autoplay media studio couldn't load

AutoPlay Media Studio 7 (English version) is installed on target machine.


Following error occurred when opening .am7 file.

autoplay media studio couldn't load_第1张图片



Check if “Current system locale” is matched with the language that AutoPlay is used.

Follow below steps:

1>     Control Panel—> Change keyboards or the input methods.

autoplay media studio couldn't load_第2张图片


2>     Administrative tag -> Change system locale…

autoplay media studio couldn't load_第3张图片



3>     Change “Current system locale” to English, i.e. English (United States).

autoplay media studio couldn't load_第4张图片

4>     Restart computer is required to apply the setting.

5>     Reopen the .am7 project and problem solved.



After restarting computer, all non-English characters written inside txt files will be composed of garbled words.

Just make sure that you backuped important files before restarting your computer.


