2017 Final Summary

Time flies, i cannot believed today is 31 Dec 2017 but that is true!

One thinking that i wanted to change new job but final i came back maybe i am not willing to leaved here which there is too much youth and memories.

In this year i am still to keeped to learn English but i just get a little progress, i know i am too lazy anyway i appreciate that i joined the READING SCHOOL to learn English that form ABC to say simple sentence that is my the hardest choice of my life but i know many studies whose have same target and different lifestyle it's interesting 

About this year i got my small aim which is i bought my own house by myself, i really appreciate a person who is my Brother, i am really lucky in my life i have this kind of brother who teach me how to lean and how to investment and gave me some suggests when i confused, fortunately i invest some item which i got 100% profit , if you did not joined that i just want to say"sorry !you are out of time "pleas catch it don't be hesitated!

For my son i need to say sorry for him cos in whole 2017 i did not have time accompany him to grow, i know that childhood is the most important for whole life so in 2018 i am going to spent much time to accompany him grow that as a father’s duty and obligation.

Prospects 2018 for my goals , learn more book of blockchain , keep teach yourself English.

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