
influence of Chinese and Japanese literary culture on the country and the world, and compare the differences between the two







Chinese and Japanese literature has a similar historical background and cultural heritage. There is a close relationship between the cultural connotation, writing form, and expression of ideas of the work. However,they have different manifestation.The comparison between Chinese literature and Japanese literature in the pre-modern period shows that Chinese literature is influenced by classical literature and aims to present philosophy and ideas of life; Japanese literature, on the other hand, inherits ancient culture to express one's emotions and moods.

Faced with the differences between Chinese and Japanese cultures and even world cultures, our group was deeply shocked, and realized that world cultures are so rich and diverse.

Therefore, our group believes that cultural differences should not be treated with exclusion, but with communication, respecting the values of one's own national culture as well as the values of other national cultures, and advocating equal exchanges and mutual learning.

Respect for foreign cultures that are different from local cultures is the foundation of intercultural communication, and respecting open-mindedness is just the beginning. In cultural exchanges, we should respect differences, understand individuality, live in harmony, and jointly promote the prosperity of world culture.
