

英文 中文
Hey, how's he doing? 他怎么样
He has neutropenic fever. 他患了败血症
His white blood cell count's stabilised. 白细胞指数没有下降
Best I can say is he's not getting any worse. 我只能说情况不会更坏了
- How you feeling, Jared? - OK, I guess. - 感觉怎样 Jared- 还行吧
I heard your dad arranged for a visit from The Rock? 听说你爸帮你安排了跟巨石强森见面
I'm 13, I must love wrestling, right? 我13岁 我肯定爱摔跤 对吧
Come on, The Rock's a movie star. 拜托 巨石强森可是电影明星啊
I mean, I like anything in the whole world. 虽然我喜欢这世上的一切
But what could a guy possibly wanna see more? 但不看他你还想看什么啊
Guys, we need an answer. 大伙 给我个答案
Name one thing guys wanna see 说出一种全世界的男人
more than anything in the whole wide world? 最想看到的东西
OK, Louie, we're gonna go with boobs. Louie 我们的答案是胸部
Show me boobs. 看看是不是胸部
There they are. 答对了
Good job! 做得好
I wanna see 'em on a real girl. A cute girl. 我想看到真人的胸部 漂亮女生的胸部
You're cute. 你漂亮啊

The janitor. This guy is always bothering me. 这清洁工 老是让我不爽
Don't look at him, don't talk to him, don't... 别看他 别跟他说话 别
What's your point? Ammonia too strong? 你这什么意思 氨水太多吗
- No, I have a... - That's one. - 不 我有- 这第一次警告
Keep pushin'. 继续来啊
Hey there, sport. Got your page. 小子 收到你的呼叫
This better be good. Paging the Chief of Medicine. 最好是有什么事 竟敢呼叫内科主任
Dr Steadman. Resident and first-class teacher's pet. Steadman医生 住院医师 还是名师的首席走狗
Sir, I was going over Mr Martinez's chart, 先生 我刚在看Martinez先生的记录
and it seems like the TIPS 看来他不需要
procedure he's scheduled for is completely unnecessary. 做预约好的那个TIPS手术
Why do you think that is unnecessary? 你凭什么觉得不需要
Well, he's dead. 他死了
Excellent catch, Dr... 做得不错 那个谁
Dr... 那个谁
Dorian! You see me every day. 我叫Dorian 你每天都看到我啊
- Say my name. Say it! - Martinez. - 说我的名字 说啊- Martinez
That was the name of the patient, sir. 那是病人的名字 先生
- Avery. - No, actually that's the manufacturer of the clipboard. - Avery- 那是剪贴板牌子
- Fine work, doctor. Fine work. - I hear that. - 做得不错 医生 不错- 我知道
Ammonia's a little strong today. 今天氨水放的太多了啊
That's two. 第二次警告
Steady, boy. 稳住 孩子
Now, Rowdy. 就现在 Rowdy
- I swear, when you're not here, he does it. - I'm sure. He's shy. - 你不在的时候 他会的- 我知道 他很害羞
I think you should go ahead and do it. 我觉得你应该这样做
I am not flashing my breasts. 我不要秀胸部
Why not? It's easy. It's gonna like this. 为什么 很简单啊 就像这样
Woo, that's hot. 噢 好火辣
I went by paediatrics. 我去了儿科部
- They thought it was funny. - I'm borrowing a sweatshirt. - 他们觉得这很好玩- 汗衫借我穿一下
Excuse me, What did we agree you would do whenever I left a room? 不好意思 我说过我离开的时候你要怎么做
- I'm sorry, baby. - That's better. - 对不起 宝贝- 这就对了
My man Turk is getting it daily, nightly and ever-so-rightly. 我的好伙计要日搞夜搞时时搞了啊
What up, dude! 赞啊 老兄
Once every 4.2 seconds, a man says something stupid 每4.2秒就有一个男人因为说点蠢话
that a woman hears and punishes him for. 被女人听到而受惩罚
Luckily, this wasn't one of those times. 幸好这次不是这样
What did you just say? 你刚刚说什么
What up, dude? 赞啊 老兄

Why would you think Turk and I slept together? 为什么你认为我们会上床
Because I'm a nurse? Because I'm Latina? 就因为我是护士吗 因为我是拉丁人吗
Because you guys have been dating for a while. 因为你们已经约会了好一段时间
Do Latina women put out more? That's not something I've heard. 拉丁人比较开放吗 我没听说过啊
- Turk told me. - No! I didn't! I swear. He assumed. - Turk说的- 不 我发誓我没说 他乱猜的
And did you correct him? 那你有纠正他吗
I've been really busy at the hospital lately. 我最近在医院比较忙
Is that how you see this relationship? 你觉得我们的关系是这样的吗
As some mad dash to the finish line? 逢场作戏就完事了吗
Because I'll take you into that bedroom right now 是的话 我马上让你进那房里
and I promise you, you will be walking sideways for the rest of your life, 我保证会让你这辈子走路都走不稳
because I will have used all your up and down. 因为我会吸干你所有精气
Now, is that what you want? 这是你想要的吗
- No. - Good. - 不是- 很好
Because what I want is for this to be a real relationship. 因为我想要的是一段真正的感情
I want us to know each other better than we know ourselves. 我希望我们了解对方胜过了解自己
- Wow. - That's right, "wow". - 哇- 对啊 哇
So if you really want me 所以如果你真的想
"daily and nightly and ever-so-rightly"... 日搞夜搞时时搞
That sounds like something you'd say. 听起来是你会说的话啊
...show me that you know me. 先证明你了解我
So anyway I think you should let the kid meet the ladies. 我觉得你应该给那小孩秀胸部
So you're the one who told Kelso that Mr Martinez was dead? 所以说 是你跟Kelso说Martinez先生死了
- That's terrific work. - Looks like word gets around. - 做得太好- 消息很灵通啊
What in the name of Are You There, 你那24K钛合金狗脑
God? It's Me, Margaret were you thinking? 里到底是怎么想的
I'm new here, but I'm relatively certain invasive vascular procedures 我是新来的 但我肯定血管浸润手术
have a very low success rate on dead people. 在死人身上的成功率比较低吧
That TIPS procedure was for Mrs Blitt down in 103. 那TIPS手术是给103室的Biltt夫人的
You see, she doesn't have insurance. 知道吗 她没有医保
Mr Martinez on the other hand, had great insurance. 但Martinez先生的医保很全面
Should I talk slower or go get a nurse who speaks fluent, Moron? 要我说得慢点还是找个护士给你翻译啊 白痴
- You don't have to be mean about it. - What the hell do you want from me? - 你不用说得那么刻薄- 你他妈想我怎么样
I don't know if they taught you this in the land of 我不知道他们在那个
fairy and puppy-dog tails where you obviously, if not grew up, 你享受美好夏日的童话世界里
then at least spent most of your summers, 有没有教过你这些
but you're in the real world now. Kid. 但这可是现实世界啊 孩子
Don't say it. I still think I was right. 别说出来 我不觉得我做错了
Once every 6.3 seconds, a man says something stupid 每6.3秒就有人因为说些蠢话
that another man hears and punishes him for. 被另一个人听到而受惩罚
Luckily, this wasn't... 幸好 说的不是
- That's it! - Oh, no. - 好了- 别
Do you know what this is? This is me washing my hands of you. 你知道这代表什么吗 我替你洗手不干了
I will not be in the same room with you again, starting... 我不会再跟你共处一室 从
now. 现在开始
Tissue? 要纸巾吗
It's a challenge... 这是个挑战
Little bit of flow, like... 像这样摆动
"Fighting Joe" Hooker... 好战工人Hooker
I don't need Dr Cox. Big jerk. 我才不需要Cox医生 大混蛋
I hate him. 我恨他
Hey, sport. Or should I say howdy, Mr Pouty? 喂小子 还是我该说 你好啊小扁嘴
Sorry, sir. It's been a rough day. 不好意思 今天过得不太好
So I hear. Well, anyway, I'm very proud of you, Dr... 我听说了 不管怎样 我以你为荣 那个谁
Just look at my badge. 看一下我的卡啊
Dr Turk. Turk医生
This is my roommate's badge. We must have switched this morning. 这是我室友的卡 肯定是今早拿错了
That's a great anecdote. 真是有趣
You should write that down in your journal. 你应该把这事写在日记里
Then your kids can read about it when you're dead. 那你死了之后你的孩子就能看到了
- Sir, they're waiting for us... - In a moment. - 先生 他们在等我们- 很快
If you will promise to go easy on the stories, 如果你想日子过得轻松点
I'd love for you to join me for a round of golf tomorrow. 我希望你明天跟我一起打高尔夫
- That'd be terrific, sir. - Super. - 这太好了 先生- 很好
You wanna show a woman you know her 如果你想告诉女人你了解她
you gotta buy her a little something something. 就给她买点东西
This doesn't make any sense, none of my patients are improving. 不可能啊 我的病人都没好转
- I'm gonna buy her flowers. - Yeah! - 我要给她送花- 好样的
Please, been done to death. 拜托 那就死定了
I don't get it. I do everything by the book. 我不明白 我明明按书上做的啊
Maybe that's the problem. 可能问题就在这里
Maybe you're just approaching things too clinically. 你的方式太客观
How about chocolates? 巧克力怎么样
With rich cliche centres? 非要这么老套吗
Have you ever tried treating your patients 你有没有给你的病人
with something other than traditional medicine? 尝试过非传统的治疗方式
I got it! 我知道了
I'm gonna buy her a really nice pen. 我要送她一支漂亮的笔
No, she loves to write. She handwrites all of her letters 她喜欢写字 她所有的信都是手写的
because she says e-mail's too impersonal. That's perfect. 因为她觉得电子邮件没有人情味 这太好了
- A pen is good. - Yeah! - 送笔不错- 好样的
All I gotta do is find time 我现在只有找到时间
to get out of here and maybe I'll buy her one. 逃出去才能买到笔
All I'm saying is 我是说
there's more to healing than what's in the books. 治疗远远不止书上教的
I talk to my patients. I sing to them, 我跟我的病人聊天 给他们唱歌
ask what their hobbies are, 了解他们的兴趣
and tell them ghost stories about an old sea captain. 给他们说老船长的鬼故事
Thought you'd be interested in that kid Jared's chart. 你们应该看看Jared那孩子的记录
Look at that white blood cell count. 看看那白细胞指数
And all it took was a visit from The Rock. 巨石强森来看他一下就好了
The Rock was here and nobody told me? 为什么没人告诉我巨石强森来了
- The Rock couldn't make it. - Well, somebody did something. - 巨石强森没法来- 显然有人做了点什么
It felt weird knowing that Dr Cox and 知道Cox医生跟我
I would never be working in the same room again. 不会再共处一室的感觉很奇怪
Check her LFTs and coags for me. 检查她的肝功能和凝血功能
Every time I think something, the opposite happens. 每次我在想什么的时候 总发生相反的事
I'm so not having sex this weekend. 这周末我肯定没性福
You're cute. 小伙很帅气啊
Who's the present from? 谁送的礼物
- Oh, my boyfriend. - Really? When did he give it to you? - 我男友- 他什么时候送你的

