Not guilty?| 人类是否该为动物灭绝“背锅”?


Not guilty?

Humans are not always to blame when big animals go extinct

The Economist| August 15th 2020



palaeontology n. [古生]古生物学


not guilty[法]无罪(declared not guilty of a specific offense or cime; legally blameless)

eg: He pleaded that he was not guilty. 他申辩自己无罪。

be to blamevi. 该受责备(应负责任)





渡渡鸟(Raphus cucullatus),或作多多鸟(Dodo),又称毛里求斯多多鸟、愚鸠、孤鸽,是仅产于印度洋毛里求斯岛上一种不会飞的鸟。这种鸟在被人类发现后仅仅200年的时间里,便由于人类的捕杀和人类活动的影响彻底灭绝,堪称是除恐龙之外最著名的已灭绝动物之一。也是毛里求斯唯一被定为国鸟的已灭绝鸟类,渡渡鸟于1681年灭绝。

【谚】As dead as a dodo. 死透了;早就过时了。

That hairstyle isas dead as a dodonow.

披毛犀(woolly rhinoceros)

又称长毛犀牛(an extinct two-horned Eurasian rhinoceros that was adapted to the cold periods of the Pleistocene, with a long woolly coat)因全身披满厚厚的毛而得此名。披毛犀有两只扁平的角,可以推开雪来吃草。它亦有一层厚厚的毛皮及脂肪,用来在寒冷中保持温暖。披毛犀生存于更新世时期,与真猛玛同一时代,并度过冰河时期存活了下来,活跃在欧亚大陆北部。披毛犀曾是旧石器时代人类的狩猎对象,它的灭绝年代至21世纪只有10000年,是最晚灭绝的史前犀。


From the moa in New Zealand to the dodo in Mauritius, the arrival of humans has often spelled extinction for tasty but previously isolated animals. Many scientists had assumed that the woolly rhinoceros, a shaggy beast that sported an enormous horn, suffered the same fate. The animal was common in northern Europe and northern Asia 30,000 years ago, when the first humans arrived. Shortly after, it disappeared.


spell vt. 招致,带来(不好的结果);意味着

tasty adj. 美味的,可口的

shaggy adj.蓬松的;表面粗糙的;毛发粗浓杂乱的

sport v. 穿戴;蓄留;展示(特殊或引人注目的东西)[with obj.] (wear or display (a distinctive or noticeable item))

eg: He was sporting a huge handlebar moustache. 他留着巨大的翘八字胡。



But Love Dalén, a professorat the Centre for Palaeogenetics inStockholm, and Edana Lord, one of Dr Dalén’s PHD students,are not so sure. In a paper published in Current Biology, they use data from ancient DNA to argue that, this time at least, humans might be innocent.


Palaeogenetics n. 古遗传学

Stockholm 斯德哥尔摩(瑞典首都)

Current Biology《当代生物学》,由美国细胞出版社出版(1991年至今),内容涵盖生物学各个领域的科学期刊,尤其是分子生物学,细胞生物学,遗传学,神经生物学,生态学及进化生物学等各领域。

但斯德哥尔摩古遗传学中心的洛夫·戴伦(Love Dalén)教授和他的一位博士研究生埃达娜·洛德(Edana Lord)却不这么认为。在《当代生物学》(Current Biology)上一篇论文中,他们使用了来自远古DNA的数据来论证这一观点。至少这一次,人类可能是无罪的。


Until recently, information on the fate of the great ice-age mammals had been limited to what could be gleaned from fossilised bones. While useful, bones can only tell you so much. They can reveal the number of animals of different ages present at a specific location at a specific time. With some species sex can be determined. Occasionally the cause of death can be detected.


glean vt. 收集(资料)

be gleaned from 从……收集

fossilissed bones骨化石



In the past couple of decades, though, scientists have learned to tap another, richer source of information: ancient genomes. By itself, DNA degrades quickly, attacked by water and sunlight. But DNA encased within bones and teeth can survive for longer, especially if those bones and teeth are themselves encased in permafrost. It was this sort of DNA that enabled Dr Dalén and Ms Lord to investigate the woolly rhino’s disappearance.


tap v. 利用,开发,发掘(已有的资源、知识等) ~(into) sth. to make use of a soure of energy, knowledge, etc. that already exists.

eg: We need to tap the expertise of the people we already have. 我们需要利用我们现有人员的专业知识。

degrade vt./vi. (使)降解;(使)降级

encase vt. 把……放入盒内;把……装箱

permafrost n. (如极地的)永久冻土

It is … that … 强调句,用于强调 is 和 that 之间的成分

eg: It is your hard work that matters.



Working with ateam of colleagues, the researchers obtained DNA from 12 woolly rhinoceros bones collected from permafrost in Siberia, dating from the beginning of the Late Pleistocene, about 130,000 years ago, until the animals were on the verge of extinction. Extra DNA was recovered from one sample of rhino hair and one piece of tissue found in the stomach of a frozen wolf that had been preserved by the cold.


on the verge of extinction濒临灭绝

SYM:be on the verge of = be close to = on the brink of = on the edge of + extinction

tissuen. 生理组织(part of an organism consisting of an aggregate of cells having a similar structure and function)



Analysing the genetic diversity of the samples allowed the researchers to make a rough calculation ofthe size of the woolly rhino population over time. Rather than declining as humans arrived, the population remained stable from 29,000 years ago until 18,500 years ago, just a few thousand years before the species went extinct.


over time随着时间的推移



That suggests that, far from being hunted to extinction, the rhinos co-existed stably with humans for around 10,000 years. Perhaps the people who encountered the beasts found them unpalatable. Or perhaps the rhinos were simply too dangerous to hunt with their simple weapons. (They were the size of the modern white rhino, which is not an animal that takes kindly to being stabbed withspears.)


unpalatable adj. 不好吃的;味道差的

stab vt./vi. 刺,扎;刺入,刺伤

spear n. 矛;枪



Theresearchers’ case is not quite conclusive. It ispossible that some sort of technological advance eventually gave ancient humansthe ability to hunt rhinos safely, and that extinction followed after that breakthrough. On the other hand, the animals’ decline lines up suggestively with a rapid bout of global warming that began around 14,700 years ago.The researchers argue that this was the more likely cause of the animal’s disappearance. This time, it seems, it was Mother Nature whodunnit.


conclusive adj. 确定的;毫无疑问的;不容置疑的

line up与……对齐

suggestively adv. 让人想起……地;引起联想地;暗示地

bout n. 一次;回合

whodunnit n. 侦探小说(who has done it 的缩写)(a story about a crime (usually murder) presented as a novel or play or movie)






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