《TCP/IP详解 卷一:协议》第5章的IPv4数据报的总长度字段出现“不需要大于576字节的IPv4数据报“相关内容的解释

《TCP/IP详解 卷一:协议》第5章的IPv4数据报的总长度字段的一些解释,出现以下内容(有省略):



Furthermore, a host is not required to be able to receive an IPv4 datagram larger than 576 bytes. ....Many applications that use the UDP protocol (see Chapter 10) for data transport (e.g., DNS, DHCP, etc.) use a limited data size of 512 bytes to avoid the 576-byte IPv4 limit. 



  Total Length:  16 bits

    Total Length is the length of the datagram, measured in octets,
    including internet header and data.  This field allows the length of
    a datagram to be up to 65,535 octets.  Such long datagrams are
    impractical for most hosts and networks.  All hosts must be prepared
    to accept datagrams of up to 576 octets (whether they arrive whole
    or in fragments).  It is recommended that hosts only send datagrams
    larger than 576 octets if they have assurance that the destination
    is prepared to accept the larger datagrams.

    The number 576 is selected to allow a reasonable sized data block to
    be transmitted in addition to the required header information.  For
    example, this size allows a data block of 512 octets plus 64 header
    octets to fit in a datagram.  The maximal internet header is 60
    octets, and a typical internet header is 20 octets, allowing a
    margin for headers of higher level protocols.


在1981年9月通过RFC 791和RFC 793的发布,TCP/IP正式标准化。


