UVa OJ 128 - Software CRC (软件CRC)

Time limit: 3.000 seconds



You work for a company which uses lots of personal computers. Your boss, Dr Penny Pincher, has wanted to link the computers together for some time but has been unwilling to spend any money on the Ethernet boards you have recommended. You, unwittingly, have pointed out that each of the PCs has come from the vendor with an asynchronous serial port at no extra cost. Dr Pincher, of course, recognizes her opportunity and assigns you the task of writing the software necessary to allow communication between PCs.
你在一家有很多PC机的公司工作。你的老板是Penny Pincher博士,想把所有电脑都连接起来。你提出的建议是购买网卡,但她觉得太贵了。此时,你无意间想到这些计算机都来自同一个供货商,并且都有一个异步通信的串口可以直接使用而无需花钱。Pincher博士采纳了这个主意,并让你编写用于连通计算机(通过串口的异步通信方式)的软件。

You've read a bit about communications and know that every transmission is subject to error and that the typical solution to this problem is to append some error checking information to the end of each message. This information allows the receiving program to detect when a transmission error has occurred (in most cases). So, off you go to the library, borrow the biggest book on communications you can find and spend your weekend (unpaid overtime) reading about error checking.

Finally you decide that CRC (cyclic redundancy check) is the best error checking for your situation and write a note to Dr Pincher detailing the proposed error checking mechanism noted below.

CRC Generation

The message to be transmitted is viewed as a long positive binary number. The first byte of the message is treated as the most significant byte of the binary number. The second byte is the next most significant, etc. This binary number will be called "m" (for message). Instead of transmitting "m" you will transmit a message, "m2", consisting of "m" followed by a two-byte CRC value.
传输的报文可以视为一个很长的二进制数。报文的1个字节是整个二进制数的最高位,第2个字节其次,等等。将此二进制数称为“m”(message, 报文),在传输m时要附加两个字节的CRC编码,称为“m2”。

The CRC value is chosen so that "m2" when divided by a certain 16-bit value "g" leaves a remainder of 0. This makes it easy for the receiving program to determine whether the message has been corrupted by transmission errors. It simply divides any message received by "g". If the remainder of the division is zero, it is assumed that no error has occurred.

You notice that most of the suggested values of "g" in the book are odd, but don't see any other similarities, so you select the value 34943 for "g" (the generator value).


Input and Output

You are to devise an algorithm for calculating the CRC value corresponding to any message that might be sent. To test this algorithm you will write a program which reads lines (each line being all characters up to, but not including the end of line character) as input, and for each line calculates the CRC value for the message contained in the line, and writes the numeric value of the CRC bytes (in hexadecimal notation) on an output line. Each input line will contain no more than 1024 ASCII characters. The input is terminated by a line that contains a # in column 1. Note that each CRC printed should be in the range 0 to 34942 (decimal).
你要设计一种算法,为要发送的所有 报文计算出CRC码。为了测试你的算法,你还要写一个程序来读取每行输入的字串(每行都从开始一直到(但不包括)换行符结束),并为每一行字串表示的消息计算出CRC值,然后对应的输出一行,打印出CRC字节的数值。每行输入都不会超过1024个ASCII字符。首字符为#号的一行表示输入结束。注意每个CRC都应该在0到34942(十进制)的范围内。


Sample Input

this is a test



Sample Output

77 FD
00 00
0C 86




本题最主要的算法就是将字符串看作一个很长的整数,然后执行除法取余。简单来讲,就是要实现大数的除法。我们先来看10进制的例子,请用笔计算:2357 ÷ 6。我们只关心余数,第一次在3上面试商3,下面得余数5;用5 × 10 + 5 = 55作为第二次被除数,商9得余数1;用1 × 10 + 7 = 17作第三次被除数,商2余5。注意到每次被除数的每一位去除以除数6得到的余数都要累计到下一位(乘以10再加下一位)。只要能保证被除数中每一位都大于除数,就可以避免出现借位的情况。将笔算除法推广到n进制,即得到大数除法。设p为一个n进制整数作为被除数,q为小于n的除数(即选择的校验码生成数):

p = a0n0 + a1n1 + ... + aknk

现在要求的是p ÷ q的余数rk,即r0 = p mod q,先从rk开始向前计算:

rk = aknk mod q
rk-1 = (rkn + ak-1nk-1) mod q
r0 = (r1n + a0n0) mod q



(a0n0 + a1n1 + ... + aknk + c) mod q = 0


(a0n0 + a1n1 + ... + aknk) mod q = r


c = q - (nr mod q)

上式很容易理解,就不赘述了。至此,CRC码计算完成。这里还有一个要注意的地方,我们一般写程序和编译的机器环境(包括OJ系统运行的环境)都是x86架构的,也就意味着字节序是little-endian, 即在存储器中的所有整型数值都是高位在前低位在后。比如32位16进制数:AF045Bh,在内存中的顺序应该是:

5B 04 AF 00




#include <algorithm>

#include <iomanip>

#include <iostream>

#include <string>

using namespace std;

int main(void) {

	typedef unsigned short word;

	char Bits[1032]; //存储输入的字符串

	cin.sync_with_stdio(false); //输入的数据量很大,关闭同步以加速

	cout << setbase(16) << setiosflags(ios::uppercase) << setfill('0');


	for (string Line; getline(cin, Line) && Line[0] != '#'; cout << endl) {

		word nGen = 34943, nLen = Line.length(), *pBit = (word*)Bits;


		reverse_copy(Line.begin(), Line.end(), Bits); //反转为正字节序

		*(word*)(&Bits[nLen]) = 0; //将结尾后面的一些位都清零

		nLen = nLen / 2 + (nLen % 2 != 0); //计算作为int数组的长度

		long nRem = 0;//nRem表示余数


		for (int i = nLen - 1; i >= 0; --i) {

			nRem = ((nRem << 16) + pBit[i]) % nGen;


		if (nRem != 0) { //如果余数不为0,则需构造CRC码,算法见文档

			nRem = nGen - (nRem << 16) % nGen;

		} //下面按要求的格式输出CRC码

		unsigned char* pByte = (unsigned char*)&nRem;

		cout << setw(2) << (int)pByte[1] << ' ' << setw(2) << (int)pByte[0];


	return 0;

