「经济学人解读」英语教学的危害 (上)




The perils of learning in English

Young children should be taught in their mother tongue instead

WHEN WINSTON CHURCHILL was at Harrow School, he was in the lowest stream. This did not, he wrote in “My Early Life”, blight his academic career, for “I gained an immense advantage over the cleverer boys. They all went on to learn Latin and Greek and splendid things like that...We were considered such dunces that we could learn only English...Thus I got into my bones the essential structure of the ordinary British sentence—which is a noble thing.”




The perils of learning in English



标题中peril /'perɪl; -r(ə)l/ 一词可以表示“极大的危险”(great danger),也可以表示“某事物带来的危害”,英文解释为“The perils of a particular activity or course of action are the dangers or problems it may involve.”大家可以先思考,为什么呢?我们再来看引言的这句话:


Young children should be taught in their mother tongue instead.

该句是对标题的进一步补充,给读者提供了更多的信息:young children一词表明文章谈论的对象可能主要是中小学生;接着提到should be taught in their mother tongue,中小学教师授课时应该用母语;instead一词暗含对比,表示“做了这件事而没有做之前提到的事情”,英文解释会更清晰:“If you do not do something, but do something else instead, you do the second thing and not the first thing, as the result of a choice or a change of behaviour.”所以这里提到应该用母语教学,也就是说不用英语教学(因为标题中提到的是in English)。所以标题中的perils取“危害”之义,表示英语教学会带来坏处。




接下来我们来看第一段,选第一段的原因是很有趣,讲的是英国前首相温斯顿·丘吉尔(Winston Churchill)小学时代的事。首先来看看维基百科(Wikipedia)是如何介绍丘吉尔的:

Winston Churchill was a British politician, army officer, and writer. He was Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1940 to 1945, when he led Britain to victory in the Second World War, and again from 1951 to 1955.


Widely considered one of the 20th century's most significant figures, Churchill remains popular in the UK and Western world. He was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1953.




①WHEN WINSTON CHURCHILL was at Harrow School, he was in the lowest stream.



Harrow School

Harrow School /ˈhæroʊ/“哈罗公学”,维基百科(Wikipedia)的介绍如下

Harrow School was founded in 1572 by John Lyon, a wealthy local farmer, and is one of the original seven public schools that were regulated by the Public Schools Act 1868. Harrow is the fourth most expensive boarding school in the Headmasters' and Headmistresses' Conference.





这一句中还有一个表达值得注意,就是“in the lowest stream”,表达丘吉尔学业不佳stream一词大家并不陌生,表示“小河;小溪”,也可以和of连接表示“一连串;一系列”,比如“参观故宫的游客络绎不绝”就可以说成“A(An) endless/steady/constant stream of visitors came to the Summer Palace.”也可以说成“Visitors to the Summer Palace came in an(a) endless/steady/constant stream.”

其次,在stream原义“小溪”的基础上发散一下,大家可以想象产业当中的生产线是不是就如同一条小溪,所以另有短语“come on stream”表示“投入使用;开始制造”,英文解释会更清晰易懂,一起来看看:“If something such as a new factory or a new system comes on stream or is brought on stream, it begins to operate or becomes available.”注意主要用来形容“新工厂或新系统”,举个:

The new factory will come on stream at the end of the year.


关于stream,最后要提的一点就是它在此句中的意思了,英文解释为“a level of ability within a group of students of the same age”,即“(同龄学生按能力水平划分的)班,组”。那in the lowest stream也就是能力最差的一组。所以如果想说成绩拔尖的学生就可以说in the highest stream.





②This did not, he wrote in “My Early Life”, blight his academic career, for “I gained an immense advantage over the cleverer boys.



首先来了解一下这个看似充满正能量,实则带有负面意义的词blight。light一词带有点正面意义,比如我们之前讲过的shed/throw/cast light on表示阐明某事,使某事物更容易理解”。但加了个b后,恰好味道就变了,blight做名词时表示祸因”,英文解释为You can refer to something as a blight when it causes great difficulties, and damages or spoils other things. 举个:

This discriminatory policy has really been a blight on America. 


但这里很明显不是名词,而是动词,并且是及物动词,表示“使损害;使(地区)遭殃”,英文解释为If something blights your life or your hopes, it damages and spoils them. If something blights an area, it spoils it and makes it unattractive. 举个,如果想说某个地方的失业率极高,我们就可以说an area blighted by unemployment”(饱受失业之苦的地区

最后,需要注意该词与另一个词的区别:plight,作名词表示“困境;苦难”,比如the plight of the homeless 无家可归者的艰难困苦。

gain an immense advantage over

第二个要说的词就是gain an immense advantage over...这个词组,表示“相比...有着巨大的优势”。需要大家注意的是介词用的是over。这里表示,与其他更聪明的小孩相比,丘吉尔有着他们没有的优势,或者丘吉尔拥有的优势更明显。因为over一词可以表示“胜过,比…更好,英文解释为used to say that someone or something is more successful or better than someone or something else. 所以会有很多类似表达,比如give...priority over...;maintain one's lead over...等等。

那这个an immense advantage具体指的是什么呢?作者在③④⑤句进一步说明。


⑤“They all went on to learn Latin and Greek and splendid things like that...We were considered such dunces that we could learn only English...Thus I got into my bones the essential structure of the ordinary British sentence—which is a noble thing.”



积累一下,dunce /dʌns/表示“笨学生”,英文解释为“If you say that someone is a dunce, you think they are stupid because they find it difficult or impossible to learn what someone is trying to teach them.举个:

He may have been a dunce at mathematics, but he was gifted at languages. 


get into my bones

首先,Thus I got into my bones the essential structure of the ordinary British sentence这句话的结构要弄清楚。got和into之间其实是缺少内容的,缺少的部分被后移了,也就是the essential structure of the ordinary British sentence。

其次,很奇怪我并没有在网上找到这个短语,只找到类似短语feel/know sth in your bones,表示“从内心里感受到某事,凭直觉确信某事为真,预感到会有某事”,英文解释为to be certain that something is true, even though you have no proof and cannot explain why you are certain. 举个:

She knew that something good was sure to happen; she could feel it in her bones.


而原文用的got into my bones,所以我们可以大概猜测丘吉尔想要表达的意思是,他很清楚地理解那些普通英语语句的基本结构。

跟bone衍生出来另一个跟学习有关的短语也应该记下来,bone up on,表示“为考试等)钻研,苦读”,英文解释为to learn as much as you can about a subject, because you need the knowledge, for example for an examination. 举个,如“为了考过CATTI狂练翻译的同学,就可以说I have to bone up on translation for CATTI;“为了考研努力学英语的就可以说I have to bone up on English for the national postgraduate entrance examination.



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