1.1 简单示例
符号 |
说明 |
-> |
表示参与者之间传递的消息,而不必显示地声明参与者 |
<- |
同->,可提高阅读性 |
–> |
绘制虚线箭头 |
<– |
同<–,可提高阅读性 |
用户 -> 认证中心: 登录操作
认证中心 -> 缓存: 存放(key=token+ip,value=token)token
用户 <- 认证中心 : 认证成功返回token
用户 -> 认证中心: 下次访问头部携带token认证
认证中心 <- 缓存: key=token+ip获取token
其他服务 <- 认证中心: 存在且校验成功则跳转到用户请求的其他服务
其他服务 -> 用户: 信息
1.2 声明参与者
- 使用participant关键字来声明一个参与者,可以使你对参与者做出更多控制。
- 关键字participant用于改变参与者的先后顺序。
- 也可以使用下面的关键字来声明参与者,这会改变参与者的外观:
参与者 |
说明 |
participant |
参与者 |
actor |
角色 |
boundary |
边界 |
control |
控制 |
entity |
实体 |
database |
数据库 |
collections |
集合 |
queue |
队列 |
participant particaipant as Foo
actor actor as Foo1
boundary boundary as Foo2
control control as Foo3
entity entity as Foo4
database database as Foo5
collections collections as Foo6
queue queue as Foo7
Foo -> Foo1 : To actor
Foo -> Foo2 : To boundary
Foo -> Foo3 : To control
Foo -> Foo4 : To entity
Foo -> Foo5 : To database
Foo -> Foo6 : To collections
Foo -> Foo7 : To queueß
- 关键字
- 也可以使用RGB值或颜色名称修改
'actor 和 participant 只在外观上有区别'
actor Bob #red
participant Alice
participant "很长很长很长\n的名字" as L #99FF99
/' 也可以这样声明:
participant L as "很长很长很长\n的名字" #99FF99
Alice -> Bob : 认证请求
Bob -> Alice : 认证响应
Bob -> L : 记录事务日志
participant 最后 order 30
participant 中间 order 20
participant 首个 order 10
1.3 在参与者中使用非字母符号
- 使用引号定义
Alice -> "Bob()" : Hello
"Bob()" -> "This is very\nlong" as Long
' You can also declare:
' "Bob()" -> Long as "This is very\nlong"
Long --> "Bob()" : ok
1.4 参与者给自己发信息
Alice -> Alice : This is a signal to self. \nIt also demonstrates\nmultiline \ntext
1.5 文本对齐
skinparam responseMessageBelowArrow true '文本显示在箭头下面
Bob -> Alice : hello
Alice -> Bob : ok
1.6 修改箭头的样式
- 表示一条丢失的消息:末尾加 x
- 让箭头只有上半部分或者只有下半部分:将 < 和 > 换成 \ 和 / ——
- 细箭头:将箭头标记写两次(如>>或//)
- 虚线箭头:用 – 替代 -
- 箭头末尾加圆圈:->o
- 双向箭头:<->
Bob ->x Alice
Bob -> Alice
Bob ->> Alice
Bob -\ Alice
Bob -/ Alice
Bob -\\ Alice
Bob -// Alice
Bob ->o Alice
Bob o\\- Alice
Bob <-> Alice
Bob <->o Alice
1.7 修改箭头颜色
Bob -[#red]> Alice: Hello
Alice -[#0000FF]-> Bob : ok
1.8 对消息序列编号
Bob -> Alice : Authentication Request
Alice -> Bob : Authentication Response
- autonumber //start// 可用于指定编号的初始值
- autonumber //start// //increment// 可以同时指定编号的初始值和每次增加的值
Bob -> Alice : Authentication Request
Bob <- Alice : Authentication Response
autonumber 15
Bob -> Alice : Another authentication Request
Bob <- Alice : Another authentication Response
autonumber 40 10
Bob -> Alice : Yet another authentication Request
Bob <- Alice : Yet another authentication Response
- 可以在双引号内指定编号的格式:(0 表示数字; ## 也表示数字,但默认值为0)。
- 也可以使用HTML标签来制定格式
autonumber "[000]"
Bob -> Alice : Authentication Request
Bob <- Alice : Authentication Response
autonumber 15 "(##)"
Bob -> Alice : Another authentication Request
Bob <- Alice : Another authentication Response
autonumber 40 10 "Message 0 "
Bob -> Alice : Yet another authentication Request
Bob <- Alice : Yet another authentication Response
- 使用
autonumber stop
和`autonumber resume //increment// //format//来表示暂停或继续使用自动编号
autonumber 10 10 "[000]"
Bob -> Alice : Authentication Request
Bob <- Alice : Authentication Response
autonumber stop
Bob -> Alice : dummy
autonumber resume "Message 0 "
Bob -> Alice : Yet another authentication Request
Bob <- Alice : Yet another authentication Response
autonumber stop
Bob -> Alice : dummy
autonumber resume 1 "Message 0 "
Bob -> Alice : Yet another authentication Request
Bob <- Alice : Yet another authentication Response
1.9 页面标题、页眉、页脚
- 使用
- 使用
- 使用
header Page Header
footer Page %page% of %lasepage%
title Example Title
Alice -> Bob : Message 1
Alice -> Bob : Message 2
1.10 分割示意图
- 关键字
- 在
- 这样就能很方便地在Word中将长图分多页打印
Alice -> Bob : message 1
Alice -> Bob : message 2
Alice -> Bob : message 3
Alice -> Bob : message 4
newpage A title for the\nlast page
Alice -> Bob : message 5
Alice -> Bob : message 6
1.11 组合消息
关键字 |
说明 |
alt/else |
成功情况/失败情况/另一种失败的情况 |
opt |
loop |
循环 |
par |
break |
critical |
group |
Alice -> Bob: 认证请求
alt 成功情况
Bob -> Alice: 认证接受
else 失败原因一
Bob -> Alice: 认证失败
group 我自己的标签
Alice -> Log : 开始记录攻击日志
loop 1000次
Alice -> Bob: DNS 攻击
Alice -> Log : 结束记录攻击日志
else 失败原因二
Bob -> Alice: 请重复
1.12 次级分组标签
- 对于group而言,在标头片的[和]之间可以显示次级文本或标签
Alice -> Bob : 认证请求
Bob -> Alice : 认证失败
group 我自己的标签 [我自己的标签2]
Alice -> Log : 开始记录攻击日志
loop 1000次
Alice -> Bob : DNS攻击
Alice -> Log : 停止记录攻击日志
1.13 给消息添加注释
- 在消息后面添加
note left
或者note right
- 也可以通过
end node
Alice -> Bob : hello
note left : this is a first node
Bob -> Alice : ok
note right : this is another node
Bob -> Bob : I am thinking
note left
a note
can also be defined
on several lines
end note
1.14 其他注释
- 可以通过
note left of
, note right of
或note over
- 也可以通过修改背景颜色来高亮显示注释
- 以及使用关键字
end note
participant Alice
participant Bob
note left of Alice #aqua
This is displayed
left of Alice.
end note
note right of Alice : This is displayed right of Alice.
note over Alice : This is displayed over Alice.
note over Alice, Bob #FFAAAA: This is displayed\n over Bob and Alice.
note over Bob, Alice
This is yet another
example of
a long note.
end note
1.15 改变备注框的形状[hnote和rnote]
- hnote 代表六边形(hexagonal)的备注框;
- rnote 代表矩形(rectangle)的备注框。
caller -> server : conReq
hnote over caller : 空闲
caller <- server : conConf
rnote over server
"r" 是矩形
"h" 是六边形
rnote over server
hnote over caller
1.17 在同一级对齐多个备注[/]
note over Alice : Alice的初始状态
note over Bob : Bob的初始状态
Bob -> Alice : Hello
* 加上/
note over Alice : Alice的初始状态
/ note over Bob : Bob的初始状态
Bob -> Alice : Hello
1.18 Creole和HTML
participant Alice
participant "The **Famous** Bob" as Bob
Alice -> Bob : Hello --there --
... Some ~~long delay~~ ... /' 以虚线显示垂直的线 '/
Bob -> Alice : ok
note left
This is **bold** /' 字体加粗 '/
This is //italics// /' 斜体字 '/
This ""is monospaced"" /' 等宽字体 '/
This is --stroked-- /' 中划线 '/
This is __underlined__ /' 下划线 '/
This is ~~waved~~ /' ??? '/
end note
Alice -> Bob : A //well formated// message
note right of Alice
/' 使用HTML '/
This is displayed
__left of__ Alice. /' 使用下划线 '/
note left of Bob
/' 使用HTML '/
This is display
**left of Alice Bob**.
end note
note over Alice, Bob
/' 使用HTML引用图片 '/
This is hosted by
end note
1.19 分隔符
== 初始化 ==
Alice -> Bob : 认证请求
Bob -> Alice : 认证应答
== 重复 ==
Alice -> Bob : 认证请求
Alice <-- Bob : 认证响应
1.20 引用
participant Alice
actor Bob
ref over Alice, Bob : init
Alice -> Bob : hello
ref over Bob
This can be on
serveral lines
end ref
1.21 延迟
Alice -> Bob : 认证请求
Bob --> Alice : 认证响应
... 5分钟后 ...
Bob --> Alice : 再见!
1.22 文本换行
- 可以通过
- 可以使用
skinparam maxMessageSize 50
participant a
participant b
a -> b : 这\n一\n信\n息\n是\n手动换行
a -> b : this is a very long message on serveral words
1.23 空间
Alice -> Bob : message 1
Bob --> Alice : ok
Alice -> Bob : message 2
Bob --> Alice : ok
||100|| /'指定前后两条信息之间的高度(像素数量)'/
Alice -> Bob : message 3
Bob --> Alice : ok
1.24 生命线的激活与撤销
- 使用
- 使用
participant User
User -> A : DoWork
activate A
A -> B : << createRequest >>
activate B
B -> C : DoWork
activate C
C --> B : WorkDone
destroy C
B --> A : RequestCreated
deactivate B
A -> User : Done
deactivate A
* 使用嵌套的生命线,并且运行给生命线添加颜色
participant User
User -> A : DoWork
activate A #FFBBBB
A -> A : Internal call
activate A #DarkSalmon
A -> B : << createRequest >>
activate B
B --> A : RequestCreated
deactivate B
deactivate A
A -> User : Done
deactivate A
* 也可以使用自动激活关键字autoactivate
autoactivate on
Alice -> Bob : hello
Bob -> Bob : self call
Bill -> Bob #005500 : hello from thread 2
Bob -> george ** : create
return done in thread 2
return rc
Bob -> george !! : delete
return success
1.25 返回
- 可以使用
Bob -> Alice : hello
activate Alice
Alice -> Alice : some action
return bye
1.26 创建参与者
- 可以把
Bob -> Alice : Hello
create Other
Alice -> Other : new
create control String
Alice -> String
note right : You can also put notes!
Alice --> Bob : ok
1.27 激活、撤销和创建的快捷语法
- 在指定目标参与者后,可以立即使用以下语法:
激活目标( 可选择在后在加上#color
Alice -> Bob ++ : hello
Bob -> Bob ++ : self call
Bob -> Bib ++ #005500 : hello
Bob -> george ** : create
return done
return rc
Bob -> george !! : delete
return success
Alice -> Bob ++ : hello1
Bob -> Charlie --++ : hello
Charlie --> Alice -- : ok
Alice -> Bob --++ #gold : hello
Bob -> Alice --++ #gold: you too
Alice -> Bob --: step1
Alice -> Bob : step2
1.28 进入和发出消息
- 如果只想关注部分图标,可以使用进入和发出的箭头
- 使用方括号
[-> A : DoWork
activate A
A -> A : Internal call
activate A
A ->] : << createRequest >>
A <--] : RequestCreated
deactivate A
[<- A : Done
deactivate A
* 也可以使用下面的语法
participant Alice
participant Bob #LightBlue
Alice -> Bob
Bob -> Carol
[-> Bob
[o-> Bob
[o->o Bob
[x-> Bob
[<- Bob
[x<- Bob
Bob ->]
Bob ->o]
Bob o->o]
Bob ->x]
Bob <-]
Bob x<-]
1.29 缩短进入信息与发出信息箭头
?-> Alice : ""?->""\n**short** to actor1
[-> Alice : ""[->""\n**from start**to actor1
[-> Bob : ""[->""\n**from start**to actor2
?-> Bob : ""?->""\n**short** to actor2
Alice ->] : ""->]""\nfrom actor1 **to end**
Alice ->? : ""->?""\n**short** from actor1
Alice -> Bob : ""->"" \nfrom actor1 to actor2
## 1.30 锚定和持续时间
* 使用teoz在图给中添加锚定,从而指定持续时间
!pragma teoz true /' 设置锚定 '/
{start} Alice -> Bob : start doing things during duration
Bob -> Max : something
Max -> Bob : something else
{end} Bob -> Alice : finish
{start} <-> {end} : some time
1.31 构造类型和圈点
- 可以使用
- 在构造类型中,可以使用(X, color)格式的语法添加一个圆圈圈起来的字符
participant "Famous Bob" as Bob << Generated >>
participant Alice << (C, #ADD1BD) Testable >>
Bob -> Alice : First message
* 使用guillemet
skinparam guillemet false
participant "Famous Bob" as Bob << Generated >>
participant Alice << (C,#ADD1B2) Testable >>
Bob->Alice: First message
participant Bob << (C, #ADD1B2) >>
participant Alice << (C, #ADD1B2) >>
Bob -> Alice : First message
1.32 更多标题信息
title __Simple__ **communication** example
Alice -> Bob : Authentication Request
Bob -> Alice : Authentication Response
title __Simple__ communication example\non several lines
Alice -> Bob : Authentication Request
Bob -> Alice : Authentication Response
Simple communication example
on several lines and using html
This is hosted by
end title
Alice -> Bob: Authentication Request
Bob -> Alice: Authentication Response
Simple communication example
on several lines and using html
This is hosted by
end title
Alice -> Bob: Authentication Request
Bob -> Alice: Authentication Response
1.33 包裹参与者
- 可以使用
和end box
- 也可以在
box "Internal Service" #LightBlue
participant Bob
participant Alice
end box
participant Other
Bob -> Alice : hello
Alice -> Other : hello
1.34 移除脚注
hide footbox
title Footer removed
Alice -> Bob : Authentication Request
Bob --> Alice : Authentication Response
1.35 外观参数(skinparam)
- 通过
- 可以在如下场景中使用
- 在图示的定义中
- 在引入的文件中
- 在命令行或者ANT任务提供的配置文件中
skinparam sequenceArrowThickness 2
skinparam roundcorner 20
skinparam maxmessagesize 60
skinparam sequenceParticipant underline
actor User
participant "First Class" as A
participant "Second Class" as B
participant "Last Class" as C
User -> A : DoWork
activate A
A -> B : Create Request
activate B
B -> C : DoWork
activate C
C --> B : WorkDone
destroy C
B --> A : Request Created
deactivate B
A --> User : Done
deactivate A
skinparam BackgroundColor #EEEBDC
skinparam handwritten true
skinparam sequence {
ArrowColor DeepSkyBlue
ActorBorderColor DeepSkyBlue
LifeLineBorderColor blue
LifeLineBackgroundColor #A9DCDF
ParticipantBorderColor DeepSkyBlue
ParticipantBackgroundColor DodgerBlue
ParticipantFontName Impact
ParticipantFontSize 17
ParticipantFontColor #A9DCDF
ActorBackgroundColor aqua
ActorFontColor DeepSkyBlue
ActorFontSize 17
ActorFontName Aapex
actor User
participant "First Class" as A
participant "Second Class" as B
participant "Last Class" as C
User -> A : DoWork
activate A
A -> B : Create Request
activate B
B -> C : DoWork
activate C
C --> B : WorkDone
destroy C
B --> A : Request Created
deactivate B
A --> User : Done
deactivate A
1.36 填充区设置
skinparam ParticipantPadding 20
skinparam BoxPadding 10
box "Foo1"
participant Alice1
participant Alice2
end box
box "Foo2"
participant Bob1
participant Bob2
end box
Alice1 -> Bob1 : hello
Alice1 -> Out : out
1.37 附录:箭头大全
1.37.1 普通箭头
participant Alice as a
participant Bob as b
a -> b : ""-> ""
a ->> b : ""->> ""
a -\ b : ""-\ ""
a -\\ b : ""-\\\\""
a -/ b : ""-/ ""
a -// b : ""-// ""
a ->x b : ""->x ""
a x-> b : ""x-> ""
a o-> b : ""o-> ""
a ->o b : ""->o ""
a o->o b : ""o->o ""
a <-> b : ""<-> ""
a o<->o b : ""o<->o""
a x<->x b : ""x<->x""
a ->>o b : ""->>o ""
a -\o b : ""-\o ""
a -\\o b : ""-\\\\o""
a -/o b : ""-/o ""
a -//o b : ""-//o ""
a x->o b : ""x->o ""
1.37.2 进入信息和发出信息
participant Alice as a
participant Bob as b
[-> b : ""[-> ""
[->> b : ""[->> ""
[-\ b : ""[-\ ""
[-\\ b : ""[-\\\\""
[-/ b : ""[-/ ""
[-// b : ""[-// ""
[->x b : ""[->x ""
[x-> b : ""[x-> ""
[o-> b : ""[o-> ""
[->o b : ""[->o ""
[o->o b : ""[o->o ""
[<-> b : ""[<-> ""
[o<->o b : ""[o<->o""
[x<->x b : ""[x<->x""
[->>o b : ""[->>o ""
[-\o b : ""[-\o ""
[-\\o b : ""[-\\\\o""
[-/o b : ""[-/o ""
[-//o b : ""[-//o ""
[x->o b : ""[x->o ""
participant Alice as a
participant Bob as b
a ->] : ""->] ""
a ->>] : ""->>] ""
a -\] : ""-\] ""
a -\\] : ""-\\\\]""
a -/] : ""-/] ""
a -//] : ""-//] ""
a ->x] : ""->x] ""
a x->] : ""x->] ""
a o->] : ""o->] ""
a ->o] : ""->o] ""
a o->o] : ""o->o] ""
a <->] : ""<->] ""
a o<->o] : ""o<->o]""
a x<->x] : ""x<->x]""
a ->>o] : ""->>o] ""
a -\o] : ""-\o] ""
a -\\o] : ""-\\\\o]""
a -/o] : ""-/o] ""
a -//o] : ""-//o] ""
a x->o] : ""x->o] ""
participant Alice as a
participant Bob as b
a -> b : //Long long label//
?-> b : ""?-> ""
?->> b : ""?->> ""
?-\ b : ""?-\ ""
?-\\ b : ""?-\\\\""
?-/ b : ""?-/ ""
?-// b : ""?-// ""
?->x b : ""?->x ""
?x-> b : ""?x-> ""
?o-> b : ""?o-> ""
?->o b : ""?->o ""
?o->o b : ""?o->o ""
?<-> b : ""?<-> ""
?o<->o b : ""?o<->o""
?x<->x b : ""?x<->x""
?->>o b : ""?->>o ""
?-\o b : ""?-\o ""
?-\\o b : ""?-\\\\o ""
?-/o b : ""?-/o ""
?-//o b : ""?-//o ""
?x->o b : ""?x->o ""
participant Alice as a
participant Bob as b
a -> b : //Long long label//
a ->? : ""->? ""
a ->>? : ""->>? ""
a -\? : ""-\? ""
a -\\? : ""-\\\\?""
a -/? : ""-/? ""
a -//? : ""-//? ""
a ->x? : ""->x? ""
a x->? : ""x->? ""
a o->? : ""o->? ""
a ->o? : ""->o? ""
a o->o? : ""o->o? ""
a <->? : ""<->? ""
a o<->o? : ""o<->o?""
a x<->x? : ""x<->x?""
a ->>o? : ""->>o? ""
a -\o? : ""-\o? ""
a -\\o? : ""-\\\\o?""
a -/o? : ""-/o? ""
a -//o? : ""-//o? ""
a x->o? : ""x->o? ""
1.38 特定外观参数
Bob -> Alice : hello
Alice -> Bob : ok
skinparam liftlineStrategy nosolid
Bob -> Alice : hello
Alice -> Bob : ok
- 可以使用
- 为了符合严格 UML 的标准(线头的形状必须是三角形,而不能是箭头形),你可以使用:
skinparam style strictuml
Bob -> Alice : hello
Alice -> Bob : ok
1.39 隐藏孤立参与者
participant Alice
participant Bob
participant Carol
Alice -> Bob : hello
- 可以通过
hide unlinked
hide unlinked
participant Alice
participant Bob
participant Carol
Alice -> Bob : hello