The application encountered an error while attempting to change the state of ‘Win10‘.

[Window Title]
Virtual Machine Connection

[Main Instruction]
The application encountered an error while attempting to change the state of 'Win10'.

Checkpoint operation failed.

Cannot create the checkpoint.

[Expanded Information]
Checkpoint operation for 'Win10' failed. (Virtual machine ID 15CC3D6B-5B60-4B67-A0EE-C3701BD5C25D)

'Win10' cannot create the storage required for the checkpoint using disk T:\HyperV\VirtualHardDisk_E85E0D57-A4AD-49B3-8D0E-7AAEA5C9EE59.avhdx: The chain of virtual hard disks is corrupted. There is a mismatch in the identifiers of the parent virtual hard disk and differencing disk. (0xC03A000E). (Virtual machine ID 15CC3D6B-5B60-4B67-A0EE-C3701BD5C25D)

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