prosemirror 学习记录(一)schema

初始化 vite 项目
pnpm create vite framework - vue ,variant - JavaScript

初始化 eslint
npm init @eslint/config

最简单的 schema

nodes 中必须包含顶级节点文本节点。顶级节点默认为 doc(可通过 topNode 修改)。文本节点为 text

const mySchema = new Schema({
  nodes: {
  	// content 的语法和正则类似。text* 代表任意个 text 节点
    doc: {content: "text*"},
    text: {},



添加 block 类型

const mySchema = new Schema({
  nodes: {
    doc: {
      content: "custom_block*", // 文档包含任意个 custom_block
    // doc 和 text 以外的节点类型,都必须提供 parseDom 和 toDom 
    custom_block: {
      content: "text*",	// 任意个文本
      parseDOM: [{ tag: "custom-block" }],
      toDOM() {
        return ["custom-block", 0];
    text: {},

因为 html 中不存在 custom-block 这个标签,所以需要加一段css:

custom-block {
  display: block;



NodeSpec 中的字段

  • group?: string 分组,组名可以在 content 表达式里引用

  • atom?: boolean Can be set to true to indicate that, though this isn’t a leaf node, it doesn’t have directly editable content and should be treated as a single unit in the view.(不知道什么场合用)

  • selectable?: boolean Controls whether nodes of this type can be selected as a node
    selection.Defaults to true for non-text nodes.
    比如说,对于图片节点,当 selectable = true 时,点击图片则选区变为 NodeSelection。 selectable = false 时,点击图片没效果,选区还是空。

  • draggable?: boolean node在未选中时是否可以拖拽

  • definingAsContext?: boolean Determines whether this node is considered an important parent node during replace operations (such as paste). Non-defining (the default) nodes get dropped when their entire content is replaced, whereas defining nodes persist and wrap the inserted content.(意思理解了,但用时没感觉出来区别)

  • definingForContent?: boolean In inserted content the defining parents of the content are preserved when possible. Typically, non-default-paragraph textblock types, and possibly list items, are marked as defining.(意思理解了,但用时没感觉出来区别)

  • defining?: boolean When enabled, enables both definingAsContext and definingForContent

  • isolating?: boolean When enabled (default is false), the sides of nodes of this type count as boundaries that regular editing operations, like backspacing or lifting, won’t cross. An example of a node that should probably have this enabled is a table cell.

  • leafText?: (node: Node) => string Defines the default way a leaf node of this type should be serialized to a string (as used by Node.textBetween and Node.textContent
