My previous article described how you can get into frontend development. It also discussed how the front end can be a place filled with landmines – step in the wrong place and you'll be overwhelmed by the many frameworks of the JavaScript ecosystem.
我以前的文章描述了如何进行前端开发 。 它还讨论了前端如何成为一个充满地雷的地方-进入错误的地方,JavaScript生态系统的许多框架会让您不知所措。
In this blog article, let's see how you can get into back end development. Along the way, I'll answer some of the most common questions people ask me about it.
在这篇博客文章中,让我们看看如何进行后端开发。 在此过程中,我将回答人们问我的一些最常见问题。
Front end development involves what a user sees on the screen when they open a specific URL owned by you. Even in a completely static environment (with only HTML/CSS), when someone opens a website, some server on the planet needs to respond to you with those HTML and CSS files.
前端开发涉及用户打开您拥有的特定URL时在屏幕上看到的内容。 即使在完全静态的环境(只有HTML / CSS)中,当有人打开网站时,地球上的某些服务器也需要使用这些HTML和CSS文件来响应您。
That server is just a computer, just like the one you use yourself to browse the internet. But it has been tuned for performance, and doesn't have unnecessary components like a mouse or keyboard attached. And it sits with tons of other computers probably in a data warehouse.
该服务器只是一台计算机,就像您自己用来浏览互联网的计算机一样。 但是它已经过性能调整,并且没有多余的组件,如鼠标或键盘。 它与数以千计的其他计算机一起放置在数据仓库中。
Programming those computers in some special way is called back end development.
以某种特殊方式对这些计算机进行编程称为后端开发 。
You may think that backend development is called what it is because it runs behind the user's back. A visitor to your website never really "accesses" the back end completely. They just communicate with your server, either directly through ports for very limited access (like transferring HTML/CSS files) or not even that – buried deep under CDNs or firewalls (like Cloudflare).
您可能会认为后端开发就是所谓的,因为它在用户背后运行。 您网站的访问者永远不会真正完全“访问”后端。 它们只是直接通过端口与您的服务器进行通信,以进行非常有限的访问(例如传输HTML / CSS文件),甚至不进行通信–将它们深深地埋在CDN或防火墙(如Cloudflare)下。
Now that we have a raw understanding of what back end development means, let's get into some real questions.
TLDR; 没有。
Back end development, as mentioned above, involves the programming of a computer sitting probably on the other side of the planet responsible for responding to what your users say from their own computers.
If you're a full-time backend developer, you do not really need to care about what goes on inside those HTML, CSS and JavaScript files you send to the user's browser. Instead, you've to focus more on the performance of the server, the server code, and throughput.
如果您是一名全职后端开发人员,那么您实际上不必关心发送到用户浏览器HTML,CSS和JavaScript文件中的内容。 相反,您必须更多地关注服务器的性能,服务器代码和吞吐量。
Well, going by the books, you may say that a person who codes an application that can respond to HTTP requests is a back end developer.
But in reality, sometimes back end developers are able to do much more than just writing server scripts. They have the knowledge to set up reverse proxy servers (NGiNX/HAProxy), enable compression and other ways to speed up the site, and set up a production docker environment.
但是实际上,有时后端开发人员不仅可以编写服务器脚本,还能做更多的事情。 他们具有设置反向代理服务器(NGiNX / HAProxy),启用压缩和其他方式以加快站点速度以及建立生产docker环境的知识。
To qualify as a back end developer, I'd say the bare minimum skills you need are:
Just like every game comes with minimum and recommended specifications, for back end developers, my recommend specifications would be (inclusive of the minimum skills):
Alright, too much talking about what goes into back end development. But how do you become one?
好吧,过多地讨论了后端开发的内容。 但是你如何成为一个?
Like I said, for the back end, just like games, we have a set of minimum requirements and recommended requirements. The minimum requirements consists of 3 things:
就像我说的那样,对于后端,就像游戏一样,我们有一组最低要求和建议要求。 最低要求包括三件事:
When people learn by themselves, they usually do not have a team or anyone who can do front end development. They're all on their own. So you'll often have to create webpages and servers all by yourself, at least in the beginning.
人们自己学习时,通常没有团队或任何可以进行前端开发的人。 他们全靠自己。 因此,至少在开始时,您通常必须自己全部创建网页和服务器。
Although there are a lot of choices for back end programming languages, and I cannot think of any popular system language which doesn't support HTTP servers out of the box. The advantage of choosing Node is that your front end JavaScript skills are transferrable to the back end.
尽管后端编程语言有很多选择,但我想不出任何不支持HTTP服务器的流行系统语言。 选择Node的好处是您的前端JavaScript技能可以转移到后端。
Nonetheless, you can choose from a variety of languages like Java, C++, C#, Python, PHP, etc.
但是,您可以从多种语言中进行选择,例如Java,C ++,C#,Python,PHP等。
How do you pick one, you might ask. The answer is the same as it was in the front end development article: you have gotta try everything initially and see which one clicks the best with you.
您可能会问,如何挑选一个。 答案与前端开发文章中的答案相同:您必须首先尝试一切,然后看看哪个点击最适合您。
Node is easy as you might have already done JS programming for the front end. But if you're a Python or Java developer, you might find those easy to pick up. It depends on your profession and taste completely.
Node很容易,因为您可能已经为前端完成了JS编程。 但是,如果您是Python或Java开发人员,则可能会发现它们很容易上手。 这完全取决于您的职业和品味。
Gone are the days when you'll have to manually purchase servers and set them up in your home, connect to your ISP, do all that stuff yourself. This is the era of cloud computing. Now, when hosting your website, you have mainly 2 options:
您将不得不手动购买服务器并在家里设置它们,连接到ISP,自行完成所有这些工作的日子已经一去不复返了。 这是云计算的时代。 现在,在托管网站时,主要有两种选择:
What is the difference between the two? In both cases, the servers are owned and operated by the respective companies. But the major difference is that managed hosting is more GUI friendly, has a rich set of tools for seeing the filesystem, monitoring usage, managing your official domain emails, uploading/downloading files from your server, and so on. It's basically a setup for people with less technical skills.
两者有什么区别? 在这两种情况下,服务器均由各自的公司拥有和运营。 但是主要的区别是托管托管更易于使用GUI,具有丰富的工具集,可用于查看文件系统,监视使用情况,管理官方域电子邮件,从服务器上载/下载文件,等等。 基本上,它是为技术技能较弱的人准备的。
For that reason, I do not recommend managed sites like HostGator or GoDaddy for seasoned developers. Still, it might be a good platform to make mistakes and learn on, primarily because you usually have prepaid plans for them. You'll also have a nice UI for managing things, which doesn't allow you to accidentally shoot up your bills.
因此,我不建议经验丰富的开发人员使用托管网站如HostGator或GoDaddy。 尽管如此,它仍然可能是犯错和学习的好平台,主要是因为您通常会为他们预先准备好计划。 您还将拥有一个不错的用户界面来管理事情,这不允许您意外地付账。
But when you start picking up speed, I recommend that you switch to a cloud provider. This takes away all the nice tools from cPanel that you used to manage files and folders on servers. But at the same time, it will challenge you to level up your skills a lot.
但是,当您开始加快速度时,建议您切换到云提供商。 这消除了cPanel中用于管理服务器上文件和文件夹的所有漂亮工具。 但是与此同时,它将挑战您大量提高您的技能。
Today, a lot of cloud providers offer a decent free trial, too, so that you can actually try out their platform before going full in. I host my website for developers - codedamn - on DigitalOcean and find it to be at a sweet balance of site complexity and features.
You can use this link to signup on DigitalOcean and get free $100 credits. DigitalOcean instances are as cheap as $5 a month, so you have a runway of about 20 months on that instance, great deal, huh?
您可以使用此链接在DigitalOcean 上注册并免费获得$ 100的信用 。 DigitalOcean实例的价格低至每月5美元,因此您在该实例上的运行时间约为20个月,是吗?
Anyway, you can choose any cloud provider. Then it's important to learn to manage the server using just the command line by ssh'ing into it.
无论如何,您可以选择任何云提供商。 然后,重要的是学会通过仅使用命令行来管理服务器。
There are other solutions apart from Git for VCS. But Git is the most used and simplest to understand.
除了适用于VCS的Git之外,还有其他解决方案。 但是Git是最常用和最容易理解的。
As an individual, you might not appreciate it right away. But you'll understand why it is so important the moment you start working either in a team on multiple features simultaneously in your project.
作为个人,您可能不会立即欣赏它。 但是当您开始在一个团队中同时在项目中同时处理多个功能时,您就会理解为什么如此重要。
Git allows you to manage your workflow using commits and branches. Commits are like checkpoints in your codebase - the ones you can always revert to if you screw up.
Git允许您使用提交和分支来管理工作流。 提交就像代码库中的检查点一样-如果您搞砸了,可以随时恢复到这些检查点 。
Branches are like alternate realities of your project, where something completely different could happen. These alternate realities can be created from any point in time and can be merged back again at any time.
分支就像项目的替代现实 ,其中可能会发生完全不同的事情。 这些替代现实可以在任何时间点创建,并且可以随时重新合并。
If those realities can be merged together with compatibility, then it's fine. But if there's a conflict (like if you're alive in one reality and dead in other), then you have to manually make a choice. Other changes can be merged automatically.
如果可以将这些现实与兼容性合并在一起,那就很好。 但是,如果存在冲突(例如,您在一个现实中还活着而在另一个现实中死了),那么您必须手动做出选择。 其他更改可以自动合并。
Git is super interesting, and once you get hang of it, you'll want to use it in every project. You get to keep a history of your work in an efficient manner (it compresses and stores only the difference between commits).
Git非常有趣,一旦您掌握了它,就可以在每个项目中使用它。 您可以高效地保留工作历史记录(它仅压缩和存储提交之间的差异)。
It also allows you to create online git repositories on sites like GitHub, which acts as a central source of truth for your website. Sites like GitHub can be configured with special webhooks that can actually update your website whenever you add a new checkpoint (a new commit) without you ever needing to manually go to the server and update it yourself.
它还允许您在GitHub之类的网站上创建在线git存储库,这是网站真相的主要来源。 可以像GitHub这样的网站配置特殊的Webhook,这些Webhook实际上可以在您添加新的检查点(新的提交)时更新您的网站,而无需手动转到服务器并自行更新。
I'm a big believer in learning by doing. And the best way to do something comes out of necessity or interest. Once you consider yourself good enough with the minimum requirements, it's time to acquire the recommended skills. This includes all the tools like Docker and NGiNX mentioned above.
我坚信边做边学。 而做某事的最好方法是出于必要或兴趣。 一旦您认为自己的最低要求足够好,就可以开始学习推荐的技能。 其中包括上述所有工具,例如Docker和NGiNX。
DevOps is also something which fits in super nicely with back end developers. You could try and explore TravisCI or CircleCI for automated build deployments. Continuous Integration and Deployment (CI/CD) is a topic that could take another whole blog post, so I'll not get into that. In fact, once it is set up correctly, it'll save you a ridiculous amount of developer time!
DevOps也非常适合后端开发人员。 您可以尝试探索TravisCI或CircleCI进行自动构建部署。 持续集成和部署(CI / CD)是一个主题,可能需要撰写另一篇完整的博客文章,因此我不再赘述。 实际上,一旦正确设置,它将为您节省大量的开发时间!
Then comes databases, which I placed in recommended skills. But you're gonna need databases for pretty much any application which involves some sort of data persistence generated by the user.
然后是数据库,我把这些数据库放在推荐的技能上。 但是,几乎所有涉及用户生成的数据持久性的应用程序都将需要数据库。
Databases are usually easy to begin working with, but harder to maintain and tweak properly. The best way to start working on a back end tech stack is to have everything together on a single server - the code of your application, the reverse proxy servers, the database, etc. Then as you become more proficient in each thing, you can decouple it from the existing business logic.
数据库通常很容易上手,但是很难维护和正确调整。 开始在后端技术堆栈上工作的最佳方法是将所有内容整合到单个服务器上-您的应用程序代码,反向代理服务器,数据库等。然后,当您精通每件事时,您可以将其与现有业务逻辑分离。
By doing this, you're enabling an architecture that can be highly scaled. A database-operation intensive application could have an optimized solution for databases. And a heavy traffic bound site should have a good CDN mechanism to offload static assets, and so on.
通过这样做,您可以实现高度可扩展的体系结构。 数据库操作密集型应用程序可能具有针对数据库的优化解决方案。 流量受限的站点应该具有良好的CDN机制来卸载静态资产,依此类推。
There's so much to learn, but it's all achievable if you don't give up. Let me know what you think about this post through my twitter and Instagram handles. It'll mean a lot to me if we connect over there!
有很多东西要学,但是如果您不放弃,这一切都是可以实现的。 让我知道您对我的Twitter和Instagram句柄的看法。 如果我们在那里连接对我来说意义重大!
Also, if you're interested, checkout codedamn - a developer-focused platform for learning technologies like backend development! I even posted a YT video on spinning up your own simple website server in 2 minutes! Check that out and let me know what you think!
另外,如果您有兴趣,请签出codedamn-一个面向开发人员的平台,用于学习后端开发等技术! 我什至在2分钟内发布了一个YT视频,介绍了如何旋转您自己的简单网站服务器 ! 检查一下,让我知道您的想法!
翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/learn-backend-development/