

vue-ads-layout (vue-ads-layout)

This is a vue component library to create a default web application layout. You can create a toolbar, footer, left and right drawers. And each of those 4 components can be placed as a fixed component.

这是一个vue组件库,用于创建默认的Web应用程序布局。 您可以创建工具栏,页脚,左右抽屉。 并且这四个组件中的每个组件都可以作为固定组件放置。

The left and right drawers can be minified or hidden by buttons or by resizing the window (responsive design)


I also added two default buttons to hide and minify the drawers.


View demo 查看演示 Download Source 下载源

安装 (Installation)

You can install the package via npm or yarn.



npm install vue-ads-layout --save

npm install vue-ads-layout --save


yarn add vue-ads-layout

yarn add vue-ads-layout

用法 (Usage)

Here you can find a simple example on how to use this layout component.


组件 (Components)

VueAdsLayout (VueAdsLayout)

This is the base component. All the other components need to be nested in this one by slots.

这是基本组件。 所有其他组件都需要通过插槽嵌套在此组件中。

物产 (Properties)
  • full-bar: (type: boolean) If true, a horizontal layout is created, where the bars overlap the drawers.


    If false, a vertical layout is created, where the drawers overlap the bars.

范本 (Templates)
工具栏 (toolbar)

The toolbar template is used to define the top bar. Use the VueAdsBar component for it.

工具栏模板用于定义顶部栏。 使用VueAdsBar组件。

The footer template is used to define the footer. Use the VueAdsBar component for it with the footer option = true.

页脚模板用于定义页脚。 将VueAdsBar组件用于页脚选项= true。

左抽屉/右抽屉 (left-drawer / right drawer)

The left/right-drawer template is used to define the left/right drawer. Use the VueAdsDrawer component for it.

左/右抽屉模板用于定义左/右抽屉。 使用VueAdsDrawer组件。

默认 (default)

This is the most important template. Here you place your application content.

这是最重要的模板。 在这里放置您的应用程序内容。

Just add it as a child element between the vue-ads-layout tags.


VueAdsBar (VueAdsBar)

The bar component is used to create a toolbar and a footer.


物产 (Properties)
  • fixed: (type: boolean, default: false) Indicates if the bar is positioned fixed.

    fixed :( 类型:布尔值,默认值:false)指示栏是否固定。

  • height: (type: number, default: 16) If you want to increase the default height, add this option.

    height :( 类型:数字,默认值:16)如果要增加默认高度,请添加此选项。

    Only use the valid, numeric

    Tailwindcss height options


  • footer: (type: boolean, default: false) Indicates if the bar is a footer.

    footer :( 类型:布尔值,默认值:false)指示栏是否为页脚。

范本 (Templates)

There are 2 possibilities for using the bar templates:


  • overriding the default template with a custom template.


  • use the predefined 3 column template: first, middle, last.

    使用预定义的3列模板: firstmiddlelast

    This method uses the flex css style, where the middle template has a flex-grow attribute.
    此方法使用flex css样式,其中中间模板具有flex-grow属性。

For example if you want to use the VueAdsMenuButton buttons on the left/right position of the bar, use the following templates.


VueAdsDrawer (VueAdsDrawer)

The drawer component is used to create a drawers on the left and right side of your screen.


物产 (Properties)
  • fixed: (type: boolean, default: false) Indicates if the drawer is positioned fixed.

    fixed :( 类型:布尔值,默认值:false)指示抽屉是否固定。

  • width: (type: number, default: 64) If you want to increase the default width, add this option.

    width :( 类型:数字,默认值:64)如果要增加默认宽度,请添加此选项。

    Only use the valid, numeric

    Tailwindcss width options


  • minified-width: (type: number, default: 16) If you want to increase the minified width, add this option.

    minified-width :( 类型:数字,默认值:16)如果要增加最小宽度,请添加此选项。

    Only use the valid, numeric

    Tailwindcss width options


  • minified: (type: boolean, default: false) Indicates if the drawer is minified.

    minified :( 类型:布尔值,默认值:false)指示抽屉是否缩小。

  • hidden: (type: boolean, default: false) Indicates if the drawer is hidden.


  • responsive-minified: (type: array, default: ['all', 'sm']) A list of all Tailwindcss screen sizes

    responsive-minified :( 类型:数组,默认值:['all','sm'])所有Tailwindcss屏幕尺寸的列表

    where the drawer has to be minified.

  • responsive-hidden: (type: array, default: ['all']) A list of all Tailwindcss screen sizes

    responsive-hidden :( 类型:数组,默认值:['all'])所有Tailwindcss屏幕尺寸的列表

    where the drawer has to be hidden.

大事记 (Events)
  • minify: Emitted if the drawer is minified.

    minify :如果抽屉变小则发射。

    • minified: minified(type: boolean) Indicates if the drawer is minified.(type:boolean)指示抽屉是否被缩小。
  • hide: Emitted if the drawer is hidden.

    hide :如果抽屉是隐藏的,则发出。

    • hidden: hidden(type: boolean) Indicates if the drawer is hidden.(type:boolean)指示抽屉是否隐藏。
范本 (Templates)

There are 2 possibilities for using the drawer templates:


  • overriding the default template with a custom template.


  • use the predefined 2 rows template: top, bottom.

    使用预定义的2行模板: topbottom

    This method uses the flex css style, where the top template has a flex-grow attribute.
    此方法使用flex css样式,其中顶部模板具有flex-grow属性。

All the slots (default, top and bottom) are scoped with the following variables:


  • fixed: (type: boolean) Indicates if the drawer is positioned fixed.


  • minified: (type: boolean) Indicates if the drawer is minified.


  • hidden: (type: boolean) Indicates if the drawer is hidden.


  • hidden: (type: boolean) Indicates if the drawer is hidden.


  • width: (type: number) the current numeric tailwindcss width


For example if you want to use the VueAdsMinifyButton on the bottom of the bar to minify it, use the following template.


VueAdsMenuButton (VueAdsMenuButton)

A menu button that can be used to open or close the drawers.


If you want to use the font awesome icons, don't forget to import the css library. It's a dependency of this library so it's automatically installed.

如果要使用字体真棒图标,请不要忘记导入css库。 它是该库的依赖项,因此会自动安装。

物产 (Properties)
  • hidden: (type: boolean, required) Indicates if the linked drawer is hidden or not.

    hidden :( 类型:布尔值,必需)指示链接的抽屉是否隐藏。

大事记 (Events)
  • toggle: Emitted if the button is clicked.

    toggle :如果单击按钮,则发射。

    • hidden: hidden(type: boolean) Indicates if the drawer is hidden.(type:boolean)指示抽屉是否隐藏。
范本 (Templates)

You can add a default template to override the default icon.


VueAdsMinifyButton (VueAdsMinifyButton)

A minify button that can be used to minify the drawers.


If you want to use the font awesome icons, don't forget to import the css library. It's a dependency of this library so it's automatically installed.

如果要使用字体真棒图标,请不要忘记导入css库。 它是该库的依赖项,因此会自动安装。

物产 (Properties)
  • minified: (type: boolean, required) Indicates if the linked drawer is minified or not.

    minified :( 类型:布尔值,必需)指示链接的抽屉是否已缩小。

  • right: (type: boolean, default: false) Indicates if the button is used for the right drawer.

    right :( 类型:布尔值,默认值:false)指示按钮是否用于右侧抽屉。

    If so the arrows are flipped.

大事记 (Events)
  • toggle: Emitted if the button is clicked.

    toggle :如果单击按钮,则发射。

    • minified: minified(type: boolean) Indicates if the drawer is minified.(type:boolean)指示抽屉是否被缩小。
范本 (Templates)

You can add a default template to override the default icon.



测试中 (Testing)

Needs to be done. You can run all the test (currently zero) by executing the following command.

需要做的。 您可以通过执行以下命令来运行所有测试(当前为零)。

npm run test:unit


