nail it 成功 make it
classy 优等的
cultural knowledge爱斯基摩人 只吃生肉?
zetz [美国俚语]一拳,一击,击,冲压,拍打,拳打
run errands 办事跑腿
steamy (informal) sexually exciting and slightly shocking
- sniff嗅
sniff around四处查看
go alpha
suit 西装 诉讼
be far too adj.
slumber 睡眠 slumber party 睡衣派对
throw off摆脱 抛弃
tease 嘲笑
prance昂首阔步 prance around趾高气扬地走来走去
definitive answer确定的答案
revenge 复仇
fallopian tube 输卵管
farm something out : send out or subcontract work to others转交,外包?
over-sharer过度分享 口无遮拦
torture 折磨
move的一种用法 a step taken especially to gain an objective
put on 增加 put on a few pounds
noodle around: to wander around; to fiddle around with something.
sneak 遛 sneak off 开小差 溜走
seal a victory: to make a victory certain
- flammable 可燃的