java as a Programming Platform

The Java "White Paper" Buzzwords

Java and the Internet

A Short History of Java

Common Misconceptions About Java

Chapter 2 The Java Programming Environment

Installing the Java Development Kit

Choosing-a Development Environment

Using the Command-Line Tools

Using an Integrated Development Environment

Compiling and Running Programs from a Text Editor

Running a Graphical Application

Building and Running Applets

Chapter 3 Fundamental Programming Structures in Java

A Simple Java Program


Data Types




Input and Output

Control Flow

Big Numbers


Chapter 4 Objects and Classes

Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming

Using Predefined Classes

Defining Your Own Classes

Static Fields and Methods

Method Parameters

Object Construction


Documentation Comments

Class Design Hints

Chapter 5 Inheritance

Classes, Superclasses, and Subclasses

Object: The Cosmic Superclass

Generic Array Lists

Object Wrappers and Autoboxing


Enumeration Classes

Design Hints for Inheritance

Chapter 6 Interfaces and Inner Classes


Object Cloning..

Interfaces and Callbacks

Inner Classes


Chapter 7 Graphics Programming

Introducing Swing

Creating a Frame

Positioning a Frame

Displaying Information in a Panel

Working with 2D Shapes

Using Color

Using Special Fonts for Text

Doing More with Images

Chapter 8 Event Handling

Basics of Event Handling

The AWT Event Hierarchy

Semantic and Low-Level Events in the AWT

Low-Level Event Types



Implementing Event Sources

Chapter 9 User Interface Components with Swing

The Model-View-Controller Design Pattern

Introduction to Layout Management

Text Input

Choice Components


Sophisticated Layout Management

Dialog Boxes

Chapter 10 Deploying Applets and Applications

Applet Basics

The Applet HTML Tags and Attributes


The Applet Context

JAR Files

Application Packaging

Java Web Staff

Storage of Application Preferences

Chapter 11 Exceptions and Debugging

Dealing with Errors

Catching Exceptions

Tips for Using Exceptions


Using Assertions

Debugging Techniques

Using a Debugger

Chapter 12 Streams and Files


The Complete Stream Zoo

ZIP File Streams

Use of Streams

Object Streams

File Management

New I/O

Regular Expressions

Chapter 13 Generic Programming

Why Generic Programming?

Definition of a Simple Generic Class

Generic Methods

Bounds for Type Variables

Generic Code and the Virtual Machine

Restrictions and Limitations

Inheritance Rules for Generic Types

Wildcard Types

Reflection and Generics

Appendix A Java Keywords

Appendix B Retrofitting JDK 5.0 Code

Enhanced for Loop

Generic Array Lists


Variable Parameter Lists

Covariant Return Types

Static Import

Console Input

Formatted Output

Content Pane Delegation

Unicode Code Points

Building Strings

