安装 .NET CoreUbuntu 18.04 Package M

Ubuntu 18.04

安装 .NET CoreUbuntu 18.04 Package M




注册 Microsoft 密钥和源Register Microsoft key and feed

安装 .NET 之前,需要:Before installing .NET, you'll need to:

  • 注册 Microsoft 密钥。Register the Microsoft key.
  • 注册产品存储库。Register the product repository.
  • 安装必需的依赖项。Install required dependencies.

每台计算机只需要执行一次此操作。This only needs to be done once per machine.

打开终端并运行以下命令。Open a terminal and run the following commands.


wget https://packages.microsoft.com/config/ubuntu/18.04/packages-microsoft-prod.deb -O packages-microsoft-prod.deb
sudo dpkg -i packages-microsoft-prod.deb

安装 .NET Core SDKInstall the .NET Core SDK

更新可供安装的产品,然后安装 .NET Core SDK。Update the products available for installation, then install the .NET Core SDK. 在终端中,运行以下命令。In your terminal, run the following commands.


sudo add-apt-repository universe
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install dotnet-sdk-3.1


如果收到类似于“找不到包 dotnet-sdk-3.1” 的错误消息,请参阅包管理器疑难解答部分。If you receive an error message similar to Unable to locate package dotnet-sdk-3.1, see the Troubleshoot the package manager section.

安装 ASP.NET Core 运行时Install the ASP.NET Core runtime

更新可供安装的产品,然后安装 ASP.NET Core 运行时。Update the products available for installation, then install the ASP.NET Core runtime. 在终端中,运行以下命令。In your terminal, run the following commands.


sudo add-apt-repository universe
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install aspnetcore-runtime-3.1


如果收到类似于“找不到包 aspnetcore-runtime-3.1” 的错误消息,请参阅包管理器疑难解答部分。If you receive an error message similar to Unable to locate package aspnetcore-runtime-3.1, see the Troubleshoot the package manager section.

安装 .NET Core 运行时Install the .NET Core runtime

更新可供安装的产品,然后安装 .NET Core 运行时。Update the products available for installation, then install the .NET Core runtime. 在终端中,运行以下命令。In your terminal, run the following commands.

sudo add-apt-repository universe
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install dotnet-runtime-3.1


  • windows server 下安装net.core 2.2

  • https://aka.ms/dotnet-core-applaunch?framework=Microsoft.NETCore.App&framework_version=2.2.0&arch=x64&rid=win10-x64

      dotnet tool install -g ClickHouseMigrator
  • the migrate tool named chm, so run tool like below

  • --source    or -s    : which RDBMS you want to migrate, right now i implement mysql migrator, for example: mysql
    --shost     or -sh   : host of RDBMS, for example:, **default value:**
    --sport     or -sport: port of RDBMS, for example: 3306
    --suser     or -su   : user of RDBMS
    --spass     or -sp   : password of RDBMS
    --host      or -h    : host of Clickhouse for example:, **default value:**
    --port      or -port : port of clickhouse, for example: 9000, **default value: 9000**
    --user      or -u    : user of Clickhouse
    --pass      or -p    : password of Clickhouse
    --thread    or -t    : how many thread use to read data from mysql, **default value: process count of your machine**
    --batch     or -b    : how many rows read from mysql one time and submit to clickhouse, **default value: 5000**
    --sourced   or -sd   : database of RDBMS
    --sourcet   or -st   : table of RDBMS which you want to migrate
    --targetd   or -td   : migrate data to which target database in clickhouse, create it if not exists
    --targett   or -tt   : migrate data to which target table in clickhouse, create it if not exists
    --drop      or -d    : whether drop the exits table in clickhouse before migrating, **default value: false**
    --lowercase or -lc   : ignore the word case in clickhouse, **default value: true**
    --orderby   or -o    : when order by is null, use primary as order by in clickhouse, if use orderby, then will miss primary
    --trace     or -t    : record performance information, **default value: false**
    --mode      or -m    : migrate mode, parallel or sequential, when use sequential thread argument are useless, **default value: parallel**
    --log       or -l    : whether write file log, **default value: false**
    > chm --source sqlserver --shost localhost --suser sa --spass 1qazZAQ! --sport 1433 \
    --sourcedb cnblogs --sourcetb cnblogs_entity_model \
    -h localhost -u default -p password \
    --targetdb cnblogs \
    --targettb cnblogs_entity_model \
    --thread 1 \
    -b 2000 \
    --drop true \
    --log true \
    -m parallel
     chm --source sqlserver --shost localhost --suser pcmagic --spass cagajcajak --sport 1433 --sourced PhoneCodeDB --sourcet TEST -h localhost -u default -p cagajcajak --targetd default --targett TEST  --thread 1 -b 2000 --orderby ID --drop false -- trace true  -m parallel

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