
Ionic Adventures

The ultimate guide to learn Ionic and be tuned in to.Free and open source, Ionic SDK offers a library of mobile-optimized HTML, CSS and JS components, gestures, and tools for building highly interactive apps. Built with Sass and optimized for AngularJS.

Topics at a glance

  1. Getting Started
  2. Presentations
  3. Articles
  4. Books
  5. Videos
  6. Workshops & Courses
  7. Events
  8. Meetups
  9. Tools
  10. Open Source
  11. Build with Ionic
  12. Jobs

Getting Started

The best resource to get start with Ionic Framework is follow the Getting Started guide into Ionic Framework website and also watch the Ionic Crash Course created by Max Lynch where he shows all initial steps to create amazing apps.


We already have nice presentations about Ionic, what about create your own? Start your presentation here

  • Ionic + Angular: Superpowers for Mobile App Development by@adamdbradley at ng-conf 2015
  • Reframing Hybrid by @maxlynch & @benjsperry
  • Work better and smarter with Ionic by @mhartington
  • Hybrid mobile apps with Ionic & Firebase by @srobtweets
  • Ionic Crash Course! Hack-a-ton SF by @simpulton
  • Ionic Adventures - Hybrid Mobile Development Rocks by @juarezpaf
  • Creating an hybrid app in minutes with Ionic Framework by @julienrenaux
  • Cordova, Angularjs & Ionic by @tatonlto
  • Cross Platform Mobile Apps with the Ionic Framework by @therockncoder
  • Building Mobile Apps with Cordova , AngularJS and Ionic by @kadhem_soltani
  • Building Mobile Applications with Ionic by @morrissinger
  • Rapid Mobile apps with Ionic by @techgirlwonder
  • Hybrid Apps with Angular & Ionic Framework by @cihadhoruzoglu
  • Ionic Framework by @dylan_swartz
  • Ionic CLI adventures by @juarezpaf
  • Ionic Framework: The excuses are over to start to create amazing apps by @matheuscas
  • Ionic: The Web SDK for Develop Mobile Apps by @matheuscas


Do you want to become an expert with Ionic? What about start looking into learnionic section in the Ionic website.

Now we have a bunch of articles to get you covered in many topics related to Ionic and Mobile Development:Scrolling too much? Check outIonic Collection for a built-in search/filter feature.

  • How to use Custom Events in Ionic Analytics by @creatorup
Angular 2
  • WTF is ES6/TypeScript/AtScript/Babel? by @ionicframework
  • Ionic and Angular 2 by @maxlynch
  • What Impact Will AngularJS 2.0 Have on Ionic? by @joshuamorony
  • Intro to ECMAScript 6 and Angular 2 for Ionic Developers by @joshuamorony
  • Overriding a Directive in AngularJS by @Calendeenew
  • Better Resource Mapping with Ionic and AngularJS by @ Russell Wolfnew
  • Environment Variables by @jeff_french
  • Using the Web Audio API for precision audio in Ionic by @dsabar
  • Cookie-based Authentication in AngularJS by @maxlynch
  • Handle User Sign-In With IonicFramework by @nraboy
  • Simple login example with ionic and AngularJS by @schlimmson
  • How To Handle User Authentication With AngularJS Inside Your Ionic App by @schlimmson
Azure Mobile Services
  • Build a Hybrid Application with the Ionic Framework and Azure Mobile Services, Part 1: Configuring the Project by @btroncone
  • Build a Hybrid Application with the Ionic Framework and Azure Mobile Services, Part 2: Creating the User Interface by @btroncone
  • Build a Hybrid Application with the Ionic Framework and Azure Mobile Services, Part 3: Wiring Up The Backend by @btroncone
  • Hybrid Application development with Ionic and Azure Mobile Services by @AIDANJCASEY
  • Ionic Framework FTW! by @agustinhaller
  • Help Us Help You – How To Ask a Good Ionic Forum Question by @gajotres
  • Ionic Framework | Using Touch Gestures by @gajotres
  • Ionic Framework | Working With Forms And Validation by @gajotres
  • Ionic Framework | Using Grid System by @gajotres
  • Ionic Framework | Using Page Navigation by @gajotres
  • Ionic Framework | How To Pass Data Between Pages by @gajotres
  • Ionic Framework | Get Page Height & Width by @gajotres
  • Understanding Ionic View LifeCycle by @gajotres
  • Using Views Events To Create JavaScript Pure Ionic Splash Screen by @gajotres
  • How To Add A Search Bar In The Header On Ionic by @ashteya
  • How To Organize The Files In Your Ionic Project by @ashteya
  • How To Group Items In Ionic's Collection-Repeat by @ashteya
  • How to Create Splashscreens and Icons with Ionic by @julienrenauxnew
  • Solving the pesky “EMFILE: Too many opened files” in Ionic / AngularJs — and a lesson in humility by @dotfranknew
  • Build Native installers using Ionic CLI from your terminal/prompt by @arvindr21
  • The three most useful Ionic CLI features I use on a daily basis by @withinsight
  • Ionic adds a new State feature by @raymondcamden
  • Example of Ionic’s Updating Feature by @raymondcamden
  • Debugging AngularJS Apps from the Console by @maxlynch
  • Automatically Generate Icons and Splash Screens for PhoneGap Apps by @joshuamorony
  • The Top 7 Hybrid Mobile App Frameworks by @jay3dec
  • Hybrid UI framework shootout: Ionic vs. vs. F7 vs. OnsenUI by
  • Why Ionic is Reigniting the Native vs HTML5 Debate by @chalkers
  • Ionic Framework Tabs: Go to Home View by @C_Innovative
  • Understanding Ionic's Side Menu by @andrewmcgivery
  • Understanding Tabs in Ionic Framework by @nraboy
  • Understanding the Ionic Framework Action Sheet by @andrewmcgivery
  • Make List Items Swipeable in Ionic Framework by @nraboy
  • Using Slide Boxes and Tabs in Ionic Framework Apps by @nraboy
Cordova & ngCordova
  • The Complete Guide To Images With Ionic by @schlimmsonnew
  • Add Touch ID Authentication To Your Ionic Framework App by @nraboynew
  • Modify The Badge Number Of An Ionic Framework App by @nraboynew
  • Using A Pin Dialog In Your Ionic Framework Mobile App by @nraboynew
  • Cordova/Ionic Sample App: My Sound Board =>Source code by @raymondcamden new
  • Using Wizcorp’s phonegap-facebook-plugin + ionic for NATIVE SSO in iOS by Gil Tamarinew
  • How to Launch External Application With Ionic Framework by @gajotres
  • Getting Started with ngCordova by @arvindr21
  • Ionic Framework Custom Formly Template using DatePicker Plugin =>Source code by @C_Innovative
  • Changing & Locking Screen Orientation In Ionic Application by @gajotres
  • Using Smartphone Camera With Ionic Framework by @gajotres
  • Whitelist External Resources and API Calls | Ionic Framework by @gajotres
  • Using Cordova Geoloacation API with Google Maps in Ionic Framework by @gajotres
  • Ionic Framework, Cordova and File API – A Media Player App by @arvindr21
  • Useful Cordova Plugins For Your Ionic Application & Examples by @gajotres
  • Don't Assume localStorage Will Always Work In Your Hybrid App by @ashteya
  • Monitor Device Battery Status Using Ionic Framework by @nraboy
  • An update to my RSS Reader built with Ionic by @raymondcamden
  • Create A File Browser Using Ionic Framework by @nraboy
  • Getting Started with Ionic & ngCordova by @revdrjrr
  • Make A Gallery-Like Image Grid Using Ionic Framework by @nraboy
  • Crafting a weather app with Ionic framework and by Sriram Kota
  • Minifying Your App’s Source Code by @nraboy
  • Store Camera Photos Permanently Using PhoneGap, Ionic & ngCordova by @joshuamorony
  • Whitelist External Resources For Use In Ionic Framework by @nraboy
  • Using Couchbase in Your Ionic Framework Application Part 2 by @nraboynew
  • Using Couchbase in Your Ionic Framework Application Part 1 by @nraboy
  • Getting started with Crosswalk in Ionic by @tmaximini
  • Use The Ionic CLI To Integrate Crosswalk Into Your Project by @nraboy
  • How to automatically sign your Android apk using Ionic framework and Crosswalk by @baxeico
  • Using the Crosswalk Project Runtime in Shared Mode by @il_bale
  • Boost your Cordova app performance with Crosswalk by @geek_learning
  • Deep linking in Ionic Mobile Applications by @wedgybonew
  • Add Pin Code Unlock To Your IonicFramework App by @nraboy
  • Embed Video In Your iOS And Android Ionic Framework App by @nraboy
  • Adding Background Images To Ionic Framework Apps by @nraboy
  • Animations For Your Ionic App with Move.js by @schlimmson
  • How to Create Complex Layouts in Ionic by @joshuamorony
  • Using Sass in Your Ionic Framework App Like a Pro by @CodementorIO
  • How To Debug The White Screen Of Death In Your Ionic App by @ashteya
  • Debugging Ionic Apps using Chrome Developer Tools by @andrewmcgivery
  • Apache Cordova and remote debugging on iOS by @geek_learning
  • Apache Cordova and remote debugging on Android by @geek_learning
  • Building native mobile apps with Ionic and Drupal #1 => Part#2, #3, #4, #5 and #6 by @FFWdev
  • Syncing Data With Dropbox Using Ionic Framework by @nraboy
Electron (atom shell)
  • Some initial thoughts on building desktop apps with Ionic and Electron by @raymondcamden
  • Ionic - Using Android x86 Virtual Machine Instead of Emulator by @digitaldrummerj
  • ES6 — Let’s talk about ECMAScript 2015 by @mrzepinskinew
  • How to use JavaScript 2015 (ES6) now in your Ionic app by @mirkonasato
Firebase & External Requests
  • Adding Social Login with Firebase by @mhartingtonnew
  • Cross platform apps using Ionic, Electron, AngularJS and Firebase with shared codebase — Chapter 1 — Part 1 (Project: LEAN) by @kaumac new
  • Making an Ionic Hybrid Mobile Application with Angular.js and Firebase by Edozié Izegbunew
  • Ionic & Firebase starter codelab by @GDGKansasCity
  • Node Webkit, Firebase and Ionic Framework – A one to one chat client by @arvindr21
  • A guide to design and develop a multi-tenant, secure and real time solution by @ksachdeva
  • Using Ionic with Firebase by @Firebase
  • Ionic, AngularJS and Firebase equals Hybrid Heaven by @martzellk
  • Building Real-Time, Multi-Platform Mobile Applications: Examples Using Ionic and Firebase by Avinash Kaza
  • Creating a Bucket List with the Ionic Framework and Firebase by @jay3dec
  • Create a Password Management App using Ionic and Firebase by @nraboy
  • Real Time Synced Slides using Ionic, Firebase and AngularJS by @sesteva
  • Upload Camera Images To Firebase Using Ionic Framework by @nraboy
  • Sign Into Firebase With Facebook Using Ionic Framework by @nraboy
  • Creating a Firebase Powered End to End Ionic Application by @arvindr21
  • Syncing Data With Firebase Using Ionic Framework by @nraboy
  • Create a Password Management App Using Ionic Framework and Firebase by @nraboy
  • Ionic: Using Factories and Web Services for Dynamic Data by @andrewmcgivery
  • SOAP Web Services in Angular and Ionic by @andrewmcgivery
  • Make HTTP Requests In Android And iOS With IonicFramework by @nraboy
Firefox OS
  • Create an app Firefox OS by @yrezguinew
  • Firefox OS Game Development with the Ionic Framework by @aziflaj
  • Firefox OS Game Development with the Ionic Framework - Part 2 by @aziflaj
  • How To Create An Advanced Ionic Gallery with Image Zooming by @schlimmson
  • Adding Gamecenter Support to your Ionic App by @schlimmson
Getting started
  • Introduction to Ionic with Developer Perry Govier by @perrygovier new
  • Getting Started with Ionic Framework by @denzildoylenew
  • Switching from native iOS to Ionic: Why Hybrid doesn't suck (anymore) by @schlimmson
  • Hello World: Your First Ionic Framework App by @andrewmcgivery
  • A Comprehensive List Of Ionic Starter Apps by @gajotres
  • Inspect Your Ionic App With ng-inspector by @ashteya
  • Ionic Framework, Cordova and Yeoman – Loved One Notifier by @arvindr21
  • Ionic Framework | Installation Guide by @gajotres
  • Ionic Framework |An anatomy of a page by @gajotres
  • From Mobile Ideation to Launch Using Ionic Framework by @C_Innovative
  • Getting Started with Ionic by @chalkers
  • The Definitive Ionic Starter Guide by @gnomeontherun
  • Intimate with Ionic: #1. Getting started => Part#2, #3 and #4 by @davethedev92
  • Mobile Hybrid Apps with VS Code and Ionic by @chrisdias
  • Mastering the Ionic Framework: Learn to Build & Deploy Native Speed HTML5 Based Apps by @ericsimons40
  • Ionic Tutorial by @ccoenraets
  • Getting Started Building Mobile Apps with the Ionic Framework by @therockncoder
  • Building a Simple App Using Ionic, an Advanced Mobile App Framework by @jay3dec
  • 5 Ionic Framework App Development Tips and Tricks by @thatpatrickguy
  • Structure of an Ionic App by @andrewmcgivery
  • Creating Views with Ionic by @andrewmcgivery
  • Controllers in Ionic/Angular by @andrewmcgivery
  • Modules in Ionic/Angular by @andrewmcgivery
  • Using The UI-Router To Navigate In Ionic Framework by @nraboy
  • Organising Code in an Ionic Application for Beginners by @joshuamorony
  • Validation in Ionic Framework Apps with ngMessages by @calendee
  • Learning the Ionic Framework as a Sencha Touch Developer: Part 1 =>#2, #3, #4, #5 by @joshuamorony
  • Build Your First Mobile App With The Ionic Framework - Part 1 - Introduction to Hybrid Mobile Apps by @ashteya
  • Build Your First Mobile App With The Ionic Framework - Part 2 - Set Up your Development Environment by @ashteya
  • Build Your First Mobile App With The Ionic Framework - Part 3 - Mockup with Ionic Creator by @ashteya
  • Build Your First Mobile App With The Ionic Framework - Part 4 - Test on Browsers, Emulators and Mobile Devices by @ashteya
  • Build Your First Mobile App With The Ionic Framework - Part 5 - Build out the App by @ashteya
  • Build Your First Mobile App With The Ionic Framework - Part 6 - Deploy to Testers with Ionic View by @ashteya
Google Maps
  • Using Google Maps With Ionic Framework by @gajotres
  • Start an App with Ionic + Bower + Grunt by Jeffrey Changnew
  • Using the Ionic Framework with Grunt and PhoneGap Build by @andrewmcgivery
  • How to Minify an Ionic Application for Production by @joshuamorony
  • Production ready apps with Ionic Framework by @agustinhaller
  • Speeding up Ionic app development with gulp by @tmaximini
  • Automatically Add JS/CSS Files to Your Ionic Projects by @digitaldrummerj
IBM MobileFirst & Bluemix
  • SauceDB: Writing data back by @raymondcamdennew
  • SauceDB – Building the back end with IBM Bluemix by @raymondcamden
  • SauceDB – Working on the front end by @raymondcamden
  • New Demo Project: SauceDB by @raymondcamden
  • Building Hybrid Mobile apps with Cordova & Ionic and Mobile Backend-as-a-Service (MBaaS) with IBM Bluemix by @BenM4nn
  • Working with Ionic, Box, and IBM MobileFirst by @raymondcamden
  • Working with IBM MobileFirst and the Ionic Framework by @raymondcamden
  • Using MobileFirst HTTP Adapters with an Ionic Application by @raymondcamden
  • Using MobileFirst SQL Adapters with an Ionic Application by @raymondcamden
  • Using Remote Logging with Ionic and IBM MobileFirst by @raymondcamden
  • Working with IBM MobileFirst and Ionic – Bootstrapping by @raymondcamden
Infinite Scroll
  • Creating a Feed in Ionic by @andrewmcgivery
  • Ionic Framework | Using Infinite Scroll by @gajotres
  • Ionic's Infinite Scrol by @andrewmcgivery
  • Internationalization of an Ionic App: Multilanguage Support by @andrewmcgivery
  • Internationalization and Localization with Ionic Framework and Angular Translate by @nraboy
  • Meteor-React-Ionic Mobile App Part 1 => Part#2, #3,#4.1,#4.2,#4.3 by @SamCorcos
  • Ionic Restify MongoDB – An End to End Hybrid App by @arvindr21
Node.js &
  • Ionic, Twilio and Node Scheduler – A Reminder App – Part I => Part#2 by @arvindr21
  • Twilio, Ionic Framework and Node.js – A Message & Call App by @arvindr21
  • Ionic SocketIo Chat Application Tutorial by @melvinphilips8
  • Building a remote backend for an Ionic framework app with Parse by @binpressnew
  • Starter Ionic Application Template w/Parse Integration =>Source code by @C_Innovative
  • Ionic Framework & Facebook Login with Parse by @C_Innovative
  • Ionic Framework - Camera Image Uploads and Base64 Strings =>Source Code by @C_Innovative
  • Use Parse Core In Your Ionic Framework Mobile Apps by @nraboy
  • Ionic Framework | UI patterns Overview by @gajotres
  • Ionic Framework | Mixing Different UI patterns by @gajotres
  • Ionic Framework | Master Detail Pattern Overview by @gajotres
  • Ionic Framework | Side Menu Pattern Overview by @gajotresnew
  • Ionic Framework | Tab Pattern Overview by @gajotres
  • Improving scroll performance for lists in Ionic Framework by @tmaximini
  • Combining the Phaser Framework with Ionic & AngularJS by @joshuamorony
  • Ionic Framework, Angularjs & PhoneGap Build- The Awesome Threesome! by @arvindr21
  • Ionic Framework | Handling Android Back Button Like a Pro by @gajotresnew
  • Note on Ionic framework: Android platform in OS X by @victorleungtwnew
  • Deploy an Ionic App to the iOS App Store by @qzapaianew
  • Ionic Android app version code by @gabriel_gamilnew
  • How To Create A Different Tab Layout Per Platform In Ionic by @ashteya
  • Add ‘Rate my App’ in your ionic app to increase the number of ratings in the app store by @schlimmson
  • Detailed guide to Ionic Platform classes by @jjaybrown98
  • Sync Data Using PouchDB In Your Ionic Framework App by @nraboy
  • HTML5 Offline Mobile App Using Ionic and PouchDB by @web_speaks
  • How To Use PouchDB + SQLite For Local Storage In Your Ionic App by @ashteya
Push Notifications
  • Real iOS Push Notifications with Ionic Push by @schlimmson
  • Ionic Push example supporting State Changes by @raymondcamden
  • An Introduction to Ionic Push by @joshuamorony
  • Announcing Ionic Push Alpha! by @Drawn_Closer
  • Easy Ionic Push Notifications With In 15 Minutes by @schlimmson
  • Sending & Receiving Push Notifications in Ionic Apps by @ericsimons40
  • Build an #iOS app with Push Notifications using Ionic Framework by @otelnov
  • Push It Real Good with Ionic by @keithdmoore94
  • An early look at Ionic Push by @raymondcamden
  • Pushwoosh + IonicJS — Papa John Style by @Casualbotnew
  • Ionic + PushWoosh: The relationship takes effort by @yodarjunnew
Pull to Refresh
  • Ionic Framework | Using Pull To Refresh by @gajotres
  • Trigger Pull To Refresh In Ionic Framework Apps by @calendee
  • Understanding Pull to Refresh by @andrewmcgivery
  • Add Pull to Refresh with Toast Message in Your Ionic App by @schlimmson
Sample Apps
  • Spotify Mobile UI with Ionic by @mattrothenbergnew
  • Twitter Mobile UI with @Ionicframework by @mattrothenbergnew
  • Ionic: Master Detail Pattern by @andrewmcgivery
  • Creating a Feed in Ionic by @andrewmcgivery
  • Making Tinder-Style Swipe Cards With Ionic Framework by @nraboy
  • Swipeable Cards with the Ionic Framework by @schlimmson
  • Create A Complex Calculator App Using Ionic Framework by @nraboy
Saving Data
  • Saving Data With IonicFramework by @nraboy
Setup Ionic
  • Setup on Mac OS X by @digitaldrummerj
  • How to setup on Windows by @digitaldrummerj
Storage (Local Storage, Web Storage, Web SQL & IndexedDB)
  • Persisting Data to Local Storage in Ionic by @therockncodernew
  • Storing data in Ionic Framework and OnsenUI by @gajotres
  • Use SQLite Instead of Local Storage In Ionic Framework by @nraboy
  • How To Write Automated Tests For Your Ionic App - Part 1 =>#2 by @ashteya new
  • Unit Testing an AngularJS Ionic App with Codeship Continuous Integration, Jasmine, and Karma by @patsully88 new
  • Optimize your Ionic Testing with Wallaby.js, Bard.js, and WebStorm by @BTroncone
  • Unit Testing Your Ionic Framework App by @andrewmcgivery
  • Writing Your First Unit Test with the Ionic Framework by @berger_brad
  • End2end Testing Ionic collection-repeat with Protractor by @toddhalfpenny
  • The Best Looking Ionic Framework Themes by @gajotres
  • How To Easily Use The Twitter REST Api With AngularJS by @schlimmson
Upload Files
  • Ionic Framework : Simple File Upload with Associated Object Kinvey & Angularjs by @C_Innovative
  • Ionic Box, a Vagrant Configuration for Hybrid Mobile Apps by @aziflaj
  • Ionic - The Ionicbox and How To Use It by @digitaldrummerj
  • The Web Platform is too Low-Level by @maxlynch
  • Choosing a Mobile Strategy - Part 1 =>#2 by @devgirlFL new
  • The Right Mobile Approach for Your Project by @etaymornew
  • How I (often) Use the Ionic Framework by @davidnbrooksnew
  • From 0 to App in 1.5 weeks by @yodarjunnew
  • Developing A Hybrid App That Does Not Suck by @saniyusufnew
  • Recipe For Building A Hybrid Mobile App by @saniyusufnew
  • First Look At Ionic 1.0 (RC) Release Candidate by @saniyusufnew
  • Looking Forward To Ionic v1.0 & Ionic.IO Tools by @saniyusufnew
  • Hands On With Ionic Beta 14 by @saniyusufnew
  • The Evolution of Emojimon by @adgad
  • The jungle of mobile HTML5 development by @yrezgui
  • Build a Mobile App with the WordPress REST API and Ionic by @scottbolinger
  • Develop Your Ionic Apps Using WordPress by @katiegv


  • The Ionic Book by @ionicframework
  • Ionic in Action - Hybrid Mobile Apps with Ionic and AngularJS by @gnomeontherun
  • Developing an Ionic Edge - HTML5 Cross Platform Hybrid Apps by @keithdmoore94 and others
  • Full Stack Mobile App with Ionic Framework by Hoc Phan
  • Apache Cordova in Action by @raymondcamden
  • Learning Ionic -More info avout this book by @arvindr21
  • Ionic Framework Cookbook by Hoc Phan


  • How to really configure your computer for Cordova (Mac or Windows) by @demianborbanew
  • Introduction to Ionic, a Cordova and AngularJS-based Mobile Web App Framework by @mhartingtonnew
  • Visual Studio Tools for Apache Cordova by @mhartingtonnew
  • Build a Cross-Platform App with Ionic by @SRobTweets
  • Using Ionic Framework with Angular-Formly by @aaronksaunders
  • CodeChat 028 - Ryan Salva on Awesome Cordova Tooling

Workshops & Courses

  • Mobile Apps With Ionic and Firebase by @reggiewritesnew
  • Beginning Ionic Hybrid Application Development by @therockncoderpre-order new
  • Mobile Development for Web Developers by @joshuamorony
  • Create Android and iOS App using HTML, CSS and JS by @Samarth_Agarwal
  • Ionic Quickstart for Windows by @simpulton
  • Building a Mobile App with AngularJS and Ionic by @planetoftheweb
  • Ionic by Example: Create Mobile Apps in HTML5 by @mirkonasato
  • How to create Apps with the Ionic Framework by @schlimmson
  • Building Mobile Apps With the Ionic Framework and AngularJS by @smichelotti
  • Using Ionic with Cordova/PhoneGap online on May 4 by @raymondcamden
  • JSConfUY 2015 Ionic workshop app by @agustinhaller
  • Perfecting Cordova with Ionic at Fluent Conf by @raymondcamden
  • Build better mobile apps with Ionic Framework. Learn how (with videos, templates, and more!) with Elemental Ionic by @justicefries
  • Ionic by Example by @mirkonasato


  • Angular Connect - A look at the exciting new features of Ionic 2Oct 20 & 21, 2015 by @adamdbradley at @AngularConnect new
  • Ionic Conf SwitzerlandSep 15, 2015 by @IonicSwiss new
  • Building faster Cordova/PhoneGap applications with the Ionic FrameworkAug 11, 2015 by @matt_ridley at @ThatConference
  • Ionic Framework - Power of Angular Meets Smartness of Phonegap by @rajatnsit at @jqueryconf
  • #fstoconf15 Nov 14 & 15, 2015 by @mhartington
  • PhoneGap Day EU 2015 by @maxlynch and @benjsperry


  • Ionic Framework Meetups
  • Ionic Worldwide by @katiegv


  • - Integrates Ionic SDK for HTML5 App Dev
  • Ionic Themes
  • Ionic Creator
  • Ionic Playground
  • Ionic View
  • Ionic Push
  • Ionic Deploy
  • Ionic Analytics
  • Ionic Market Coming Soon
  • Ionic Sublime Plugin
  • Ionic Atom
  • Ionic Brackets
  • Visual Studio 2015 RC with Ionic support
  • WebStorm
  • PHPStorm
  • The Ionic Framework Cheatsheet by @schlimmson
  • Ionic Box
  • PlugReg - A search engine for Cordova/Phonegap pluginsnew

Open Source

  • Inbox by Gmail Mobile UI with Ionic =>Source code by @mattrothenbergnew
  • The Moodle Mobile app version 2 by @moodlemobileappnew
  • ionic-material-design-lite by @jjaybrown98
  • Ionic Framework REST API Example with $http and ngResource by @aaronksaundersnew
  • Meteoric - Build Meteor apps with Ionic… No Angular required!new
  • Ionic Chat App using Sails as backend by @giiorgio_
  • Must-have plugins for Ionic Framework by @gajotres
  • Ionic Client by @pathartl
  • WordPress Hybrid Client - Build amazing iOS and Android applications for your WordPress website by @julienrenaux
  • ionic-translate - ionic example of application using angular-translate by @josemmll_esp
  • emojimon - An ionic framework game by @adgad
  • ionic-formly-demo - Demo application to go along with video on using angular-formly with Ionic Framework by @aaronksaunders
  • Ionic Framework Sample Application with by @C_Innovative
  • ngCordova - AngularJS Cordova wrappers for common Cordova plugins
  • Yeoman Ionic Generator - Build hybrid mobile apps using the Ionic Framework
  • Ionic Material - Seamless Material Design theme for Ionic
  • Using Videogular together with Ionic in a simple project
  • Cordova Plugin Watch Example
  • Ionic Offline Storage - Example Ionic project for localStorage, localForage, WebSQL, SQLite
  • Ionic + App Boilerplate by @giiorgio_
  • protractor-ionic-locator - Adds a locators to a protractor instance that find Ionic specific elements by @toddhalfpenny
  • Opinionated Ionic base app by @jjaybrown98
  • Bartonic by @agopalpuri
  • Cordova Examples by @raymondcamden
  • Firebase Authentication Methods by @mhartington
  • Using angular-google-maps in Ionic by @jessamynsmith
  • Game Center Match Plugin by @jcesarmobile
  • Travis CI App by @iamemmanouil
  • Xtra Ionic components by @FranklinWaller

Build with Ionic

  • Ionic Apps by @maxlynch
  • Ionic Showcase
  • Challengepost's Ionic gallery
  • Photogram - Instagram Clone by @movibeoficial


  • Ionic Jobs
  • Indeed Ionic Jobs


Who to follow related to the might Ionic Framework =>@ionicframework

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