
If you have ever needed to edit a whole folder of photos with the same effect or need to repeatedly crop, add watermarks, or drop shadows to images for the web, Phatch is the tool for the job. Phatch is a photo batch editor written in python so it works on any operating system.

如果您需要编辑具有相同效果的整个照片文件夹,或者需要重复裁剪,添加水印或在Web图像上添加阴影,Phatch是完成此任务的工具。 Phatch是用python编写的照片批处理编辑器,因此可以在任何操作系统上使用。

Install Phatch


Phatch is available in the package manager of most Linux distributions. If it is not available you can download installation files from the Phatch website or source code from launchpad. In Windows and OS X things are a bit different and you will need to install all dependencies and launch the phatch.py script manually. Links and download zip with all dependencies for Windows can be found below.

大多数Linux发行版的软件包管理器中都可以使用Phatch。 如果不可用,则可以从Phatch网站下载安装文件,也可以从启动板下载源代码。 在Windows和OS X中,情况有所不同,您将需要安装所有依赖项并手动启动phatch.py​​脚本。 有关Windows的所有依赖项的链接和下载zip可以在下面找到。

Use Phatch to Edit Your Pictures


When Phatch is opened it looks more like a buddy list window than a photo editor. The first thing to do is click on the plus sign to add an action.

当打开Phatch时,它看起来更像是一个好友列表窗口,而不是照片编辑器。 首先要做的是单击加号以添加操作。


The first action to add should always be save. It is important to make sure save is on the bottom of the list because actions run in order from top to bottom.

添加的第一个动作应始终保存。 确保保存在列表的底部很重要,因为操作从上到下依次执行。


When save has been added to the action list, there will be more options for filename, type, and location. Some file formats will add more options to the save action if they are available.

将保存添加到操作列表后,文件名,类型和位置将有更多选项。 如果可用,某些文件格式将为保存操作添加更多选项。


Even if the photo does not need editing, Phatch is still a great conversion tool with a plethora of available file formats it can read and write.



Now that the save action is on the list, click the plus sign again to add more to the action list. Each photo edit is its own action, so if the photo needs a watermark and a drop shadow, separate actions will need to be added.

现在,保存操作已在列表中,再次单击加号可将更多操作添加到操作列表中。 每次照片编辑都是其自己的操作,因此,如果照片需要水印和阴影,则需要添加单独的操作。

Use the up and down arrows to change the order the actions will run, and make sure there is at least one save action at the bottom of the list. Phatch also can use external programs such as Blender and Imagemagick if those programs are installed.

使用向上和向下箭头更改操作的运行顺序,并确保列表底部至少有一个保存操作。 如果安装了Phatch,Phatch也可以使用Blender和Imagemagick等外部程序。


Note: If you need multiple copies of the same file (eg. web thumbnail and full size image) you can have multiple save actions anywhere on the list. But remember the action list is processed from top to bottom. So don’t create and save your thumbnail before the full size image.

注意:如果需要同一文件的多个副本(例如Web缩略图和全尺寸图像),则可以在列表中的任何位置进行多个保存操作。 但是请记住,操作列表是从上到下处理的。 因此,请勿在全尺寸图片之前创建和保存缩略图。

Click the action list menu to save and easily repeat these steps later on any pictures. Action list are stored in .phatch files which can be opened on any platform to have identical photo edits every time.

单击操作列表菜单,以保存并稍后在所有图片上轻松重复这些步骤。 操作列表存储在.phatch文件中,该文件可以在任何平台上打开,每次都具有相同的照片编辑。

If an action needs to be temporarily disabled, right-click on the action item and then disable it. Disabling skips that action when processing the list. This can be helpful if an image already has a watermark or drop shadow and doesn’t need to be processed again.

如果需要暂时禁用某个动作,请右键单击该动作项,然后将其禁用。 处理列表时,禁用将跳过该操作。 如果图像已经有水印或阴影并且不需要再次处理,这将很有帮助。


To run the action list, click on the gears icon or push Ctrl+Return and another dialog will pop up for a location of files or folders and options to overwrite images, include subfolders, and what filetypes to process. Click Batch and the action list will run and save in the location you specified.

要运行操作列表,请单击齿轮图标或按Ctrl + Return,将弹出另一个对话框,显示文件或文件夹的位置以及用于覆盖图像,包括子文件夹以及要处理的文件类型的选项。 单击批处理,操作列表将运行并保存在您指定的位置。


Here is a few examples of photo edits we created quickly with a photo of a friends car.



Phatch Image Inspector


Phatch also comes with an image inspector which can show the EXIF and IPTC information from the image. To launch the image inspector, click on the magnifying glass in the main Phatch window.

Phatch还带有图像检查器,可以显示图像中的EXIF和IPTC信息。 要启动图像检查器,请在“ Phatch”主窗口中单击放大镜。


Drag an image to the window to see its attributes and tag information.



Phatch is a powerful photo editing tool that can repeat common photo edits in a snap; it is also free and cross platform which makes it even more valuable when working with the web from multiple machines.

Phatch是功能强大的照片编辑工具,可以快速重复常见的照片编辑。 它也是一个免费的跨平台平台,在多台计算机上使用Web时,其价值甚至更高。



Go to Phatch homepage


Phatch on launchpad


Download Phatch with dependencies for Windows XP

下载具有Windows XP依赖项的Phatch

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/20396/batch-edit-photos-with-phatch/
