三维海浪造型的研究① - 计算机系统应用
2013 年 第 22 卷 第 10 期 计 算 机 系 统 应 用
庄建东, 曾勇进
(集美大学 计算机工程学院, 厦门 361021)
摘 要: 为了表现海浪的真实感和实时性仿真, 本文以Pierson-Moskowitz 模型为基础, 采用波的波长和波速建立
了海浪波高的初始状态值. 通过 FBM(Fractal Brown Motion) 的菱形网格方式计算海浪曲面片上每个网格点的波
高, 把每个点画出; 再以菱形网格模拟海浪形状, 将海浪点的波高描述为随时间和空间变化的多个正弦波叠加近
似地表现海浪的运动效果; 利用光照模型给海浪添加明暗凹凸效果, 增加海浪的真实感; 将真实世界中某一海浪
的图像作为纹理源, 贴到每个网格上, 提高仿真的逼真度和运行速度, 达到实时仿真的效果. 利用 Java 和 JOGL
编程模拟,逼真地生成了海浪在不同风向、不同等级情况下的场景. 实验表明文中所述方法得当, 技术可行.
关键词: 海浪模拟; JOGL; Pierson-Moskowitz 模型; 菱形网格法
Study on the Three Dimensional Shape of the Waves
ZHUANG Jian-Dong, ZENG Yong-Jin
(Computer Engineering College, Jimei University, Xiamen 361021, China)
Abstract: For show realism and real-time simulation of ocean wave, this article is based on Pierson-Moskowitz model,
uses waves of wavelength and wave velocities to establish a wave-height of the initial state value. By FBM (Fractal
Brown Motion) calculation in diamond grid each grid point waves on the surface of the wave height, draw each point;
With diamond-shaped grid simulation for wave shape, describing the waves of wave height as multiple sine wave
superposition approximation over time and space to the motion of the waves; Illumination model for wave added dark
bump effect, increase the realism of the waves; A wave in a real-world image as the source texture, posted on each grid,
improving the fidelity of the simulation and run faster, achieve the purpose of simulation in real time. Using Java and
JOGL programmable analog, we realistically generated waves under different wind speed in different types of scenes.
Experiments show that the mentioned in the article is right way, technically feasible.
Key words: Sea Wave imitation; JOGL; Pierson-Moskowitz model; Diamond-grid method
随着海浪模拟研究的逐步深入和计算机硬件的飞 度上决定了仿真效果的优劣. 从上世纪 80 年代