至于DE在单目标连续优化问题上的综合表现,此前文章中列举了DE在IEEE CEC 2005-2020竞赛上的结果,得到了DE在求解这类问题时表现非常优秀的结论。因为写文章的时候是2021年,所以并未统计到DE在IEEE CEC 2021-2023中的表现,这里将其补充至下表,看起来排名前列的算法都是DE的变种,所以结论并没有变化,DE依然比较强势。
年份 | 第一名 | 第二名 | 第三名 |
2022 | EA4eigN100-10 | NL-SHADE-LBC | NL-SHADE-RSP-MID |
2023 | ML_EA | LSHADE | AV_LSHADE_2 |
其中,2021年区分了4种情况,并按照Non-shifted、Shifted、Non-rotated Shifted和Rotated Shifted分别给出了排名。表中给出的是第一种情况下的排名结果,但事实上在其他三种情况下,前三名也都是DE算法的变种,对结论并没有影响,所以就不再浪费篇幅叙述了。
为了更直观地感受这个差异,这里举个如下的例子:表里的6个算法均为DE的改进版本,分别为CoDE、SHADE、L-SHADE、SinDE、LSHADE-EpSin和EsDEr-NR,对应论文发表年份分别为2011、2013、2014、2015、2016和2018;F1-F30为30个单目标优化问题的测试实例编号; a ± b a\pm b a±b中, a a a表示最优解的平均值, b b b表示最优解的方差; w / t / l w/t/l w/t/l依次表示某个算法相比EsDEr-NR,在 w w w个问题上结果更优、 t t t个问题上结果相等、 l l l个问题上更差(根据Wilcoxon’s test结果判断,不是直接对比平均值大小);加黑数字表示为当前问题的最优解。
以下代码是EsDEr-NR的MATLAB版本,整理自大佬P-N-Suganthan的github。我在开头加了必要的注释,方便大家直接调用该算法求解具体优化问题。代码比较长,加上注释后,已经有1000行了,相比经典DE,它在种群大小 N P NP NP、缩放因子 F F F、变异算子和变异率 C r Cr Cr上,都有了一些改进,所以只需要更少的计算次数,便能得到更优的解。
%% 改进的差分进化算法, 整理by 我在开水团做运筹, 2023-10-10
%% 参考链接:https://github.com/P-N-Suganthan/CODES/blob/master/2018-SWEVO-EP-SIN.rar
%% 主函数
function [bsf_fit, bsf_sol] = EsDEr_NR(fx,problem_size, lb, ub, max_nfes)
%% 输入输出说明
% fx: 需要优化的目标函数
% problem_size: 优化变量个数
% lb: 优化变量最小值,1*problem_size(优化变量个数)数组
% ub: 优化变量最大值,1*problem_size数组
% bsf_fit: 每一代的最优值,G_Max(最大迭代代数)*1数组
% bsf_sol: 每一代的最优解,G_Max*problem_size矩阵
% max_nfes: 最大目标函数计算次数,建议值为problem_size*10000
%% 实例程序
% fx = @(x)sum(x.^2);
% problem_size = 2;
% lb = -10*ones(1,problem_size);
% ub = 10*ones(1,problem_size);
% max_nfes = problem_size*10000;
% [bsf_fit, bsf_sol] = EsDEr_NR(fx, problem_size, lb, ub, max_nfes);
%% DE本身参数
freq_inti = 0.5;
pb = 0.4;
ps = .5;
S.Ndim = problem_size;
S.Lband = lb;
S.Uband = ub;
lu = [lb;ub];
GenMaxSelected = 250; %% For local search
%% DE本身参数
%% parameter settings for L-SHADE
G_Max = G_Max_calc(problem_size,max_nfes);
p_best_rate = 0.11; %0.11
arc_rate = 1.4;
memory_size = 5;
pop_size = 18 * problem_size; %18*D
SEL = round(ps*pop_size);
max_pop_size = pop_size;
min_pop_size = 4.0;
run_funcvals = [];
nfes = 0;
%% Initialize the main population
popold = repmat(lu(1, :), pop_size, 1) + rand(pop_size, problem_size) .* ...
(repmat(lu(2, :) - lu(1, :), pop_size, 1));
pop = popold; % the old population becomes the current population
fitness = zeros(1,pop_size);
for m = 1:pop_size
fitness(m) = fx(pop(m,:));
fitness = fitness';
%%% Initialize LS population
flag_LS = false;
counter = 0;
popsize_LS = 10;
%%% Initialize LS population to re-start them
popLS = repmat(lu(1, :), popsize_LS, 1) + rand(popsize_LS, problem_size) .* ...
(repmat(lu(2, :) - lu(1, :), popsize_LS, 1));
fitness_LS = zeros(1,popsize_LS);
for m = 1:popsize_LS
fitness_LS(m) = fx(popLS(m,:));
fitness_LS = fitness_LS';
nfes = nfes + popsize_LS;
[Sorted_FitVector, Indecis] = sort(fitness_LS);
popLS = popLS(Indecis,:);%sorting the points based on obtaind result
%Finding the Best point in the group=======================================
BestPoint = popLS(1, :);
F = Sorted_FitVector(1);%saving the first best fitness
run_funcvals = [run_funcvals;fitness];
run_funcvals = [run_funcvals;fitness_LS];
bsf_fit_var = 1e+30;
bsf_index = 0;
bsf_solution = zeros(1, problem_size);
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% for out
for i = 1 : pop_size
nfes = nfes + 1;
if fitness(i) < bsf_fit_var
bsf_fit_var = fitness(i);
bsf_solution = pop(i, :);
bsf_index = i;
if nfes > max_nfes; break; end
bsf_fit = bsf_fit_var;
bsf_sol = bsf_solution;
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% for out
memory_sf = 0.5 .* ones(memory_size, 1);
memory_cr = 0.5 .* ones(memory_size, 1);
memory_freq = freq_inti*ones(memory_size, 1);
memory_pos = 1;
archive.NP = round(arc_rate * pop_size); % the maximum size of the archive
archive.pop = zeros(0, problem_size); % the solutions stored in te archive
archive.funvalues = zeros(0, 1); % the function value of the archived solutions
%% main loop
gg=0; %%% generation counter used For Sin
igen =1; %%% generation counter used For LS
flag1 = false;
flag2 = false;
counter = 0;
while nfes < max_nfes
pop = popold; % the old population becomes the current population
[temp_fit, sorted_index] = sort(fitness, 'ascend');
mem_rand_index = ceil(memory_size * rand(pop_size, 1));
mu_sf = memory_sf(mem_rand_index);
mu_cr = memory_cr(mem_rand_index);
mu_freq = memory_freq(mem_rand_index);
%% for generating crossover rate
cr = normrnd(mu_cr, 0.1);
term_pos = find(mu_cr == -1);
cr(term_pos) = 0;
cr = min(cr, 1);
cr = max(cr, 0);
%% for generating scaling factor
sf = mu_sf + 0.1 * tan(pi * (rand(pop_size, 1) - 0.5));
pos = find(sf <= 0);
while ~ isempty(pos)
sf(pos) = mu_sf(pos) + 0.1 * tan(pi * (rand(length(pos), 1) - 0.5));
pos = find(sf <= 0);
freq = mu_freq + 0.1 * tan(pi*(rand(pop_size, 1) - 0.5));
pos_f = find(freq <=0);
while ~ isempty(pos_f)
freq(pos_f) = mu_freq(pos_f) + 0.1 * tan(pi * (rand(length(pos_f), 1) - 0.5));
pos_f = find(freq <= 0);
sf = min(sf, 1);
freq = min(freq, 1);
if(nfes <= max_nfes/2)
sf = 0.5.*( sin(2.*pi.*freq_inti.*gg+pi) .* ((G_Max-gg)/G_Max) + 1 ) .*...
sf = 0.5 *( sin(2*pi .* freq(:, ones(1, problem_size)) .* gg) .* ...
(gg/G_Max) + 1 ) .* ones(pop_size,problem_size);
r0 = [1 : pop_size];
popAll = [pop; archive.pop];
fitnessAll = [fitness; archive.funvalues];
[r1, r2] = gnR1R2(pop_size, size(popAll, 1), r0);
pNP = max(round(p_best_rate * pop_size), 2); %% choose at least two best solutions
randindex = ceil(rand(1, pop_size) .* pNP); %% select from [1, 2, 3, ..., pNP]
randindex = max(1, randindex); %% to avoid the problem that rand = 0 and thus ceil(rand) = 0
pbest = pop(sorted_index(randindex), :); %% randomly choose one of the top 100p% solutions
vi = pop + sf(:, ones(1, problem_size)) .* (pbest - pop + pop(r1, :) - popAll(r2, :));
vi = boundConstraint(vi, pop, lu);
mask = rand(pop_size, problem_size) > cr(:, ones(1, problem_size));
rows = (1 : pop_size)'; cols = floor(rand(pop_size, 1) * problem_size)+1;
jrand = sub2ind([pop_size problem_size], rows, cols); mask(jrand) = false;
ui = vi; ui(mask) = pop(mask);
children_fitness = zeros(1,pop_size);
for m = 1:pop_size
children_fitness(m) = fx(ui(m,:));
children_fitness = children_fitness';
%%%% To check stagnation
flag = false;
bsf_fit_var_old = bsf_fit_var;
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% for out
for i = 1 : pop_size
nfes = nfes + 1;
if children_fitness(i) < bsf_fit_var
bsf_fit_var = children_fitness(i);
bsf_solution = ui(i, :);
bsf_index = i;
if nfes > max_nfes; break; end
bsf_fit(gg,1) = bsf_fit_var;
bsf_sol(gg,1:problem_size) = bsf_solution;
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% for out
dif = abs(fitness - children_fitness);
%% I == 1: the parent is better; I == 2: the offspring is better
I = (fitness > children_fitness);
goodCR = cr(I == 1);
goodF = sf(I == 1);
goodFreq = freq(I == 1);
dif_val = dif(I == 1);
% isempty(popold(I == 1, :))
archive = updateArchive(archive, popold(I == 1, :), fitness(I == 1));
[fitness, I] = min([fitness, children_fitness], [], 2);
run_funcvals = [run_funcvals; fitness];
popold = pop;
popold(I == 2, :) = ui(I == 2, :);
num_success_params = numel(goodCR);
if num_success_params > 0
sum_dif = sum(dif_val);
dif_val = dif_val / sum_dif;
%% for updating the memory of scaling factor
memory_sf(memory_pos) = (dif_val' * (goodF .^ 2)) / (dif_val' * goodF);
%% for updating the memory of crossover rate
if max(goodCR) == 0 || memory_cr(memory_pos) == -1
memory_cr(memory_pos) = -1;
memory_cr(memory_pos) = (dif_val' * (goodCR .^ 2)) / (dif_val' * goodCR);
%% for updating the memory of freq
if max(goodFreq) == 0 || memory_freq(memory_pos) == -1
memory_freq(memory_pos) = -1;
memory_freq(memory_pos) = (dif_val' * (goodFreq .^ 2)) / (dif_val' * goodFreq);
memory_pos = memory_pos + 1;
if memory_pos > memory_size; memory_pos = 1; end
%% for resizing the population size
% It is supposed the solution is nearly globelly optimal now,
% This part is to decrese the population size to reudce computational cost.
if nfes >= (max_nfes/2)
counter = counter + 1;
plan_pop_size = round((((min_pop_size - max_pop_size) / max_nfes) * nfes) + max_pop_size);
if pop_size > plan_pop_size
reduction_ind_num = pop_size - plan_pop_size;
if pop_size - reduction_ind_num < min_pop_size; reduction_ind_num = pop_size - min_pop_size;end
if counter == 1
count = 0;
stop = false;
niches_no = 0;
%% Change here Niche-based reduction
%% Firstly exculde the best niche (Half of the individuals)
%% Step 1: sort according fitness to pick up the best individual
[valBest indBest] = sort(fitness, 'ascend'); %%descend
best_ind = indBest(1);
best_mem = pop(best_ind,:);
%% Step 2: find E-distance between best_mem and all others
%% To Choose neighbourhood region to the best individual
Dis = pdist2(pop,best_mem,'euclidean'); % euclidean distance
%% Sort and chooose smallest distance to have higher diversity
[Dis_ordered idx_ordered] = sort(Dis, 'ascend');
best_niche_size = round(pop_size/2);
%% Select the memebrs of the best niche
best_niche = pop(idx_ordered(1:best_niche_size), :); %%% including best also so start from 1
best_niche_idx = idx_ordered(1:best_niche_size);
best_niche_fit = fitness(idx_ordered(1:best_niche_size));
%% Delete them temporaily
pop(idx_ordered(1:best_niche_size), :) = [];
popold(idx_ordered(1:best_niche_size), :) = [];
fitness(idx_ordered(1:best_niche_size)) = [];
niche_size = 20;
%% Define temp arrays to store the remainning individuals
pop_temp = [];
popold_temp = [];
fitness_temp = [];
for r = 1 : reduction_ind_num
[valBest indBest] = sort(fitness, 'ascend'); %%descend
best_ind = indBest(1);
best_mem = pop(best_ind,:);
% fitnesshere = fitness(best_ind)
Dis = pdist2(pop,best_mem,'euclidean'); % euclidean distance
%% Sort and chooose smallest distance to have higher diversity
[Dis_ordered idx_ordered] = sort(Dis, 'ascend');
[NP_curr, D] = size(pop);
if(NP_curr < niche_size)
niche_size = NP_curr;
niche = pop(idx_ordered(1:niche_size), :); %%% including best also so start from 1
niche_fitness = fitness(idx_ordered(1:niche_size), :);
niche_idx = idx_ordered(1:niche_size);
niches_no = niches_no + 1;
niche_idx_keep = [];
niche_idx_delete = [];
%% Now remove half of them exculding best
%% The best way to remove is to mark those individuals by -1
for t = 2 : ((niche_size/2)+1) %% To not include best and remove it, start from 2 not 1!
% fitness(idx_ordered(t)) = -1;
niche_idx_delete = [niche_idx_delete; t];
count = count + 1;
if count == reduction_ind_num
stop = true;
%% Then those indecies should be removed from pop temporaily
niche(niche_idx_delete, :) = [];
niche_fitness(niche_idx_delete, :) = [];
%% Keep them to not get lost
pop_temp = [pop_temp; niche];
popold_temp = [popold_temp; niche];
fitness_temp = [fitness_temp; niche_fitness];
%% And then remove from pop to start with new niche
pop(niche_idx_delete, :) = [];
popold(niche_idx_delete, :) = [];
fitness(niche_idx_delete, :) = [];
if stop == true
%% Check again as one element is -1!!
pos_fit = find(fitness == -1);
while ~ isempty(pos_fit)
fitness(pos_fit) = [];
popold(pos_fit,:) = [];
pop(pos_fit,:) = [];
pos_fit = find(fitness == -1);
pop = [pop; best_niche];
popold = [popold; best_niche];
fitness = [fitness; best_niche_fit];
pop_size = pop_size - reduction_ind_num;
pop_size = pop_size - reduction_ind_num;
SEL = round(ps*pop_size);
for r = 1 : reduction_ind_num
[valBest indBest] = sort(fitness, 'ascend');
worst_ind = indBest(end);
popold(worst_ind,:) = [];
pop(worst_ind,:) = [];
fitness(worst_ind,:) = [];
archive.NP = round(arc_rate * pop_size);
if size(archive.pop, 1) > archive.NP
rndpos = randperm(size(archive.pop, 1));
rndpos = rndpos(1 : archive.NP);
archive.pop = archive.pop(rndpos, :);
archive.funvalues = archive.funvalues(rndpos, :);
% pop_size = pop_size
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Call LS based on Gaussian works when NP is less than 20 for the first time %%%%%
if pop_size <= 20
counter = counter + 1;
if counter == 1
flag_LS = true;
flag_LS = false;
if flag_LS == true
r_index = randi([1 pop_size],1,popsize_LS);
%%% Pick 10 random individuals from L-SHADE pop
for gen_LS = 0 : GenMaxSelected
New_Point = [];%creating new point
FitVector = [];%creating vector of fitness functions
for i = 1 : popsize_LS
[NP, fit] = LS_Process(fx,popLS(i,:),S,igen,BestPoint);
New_Point = [New_Point;NP];
FitVector = [FitVector,fit];
fittemp = FitVector;
for i = 1 : popsize_LS
%%% Update those 10 random individuals from pop L-SHADE
if FitVector(i) < fitness(r_index(i))
fitness (r_index(i)) = FitVector(i);
pop(r_index(i),:) = New_Point(i,:);
fittemp(i) = fitness (r_index(i));
%%%% Update best individual L-SHADE
if FitVector(i) < bsf_fit_var
bsf_fit_var = FitVector(i);
bsf_solution = New_Point(i,:);
nfes = nfes + 1;
if nfes > max_nfes; break; end
bsf_fit(gg,1) = bsf_fit_var;
bsf_sol(gg,1:problem_size) = bsf_solution;
%%%%%% To recored those changes
fittemp = fittemp';
run_funcvals = [run_funcvals; fittemp];
[SortedFit,SortedIndex] = sort(FitVector);
New_Point = New_Point(SortedIndex,:);
BestPoint = New_Point(1,:);%first point is the best
BestFitness = SortedFit(1,1);
popLS = New_Point;
end %%%%%%%%nfes
function archive = updateArchive(archive, pop, funvalue)
% Update the archive with input solutions
% Step 1: Add new solution to the archive
% Step 2: Remove duplicate elements
% Step 3: If necessary, randomly remove some solutions to maintain the archive size
% Version: 1.1 Date: 2008/04/02
% Written by Jingqiao Zhang ([email protected])
if archive.NP == 0, return; end
if size(pop, 1) ~= size(funvalue,1), error('check it'); end
% Method 2: Remove duplicate elements
popAll = [archive.pop; pop ];
funvalues = [archive.funvalues; funvalue ];
[dummy IX]= unique(popAll, 'rows');
if length(IX) < size(popAll, 1) % There exist some duplicate solutions
popAll = popAll(IX, :);
funvalues = funvalues(IX, :);
if size(popAll, 1) <= archive.NP % add all new individuals
archive.pop = popAll;
archive.funvalues = funvalues;
else % randomly remove some solutions
rndpos = randperm(size(popAll, 1)); % equivelent to "randperm";
rndpos = rndpos(1 : archive.NP);
archive.pop = popAll (rndpos, :);
archive.funvalues = funvalues(rndpos, :);
%This function is used as a local search, and creates some
%new points based on Gaussian Walks.
%The input function is: %
%Point: the input point which is going to be diffused %
%S: structure of problem information %
%g: generation number %
%BestPoint: the best point in group % %
%The output function is: %
%createPoint: the new points created by Diffusion process %
%fitness: the value of fitness function %
function [createPoint, fitness] = LS_Process(fx,Point,S,g,BestPoint)
GeneratePoint = normrnd(BestPoint, (log(g)/g)*(abs((Point - BestPoint))), [1 size(Point,2)]) + ...
(randn*BestPoint - randn*Point);
%check bounds of generated point
GeneratePoint = Bound_Checking(GeneratePoint,S.Lband,S.Uband);
% size(GeneratePoint)
% for i=1:size(Point,2)
% if GeneratePoint(1,i) > S.Uband
% fprintf('violate upper');
% end
% if GeneratePoint(1,i) < S.Lband
% fprintf('violate lower');
% end
% end
% fitness = feval(fhd,GeneratePoint',S.FuncNo);
fitness = zeros(1,length(GeneratePoint(:,1)));
for m = 1:length(GeneratePoint(:,1))
fitness(m) = fx(GeneratePoint(m,:));
createPoint = GeneratePoint;
function G_Max = G_Max_calc(problem_size,max_nfes)
lb = -100*ones(1,problem_size); % 下界,行向量
ub = 100*ones(1,problem_size); % 上界,行向量
lu = [lb; ub];
G_Max0 = max_nfes; % 根据目标函数计算次数,随时调整
%% 问题参数
%% DE本身参数
freq_inti = 0.5;
% max_nfes = 30000;%5000 * problem_size; % 目标函数计算次数
pb = 0.4;
ps = .5;
S.Ndim = problem_size;
S.Lband = lb;
S.Uband = ub;
GenMaxSelected = 250; %%% For local search
%% DE本身参数
%% parameter settings for L-SHADE
p_best_rate = 0.11; %0.11
arc_rate = 1.4;
memory_size = 5;
pop_size = 18 * problem_size; %18*D
SEL = round(ps*pop_size);
max_pop_size = pop_size;
min_pop_size = 4.0;
run_funcvals = [];
nfes = 0;
%% Initialize the main population
popold = repmat(lu(1, :), pop_size, 1) + rand(pop_size, problem_size) .*...
(repmat(lu(2, :) - lu(1, :), pop_size, 1));
pop = popold; % the old population becomes the current population
fitness = zeros(1,pop_size);
for m = 1:pop_size
fitness(m) = 1;
fitness = fitness';
%%% Initialize LS population
flag_LS = false;
counter = 0;
popsize_LS = 10;
%%% Initialize LS population to re-start them
popLS = repmat(lu(1, :), popsize_LS, 1) + rand(popsize_LS, problem_size) .* ...
(repmat(lu(2, :) - lu(1, :), popsize_LS, 1));
fitness_LS = zeros(1,popsize_LS);
for m = 1:popsize_LS
fitness_LS(m) = 1;
fitness_LS = fitness_LS';
nfes = nfes + popsize_LS;
[Sorted_FitVector, Indecis] = sort(fitness_LS);
popLS = popLS(Indecis,:);%sorting the points based on obtaind result
%Finding the Best point in the group=======================================
BestPoint = popLS(1, :);
F = Sorted_FitVector(1);%saving the first best fitness
run_funcvals = [run_funcvals;fitness];
run_funcvals = [run_funcvals;fitness_LS];
bsf_fit_var = 1e+30;
bsf_index = 0;
bsf_solution = zeros(1, problem_size);
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% for out
for i = 1 : pop_size
nfes = nfes + 1;
if fitness(i) < bsf_fit_var
bsf_fit_var = fitness(i);
bsf_solution = pop(i, :);
bsf_index = i;
if nfes > max_nfes; break; end
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% for out
memory_sf = 0.5 .* ones(memory_size, 1);
memory_cr = 0.5 .* ones(memory_size, 1);
memory_freq = freq_inti*ones(memory_size, 1);
memory_pos = 1;
archive.NP = round(arc_rate * pop_size); % the maximum size of the archive
archive.pop = zeros(0, problem_size); % the solutions stored in te archive
archive.funvalues = zeros(0, 1); % the function value of the archived solutions
%% main loop
gg=0; %%% generation counter used For Sin
igen =1; %%% generation counter used For LS
flag1 = false;
flag2 = false;
counter = 0;
while nfes < max_nfes
% [gg, bsf_fit_var]
pop = popold; % the old population becomes the current population
ui = popold;
children_fitness = zeros(1,pop_size);
for m = 1:pop_size
children_fitness(m) = 1;
children_fitness = children_fitness';
%%%% To check stagnation
flag = false;
bsf_fit_var_old = bsf_fit_var;
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% for out
for i = 1 : pop_size
nfes = nfes + 1;
if children_fitness(i) < bsf_fit_var
bsf_fit_var = children_fitness(i);
bsf_solution = ui(i, :);
bsf_index = i;
if nfes > max_nfes; break; end
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% for out
%% for resizing the population size
if (nfes >= (max_nfes/2))
counter = counter + 1;
plan_pop_size = round((((min_pop_size - max_pop_size) / max_nfes) * nfes) + max_pop_size);
if pop_size > plan_pop_size
reduction_ind_num = pop_size - plan_pop_size;
if pop_size - reduction_ind_num < min_pop_size; reduction_ind_num = pop_size - min_pop_size;end
if counter == 1
count = 0;
stop = false;
niches_no = 0;
%% Change here Niche-based reduction
%% Firstly exculde the best niche (Half of the individuals)
%% Step 1: sort according fitness to pick up the best individual
[valBest indBest] = sort(fitness, 'ascend'); %%descend
best_ind = indBest(1);
best_mem = pop(best_ind,:);
%% Step 2: find E-distance between best_mem and all others
%% To Choose neighbourhood region to the best individual
Dis = pdist2(pop,best_mem,'euclidean'); % euclidean distance
%% Sort and chooose smallest distance to have higher diversity
[Dis_ordered idx_ordered] = sort(Dis, 'ascend');
best_niche_size = round(pop_size/2);
%% Select the memebrs of the best niche
best_niche = pop(idx_ordered(1:best_niche_size), :); %%% including best also so start from 1
best_niche_idx = idx_ordered(1:best_niche_size);
best_niche_fit = fitness(idx_ordered(1:best_niche_size));
%% Delete them temporaily
pop(idx_ordered(1:best_niche_size), :) = [];
popold(idx_ordered(1:best_niche_size), :) = [];
fitness(idx_ordered(1:best_niche_size)) = [];
niche_size = 20;
%% Define temp arrays to store the remainning individuals
pop_temp = [];
popold_temp = [];
fitness_temp = [];
for r = 1 : reduction_ind_num
[valBest indBest] = sort(fitness, 'ascend'); %%descend
best_ind = indBest(1);
best_mem = pop(best_ind,:);
% fitnesshere = fitness(best_ind)
Dis = pdist2(pop,best_mem,'euclidean'); % euclidean distance
%% Sort and chooose smallest distance to have higher diversity
[Dis_ordered idx_ordered] = sort(Dis, 'ascend');
[NP_curr, D] = size(pop);
if(NP_curr < niche_size)
niche_size = NP_curr;
niche = pop(idx_ordered(1:niche_size), :); %%% including best also so start from 1
niche_fitness = fitness(idx_ordered(1:niche_size), :);
niche_idx = idx_ordered(1:niche_size);
niches_no = niches_no + 1;
niche_idx_keep = [];
niche_idx_delete = [];
%% Now remove half of them exculding best
%% The best way to remove is to mark those individuals by -1
for t = 2 : ((niche_size/2)+1) %% To not include best and remove it, start from 2 not 1!
% fitness(idx_ordered(t)) = -1;
niche_idx_delete = [niche_idx_delete; t];
count = count + 1;
if count == reduction_ind_num
stop = true;
%% Then those indecies should be removed from pop temporaily
niche(niche_idx_delete, :) = [];
niche_fitness(niche_idx_delete, :) = [];
%% Keep them to not get lost
pop_temp = [pop_temp; niche];
popold_temp = [popold_temp; niche];
fitness_temp = [fitness_temp; niche_fitness];
%% And then remove from pop to start with new niche
pop(niche_idx_delete, :) = [];
popold(niche_idx_delete, :) = [];
fitness(niche_idx_delete, :) = [];
if stop == true
%% Check again as one element is -1!!
pos_fit = find(fitness == -1);
while ~ isempty(pos_fit)
fitness(pos_fit) = [];
popold(pos_fit,:) = [];
pop(pos_fit,:) = [];
pos_fit = find(fitness == -1);
pop = [pop; best_niche];
popold = [popold; best_niche];
fitness = [fitness; best_niche_fit];
pop_size = pop_size - reduction_ind_num;
pop_size = pop_size - reduction_ind_num;
SEL = round(ps*pop_size);
for r = 1 : reduction_ind_num
[valBest indBest] = sort(fitness, 'ascend');
worst_ind = indBest(end);
popold(worst_ind,:) = [];
pop(worst_ind,:) = [];
fitness(worst_ind,:) = [];
archive.NP = round(arc_rate * pop_size);
if size(archive.pop, 1) > archive.NP
rndpos = randperm(size(archive.pop, 1));
rndpos = rndpos(1 : archive.NP);
archive.pop = archive.pop(rndpos, :);
archive.funvalues = archive.funvalues(rndpos, :);
% pop_size = pop_size
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Call LS based on Gaussian works when NP is less than 20 for the first time %%%%%
if pop_size <= 20
counter = counter + 1;
if counter == 1
flag_LS = true;
flag_LS = false;
if flag_LS == true
r_index = randi([1 pop_size],1,popsize_LS);
%%% Pick 10 random individuals from L-SHADE pop
for gen_LS = 0 : GenMaxSelected
New_Point = [];%creating new point
FitVector = [];%creating vector of fitness functions
for i = 1 : popsize_LS
NP = pop(1,:);
fit = 1;
New_Point = [New_Point;NP];
FitVector = [FitVector,fit];
fittemp = FitVector;
for i = 1 : popsize_LS
%%% Update those 10 random individuals from pop L-SHADE
if FitVector(i) < fitness(r_index(i))
fitness (r_index(i)) = FitVector(i);
pop(r_index(i),:) = New_Point(i,:);
fittemp(i) = fitness (r_index(i));
%%%% Update best individual L-SHADE
if FitVector(i) < bsf_fit_var
bsf_fit_var = FitVector(i);
bsf_solution = New_Point(i,:);
nfes = nfes + 1;
if nfes > max_nfes; break; end
%%%%%% To recored those changes
fittemp = fittemp';
run_funcvals = [run_funcvals; fittemp];
[SortedFit,SortedIndex] = sort(FitVector);
New_Point = New_Point(SortedIndex,:);
BestPoint = New_Point(1,:);%first point is the best
BestFitness = SortedFit(1,1);
popLS = New_Point;
end %%%%%%%%nfes
G_Max = gg;
function [r1, r2] = gnR1R2(NP1, NP2, r0)
% gnA1A2 generate two column vectors r1 and r2 of size NP1 & NP2, respectively
% r1's elements are choosen from {1, 2, ..., NP1} & r1(i) ~= r0(i)
% r2's elements are choosen from {1, 2, ..., NP2} & r2(i) ~= r1(i) & r2(i) ~= r0(i)
% Call:
% [r1 r2 ...] = gnA1A2(NP1) % r0 is set to be (1:NP1)'
% [r1 r2 ...] = gnA1A2(NP1, r0) % r0 should be of length NP1
% Version: 2.1 Date: 2008/07/01
% Written by Jingqiao Zhang ([email protected])
NP0 = length(r0);
r1 = floor(rand(1, NP0) * NP1) + 1;
%for i = 1 : inf
for i = 1 : 99999999
pos = (r1 == r0);
if sum(pos) == 0
else % regenerate r1 if it is equal to r0
r1(pos) = floor(rand(1, sum(pos)) * NP1) + 1;
if i > 1000, % this has never happened so far
error('Can not genrate r1 in 1000 iterations');
r2 = floor(rand(1, NP0) * NP2) + 1;
%for i = 1 : inf
for i = 1 : 99999999
pos = ((r2 == r1) | (r2 == r0));
if sum(pos)==0
else % regenerate r2 if it is equal to r0 or r1
r2(pos) = floor(rand(1, sum(pos)) * NP2) + 1;
if i > 1000, % this has never happened so far
error('Can not genrate r2 in 1000 iterations');
%This function is used for L-SHADE bound checking
function vi = boundConstraint (vi, pop, lu)
% if the boundary constraint is violated, set the value to be the middle
% of the previous value and the bound
[NP, D] = size(pop); % the population size and the problem's dimension
%% check the lower bound
xl = repmat(lu(1, :), NP, 1);
pos = vi < xl;
vi(pos) = (pop(pos) + xl(pos)) / 2;
% vi(pos) = xl(pos);
%% check the upper bound
xu = repmat(lu(2, :), NP, 1);
pos = vi > xu;
vi(pos) = (pop(pos) + xu(pos)) / 2;
% vi(pos) = xu(pos);
%This function is used for LS bound checking
function p = Bound_Checking(p,lowB,upB)
for i = 1 : size(p,1)
upper = double(gt(p(i,:),upB));
lower = double(lt(p(i,:),lowB));
up = find(upper == 1);
lo = find(lower == 1);
if (size(up,2)+ size(lo,2) > 0 )
for j = 1 : size(up,2)
% fprintf('here');
p(i, up(j)) = (upB(up(j)) - lowB(up(j)))*rand()...
+ lowB(up(j));
for j = 1 : size(lo,2)
p(i, lo(j)) = (upB(lo(j)) - lowB(lo(j)))*rand()...
+ lowB(lo(j));
智能优化算法:分类、特点和未来(包含CEC2005-2020结果): https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/536981691
CEC2021结果: https://github.com/P-N-Suganthan/2021-SO-BCO
CEC2022结果: https://github.com/P-N-Suganthan/2022-SO-BO
CEC2023结果: http://www5.zzu.edu.cn/ecilab/info/1036/1344.htm
一文了解差分进化算法的前世今生: https://blog.csdn.net/taozibaby/article/details/115382831
单目标连续优化问题测试集: https://blog.csdn.net/taozibaby/article/details/115035209
EsDEr-NR论文: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S2210650217305321
大佬P-N-Suganthan的github: https://github.com/P-N-Suganthan
线性规划和单纯形法-原理篇: https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/648363488
线性规划模型-工程应用篇: https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/649791641
求解整数规划问题的割平面法和分支定界法: https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/652678113