oracle一体机 价位,广东深圳供应Oracle Exadata X2-8 一体机出售价格 - 中国供应商


Exadata Database Machine X2-8 Full Rack with High Performance SAS Disks

Up to 25 GB/second of uncompressed raw disk bandwidth

Up to 50 GB/second of uncompressed Flash data bandwidth

Up to 50,000 Disk IOPS

Up to 1,000,000 Flash IOPS

100 TB of raw disk data capacity

Up to 28 TB of uncompressed user data*

Data Load Rate: Up to 5 TB/hour

Up to 25 GB/second of uncompressed raw disk bandwidth

Exadata Database Machine X2-8 Full Rack with High Capacity SAS Disks

Up to 14 GB/second of uncompressed raw disk bandwidth

Up to 50 GB/second of uncompressed Flash data bandwidth

Up to 25,000 Disk IOPS

Up to 1,000,000 Flash IOPS

336 TB of raw disk data capacity

Up to 100 TB of uncompressed user data*

Data Load Rate: Up to 5 TB/hour

Up to 14 GB/second of uncompressed raw disk bandwidth

* User data capacity is an estimate of space available for table rows after mirroring all the disk space, allowingspace to recover from disk failures, and setting aside space for database structures like logs, undo, a large TEMPspace sufficient for Data Warehousing, and some indexes. This user data capacity represents uncompressed data.When using Exadata Hybrid Columnar Compression the capacity will be many times higher. Actual user datavaries by application.
