Create Engaging Diagrams with Animation

  Create Engaging Diagrams with Animation

  MindFusion.Diagramming for JavaScript version 4.4 enables developers to create more informative diagrams by animating diagram items, nodes, and views.

  MindFusion.Diagramming for JavaScript allows you create flow diagrams using predefined node shapes. You can use links to join nodes together and users can create, resize, select, move and modify nodes and links as needed. All diagram elements can be accessed programmatically and methods are available to changing the appearance of all elements.Create Engaging Diagrams with Animation_第1张图片

  The version 4.4 release has been extended to include support for animations. Diagram items support the animation of fill color, stroke color and opacity. Diagram nodes can now include bounce, shake, pulse and path animations. The diagram view itself now offers animated zooming and scrolling.
