
Barbecued Lobster with Sea Vegetable and Potato Salad






1 fresh lobster (about 450g)

2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil

2 cedar wood sheets, soaked in cold water for 1 hour, then drained

a good handful of fresh herb sprigs (such as savoury, thyme and rosemary)

4 asparagus spears, trimmed








a splash of olive oil

150g samphire

2 rashers smoked back bacon

1 teaspoon balsamic vinegar

1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil

1 teaspoon wholegrain mustard

8 new potatoes, skin on, boiled and cooled

2 tablespoons podded and blanched broad beans

2 tablespoons sea purslane

sea salt and freshly cracked black pepper












Preheat the barbecue to a mild/low heat.


For the barbecued lobster, bring a large pan of water to the boil (make sure that the lobster fits in the pan before you start!). Once the water is boiling rapidly, place the lobster in and cover the pan with a lid. Cook for 4 minutes, then remove the lobster, remove the tail from the body (I wear thick rubber gloves to protect my hands) and return the claws to the boiling water for a further 3 minutes. Cool both the tail and the claws in iced water.


Prepare the tail: crush the shell with your hands – this will make serving easy and ensure that the smoke penetrates the tail. Brush the tail with some of the oil, then place it on 1 of the drainedsoaked cedar wood sheets, together with about two-thirds of the fresh herb sprigs. Wrap the cedar wood around the lobster and herbs and secure withkitchen string.


Prepare the claws: use a small light hammer to remove the shell from the claw meat. Glaze the meat with the remaining oil, place the asparagus and the remaining herbs on the second soaked cedar wood sheet with the lobster meat, then wrap the mixture up in the cedar wood and secure


Cook the parcels over a mild/low heat on the barbecue for about 10–12 minutes. I like to cook them on the cooler parts of the barbecue so that the soaked wood does not dry out too quickly nor burn too fast (if you are using a barbecue with a lid, then use the lid to encourage the smoking).

在烤架上烤10 - 12分钟。我喜欢在烧烤的较冷的地方烹饪它们,这样浸泡过的木材不会很快变干,也不会燃烧得太快(如果你用一个带有盖子的烧烤,然后用盖子来促进烟熏)。

Meanwhile, prepare the sea vegetable and potato salad. Heat a splash of olive oil in a medium non-stick frying pan and sauté the samphire over a high heat for 2 minutes, then remove to a plate. In the same pan, cook the bacon rashers for 4–5 minutes until cooked and crispy, then remove to a plate. Deglaze the pan with the vinegar, extra virgin olive oil and the mustard to form the vinaigrette. Cut the cooked potatoes in half and mix with the warm vinaigrette. Chop the bacon and mix with the potatoes, along with the broad beans and samphire. Add half of the sea purslane and season to taste with salt and pepper.

同时,准备海藻和土豆沙拉。用中不粘的煎锅加热橄榄油,然后在高温下煎2分钟,然后移到盘子里。在同一锅中,将培根烤盘煮4 - 5分钟,直到煮熟后酥脆,然后移到盘子上。把锅和醋、特级初榨橄榄油和芥末混合在一起,形成醋汁。把煮熟的土豆切成两半,加入温醋酱。把培根切碎,和土豆和蚕豆和海蓬子混合在一起。加入一半的海马齿苋,加入盐和胡椒调味。

Serve the smoked lobster (either as sealed parcels or unwrapped) on serving plates with the potato and sea vegetable salad, and garnish with the rest of the sea purslane.

