mongodb 副本集备忘

Replica Set Deployment Tutorials

The following tutorials provide information in deploying replica sets.

  1. Deploy a Replica Set 部署副本集环境
Configure a three-member replica set for production systems.
  1. Deploy a Replica Set for Testing and Development 部署测试/研发副本集环境
Configure a three-member replica set for either development or testing systems.

Deploy a Geographically Redundant Replica Set 部署冗余的副本集环境

Create a geographically redundant replica set to protect against location-centered availability limitations (e.g. network and power interruptions).

Add an Arbiter to Replica Set 副本集环境添加仲裁

Add an arbiter to give a replica set an odd number of voting members to prevent election ties.

Convert a Standalone to a Replica Set 单点部署调整为副本集

Convert an existing standalone mongod instance into a three-member replica set.

Add Members to a Replica Set 副本集环境扩容:添加新成员

Add a new member to an existing replica set.

Remove Members from Replica Set 副本集环境缩容:剔除成员

Remove a member from a replica set.

Replace a Replica Set Member副本集成员配置更改

Update the replica set configuration when the hostname of a member’s corresponding mongod instance has changed.
