在按照官方页面进行编译时(Mac),出现“gnu-getopt must be installed and used“错误,
gnu-getopt must be installed and used
用brew install gnu-getopt安装即可,并加入路径
export PATH="/usr/local/opt/gnu-getopt/bin:$PATH"
client代码如下, 可以自行对应。
#include "echo.pb.h"
DEFINE_string(attachment, "", "Carry this along with requests");
DEFINE_string(protocol, "baidu_std", "Protocol type. Defined in src/brpc/options.proto");
DEFINE_string(connection_type, "", "Connection type. Available values: single, pooled, short");
DEFINE_string(server, "", "IP Address of server");
DEFINE_string(load_balancer, "", "The algorithm for load balancing");
DEFINE_int32(timeout_ms, 100, "RPC timeout in milliseconds");
DEFINE_int32(max_retry, 3, "Max retries(not including the first RPC)");
DEFINE_int32(interval_ms, 1000, "Milliseconds between consecutive requests");
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
// Parse gflags. We recommend you to use gflags as well.
GFLAGS_NS::ParseCommandLineFlags(&argc, &argv, true);
// A Channel represents a communication line to a Server. Notice that
// Channel is thread-safe and can be shared by all threads in your program.
brpc::Channel channel;
// Initialize the channel, NULL means using default options.
brpc::ChannelOptions options;
options.protocol = FLAGS_protocol;
options.connection_type = FLAGS_connection_type;
options.timeout_ms = FLAGS_timeout_ms/*milliseconds*/;
options.max_retry = FLAGS_max_retry;
if (channel.Init(FLAGS_server.c_str(), FLAGS_load_balancer.c_str(), &options) != 0) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Fail to initialize channel";
return -1;
// Normally, you should not call a Channel directly, but instead construct
// a stub Service wrapping it. stub can be shared by all threads as well.
example::EchoService_Stub stub(&channel);
// Send a request and wait for the response every 1 second.
int log_id = 0;
while (!brpc::IsAskedToQuit()) {
// We will receive response synchronously, safe to put variables
// on stack.
example::EchoRequest request;
example::EchoResponse response;
brpc::Controller cntl;
request.set_message("hello world");
cntl.set_log_id(log_id ++); // set by user
// Set attachment which is wired to network directly instead of
// being serialized into protobuf messages.
// Because `done'(last parameter) is NULL, this function waits until
// the response comes back or error occurs(including timedout).
stub.Echo(&cntl, &request, &response, NULL);
if (!cntl.Failed()) {
LOG(INFO) << "Received response from " << cntl.remote_side()
<< " to " << cntl.local_side()
<< ": " << response.message() << " (attached="
<< cntl.response_attachment() << ")"
<< " latency=" << cntl.latency_us() << "us";
} else {
LOG(WARNING) << cntl.ErrorText();
usleep(FLAGS_interval_ms * 1000L);
LOG(INFO) << "EchoClient is going to quit";
return 0;
划重点,上面的代码中,核心是stub.RPCMethod(&controller, & request, & response, done),必须要懂里面的参数。
// A Controller mediates a single method call. The primary purpose of
// the controller is to provide a way to manipulate settings per RPC-call
// and to find out about RPC-level errors.
149 // ------------------------------------------------------------------
150 // Client-side methods
151 // These calls shall be made from the client side only. Their results
152 // are undefined on the server side (may crash).
153 // ------------------------------------------------------------------
155 // Set/get timeout in milliseconds for the RPC call. Use
156 // ChannelOptions.timeout_ms on unset.
157 void set_timeout_ms(int64_t timeout_ms);
158 int64_t timeout_ms() const { return _timeout_ms; }
160 // Set/get the delay to send backup request in milliseconds. Use
161 // ChannelOptions.backup_request_ms on unset.
162 void set_backup_request_ms(int64_t timeout_ms);
163 int64_t backup_request_ms() const { return _backup_request_ms; }
165 // Set/get maximum times of retrying. Use ChannelOptions.max_retry on unset.
166 // <=0 means no retry.
167 // Conditions of retrying:
168 // * The connection is broken. No retry if the connection is still on.
169 // Use backup_request if you want to issue another request after some
170 // time.
171 // * Not timed out.
172 // * retried_count() < max_retry().
173 // * Retry may work for the error. E.g. No retry when the request is
174 // incorrect (EREQUEST), retrying is pointless.
175 void set_max_retry(int max_retry);
176 int max_retry() const { return _max_retry; }
注释中出现” Client-side methods“的字样,相对的,当Client进行RPC方法调用将controller对象传到server端后,server端也可以调用里面的方法,比如主动关闭连接等。
395 // Tell RPC to close the connection instead of sending back response.
396 // If this controller was not SetFailed() before, ErrorCode() will be
397 // set to ECLOSE.
398 // NOTE: the underlying connection is not closed immediately.
399 void CloseConnection(const char* reason_fmt, ...);
401 // True if CloseConnection() was called.
402 bool IsCloseConnection() const { return has_flag(FLAGS_CLOSE_CONNECTION); }
另一个参数涉及到了BRPC调用方式(1. 同步 2. 异步 3. 半同步)
#include "echo.pb.h"
DEFINE_bool(echo_attachment, true, "Echo attachment as well");
DEFINE_int32(port, 8000, "TCP Port of this server");
DEFINE_int32(idle_timeout_s, -1, "Connection will be closed if there is no "
"read/write operations during the last `idle_timeout_s'");
DEFINE_int32(logoff_ms, 2000, "Maximum duration of server's LOGOFF state "
"(waiting for client to close connection before server stops)");
// Your implementation of example::EchoService
// Notice that implementing brpc::Describable grants the ability to put
// additional information in /status.
namespace example {
class EchoServiceImpl : public EchoService {
EchoServiceImpl() {};
virtual ~EchoServiceImpl() {};
virtual void Echo(google::protobuf::RpcController* cntl_base,
const EchoRequest* request,
EchoResponse* response,
google::protobuf::Closure* done) {
// This object helps you to call done->Run() in RAII style. If you need
// to process the request asynchronously, pass done_guard.release().
brpc::ClosureGuard done_guard(done);
brpc::Controller* cntl =
// The purpose of following logs is to help you to understand
// how clients interact with servers more intuitively. You should
// remove these logs in performance-sensitive servers.
LOG(INFO) << "Received request[log_id=" << cntl->log_id()
<< "] from " << cntl->remote_side()
<< " to " << cntl->local_side()
<< ": " << request->message()
<< " (attached=" << cntl->request_attachment() << ")";
// Fill response.
// You can compress the response by setting Controller, but be aware
// that compression may be costly, evaluate before turning on.
// cntl->set_response_compress_type(brpc::COMPRESS_TYPE_GZIP);
if (FLAGS_echo_attachment) {
// Set attachment which is wired to network directly instead of
// being serialized into protobuf messages.
} // namespace example
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
// Parse gflags. We recommend you to use gflags as well.
GFLAGS_NS::ParseCommandLineFlags(&argc, &argv, true);
// Generally you only need one Server.
brpc::Server server;
// Instance of your service.
example::EchoServiceImpl echo_service_impl;
// Add the service into server. Notice the second parameter, because the
// service is put on stack, we don't want server to delete it, otherwise
if (server.AddService(&echo_service_impl,
LOG(ERROR) << "Fail to add service";
return -1;
// Start the server.
brpc::ServerOptions options;
options.idle_timeout_sec = FLAGS_idle_timeout_s;
if (server.Start(FLAGS_port, &options) != 0) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Fail to start EchoServer";
return -1;
// Wait until Ctrl-C is pressed, then Stop() and Join() the server.
return 0;
链接: https://github.com/apache/incubator-brpc/blob/master/docs/cn/baidu_std.md
释义 | 说明 |
包头 | 4字节(Magic number : BRPC) + 4字节(包体长度)+4字节(包体中元数据的长度) |
包体(元数据) | 用于描述请求/响应,可设置各种参数。可在元数据上进一步拓展 |
包体 (数据) | 自定义的Protobuf Message。用于存放参数或返回结果。 |
包体 (附件) | 某些场景下需要通过RPC来传递二进制数据,例如文件上传下载,多媒体转码等等。将这些二进制数据打包在Protobuf内会增加不必要的内存拷贝。因此协议允许使用附件的方式直接传送二进制数据。 |