【系统分析师之路】第二十一章 复盘系分专业英语

【系统分析师之路】第二十一章 复盘系分专业英语


    • 【系统分析师之路】第二十一章 复盘系分专业英语
      • 前言部分 历年真题考点分析
      • 第一部分 综合知识历年真题
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前言部分 历年真题考点分析


第一部分 综合知识历年真题


55.A project management technique that is currently in widespread use is the (71) . The purpose of this technique is to detail, in hierarchical fashion, all of the activities that are required to meet project objectives. There are some special activities called(72), which are events that signify the accomplishment or completion of major deliverables during the project. Most system development methodologies also provide (73), whose purpose is to contain the various pieces of relevant information – feasibility assessments, schedules, needs analysis, and so forth – in a single place so that they can be presented to project clients and other related parties. Several types of important network diagrams are used in project management.(74) was developed to make clear the interdependence between project tasks before those tasks are scheduled. (75) offers the advantage of clearly showing overlapping tasks.
A.Functional decomposition diagram B.Work Breakdown Structure
C.Structure Chart
D.Organizational Structure
A.feasibility checkpoints
A.baseline plan
B.project planning
C.statement of work
D.information system planning
B.Network Diagram
D.Gantt chart
B.Network Diagram
D.Gantt chart

目前被广泛使用的一种项目管理技术就是工作分解结构(Work Breakdown Structure),其目的是采用层次结构的方式,详细地描述为了达到项目的目标所需要进行的一些活动。在这些活动中有一些被称为里程碑(milestones)的特殊活动,这些活动中包含了标志项目的主要交付产品己经完成的事件。大多数系统开发方法都提供了基线计划(baseline plan),其目的是将一系列相关信息,如可行性评估、进度安排和需求分析等包含在一起,便于向项目的客户及相关团体展示。在项目管理中还用到了一些重要的网络图形。在对项目任务进行安排之前,可以使用PERT图清晰地展示这些任务之问的内在依赖关系。Gantt通常适用于现实具有并行关系的任务。


55.The(71)is a general description of the architecture of a workflow management system used by the WFMC, in which the main components and the associated interfaces are summarized.The workflow enactment service is the heart of a workflow system which consists of several(72).In a workflow system, a process is specified using the process definition tool.Usually, processes are defined in terms of a(73), which consists of(74)indicated using a circle, and(75)shown as a rectangle.These two components can be linked by means of a directed arc.
A.waterfall model
B.workflow reference model
C.evolutionary model
D.spiral model
A.workflow engines
C.workflow threads
A.PERT diagram
C.Petri Net
D.ER diagram


  1. 专用名词

    1. waterfall model瀑布模型
    2. workflow reference model工作流参考模型
    3. workflow management system 工作流管理系统WfMS
    4. evolutionary model演化模型
    5. spiral model螺旋模型
    6. workflow engines工作流引擎
    7. workflow threads工作流进程
  2. 一般名词

    1. in the heart of 在…中心
    2. condition 状态; 状况; 健康状况
    3. transition 过渡; 转变; 变迁; 变革;
    4. transmitter发射机,发射台,发报台; 传送者
    5. transformation (彻底的)变化,改观,转变,改革
    6. associate 联系,交往;
    7. summarize 总结; 概括; 概述;
    8. enactment 法规; (法律、法案、法令的)制订
    9. in terms of 依据,按照
    10. specified 具体说明; 明确规定; 详述; 详列;
    11. directed arc 有向弧; 有向连接弧;
  3. 全文翻译

    1. 工作流参考模型(Workflow Refence Model)是WFMC(工作流管理联盟)给出的工作流管理系统的通用体系结构描述。
    2. 在这个参考模型中,给出了工作流管理系统的主要构成部件和相关的接口。
    3. 工作流执行服务是工作流管理系统的核心,通常由多个工作流引擎(workflow engines)构成。
    4. 工作流管理系统的另一个重要组成部分是用于定义过程的过程定义工具,目前多采用Petri网(Petri Net)进行过程定义。
    5. Petri网由库所(places)和变迁(transitions)构成。
    6. 在图形上,库所用圆圈表示,变迁用矩形表示。库所和变迁之间用有向箭头连接。
  4. 知识扩展

    1. Petri网用于描述和分析系统中的控制流和信息流,尤其是那些有异步和并发活动的系统。
    2. 经典的Petri网是简单的过程模型,由两种节点:库所和变迁,有向弧,以及令牌等元素组成的。
    3. Petri网的元素有:库所(Place)圆形节点,变迁(Transition)方形节点,有向弧(Connection)是库所和变迁之间的有向弧,令牌(Token)是库所中的动态对象,可以从一个库所移动到另一个库所,库所可以拥有任意数量的令牌。
    4. Petri网适合于描述异步的、并发的计算机系统模型。

54.construction of(71)to more rapidly identify business and user requirements for a new system. As an accelerated analysis technology,(72)reads the program code and automatically generates the equivalent system model, and the code can be obtained from (73). All system analysis approaches require some form of(74)which includes those techniques to be used to identify or extract system problems and solution requirements from user community. (75)is a classical set of techniques used to collect information about system problems, opportunities, solution requirements, and priorities.
A.object models
C.use cases
A.eXtreme programming
B.model driven
C.reverse engineering
D.agile Method
A.existing database and application program
B.application program and user interface
C.existing database and user interface
D.existing database,application program and user interface
A.requirement discovery
B.business process redesign
C.cause-and-effect analysis
D.total quality management
A.Continuous process improvement B.Joint Requirements planning
D.Structured engineering


  1. 专用名词
    1. object models 对象模型
    2. eXtreme programming 极限编程
    3. model driven 模型驱动
    4. reverse engineering 逆向工程
    5. agile Method 敏捷方法
    6. existing database 现有数据库
    7. requirement discovery 需求发现
    8. business process redesign 业务流程重组
    9. cause-and-effect analysis 因果分析
    10. total quality management 全面质量管理
    11. Continuous process improvement 持续过程改进
    12. Joint Requirements planning 联合需求计划
    13. Fact-finding 事实调查
    14. Structured engineering 结构化工程
  2. 一般名词
    1. accelerated 加快,加速
    2. equivalent 等量
    3. obtain 获得,赢得
    4. approach 靠近,接近
    5. user community 用户社区
    6. priorities 优先权; 重点
  3. 全文翻译
    1. 快速分析方法强调构造原型以便更快速地为一个新系统确定业务需求和用户需求。
    2. 作为一种快速分析技术,逆向工程读取一个现有数据库、应用程序和用户界面的程序代码,并自动地生成等价的系统模型。
    3. 所有系统分析方法都需要某种形式的需求获取,包括了用来从用户团体那里确定或提取系统问题和解决方案需求的那些技术。
    4. 事实调查是一套经典的技术,用于收集有关系统问题、机会、方案需求及其优先级的信息。

56.Many of the activities performed during the preliminary investigation are still being conducted in(71), but in much greater
depth than before. During this phase, the analyst must become fully
aware of the(72)and must develop enough knowledge about the(73)and the
existing systems to enable an effective solution to be proposed and
implemented. Besides the (74)for process and data of current system,
the deliverable from this phase also includes the(75)for the proposed
A.analysis phase
B. design phase
C.implementation phase
D. maintenance phase
A.main symptom
B.root problem
C.final blueprint
D.data specification
A.hardware environment
B.testing environment
C.software environment
D.business environment
A.logical models
B.physical models
C.design models
D.implementation models
A.hardware and software specification
B.system performance specification
C.formal requirements definition
D.general problem statement


  1. 专用名词
    1. analysis phase 分析阶段
    2. design phase 设计阶段
    3. implementation phase 实现阶段
    4. maintenance phase 维护阶段
    5. final blueprint 最终计划蓝图
    6. main symptom 主要症状
    7. root problem 根本原因
    8. data specification 数据规范;数据规格
    9. logical models 逻辑模型
    10. physical models物理模型
    11. general statement 总结性的陈述
    12. formal requirements definition 形式化需求定义
    13. system performance specification系统性能规格
  2. 一般名词
  3. 全文翻译
    1. 初始调查阶段的许多活动仍然会在分析阶段进行,但会比前面更为深入。
    2. 在这个阶段,分析师必须认识到根本性问题并且必须获取到足够的关于业务环境和现有系统的知识,以便提出和实现一种有效的解决方案。
    3. 除了现有系统过程与数据的逻辑模型外,这一阶段的交付品还包括了所建议系统的形式化需求定义

54.System analysis is traditionally done top-down using structured analysis based on(71).Object-oriented analysis focuses on creation of models.The three types of the analysis model are(72).There are two substages of object-oriented analysis.(73)focuses on real-world things whose semantics the application captures.The object constructed in the requirement analysis shows the(74)of the real-world system and organizes it into workable pieces.
(75)addresses the computer aspects of the application that are visible to users.The objects are those
which can be expected to vary from time to time quite rapidly.
A.functional decomposition
B.object abstraction
C.data inheritance
D.information generalization
A.function model,class model and state model
B.class model,interaction model and state model
C.class model,interaction model and sequence model
D.function model,interaction model and state model
A.Static analysis
B.Semantic analysis
C.Scope analysis
D.Domain analysis
A.static structure
B.system components
C.data flows
D.program procedures
A.Program analysis
B.Function requirement
C.Application analysis
D.Physical model


  1. 专用名词
    functional decomposition 功能分解
    data inheritance 数据继承
    object abstraction 对象交互
    information generalization 信息实现
    function model 功能模型
    class model 类模型
    state model 状态模型
    interaction model 交互模型
    sequence model 顺序模型
    Static analysis 静态分析
    Scope analysis 范围分析
    Domain analysis 域分析
    static structure 静态结构
    system components 系统组件
    data flows 数据流
    program procedures 程序流程
    Function requirement 功能需求
    Program analysis 程序分析
    Application analysis 应用分析
    Physical model 逻辑模型
    Semantic analysis 语义分析
  2. 一般名词
    traditional 传统上; 传说上;
    substage 子阶段; 子级;
    quite rapidly 较快的变化
  3. 全文翻译

56.The analysis phase answers the questions of who will use the system, what the system will do, and where and when it will be used.During this phase, the project team investigates any current system,identifies (71),and develops a concept for the new system. This phase has three steps: first, (72) is developed to guide the project team’s efforts. It usually includes an analysis of the current system and its problems, and the ways to design a new system.
The next step is (73).The analysis of this information - in conjunction with input from the project sponsor and many other people - leads to the development of a concept for a new system. The system concept is then used as a basis
to develop a set of business analysis models that describes how the business will operate if the new system were developed. The set of models typically includes models that represent the (74) necessary to support the underlying business process.
Last, the analyses, system concepts, and models are combined into a document called the (75) ,which is presented to the project sponsor and other key decision makers that decide whether the project should continue to move forward
A.improvement opportunities
B.logical model
C.system requirements
D.system architecture
A.a user manual
B.an analysis strategy
C.an analysis use case
D.a design user case
A.project scope definition
B.problems analysis
C.decision analysis
D.requirements gathering
A.data and processes
B.system infrastructures
C.external agents
D.design specification
A.requirements statement
B.design specification
C.system proposal
D.project charter


  1. 专业名词
    improvement opportunities 改进机会
    logical model 逻辑模型
    system requirements 系统需求
    system architecture 系统架构
    a user manual 一个用户手册
    an analysis strategy 一个分析策略
    an analysis use case 一个分析用例
    a design user case 一个设计用例
    project scope definition 项目范围定义
    problems analysis 问题分析
    decision analysis 决策分析
    requirements gathering 需求聚集
    data and processes 数据和流程
    system infrastructures 系统基础设施
    design specification 设计规格
    external agents 外部代理
    project charter 项目章程
    requirements statement 需求说明
    system proposal 系统建议
    project sponsor 项目发起人
  2. 一般名词
    infrastructures 国家或机构的)基础设施,基础建设
    proposal n.建议; 提议; 求婚; 动议
    investigates 研究; 调查; 侦查(某事); 调查(某人);
    in conjunction with 连同…;与…一起;
  3. 全文翻译
    1. 分析阶段回答谁将使用该系统、系统能做什么及系统在何时何地使用的问题。
    2. 在该阶段,项目组调研当前系统、识别改进机会并开发出一个新系统的概念。
    3. 这个阶段分为三个步骤:首先,开发一个分析策略来指导项目组工作。
    4. 这些分析策略通常包括了当前系统及其问题的分析和设计新系统的方法。
    5. 下一步是需求收集。对这些信息(汇同系统发起人和很多其他人员的输入)的分析会导致开发出一个新系统的概念。
    6. 系统概念作为开发一组业务分析模型的基础,这些模型描述了新系统开发完成后企业如何运作。
    7. 这组模型通常包含那些表示数据和过程的模型,这些数据和过程是支持底层业务过程所必需的。
    8. 最后,这些分析、系统概念和模型合并到一个称为系统建议书的文档中,
    9. 将被提交给项目组发起人和其他决定项目是否继续执行的主要决策人员

53.The traditional model for systems development was that an IT department used (71)which is a process-centered technique, and consulted users only when their input or approval was needed.Compared with traditional methods, many companies find that JAD allows key users to participate effectively in the (72).When properly used, JAD can result in a more accurate statement of system requirements, a better understanding of common goals, and a stronger commitment to the
success of the new system. RAD is a team-based technique that speeds up information systems development and produces a functioning information system. While the end product of JAD is a(an) (73),the end product of RAD is the (74).The RAD model consists of four phases.During the (75),users interact with systems analysts and develop models and prototypes that represent all system processes, outputs, and inputs.
A.structured analysis
B.object-oriented analysis
C.prototype analysis
D.process analysis
A.initial scope definition
B.requirements modeling process
C.object modeling process
D.architecture design
A.data flow diagram
B.entity relationship model
C.requirements model
D.object model
A.system proposal
B.system design model
C.new system architecture
D.new information system
A.requirements planning phase
B.user design phase
C.construction phase
D.cutover phase


  1. 专业名词
    structured analysis 结构化分析
    object-oriented analysis 面向对象分析
    prototype analysis 原型化分析
    process analysis 流程分析
    initial scope definition初始范围定义
    entity relationship model 实体关系模型
    object modeling process 对象模型过程
    architecture design 框架设计
    requirements model 需求建模
    data flow diagram 数据流图
    system proposal 系统建议书
    system design model 系统设计模型
    new system architecture 新系统框架
    new information system 新的信息系统
    requirements planning phase 需求计划阶段
    user design phase 用户设计阶段
    construction phase 构造阶段
    cutover phase 切换阶段;
    RAD=rapid application develop(快速应用开发)
    JAD=Joint application develop(联合应用开发)

  2. 一般名词
    properly 适当地; 正确地; 恰当地;
    accurate statement 准确的陈述
    consulted v. 咨询; 查阅
    participate effectively 有效参与

  3. 全文翻译

    1. 系统开发的传统模式是IT部门使用一种以过程为中心的结构化分析技术,只有当需要用户输入或认可的时候才与用户讨论。
    2. 与传统方法相比,许多公司发现JAD能让主要用户有效地参与到需求建模过程中。
    3. 如果使用得当,JAD能够产生更为准确的系统需求陈述,更好地理解共同目标和对于新系统取得成功更强有力的承诺。
    4. RAD是一种团队开发技术,能够加快信息系统的开发并生产出正常运作的信息系统。
    5. JAD的最终产品是一个需求模型,而RAD的最终产品是新的信息系统。
    6. RAD模型包括4个阶段。在用户设计阶段,用户与系统分析员交互,开发模型和原型以表示系统所有的加工、输出和输入。
  4. 知识扩展

    1. JAD是一种类似于头脑风暴的技术,它通过一连串的合作研讨会(也叫JAD会议)将一个应用程序的设计和开发中的客户或最终用户聚集在一起。JAD充分利用了群体动力优势,群体能够提高生产力、消除更多的错误;从而成倍地加快了开发的速度,并且增大了客户的满足感,因为客户参与了开发的全过程。
    2. RAD将软件开发作为其的一个过程,如果正确地理解了需求,而且约束了项目的范围,利用这种模型可以很快创建出功能完善的信息系统。其目的是快速交付系统解决方案,而技术上的优化对于交付速度来说是次要的;因此RAD很可能不是最优的,所以企业在采用之前应该认真检查是否已经具备成功条件。但是对那些适用的个案,RAD可以成为消除业务和IT之间差距的桥梁。下面通过案例来阐述RAD的优势:

54.Feasibility should be measured throughout the life cycle of system development. The scope and complexity of an apparently feasible project can change after the initial problems and opportunities are fully analyzed or after the system has been designed. Thus, a project that is feasible at one point may become infeasible later. The first feasibility analysis is conducted during the (71) . The (72) represents a major feasibility analysis activity since it charts one of many possible implementations as the target for systems design. (73) is a measure of how well the solution will work in the organization. It is also a measure of how people feel about the system. When it is determined in the later stages of the system life cycle, (74) is often performed with a working prototype of the proposed system. This is a test of the system’s user interfaces and is measured in how easy they are to learn and to use and how they support the desired productivity levels of the users. Economic feasibility has been defined as a cost-benefit analysis. The (75) technique is a simple and popular method for determining if and when an investment will pay for itself.
A.problem analysis phase
B.preliminary investigation phase
C.requirements analysis phase
D.decision analysis phase
A.problem analysis phase
B.preliminary investigation phase
C.requirements analysis phase
D.decision analysis phase
A.Operational feasibility
B.Technical feasibility
C.Schedule feasibility
D.Economic feasibility
A.performance analysis
B.control analysis
C.usability analysis
D.interface analysis
A.payback analysis
B.retum-on-investment analysis
C.present value
D.time value of money

解答:答案选择 B|C|A|C|B。标准答案B|D|A|C|A。错二个。

  1. 专业名词
    feasibility analysis 可行性分析
    problem analysis phase 问题分析阶段
    preliminary investigation phase 初步调查阶段
    requirements analysis phase 需求分析阶段
    decision analysis phase 决策分析阶段
    performance analysis绩效分析
    control analysis 控制分析
    usability analysis 可用性分析
    interface analysis 接口分析
    payback analysis 偿还分析
    retum-on-investment analysis 投资回报分析
    present value 现值
    time value of money 钱的时间价值
    Operational feasibility 用户操作可行性
    Technical feasibility 技术可行性
    Economic feasibility 经济可行性
    Schedule feasibility 计划可行性

  2. 一般名词
    cost-benefit analysis 成本效益分析
    Feasibility 可行性
    throughout 贯穿整个周期,自始至终
    complexity 复杂性
    feasible adj. 可行的; 行得通的
    infeasible 不能实行的;不可能的;办不到的
    conduct 实施; 执行; 引导
    desired productivity 期望生产率
    preliminary investigation 初步调查
    implementation 执行,履行,实施,贯彻

  3. 全文翻译

    1. 可行性的判定贯穿于系统幵发的生命周期。
    2. 一个明显可行的项目,在全面分析了初始问题和机会或系统设计后,其范围和复杂性会发生变化。
    3. 因此,某一时刻可行的项目在此后可能会变得不可行。第一次可行性分析在初始调研阶段进行。
    4. 由于要绘制多个可能的实现方案之一作为系统设计的目标,决策分析阶段表示一个主要的可行性分析活动。
    5. 操作可行性是对解决方案在企业中工作效果的度量,它也是衡量人们对于系统的感受。
    6. 当它在系统生命周期后面的阶段被确定后,经常会用一个建议系统的工作原型进行可用性分析。
    7. 这是对系统用户界面的一种测试,它通过系统如何易于学习和使用及系统如何支持用户所期望的生产力水平进行衡量。
    8. 偿还分析技术是一种简单流行的方法用于确定是否及何时将收回成本。

53.A requirement is simply a statement of what the system must do or what characteristics it needs to have. Requirements written from the perspective of user and focus on user needs are called (71).
Requirements written from the developer’s perspective and describe how the system will be implemented are called (72). Requirements evolve from detailed statements of business capabilities that a system should have to detailed statements of the technical way in which the capabilities will be implemented in the new system.
Requirements can be either functional or nofunctional in nature. For example, during the analysis phase of travel vehicles sales system, the system that must have the ability to search for available inventory is (73).
The requirement that the system should be able to work on any Web browser belongs to (74). That customer personal information is protected in compliance with the Data Protection Act is a requirement of (75).
A.operational requirements
B.business requirements
C.technical requirements
D.system requirements
A.operational requirements
B.business requirements
C.technical requirements
D.system requirements
A.a functional requirements
B.a technical requirements
C.an operational requirements
D.a service requirements
A.functional requirements
B.technical requirements
C.operational requirements
D.information requirements
A.information requirements
B.system performance
C.security and control
D.cultural and political


  1. 专业名词
    operational requirements 操作需求
    business requirements 业务需求
    technical requirements 技术需求
    system requirements 系统需求
    functional requirements 功能需求
    service requirements 服务需求
    information requirements 信息需求
    system performance 系统性能
    security and control 安全与控制
    cultural and political 文化和政治
    Inventory Management 库存管理

  2. 一般名词
    characteristics 特点; 特征; 品质;
    perspective 观点; 态度; 思考方法;
    in nature 事实上,性质上;
    implemented 实施; 执行; 使生效; 贯彻;
    compliance 顺从,服从;

  3. 全文翻译

    1. 简单说需求就是关于系统必须做什么或需要有哪些特点的陈述。
    2. 从用户角度所撰写的需求主要关注用户的需要,称为业务需求。
    3. 从开发者角度所撰写的需求主要描述系统如何被实现,称为系统需求。
    4. 需求从一个系统应有业务功能的详细陈述演变到新系统中实现这些功能中所采用技术途径的详细陈述。
    5. 需求本身可以是功能性或非功能性的。
    6. 例如,在旅行车销售系统的分析阶段,系统必须能够搜索现有的库存是一种功能性需求。
    7. 系统应该能够适应任何Web浏览器的需求属于操作需求。
    8. 客户个人信息应依照Data Protection Act予以保护则是文化和政治方面的需求。

57.A requirement is simply a statement of what the system must do or what characteristics it needs to have.
Requirements evolve from broad statements of overall (71) from the system to detailed statements of the business capabilities that a system should support to detailed technical statements of the way in which the capabilities will be implemented in the new system. (72) focus on describing how to create the software product that will be produced from the project Nonfunctional requirements are primarily used in the design phase when decisions are made about the user interface, the hardware and software, and the system’s underlying architecture. The system’s physical and technical environments would be considered (73). The speed, capacity, and reliability of the system belong to (74). (75)describes that who has authorized access to the system under what circumstances.
A.business needs
B.operation processes
C.technical specification
D.function components
A.User requirements
B.Business requirements
C.Function requirements
D.System requirements
A.a functional requirement
B.a technical requirement
C.an operational requirement
D.a service requirenient
A.security requirement
B.performance requirement
C.technical requirement
D.information requirement
A.System constraint
B.Cultural requirement
C.Control requirement
D.Security requirement


  1. 专业名词
    business needs 业务需要
    operation processes 操作流程
    technical specification 技术规格
    function components 功能组件
    User requirements 用户需求
    Business requirements 业务需求
    Function requirements 功能需求
    System requirements 系统需求
    Security requirement 安全需求
    Control requirement 控制需求
    System constraint 系统约束
    Cultural requirement 文化要求
    system’s underlying architecture 系统底层架构

  2. 全文翻译

    1. a statement of 陈述
    2. overall 总体的; 全面的; 综合的;
    3. broad statements 概括性的陈述
    4. Business Capability 业务能力; 工作能力;
    5. authorized 授权; 批准;
    6. circumstances 境; 条件; 状况; 境况;
    7. primarily 主要地; 根本地;
  3. 全文翻译

    1. 需求只是陈述了系统必须做什么或者系统需要有什么特性,需求来自于从系统总体业务需要的广泛陈述到系统所支持业务能力的详细陈述,再到新系统能力实现中所采用方法的详细技术陈述。
    2. 功能性需求致力于描述如何创建将在项目中产生的软件产品。
    3. 非功能性需求主要在设计阶段中做出关于用户界面、硬件和软件,以及系统底层架构的决策时使用。
    4. 系统的物理和技术环境将被看作一种操作需求。系统的速度、能力和可靠性属于性能需求。
    5. 安全性需求描述了谁在什么情况下具有访问系统的权限。

49.A variety of tools is available to help the analyst to discover the users’true needs.These tools are grouped into three broad techniques that are based on the degree of change anticipated in the to-be system.
Business process(71) is used when the basic business Requirements outlined in the system request focus on employing computer technology in some aspect of the business process. Two popular activities used in the technique are(72). Business process(73)means that the basic business requirements target moderate changes to the organization’s operations. (74)are three popular activities in the technique. Business process (75)means changing the current way of doing business and making major changes to take advantage of new ideas and new technology.
A.duration analysis and outcome analysis
B.problem analysis and root cause analysis
C.technology analysis and activity elimination
D.activity-based costing and informal benchmarking
A. Duration analysis,activity-based costing and informal benchmarking
B.Outcome analysis,technology analysis and activity elimination
C.Problem analysis, root cause analysis and critical path analysis
D.Cost-benefit analysis,schedule analysis and risk analysis


  1. 专业名词
    basic business Requirements 基本业务需求
    Business process automation 业务流程自动化
    Business process modeling 业务流程模式
    Business process improvement 业务流程改进
    Business process reengineering 业务流程重组
    problem analysis and root cause analysis 问题及根本原因分析
    critical path analysis 关键路径分析
    Cost-benefit analysis 成本效益分析
    schedule analysis and risk analysis 计划及风险分析
    Duration analysis 持续时间分析
    Outcome analysis 结果分析
    activity-based costing 基于活动的成本核算
    informal benchmarking 非正式的基准测试
    formal benchmarking 正式的基准测试
    activity elimination 作业消除

  2. 一般名词
    A variety of 种种; 形形色色
    outline v. 概述; 略述;
    moderate 适度的; 温和的; 适中的
    take advantage of 利用; 占…的便宜;
    anticipated (尤指文化活动)受期待的,令人期盼的;

  3. 全文翻译

    1. 可以使用各种工具来帮助分析师发现用户的真实需求。
    2. 这些工具分为三个基于在待系统中预期的变化程度的广泛技术
    3. 业务流程自动化在基础系统要求中概述的业务需求侧重于在业务流程的某些方面采用计算机技术。
    4. 该技术中使用的两种流行活动是问题分析和根本原因分析。
    5. 业务流程改进意味着基本业务需求针对组织运营的适度变化。
    6. 持续时间分析,基于活动的成本核算和非正式的基准测试是该技术的三大流行活动。

54.The purpose of the systems analysis phase is to build a logical model of the new system.The first step is ( 71),where you investigate business processes and document what the new system must do to satisfy users. This step continues the investigation that began during the (72). You use the fact-finding results to build business models,data and process models ,and object models. The deliverable for the systems analysis phase is the (73), which describes management and user requirements , costs and benefits , and outlines alternative development strategies. The purpose of the systems design phase is to create a physical model that will satisfy all documented requirements for the system. During the systems design phase,you need to determine the(74),which programmers will use to transform the logical design into program modules and code. The deliverable for this phase is the(75), which is presented to management and users for review and approval.
A. system logical modeling
B. use case modeling
C. requirements modeling
D. application modeling
A. systems planning phase
B. systems modeling phase
C. systems analysis phase
D. systems design phase.
A. system charter
B. system scope definition
C. system blueprint
D. system requirements document
A. application architecture
B. system data model
C. system process model
D. implement environment
A. system architecture description
B. system design specification
C. system technique architecture
D. physical deployment architecture


  1. 一般词汇
    investigation (正式的)调查,侦查
    The purpose of 的目的;
    fact-finding results 实情调查结果
    deliverable 应交付的产品;
    alternative 可供选择的事物
    outlines alternative 概述备选方案
    approval 同意; 赞成; 批准

  2. 专业词汇
    系统逻辑模型 system logical modeling
    用例模型 use case modeling
    需求模型 requirements modeling
    应用模型 application modeling
    系统计划阶段 systems planning phase
    系统建模阶段 systems modeling phase
    系统分析阶段 systems analysis phase
    系统设计阶段 systems design phase
    系统章程 system charter
    系统范围定义 system scope definition
    系统蓝图 system blueprint
    系统需求文档 system requirements document
    应用框架 application architecture
    系统数据模型 system data model
    系统流程模型 system process model
    实现环境 implement environment
    系统框架描述 system architecture description
    系统设计规范 system design specification
    系统技术架构 system technique architecture
    物理部署架构 physical deployment architecture

  3. 全文翻译

    1. 系统分析阶段的目的是建立新系统的逻辑模型。
    2. 第一步是_(用例模型)_,调查业务流程并记录新系统必须做哪些以满足用户需求。
    3. 这一步继续在_(系统计划阶段)_开始的调查。
    4. 你可以使用事实调查结果构建业务模型,数据和流程模型以及对象模型。
    5. 系统分析阶段的可交付成果是_(系统范围定义)_,它描述了管理和用户要求,成本和收益,并概述了替代发展策略。
    6. 系统设计阶段的目的是创建一个能够满足系统所有文件化要求的物理模型。
    7. 在系统设计阶段,你需要确定_(系统流程模型)_,哪些程序员将把逻辑设计转换为程序模块和代码。
    8. 该阶段的可交付成果是_(系统设计规范)_,提交给管理层和用户审查和批准。

50.During the systems analysis phase, greater user involvement usually results in better communication, faster development times, and more satisfied users.There are three common team-based approaches that encourage system users to participate actively in various development tasks.
1 (71) is a popular fact-finding technique that brings users into the development process as active participants. The end product of the approach is a requirements model.
2) (72) is a team-based technique that speeds up information systems development and produces a functioning information system. The approach consists of several phases. The (73) combines elements of the systems planning and systems analysis phases of the SDLC.Users, managers, and IT staff members discuss and agree on business needs, project scope, constraints, and system requirements. During (74), users interact with systems analysts and develop models and prototypes that represent all system processes, outputs, and inputs.
3) (75) attempt to develop a system incrementally by building a series of prototypes and constantly adjusting them to user requirements.
A. Questionnaires
B. Joint application development
C. Interviews
D. Prototyping
A. Object-oriented development
B. Model-driven development
C. Rapid application development
D. Commercial Application package
A. requirements planning phase
B. busincss process modeling
C. business process improvement
D. scope definition phase
A. physical architecure design
B. object design
C. prototypes design
D. user design phase
A. Agile methods
B. The FAST framework
C. Reverse Engineering
D. Reengineering


  1. 专用名词
    Questionnaires 问卷调查表
    Joint application development 联合应用开发
    Interviews 访谈
    Prototyping 原型法
    Object-oriented development 面向对象开发
    Model-driven development 模型驱动开发
    Rapid application development 快速应用开发
    Commercial Application package
    requirements planning phase 需求计划阶段
    busincss process modeling 业务过程模型
    business process improvement 业务过程改进
    scope definition phase 范围定义阶段
    physical architecure design 逻辑框架设计
    object design 对象设计
    prototypes design 原型设计
    user design phase 用户设计阶段
    Agile methods 敏捷方法
    The FAST framework 快速框架
    Reverse Engineering 逆向工程
    Reengineering 重构
    Greater user Involvement 良好的用户参与
    team-based approaches 基于团队的方法
    participate actively 积极参与
    in various development tasks 各项开发任务
    constantly adjusting 不断调整
    Commercial Application package 商业应用包

  2. 一般名词
    encourage 鼓励; 激励; 促进; 助长; 刺激
    participants 参与者; 参加者;
    commercial 商业的; 商业化的; 贸易的; 赢利的
    interact 相互作用; 交流; 相互影响; 沟通; 合作
    approach 靠近,接近; 接洽; 建议; 要求;
    SDLC(Software Development Life Cycle) 即软件生命周期,软件生存周期,
    constraints 约束; 限制; 限定; 严管
    represent 代表; 作为

  3. 全文翻译


50、During the systems planning phase, a systems analyst conducts a ( )activity to study the systems request and recommend specific action. After obtaining an authorization to proceed, the analyst interacts with ( ) to gather facts about the problem or opportunity, project scope and constraints, project benefits, and estimated development time and costs. In many cases, the systems request does not reveal the underlying problem, but only a symptom. A popular technique for investigating causes and effects is called ( ).The analyst has analyzed the problem or opportunity, defined the project scope and constraints, and performed ( )to evaluate project usability, costs, benefits, and time constraints. The end product of the activity is ( ). The main content must include an estimate of time, staffing requirements, costs, benefits, and expected results for the next phase of the SDLC.
= = = = =
A、case study
B、requirements discovery
C、preliminary investigation
D、business understanding
= = = = =
A、system users
B、system owner
C、managers and users
D、business analysts
= = = = =
A、fishbone diagram
B、PERT diagram
C、Gantt diagram
D、use case diagram
= = = = =
A、feasibility analysis
B、requirement analysis
C、system proposal
= = = = =
A、a report to management
B、a requirement definition
C、a project charter
D、a request for proposal


  1. 专业词汇
    systems analyst 系统分析师
    case study 个案研究
    requirements discovery 需求发现
    preliminary investigation 初期调查
    business understanding业务理解
    feasibility analysis 可行性分析
    requirement analysis 需求分析
    fact-finding 探求真相
    system proposal 系统建议书;
    requirement definition 需求定义
    project charter 项目章程
    request for proposal 招标书; 建议书
    underlying problem 根本问题;

  2. 一般词汇
    reveal 揭示; 透露; 显示
    conducts 引导; 实施; 组织;
    recommend 建议,推荐;
    interacts with 与…相互作用; 相互发生作用;
    in many cases 在很多情况下;
    symptom 症状; 征兆

  3. 全文翻译

    1. 在系统规划/计划阶段,系统分析师会通过组织初步的调查活动去研究系统需求并给出建议方案。
    2. 在获得批准后,系统分析将和客户的管理人员和系统用户坐在一起去分析当前系统的问题和发现机会点, 确定项目范围和系统约束,并初步得出系统预期收益、系统开发时间和开发成本。
    3. 一般而言,系统需求 仅仅是描述表象,而没有触及根本的问题。
    4. 系统分析员通常采用鱼骨图来进行因果分析,发现问题和机会,确定项目范围和约束后,进行可行性分析,评估项目可行性,估算成本和收益,给出时间约束。
    5. 该阶段输出的可行性报告后面是项目计划,主要包括了预估的项目工期,人力资源需求,项目成本,项目收益和后续软件开发生命周期阶段预期目标等

47.Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a widely used method of visualizing and documenting an information system. The UML can be used to develop (71) , in which an object represents a person, place, event, or transaction that is significant to the information system. Systems analysts define an object’s attributes during the(72)。 An object also has (73) which are tasks or functions that the object performs when it receives a message, or command, to do so. A(n)(74) is a group of similar objects. If objects are similar to nouns, attributes are similar to adjectives that describe the characteristics of an object. Objects can have a specific attribute called a(n)(75), which of an object is an adjective that describes the object’s current status. All objects within a class share common attributes and methods, so a class is like a blueprint, or template for all the objects within the class.
A. database models
B. object models
C. event models
D. static system models

A. systems maintenance process
B. systems implementation process
C. systems design process
D. systems testing process

A. methods
B. interactions
C. interfaces
D. Behaviors



