一个h5py文件是 “dataset” 和 “group” 二合一的容器。
原理: 在简单数据的读操作中,我们通常一次性把数据全部读入到内存中。读写超过内存的大数据时,有别于简单数据的读写操作,受限于内存大小,通常需要指定位置、指定区域读写操作,避免无关数据的读写。
作用:使用h5py库读写超过内存的大数据 。
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
import h5py
import numpy as np
def save_file():
# ===========================================================
# Create a HDF5 file.
f = h5py.File("h5py_example1.hdf5", "w") # mode = {'w', 'r', 'a'}
# Create two groups under root '/'.
g1 = f.create_group("bar1")
g2 = f.create_group("bar2")
# Create a dataset under root '/'.
d = f.create_dataset("dset", data=np.arange(16).reshape([4, 4]))
# Add two attributes to dataset 'dset'
d.attrs["myAttr1"] = [100, 200]
d.attrs["myAttr2"] = "Hello, world!"
# Create a group and a dataset under group "bar1".
c1 = g1.create_group("car1")
d1 = g1.create_dataset("dset1", data=np.arange(10))
# Create a group and a dataset under group "bar2".
c2 = g2.create_group("car2")
d2 = g2.create_dataset("dset2", data=np.arange(10))
# Save and exit the file.
''' h5py_example.hdf5 file structure
+-- '/'
| +-- group "bar1"
| | +-- group "car1"
| | | +-- None
| | |
| | +-- dataset "dset1"
| | | +-- [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
| |
| +-- group "bar2"
| | +-- group "car2"
| | | +-- None
| | |
| | +-- dataset "dset2"
| | | +-- [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
| |
| +-- dataset "dset"
| | | +-- [[ 0 1 2 3]
| | | [ 4 5 6 7]
| | | [ 8 9 10 11]
| | | [12 13 14 15]]
| | +-- attribute "myAttr1"
| | +-- attribute "myAttr2"
| |
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
import h5py
import numpy as np
def load_file():
# Read HDF5 file.
f = h5py.File("h5py_example.hdf5", "r") # mode = {'w', 'r', 'a'}
# Print the keys of groups and datasets under '/'.
print("filename: {}".format(f.filename))
print([key for key in f.keys()], "\n")
# ===================================================
# Read dataset 'dset' under '/'.
d = f["dset"]
# Print the data of 'dset'.
print(d.name, ":")
# Print the attributes of dataset 'dset'.
for key in d.attrs.keys():
print(key, ":", d.attrs[key])
# ===================================================
# Read group 'bar1'.
g = f["bar1"]
# Print the keys of groups and datasets under group 'bar1'.
print([key for key in g.keys()])
# Three methods to print the data of 'dset1'.
print(f["/bar1/dset1"][:]) # 1. absolute path
print(f["bar1"]["dset1"][:]) # 2. relative path: file[][]
print(g['dset1'][:]) # 3. relative path: group[]
# Delete a database.
"""Notice: the mode should be 'a' when you read a file."""
# del g["dset1"]
print([key for key in g.keys()])
# Save and exit the file
if __name__ == "__main__":