
What I Got:

1. More often than that:注意Pronunciation

也要关注下该短语的意思usually; as a rule

Synonyms: by and large; generally; more often than not; mostly

Context example: by and large it doesn't rain much here

2. 要注意英文中出现的名字,不要看字母乱拼,乱拼的大多都是错的

3. 断句要根据意群,不能随意段,也不能不断,会憋死的

4. 再次强调下that弱读

5. Toe和toll的发音区别

6. 练习case和kiss的发音区别

7. As soon as possible中soon的发音要着重注意

8. Such is human nature, that a great many people are often willing to sacrifice higher pay for the privilege of becoming white-collar workers.


9. As it did in the case of 注意did in的发音,不要发成Didi
