参考 文章
svn_error_t *
svn_client_checkout3(svn_revnum_t *result_rev,
const char *URL,
const char *path,
const svn_opt_revision_t *peg_revision,
const svn_opt_revision_t *revision,
svn_depth_t depth,
svn_boolean_t ignore_externals,
svn_boolean_t allow_unver_obstructions,
svn_client_ctx_t *ctx,
apr_pool_t *pool);
result_rev:如果参数不为空,返回当前版本信息即WC Version;
URL:要checkout的svn url路径;
ignore_externals:忽略外部链接版本,即tsvn客户端的omit externals,一般设置false
ctx:client ctx;
pool:apr pool;
If neither revision is specified, it is effectively an operative revision of HEAD. In that case, the search starts with the HEAD of the repo, it THEN gets the path. If the path doesn't exist in the HEAD, it won't be found, resulting in a path not found error. The extern needs to start the search with a revision where the path existed - a peg revision can do just that.
I always set the peg revision for my externals to ensure that if I checkout a particular revision of the main repo, I'm always building the same code. Without a specified revision for the extern, checking out the same revision from the main repo at different times will generate different results (because the externs could be different).
As I said, the Subversion Red Book probably explains it better than me, and there's always the risk that I'm wrong. [However, it is based on having a similar issue and trying to overcome it.]
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pCtxActual->notify_func = (svn_wc_notify_func_t)CActionCheckout::notify_func;
void* CActionCheckout::notify_func(void *baton,
const char *path,
svn_wc_notify_action_t action,
svn_node_kind_t kind,
const char *mime_type,
svn_wc_notify_state_t content_state,
svn_wc_notify_state_t prop_state,
svn_revnum_t revision) {
CLogger4Cpp::GetInstance()->Debug("checkout %s", path);
return NULL;
svn_error_t *
svn_client_update3(apr_array_header_t **result_revs,
const apr_array_header_t *paths,
const svn_opt_revision_t *revision,
svn_depth_t depth,
svn_boolean_t depth_is_sticky,
svn_boolean_t ignore_externals,
svn_boolean_t allow_unver_obstructions,
svn_client_ctx_t *ctx,
apr_pool_t *pool);
pCtxActual->notify_func = (svn_wc_notify_func_t)checkout::notify_func;
void* checkout::notify_func(void *baton,
const char *path,
svn_wc_notify_action_t action,
svn_node_kind_t kind,
const char *mime_type,
svn_wc_notify_state_t content_state,
svn_wc_notify_state_t prop_state,
svn_revnum_t revision) {
CLogger4Cpp::GetInstance()->Debug("update %s", path);
return NULL;
svn_error_t *
svn_client_info2(const char *path_or_url,
const svn_opt_revision_t *peg_revision,
const svn_opt_revision_t *revision,
svn_info_receiver_t receiver,
void *receiver_baton,
svn_depth_t depth,
const apr_array_header_t *changelists,
svn_client_ctx_t *ctx,
apr_pool_t *pool);
svn_error_t *CActionInfo::svn_info_receiver_t
(void *baton,
const char *path,
const svn_info_t *info,
apr_pool_t *pool) {
CActionInfo* pParent = NULL;
if (baton == NULL) {
goto exit;
if (info == NULL) {
goto exit;
pParent = (CActionInfo*)(baton);
pParent->m_workCopyVersion = info->last_changed_rev;
exit: return NULL;
基于subversion1.6.3动态库实现简单版本管理.rar (访问密码: 1150)