
1 Overview

2 References

[1] IEEE Computer Society, “IEEE Standard for Information Technology – Telecommunications and Information Exchange Between Systems – Local and Metropolitan Area Networks – Specific requirements Part 11: Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications,” (IEEE Std. 802.11-2020)

[2] IEEE Std 1905.1™-2013, IEEE Standard for a Convergent Digital Home Network for Heterogeneous Technologies

[3] IEEE Std 802.3™-2015, IEEE Standard for Ethernet

[4] TR-181 Device Data Model for TR-069 2016, Issue: 2 Amendment 11 Issue Date: July 2016

[5] Wi-Fi Protected Setup Specification

[6] ISO 3166-1, “Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions—Part 1: Country codes”

[7] IEEE 802.1Q-2018 - IEEE Standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks—Bridges and Bridged Networks,

[8] Wi-Fi Agile Multiband Specification v1.2

[9] Optimized Connectivity Experience Technical Specification v1.0

[10] Wi-Fi Data Elements Specification v1.0

[11] IEEE 1905.1a-2014, IEEE Standard for a Convergent Digital Home Network for Heterogeneous Technologies Amendment 1: Support of New MAC/PHYs and Enhancements

[12] WMM Specification Version 1.2.0 (https://www.wi-fi.org/file/wmm-specification-v12)

[13] IETF RFC 6021 Common YANG Data Types

[14] IETF RFC 3339, Date and Time on the Internet: Timestamps

[15] Synthetic Initialization Vector (SIV) Authenticated Encryption Using the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), RFC 5297

[16] US Secure Hash Algorithms (SHA and HMAC-SHA), RFC 4634

[17] IEEE Std 802.11™ax - IEEE Standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks -Specific requirements, Part 11: Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications

[18] Wi-Fi Easy Connect Specification

[19] RFC 4648, The Base16, Base32, and Base64 Data Encodings, October 2006

[20] RFC 7517, The JSON Web Key (JWK), May 2015

[21] RFC 3986, Uniform Resource Identifier (URI): Generic Syntax, January 2005

[22] RFC 7159, The JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) Data Interchange Format, March 2014

[23] Wi-Fi Alliance Security Requirements

[24] IETF RFC 2474 Definition of the Differentiated Services Field (DS Field) in the IPv4 and IPv6 Headers

[25] QoS Management Specification R2

[26] IETF RFC 8325 Mapping Diffserv to IEEE 802.11 (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8325)

[27] ISO 80000-1:2009 Quantities and units — Part 1: General

3 Definitions and acronyms

4 Architecture

4.1 Multi-AP architecture
A Multi-AP network consists of two types of logical entities:
• One Multi-AP Controller and
• One or more Multi-AP Agents
【译】一个Multi-AP 网络包含两种类型的逻辑实体
• 一个Multi-AP Controller
• 一个或多个Multi-AP Agent
A Multi-AP Controller is a logical entity in a Multi-AP network that implements logic for controlling the fronthaul APs and backhaul links in the Multi-AP network. A single Multi-AP Controller is supported for a given Multi-AP network. A Multi-AP Controller receives measurements and capability data for fronthaul APs, clients and backhaul links from the Multi-AP Agents and triggers AP control related commands and operations on the Multi-AP Agents. A Multi-AP Controller also provides onboarding functionality to onboard and provision Multi-AP devices onto the Multi-AP network.
【译】Multi-AP Controller是Multi-AP网络中的一个逻辑实体,实现管理Multi-AP网络中的AP和backhual链路。 一个Multi-AP网络中可以只有一个Multi-AP Controller。Multi-AP Controller从Multi-AP Agents处收集AP/客户端/backhual链路 的测量和能力数据,触发Multi-AP Agents上AP控制相关命令。Multi-AP Controller也提供onboarding功能,将device部署到Multi-AP网络。

A Multi-AP Agent is a logical entity that executes the commands received from the Multi-AP Controller, and reports measurements and capabilities data for fronthaul APs, clients and backhaul links to a Multi-AP Controller and/or to other Multi-AP Agents. A Multi-AP Agent interfaces with Wi-Fi sub-systems for fronthaul APs and backhaul STA on the Multi-AP device to get measurements and capabilities data, apply configuration changes and execute AP control functions.
【译】Multi-AP Agent 是一个逻辑实体,它接收并执行Multi-AP Controller的命令,上报AP/客户端/backhual链路的测量和能力数据给Multi-AP Controller,或其他的Multi-AP Agents。Multi-AP Agent和Wi-Fi子系统具有接口,可以获取前端AP和后端STA的测量和能力数据,实现修改配置,及执行AP控制功能。

A logical Multi-AP control interface is defined between Multi-AP devices over which configuration and control functions for fronthaul APs and backhaul links are executed. A Multi-AP control interface exists between the Multi-AP Controller and Multi-AP Agents. A Multi-AP interface may exist between two Multi-AP Agents.
【译】Multi-AP网络的设备间定义了Multi-AP逻辑控制接口,通过Multi-AP控制接口,传递AP和backhual链路的配置和控制命令。Multi-A控制接口存在于Multi-AP Controller和Multi-AP Agent之间,也可以存在于两个Multi-AP Agent之间。

A Multi-AP device may contain a Multi-AP Controller only, a Multi-AP Agent only, or both Multi-AP Controller and Multi-AP Agent. Two Multi-AP devices with Multi-AP Agents connect to each other over a backhaul link, which could be either a WiFi link or a wired Logical Ethernet Link. A single active backhaul link is allowed between any two Multi-AP devices at any given time.
【译】Multi-AP设备可以只有Multi-AP Controller,或只有Multi-AP Agent,或两者都有。两个具有Multi-AP Agent的设备通过backhual链路连接,backhual链路可以是WiFi链路,也可以是以太网线链路。两个Multi-AP devicesk可以随时随地建立backhual链路。

A Multi-AP device with a Multi-AP Agent includes fronthaul AP(s) for client STAs and/or a backhaul STA to associate with for Wi-Fi backhaul connectivity. In cases where a Wi-Fi backhaul link is supported, a Multi-AP device with a Multi-AP Agent also includes a backhaul STA to enable Wi-Fi backhaul link with another upstream fronthaul AP (see Figure 2).
【译】一个有Multi-AP Agent的Multi-AP设备,拥有一个fronthual AP,供STA连接; 也可能有一个backhual STA,来连接上行AP。如果支持Wi-Fi backhual,拥有Multi-AP Agent的Multi-AP设备也会拥有一个backhual STA,开启后可以Wi-Fi连接上行AP(见图2)。

Multi-AP devices with Multi-AP Agent functionality are connected to each other in a tree topology over one or more hops within a Multi-AP network. The tree topology ensures that a single backhaul path (over one or more hops) is established between any two Multi-AP devices in a Multi-AP network.
【译】在Multi-AP网络中,拥有Multi-AP Agent的Multi-AP设备以树形拓扑相互连接,可以有多级扩展。树形拓扑保证了任意两个Multi-AP设备间拥有唯一backhual路径(一跳或多跳)

The Multi-AP features defined in this specification are grouped into “Profiles”. A Multi-AP device is said to implement a given Profile when it implements all the features mandated by such profile, as detailed in Table 112 in section 18. Profiles are numbered and referred to as “Profile-X”, where X is an integer greater than or equal to 1.
【译】本规范中定义的Multi-AP特性都被分类到“Profiles”中。一个Multi-AP设备如果实现了某个Profile-X中要求的所有功能,则被称为实现了Profile-X, Profile详细信息列在18章中的112表格里。Profiles被编号并引用为“Profile-X”, X大于等于1
4.1.1 Multi-AP example deployment
Figure 1 shows an example of a Multi-AP deployment with two Multi-AP devices
Figure 2 shows another example of a Multi-AP deployment with four Multi-AP devices organized in a tree topology with a maximum of two hops between the Multi-AP devices.
Figure 3 shows another example of a Multi-AP deployment with four Multi-AP devices and with the Multi-AP Controller entity deployed on a separate Multi-AP device.
图2展示了4个Multi-AP部署,Multi-AP Controller独立存在于在一个Multi-AP设备上


5 Multi-AP onboarding

Onboarding is the process by which a Multi-AP Agent gains layer-2 connectivity onto a Multi-AP network through Wi-Fi or wired connectivity. This specification defines two methods (see section 5.2 (PBC Backhaul STA Onboarding) and 5.3 (DPP Onboarding)) by which a Multi-AP device that includes a Multi-AP Agent and backhaul STA can onboard to a MultiAP network. Note that a backhaul STA might be provisioned with backhaul credentials using out-of-band method(s). Once layer-2 connectivity is established by any method, the Multi-AP Agent commences discovery of the Multi-AP Controller per section 6.1.
【译】Onboarding是一个流程,通过onboarding,Multi-AP Agent可以通过有线或无线连接方式,在2层接入Multi-AP网络。本规范定义了两种接入方法,见5.2章(PBC方式 Backhual STA上线)和5.3章(DPP方式上线), 具有Multi-AP Agent和backhual STA的设备可以通过这两种方法接入到Multi-AP网络中。注意:具备backhual STA功能的设备可以通过带外数据的方式配置backhual链路的认证信息。一旦2层链路建立起来,Multi-AP Agent将根据6.1章中的介绍,开始发现Multi-AP Controller的流程。

译者注:具有backhual STA功能, 是指设备具有Wi-Fi接口,可以通过Wi-Fi连接到上级AP

DPP Onboarding can be used for two independent purposes:

  • DPP backhaul STA onboarding: to enable layer-2 Wi-Fi connectivity for a backhaul STA. (see section 5.3.4 or5.3.6)
  • DPP Multi-AP Agent secure onboarding: to secure the 1905-layer between the enrollee Multi-AP Agent and the Multi-AP Controller and other existing Multi-AP Agent(s) in the network. (see section 5.3.7)


  • DPP backhual STA上线:使能backhual STA的Wi-Fi 2层连接。(见5.3.4 或5.3.6)
  • DPP Multi-AP Agent安全上线:保证Multi-AP Agent和Multi-AP Controller之间enrollee 1905层的安全, 或者Multi-AP Agent和网络中存在的其他Multi-AP Agent之间enrollee 1905层的安全。(见5.3.7)

If a Multi-AP Agent backhaul STA that implements DPP Onboarding onboards to the Multi-AP network through a Multi-AP Agent using the PBC Backhaul STA Oonboarding method section 5.2) and the network uses a Multi-AP Controller that implements DPP Onboarding (section 5.3), the Multi-AP Agent and Controller are not able to perform 1905-layer security message integrity or encryption (see section 13) unless the Multi-AP Agent performs DPP Onboarding (see section 5.3.7). However, the Multi-AP Controller can still enable other Profile-3 features.
【译】如果一个实现了DPP Onboarding的Agent通过PBC方式加入Multi-AP网络,并且Controller也实现了DPP Onboarding,那么Agent和Controller之间无法执行1905层安全消息完整性或加密(见13章),除非Agent通过DPP Onboarding方式加入(见5.3.7)。不过,Controller依然可以使能Profile-3的其他特性。

5.1 1905 Push Button Configuration method

A Multi-AP Agent with a backhaul STA shall support the 1905 Push Button Configuration (1905 PBC) method of [2] with the extensions per section 5.2
【译】具有backhual STA的Agent应支持1905按键配置方法(1905 PBC),并根据5.2章进行扩展。

5.2 PBC Backhaul STA Onboarding procedure

An enrollee backhaul STA uses an extension to the PBC onboarding method, as defined in section 5.1, to indicate to an existing Multi-AP Agent that it is a backhaul STA (see Figure 4). In Figure 4, it is assumed that a Multi-AP Controller previously configured the existing Multi-AP Agent with the supported BSS backhaul STA connections using an extension to the 1905 AP-Autoconfiguration procedures per 7.1 (see Figure 4).
【译】一个登记者角色的backhual STA使用PBC方法的扩展来上线,如5.1中介绍的那样,向已存在的Agent表明它是一个backhual STA。在图4中,假定Controller已经通过7.1中描述的扩展的1905 AP-Autoconfiguration流程,对支持BSS backhaul的STA进行了预配置(见图4)

图4 上线/配置 BSS

5.2.1 BSS Configuration

If a Multi-AP Agent operates a BSS that has been configured to support the Backhaul BSS role but has not been configured to support the Fronthaul BSS role, the Multi-AP Agent shall not advertise Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS) support on that BSS.
【译】如果一个Multi-AP Agent的使能的BSS被配置为支持Backhual BSS,但是不支持Fronthual BSS,那么不应该在这个BSS接口上广播支持WPS功能。

If a Multi-AP Agent operates one or more BSSs that has been configured to support Fronthaul BSS, the Multi-AP Agent shall advertise WPS support on at least one of those BSSs.
【译】如果一个Multi-AP Agent的使能的一个或多个BSS被配置为支持Fronthal BSS,那么Multi-AP Agent应该在其中至少一个BSS上广播支持WPS功能

If a backhaul STA sends a (Re-)Association Request frame from its backhaul STA interface, it shall include in the frame a Multi-AP IE (see Table 3) containing a Multi-AP Extension subelement where bit 7 of the subelement value is set to one to indicate it is a backhaul STA.
【译】如果一个backhual STA从它的backhual STA接口发送关联帧(或重关联帧),帧中应该包含Multi-AP IE(见表3),其中包含Multi-AP扩展子成员,子成员的bit 7设置为1来表明它是一个backhual STA。

If a Multi-AP Agent operates a BSS that has been configured to support Fronthaul BSS, the Multi-AP Agent shall include a Multi-AP IE containing a Multi-AP Extension subelement with bit 5 of the subelement value set to one to indicate Fronthaul BSS in all (Re-)Association Response frames sent from that BSS to STAs identifying themselves as backhaul STAs.
【译】如果一个Multi-AP Agent使能的BSS被配置为支持Fronthaul BSS,那么Multi-AP Agent在发送关联(重关联)响应帧给STA时,应携带Multi-AP IE,其中包含Multi-AP扩展子成员,子成员的bit 5设置为1来让STA将自身标识为backhual STA。

If a Multi-AP Agent operates a BSS that has been configured to support Backhaul BSS, the Multi-AP Agent shall include a Multi-AP IE containing a Multi-AP Extension subelement with bit 6 of the subelement value set to one to indicate Backhaul BSS in all (Re-)Association Response frames sent from that BSS to STAs identifying themselves as backhaul STAs. If a Multi-AP Agent operates a backhaul BSS configured with Profile-1 bSTA Disallowed the Multi-AP Agent shall set bit 3 of the Multi-AP Extension subelement to one. If a Multi-AP Agent operates a BSS configured with Profile-2 bSTA Disallowed, the Multi-AP Agent shall set bit 2 of the Multi-AP Extension subelement to one.
【译】如果一个Multi-AP Agent使能的BSS被配置为支持Backhual BSS,那么Multi-AP Agent在发送关联(重关联)响应帧给STA时,应携带Multi-AP IE,其中包含Multi-AP扩展子成员,子成员的bit 6设置为1来让STA将自身表示为backhual STA。如果Multi-AP Agent使能的backhaul BSS按照Profile-1配置关闭backhaul STA,Multi-AP Agent应该设置扩展子成员bit 3为1。如果Multi-AP Agent使能的BSS按照Profile-2配置关闭backhaul STA,Multi-AP Agent应该设置扩展子成员bit 2为1。

If a Multi-AP Agent that supports all requirement of Profile-3 sends a Multi-AP IE in a (Re)Association Request or Response frame, it shall include a Multi-AP Profile subelement with the Multi-AP Profile field set to Multi-AP Profile-3. Otherwise, if a Multi-AP Agent that supports all requirement of Profile-2 sends a Multi-AP IE in a (Re)Association Request or Response frame, it shall include a Multi-AP Profile subelement with the Multi-AP Profile field set to Multi-AP Profile-2. Otherwise, if a Multi-AP Agent sends a Multi-AP IE in a (Re)Association Request or Response frame, it shall include a Multi-AP Profile subelement with the Multi-AP Profile field set to Multi-AP Profile-1.
【译】如果Multi-AP Agent支持Profile-3的所有要求,在发送关联(重关联)请求帧或响应帧时,应携带Multi-AP Profile子成员,并将Multi-AP Profile的区域设置为Multi-AP Profile-3。
否者,如果Multi-AP Agent支持Profile-2的所有要求,在发送关联(重关联)请求帧或响应帧时,应携带Multi-AP Profile子成员,并将Multi-AP Profile的区域设置为Multi-AP Profile-2。
否者,Multi-AP Agent在发送关联(重关联)请求帧或响应帧时,应携带Multi-AP Profile子成员,并将Multi-AP Profile的区域设置为Multi-AP Profile-1。

If a Multi-AP Agent that implements Traffic Separation sends a Multi-AP IE in a (Re)Association Response frame of a Backhaul BSS, and the most recently received Traffic Separation Policy has the number of SSIDs field set to a value different than zero, it shall include a Multi-AP Default 802.1Q Setting subelement (as defined in Table 4) with the latest configured Primary VLAN ID. If a Multi-AP Agent that implements Traffic Separation sends a Multi-AP IE in a (Re)Association Response frame of a Backhaul BSS, and it considers the Primary VLAN ID not configured, it shall not include a Multi-AP Default 802.1Q Setting subelement.
【译】如果Multi-AP Agent实现了分流功能,并且最近收到的分流策略中包含的SSID数目不是0,在通过Backhaul BSS发送关联(重关联)响应帧时,应包含Multi-AP 802.1Q默认配置子成员(定义在表4),并设置为最后配置的Primary VLAN ID。如果Multi-AP Agent实现了分流功能,但是Primary VLAN ID没有配置,那么在通过Backhaul BSS发送关联(重关联)响应帧时,不应包含Multi-AP 802.1Q默认配置子成员。

5.2.2 Backhaul STA Configuration

If a backhaul STA sends an M1 message (see [5]) from its backhaul STA interface during a WPS exchange, it shall include a Multi-AP Extension subelement in the M1 message as part of the Wi-Fi Alliance Vendor Extension attribute with bit 7 of the subelement value set to one to indicate it is a backhaul STA.
【译】如果一个backhaul STA在WPS配置流程中通过backhaul STA接口发送M1消息(见[5]),应该在M1中包含Multi-AP扩展子成员,此子成员属于Wi-Fi联盟供应商扩展,将子成员bit 7设置为1来表明它是一个backhaul STA。

If a Multi-AP Agent receives an M1 message with bit 7 of the Multi-AP Extension subelement, as part of the Wi-Fi Alliance Vendor Extension attribute set to one from a STA during the WPS procedure, the Multi-AP Agent shall configure the backhaul STA with credentials (i.e., SSID and passphrase) pertaining to the backhaul SSID.
【译】如果一个Multi-AP Agent在WPS配置流程中收到M1消息,其中属于Wi-Fi联盟供应商扩展的子成员bit 7被置为1,Multi-AP Agent应该用backhaul SSID相关的凭证(如SSID和密钥)来配置backhaul STA。

If a Multi-AP Agent’s backhaul STA uses WPS to be configured with network credentials by another Multi-AP Agent and the backhaul STA has been deauthenticated by the AP at the end of the WPS procedure, the Multi-AP Agent’s backhaul STA shall associate to the backhaul SSID using the configured credentials.
【译】如果一个Multi-AP Agent的backhaul STA通过WPS方法被另外一个Multi-AP Agent配置了网络凭证,并且backhaul STA在WPS流程结束时被AP断开连接,Multi-AP Agent的backhaul STA应使用得到的网络凭证连接backhaul SSID。

If a Multi-AP Agent backhaul STA supports SAE and the configured credentials comprise a WPA2-Personal passphrase and the Multi-AP Agent discovers an AP that is advertising the backhaul SSID and an SAE AKM, the Multi-AP Agent shall attempt SAE authentication with the AP (instead of WPA2-Personal) using the configured passphrase.
【译】如果Multi-AP Agent backhaul STA支持SAE,并且被配置的凭证包含了一个WPA2-Personal密钥,当它发现一个AP正在广播backhaul SSID和SAE AKM(Auth Key Management),应当用配置的密钥尝试以SAE(而不是WPA2-Persional)认证方式连接。

If the Backhaul STA of a Multi-AP Agent that implements Traffic Separation has successfully associated with a Backhaul BSS whose latest (Re)Association Response frame contains a Multi-AP Default 802.1Q Setting subelement (Table 4) in the Multi-AP IE with a Primary VLAN ID that differs from the one in use on the newly-associated Multi-AP Agent, or no Primary VLAN ID is configured on the newly-associated Multi-AP Agent, then the newly-associated Multi-AP Agent shall configure the Primary VLAN ID to the one indicated in the Multi-AP Default 802.1Q Setting subelement and send any 1905.1 management frames as defined in section 19.1.3. If the Backhaul STA of a Multi-AP Agent that implements Traffic Separation has successfully associated with a Backhaul BSS whose latest (Re)Association Response frame does not contain a Multi-AP Default 802.1Q Setting subelement (Table 4) in the Multi-AP IE and the newly-associated Multi-AP Agent has a Primary VLAN ID configured, the newly-associated Multi-AP Agent shall consider the Primary VLAN ID not configured and send any 1905.1 management frames as defined in section 19.1.3.
【译】如果Multi-AP的Backhaul STA实现了分流功能,并已经成功关联到一个Backhaul BSS,此Backhaul BSS最后的关联(重关联)响应中Multi-AP IE包含“Multi-AP默认102.1Q设置”子成员,子成员中Primary VLAN ID和最新关联的Multi-AP Agent中携带的VLAN ID不相等,或者最新关联的Multi-AP没有配置Primary VLAN ID, 那么最新关联的Multi-AP Agent应该依照Backhaul BSS中配置的Primary VLAN ID来配置自己的,并发送任意1905.1管理帧,管理帧在19.1.3中定义。

如果Multi-AP的Backhaul STA实现了分流功能,并已经成功关联到一个Backhaul BSS,此Backhaul BSS最后的关联(重关联)响应中Multi-AP IE中未包含“Multi-AP默认102.1Q设置”子成员,最新关联的Multi-AP Agent配置了Primary VLAN ID,最新关联的Multi-AP Agent应该认为Primary VLAN ID未配置,并发送任意1905.1管理帧,管理帧在19.1.3中定义。

Table 3. Multi-AP IE format
Field Size (Octets) Value (Hex) Description
Element ID 1 0xDD IEEE 802.11 vendor specific information element.
Length 1 Variable Length of the following fields in the IE in octets.
OUI 3 0x50-6F-9A Wi-Fi Alliance specific OUI (refer to of [1])
OUI Type 1 0x1B Wi-Fi Alliance specific OUI Type identifying the type of the MultiAP IE.
Subelement related fields 3 Variable Multi-AP Extension subelement per Table 14.
3 Variable Multi-AP Profile subelement per Table 15.
4 Variable Multi-AP Default 802.1Q Setting subelement per Table 4.

Table 4. Multi-AP Default 802.1Q Setting subelement format
Subelement ID 1 octet 0x08 Multi-AP Default 802.1Q Setting subelement identifier.
Subelement Length 1 octet 0x02 Number of Bytes in the subelement value.
Subelement Value 2 octets Variable Primary VLAN ID.
This subfield shall be transmitted in little endian byte order.

5.3 DPP Backhaul STA and Multi-AP Agent secure onboarding

5.3.1 Overview of DPP onboarding procedure (Informative)

The Multi-AP DPP onboarding method enables a Multi-AP Agent that implements the DPP Protocol (see [18]) to onboard to a Multi-AP network using a Multi-AP Controller that implements DPP Onboarding. The onboarding can occur over Ethernet or over Wi-Fi via a Multi-AP Agent that implements the DPP Protocol acting as a Proxy Agent (as defined in section 5.3.4). Since the DPP Protocol supports configuration of DPP-capable devices using a variety of Wi-Fi technologies, onboarding of Multi-AP devices requires the DPP “wi-fi_tech” field set to “map”. Multi-AP-specific extensions to the DPP Configuration Request object and DPP Configuration Object parameters are defined and used in this specification.
【译】实现了DPP协议(见[18])的Multi-AP Agent可以使用DPP onboarding方法接入到一个Multi-AP网络中,此网络中的Multi-AP Controller要支持DPP onboarding方法。onboarding可以经由有线或无线,通过支持DPP协议的Multi-AP Agent作为代理Agent(在5.3.4定义)来进行。由于支持DPP协议的设备有很多种,运用了多种Wi-Fi技术,onboarding的Multi-AP设备需要将DDP “wi-fi_tech”区域设置为“map”。本规范定义并使用了DPP配置请求对象和DPP配置请求对象的参数,作为Multi-AP-specific扩展。

Figure 5 provides an overview of the DPP based onboarding sequence where an Enrollee Multi-AP Agent backhaul STA is onboarded over a Wi-Fi radio and subsequently the Multi-AP Agent’s backhaul STA is configured with credentials for backhaul connectivity and the Multi-AP Agent is configured for 1905-layer security. The Enrollee Multi-AP Agent takes the DPP Responder role and the Multi-AP Controller takes the DPP Initiator role.
【译】图5展示了基于DPP的onboarding流程,Multi-AP Agent的backhaul STA作为登记者通过Wi-Fi onboarding,Multi-AP Agent的backhaul STA被配置backhaul链路凭证,Multi-AP Agent被配置1905层安全。登记者Multi-AP作为DPP响应者角色,Multi-AP Controller作为DPP发起者角色

The DPP onboarding process begins when the Multi-AP Controller receives the bootstrapping information of the Enrollee Multi-AP Agent in the form of a DPP URI. Upon receipt of the DPP URI, the Multi-AP Controller instructs one or more existing Multi-AP Agents to advertise the CCE IE in their Beacon and Probe Response frames, if they are not doing so already, and listen to the Enrollee’s DPP Presence Announcement frame. Once the Multi-AP Controller receives a DPP Presence Announcement frame from an Enrollee Multi-AP Agent, it initiates the DPP Authentication procedure by generating a DPP Authentication Request frame. A Multi-AP Agent, acting as a proxy, relays the DPP Authentication messages received from the Multi-AP Controller to the Enrollee when the DPP Presence Announcement frame with the correct hash is received from the Enrollee. The proxy performs a bi-directional converstion between a DPP frame carried in an 802.11 frame to a DPP frame encapsulated in a Multi-AP CMDU message. Upon successful authentication, the Enrollee Multi-AP Agent requests configuration by exchanging DPP Configuration Protocol messages (see 6.6 of [18]) with the Multi-AP Controller.

图5. DPP Onboarding

The procedure below outlines how an Enrollee Multi-AP Agent and the Multi-AP Network interact for DPP onboarding over Wi-Fi. The announcement procedure referenced here is either the DPP Presence Announcement or the DPP Reconfiguration Announcement advertised by the Enrollee.

  1. (Figure 5 step 1, 2, 3) A new Enrollee Multi-AP Agent is placed in DPP onboarding mode (e.g., user powering the device, user taking some action to enable onboarding).

  2. The Multi-AP Controller takes the role of a DPP Configurator and obtains the Enrollee’s DPP URI by one of the following mechanisms:
    a. One of the bootstrapping methods described in section 5 of [18], or
    b. The DPP bootstrapping using push button method described in section 5.3.6, or
    c. (step 4, 5) Transfer of the DPP URI with the bootstrapping information of the Enrollee (see [21]) from the Enrollee to the Controller using a secure out-of-band mechanism that is outside the scope of this specification
    (e.g., remote pre-provisioning of the Controller with the DPP URI of an enrollee provided by a Service Provider).

  3. As shown in Figure 5 step 3, a Multi-AP Controller implementation might leverage user interface capabilities of a separate device for the purpose of bootstrapping (e.g., a QR code scanning app on a smartphone). Any
    necessary interfaces between physical components of the logical Multi-AP Controller entity are assumed to be secure and are out-of-scope of this specification.

  4. As part of the bootstrapping process, (steps 10, 19) the Enrollee Multi-AP Agent starts advertising its presence by transmitting a periodic DPP Presence Announcement frame on various channels. It determines these channels by following the channel list selection procedure for presence announcement described in Section 6.2 of [18]. Each DPP Presence Announcement frame contains a bootstrapping key hash of the Enrollee. If the Enrollee has already been enrolled to the Multi-AP network, but its backhaul STA disconnected, the Enrollee follows the above procedure to reconnect, except that the Enrollee sends a DPP Reconfiguration Announcement frame that contains the hash of the C-sign-key of the Controller which onboarded its backhaul STA.

  5. (step 0) A Multi-AP device may, by default, advertise the Configurator Connectivity Element (CCE) IE in Beacons and Probe Response frames to facilitate Enrollee Multi-AP Agent or other DPP-capable client device onboarding into the Multi-AP network. If CCE is not advertised by default, upon receipt of an Enrollee’s DPP URI, (steps 6,7) the Multi-AP Controller instructs one or more Multi-AP Agents in the network to start advertising the CCE in Beacon and Probe Response frames by sending them a DPP CCE Indication message. A Controller may instruct the existing Multi-AP Agents to advertise or not advertise the CCE at any time, independently of any upcoming onboarding procedure.
    It is recommended that the Multi-AP Controller triggers one or more Multi-AP Agents to start advertising the CCE
    in Beacon and Probe Response frames to facilitate seamless (re)configuration of backhaul STA and regular DPPcapable STA devices.

  6. (steps 8, 9) The Multi-AP Agent(s) start(s)/continue(s) advertising the CCE and listen(s) for a DPP Presence Announcement frame on their channel(s). The existence of the CCE in the Beacon frames on a given channel
    allows the Enrollee Multi-AP Agent to include that channel in its channel list contained in DPP Presence Announcement frame sent in that channel.

  7. (steps 12, 13) The Multi-AP Agent(s) start(s)/continue(s) listening for announcements frames (DPP Presence Announcement frame or DPP Reconfiguration Announcement frame) and upon receipt of a DPP Presence
    Announcement frame or a DPP Reconfiguration Announcement frame for which it does not have a matching DPP (Reconfiguration) Authentication Request, the Multi-AP Agent will encapsulate it in a Chirp Notification message and send it to the Multi-AP Controller (step 14).

  8. (steps 17, 18) If the Multi-AP Controller has received the DPP URI of the Enrollee and receives the DPP Presence Announcement frame of the Enrollee through one of the Multi-AP Agents, the Multi-AP Controller
    constructs a DPP Authentication Request frame, encapsulates it in a Proxied Encap DPP message and sends the Proxied Encap DPP message to the Multi-AP Agent(s) for relaying it to the Enrollee Multi-AP Agent. The Multi-AP Controller also sends a hashed value (computed from the Enrollee’s public key in the DPP URI) that it expects in the DPP Presence Announcement frame of the Enrollee Multi-AP Agent.

  9. If the Multi-AP Controller receives a DPP Reconfiguration Announcement frame from a Multi-AP Agent through one of the Multi-AP Agents, the Multi-AP Controller constructs a DPP Reconfiguration Authentication Request frame.

  10. (steps 17, 18) If a Proxy Agent receives a Proxied Encap DPP message carrying a DPP Authentication Request and a DPP Chirp Value TLV, it will start comparing the value of the Hash Value field of the DPP Chirp Value TLV with the bootstrapping key hash from any DPP Presence Announcement frames it receives. If a match is found (step 20), the Multi-AP Agent forwards the DPP Authentication Request to the sender of the DPP Presence Announcement frame (step 22).

  11. (steps 11, 15, 16, 19, 21) The Enrollee Multi-AP Agent continues the announcement procedure and listens for the DPP (Reconfiguration) Authentication Request frame. (step 22) Upon receipt of the DPP (Reconfiguration) Authentication Request frame, (step 23) the Enrollee stops the announcement procedure and engages in a DPP (Reconfig) Authentication exchange with the Multi-AP Controller on the channel of the selected Proxy Agent from which it received the DPP (Reconfiguration) Authentication Request frame.

  12. (step 24) The Enrollee Multi-AP Agent constructs and sends a DPP (Reconfiguration) Authentication Response frame intended for the Multi-AP Controller and sends it to the Proxy Agent from which it received the DPP
    (Reconfiguration) Authentication Request frame.

  13. (step 25) If the Proxy Agent receives the DPP (Reconfiguration) Authentication Response frame, it encapsulates the frame in a Proxied Encap DPP message and sends it to the Multi-AP Controller.

  14. (step 26) If the Multi-AP Controller receives a DPP (Reconfiguration) Authentication Response frame, it will construct a DPP (Reconfiguration) Authentication Confirm frame, encapsulate it in a Proxied Encap DPP
    message, and send it to the Enrollee Multi-AP Agent through the Proxy Agent. (step 27)

  15. (step 28) The Enrollee Multi-AP Agent will, upon receipt of the DPP (Reconfiguration) Authentication Confirm frame, request its initial configuration from the Multi-AP Controller by exchanging DPP Configuration frames using the selected Proxy Agent.

  16. (step 28) The Multi-AP Controller configures the backhaul STA and the 1905-layer security of the Enrollee MultiAP Agent using the DPP Configuration protocol.
    After receiving the configuration for its backhaul STA and 1905-layer, the Enrollee Multi-AP Agent:
    • configures its backhaul STA interface,
    • uses its backhaul STA to connect to a backhaul BSS of the Multi-AP network,
    • discovers the Multi-AP Controller using 1905 AP-Autoconfiguration Search,
    • initiates the DPP Network Introduction protocol (see section 6.6 of [18]) to exchange 1905-layer connectors,
    • establishes a 1905 PMK with the Multi-AP Controller for its 1905-layer, and
    • intiates a 4-way handshake to derive a 1905 PTK.

Fronthaul and backhaul configurations, including any policy, are obtained by the newly enrolled Multi-AP Agent using 1905-layer messages as explained in section 5.3.5.
If the Multi-AP Controller triggers the newly enrolled Multi-AP Agent to start advertising the CCE in Beacon and Probe Response frames, the Multi-AP Agent listens to DPP Reconfiguration Announcement frames containing the C-sign-key hash of the Controller (to facilitate reconfiguration of enrolled Multi-AP Agents), and any additional bootstrapping key hashes received from the Multi-AP Controller (to facilitate Enrollee onboarding).
The above steps describe a scenario where the Enrollee Multi-AP Agent uses a Wi-Fi link for backhaul. However, the 1905-layer DPP onboarding can alternatively be performed over the Logical Ethernet Link of the Enrollee.
After DPP onboarding and configuration, the newly enrolled Multi-AP Agent can establish 1905-layer security between itself and the other existing Multi-AP Agents that implement DPP Onboarding to enable 1905 message encryption and message integrity the same way it did with the Multi-AP Controller.

5.3.2 Data structures used in DPP onboarding


5.3.3 Requirements for devices using DPP onboarding procedures


6 Multi-AP discovery

A discovery scheme is used to discover Multi-AP Controller and Multi-AP Agents in a Multi-AP network that is based on an extension of the discovery functionality defined in [2].

Note: A Multi-AP Agent supporting [11] might use the Generic PHY query/response procedure to discover Generic Phy non-Wi-Fi interfaces.
【译】注意:一个支持[11]的Multi-AP Agent可能使用通用PHY查询/响应流程来发现通用的非Wi-Fi接口。

Additional Wi-Fi Media type (intfType) value(s) to 1905 Media type Table 6-12 (see [2]):

Table 12. Extension of 1905 Media type Table 6-12 in [2]
Media Type (intfType) Description Media-specific information (n octects)
bits 15 to 8 bits 7 to 0

1 8 Wi-Fi 6 n=0

6.1 Multi-AP controller discovery

A Multi-AP network shall be configured with a single Controller for the Multi-AP network.

If a Multi-AP device can be configured as a Controller through an out-of-band mechanism (e.g., through UI or Service Provider configuration), the configuration shall be stored in non-volatile memory and the configuration shall be used after restart of the device.

Note: If a Multi-AP device implements an Agent and a Controller, then it might provide an out-of-band mechanism by which a user can disable the Controller function if they wish to onboard this as a Multi-AP Agent to an existing Multi-AP network. For example, this could be implemented directly by presenting the user with a Controller on/off selection or indirectly by presenting the user with a choice such as “Is this a new network or an existing network?”.

Note: If a Multi-AP device implements an Agent and a Controller and the Agent initiates onboarding onto an existing Multi-AP network (see section 5) using a Wi-Fi interface, it might disable its Controller functionality and store this configuration in its non-volatile memory.

Note: If a Multi-AP device implements an Agent and a Controller and a non-Wi-Fi interface transitions to the PWR_ON state, it might send a 1905 AP-Autoconfiguration Search message (see section 6.3.7 of [2]) on that interface. If the Multi-AP device receives a 1905 AP-Autoconfiguration Response message (see section 6.3.8 of [2]) on a non-Wi-Fi interface from a Controller that is not its Controller, it might disable its Controller functionality and store this configuration in its nonvolatile memory.
【译】注意:如果一个Multi-AP设备实现类Agent和Controller功能,并且有一个非Wi-Fi接口状态改变为PWR_ON,那么设备可以通过这个接口发送1905 AP-Autoconfiguration Search消息(见6.3.7 [2])。如果设备从Controller收到1905 AP-Autoconfiguration Response消息(见6.3.8 [2]),但Controller不是自身的Controller,那么它可以关闭自身的Controller并保存配置在非易失存储器中。

Note: A Multi-AP Controller might send a 1905 AP-Autoconfiguration Search message to discover the possible presence of another Multi-AP Controller. If the Multi-AP Controller receives a 1905 AP-Autoconfiguration Response message, it might send a notification to the upper layers.
【译】注意:一个Multi-AP Controller可能会发送1905 AP-Autoconfiguration Search来发现是否存在另外一个Multi-AP Controller。如果它收到了1905 AP-Autoconfiguration Response消息,可以发送通知给上层。

This specification extends the 1905 AP-Autoconfiguration search/response procedure (see section 10 of [2]) to allow discovery of a Multi-AP Controller. The Multi-AP Controller shall be co-located with the 1905 Registrar functionality in the same physical device.
【译】本规范扩展了1905 AP-Autoconfiguration search/response流程(见10 [2]),以发现Multi-AP Controller。Multi-AP Controller和1905注册功能应在同一个物理设备上。

To discover a Multi-AP Controller, a Multi-AP Agent sends a 1905 AP-Autoconfiguration Search message (see section 6.3.7 of [2]). The Multi-AP Controller responds with a 1905 AP-Autoconfiguration Response message (see section 6.3.8 of [2]).
【译】为发现Multi-AP Controller,Multi-AP Agent要发送1905 AP-Autoconfiguration Search消息(见 6.3.7 [2])。Multi-AP Controller收到后发送1905 AP-Autoconfiguration Response消息(见6.3.8 [2])。

A Multi-AP Agent shall include one Multi-AP Profile TLV (see section 17.2.47) in the 1905 AP-Autoconfiguration Search message with the Multi-AP Profile field set to its highest Multi-AP Profile with all requirements met.
【译】一个Multi-AP Agent应在1905 AP-Autoconfiguration Search消息中包含一个Multi-AP Profile TLV (见17.2.47),其中的Multi-AP Profile域设置可以支持的最高Multi-AP Profile。

A Multi-AP Agent that does not support all requirement of Profile-2 or Profile-3 shall include in the 1905 AP-Autoconfiguration Search message one Multi-AP Profile TLV (see section 17.2.47) with the Multi-AP Profile field set to Multi-AP Profile-1 and include one Profile-2 AP Capability TLV (see section 17.2.48) with the supported feature bits set to one if it supports the corresponding feature.
【译】一个不能完全满足Profile-2或Profile-3的Multi-AP Agent,在发送1905 AP-Autoconfiguration Search消息中,Multi-AP Profile TLV(见17.2.47)的Multi-AP Profile域设置为Profile-1,并且在Profile-2 AP Capability TLV(见17.2.48)中,将支持特性对应的bit位设置为1。

A Multi-AP Agent shall indicate Registrar in the SearchedRole TLV in the 1905 AP-Autoconfiguration Search message. A Multi-AP Agent shall include SupportedService TLV and SearchedService TLV in the 1905 AP-Autoconfiguration Search message per section 17.1.1. A Multi-AP Agent shall indicate Multi-AP Agent in the SupportedService TLV in the 1905 APAutoconfiguration Search message. A Multi-AP Agent shall indicate Multi-AP Controller in the SearchedService TLV in the 1905 AP-Autoconfiguration Search message.
【译】Multi-AP Agent在1905 AP-Autoconfiguration Search消息中,应在earchedRole TLV中指示Registrar。
根据17.1.1,Multi-AP Agent应在1905 AP-Autoconfiguration Search消息中包含SupportedService TLV和SearchedService TLV。
Multi-AP Agent应在1905 AP-Autoconfiguration Search消息中的SupportedService TLV中指示Multi-AP Agent,在SearchedService TLV中指示Multi-AP Controller。

If a Multi-AP Controller receives a 1905 AP-Autoconfiguration Search message with SearchedRole set to Registrar and SearchedService set to Multi-AP Controller, it shall include a SupportedService TLV in the 1905 AP-Autoconfiguration Response message per section 17.1.2. A Multi-AP Controller shall indicate Registrar in the SupportedRole TLV in the 1905 AP-Autoconfiguration Response message. A Multi-AP Controller shall indicate Multi-AP Controller in the SupportedService TLV in the 1905 AP-Autoconfiguration Response message. A Multi-AP Controller shall include one Multi-AP Profile TLV in the 1905 AP-Autoconfiguration Response message. A Multi-AP Controller shall include one Controller Capability TLV in the 1905 AP-Autoconfiguration Response message and shall set the KiBMiB Counter bit to one.
If the Multi-AP Agent did not include a Multi-AP Profile TLV in the 1905 Autoconfiguration Search message, or if included one and set the Multi-AP Profile field to Profile-1 in the Multi-AP Profile TLV, then the Multi-AP Controller sets Multi-AP Profile field to Profile-1.
If the Multi-AP Agent set the Multi-AP Profile field to Profile-2 in the Multi-AP Profile TLV it included in the 1905 Autoconfiguration Search message, then the Multi-AP Controller sets the Multi-AP Profile field to Profile-2
If the Multi-AP Agent set the Multi-AP Profile field to Profile-3 in the Multi-AP Profile TLV it included in the 1905 Autoconfiguration Search message, then the Multi-AP Controller sets the Multi-AP Profile field to Profile-3.

A Multi-AP Controller that supports Profile-3 shall support DPP Obboarding procedure as described in section 5.3.

【译】如果一个Multi-AP Controller收到1905 AP-Autoconfiguration Search消息,其中SearchedRole设置为Registrar,SearchedService设置为Multi-AP Controller,根据17.1.2,它应在1905 AP-Autoconfiguration Response消息中携带SupportedService TLV

Multi-AP Controller应在1905 AP-Autoconfiguration Response消息中的SupportedRole TLV中指示Registrar。

Multi-AP Controller应在1905 AP-Autoconfiguration Response消息中的SupportedService TLV中指示Multi-AP Controller。

Multi-AP Controller应在1905 AP-Autoconfiguration Response消息中包含Multi-AP Profile TLV

Multi-AP Controller应在1905 AP-Autoconfiguration Response消息中包含Controller Capability TLV,并设置KiBMiB Counter为1

如果Multi-AP Agent在1905 Autoconfiguration Search消息中不包含Multi-AP Profile TLV,或者携带了但是Multi-AP Profile设置为Profile-1,Multi-AP Controller应设置Multi-AP Profile为Profile-1

如果Multi-AP Agent在1905 Autoconfiguration Search消息中设置Multi-AP Profile TLV中Multi-AP Profile为Profile-2,Multi-AP Controller应设置Multi-AP Profile为Profile-2

如果Multi-AP Agent在1905 Autoconfiguration Search消息中设置Multi-AP Profile TLV中Multi-AP Profile为Profile-3,Multi-AP Controller应设置Multi-AP Profile为Profile-3

如5.3章中描述,如果Multi-AP Controller支持Profile-3,那么它应支持DPP onboarding流程。

6.2 Multi-AP service discovery

This specification extends the 1905 Topology query/response procedure (see section 8 of [2]) to allow discovery of Multi-AP specific capabilities provided by Multi-AP devices.
【译】本规范扩展了1905 Topology query/response流程(见8 of [2]),以发现Multi-AP设备提供的特有的Multi-AP能力集。

To discover the Multi-AP specific capabilities of a Multi-AP device, a Multi-AP Controller or a Multi-AP Agent sends a 1905 Topology Query message to the Multi-AP device (per section 8 of [2]). The Multi-AP device responds with a 1905 Topology Response message (per section 17.1.4).
【译】要发现Multi-AP设备的Multi-AP特有的能力集,Multi-AP Controller或Agent需发送1905 Topology Query消息给Multi-AP设备(根据section 8 of [2])。Multi-AP设备回复1905 Topology Response(根据section 17.1.4)。

A Multi-AP Controller or a Multi-AP Agent shall include a SupportedService TLV in the 1905 Topology Response message. If the Multi-AP device includes a Multi-AP Agent, the Multi-AP Agent shall indicate Multi-AP Agent in the SupportedService TLV in the 1905 Topology Response message. If the Multi-AP device includes a Multi-AP Controller, the Multi-AP Controller shall indicate Multi-AP Controller in the SupportedService TLV in the 1905 Topology Response message.
【译】Multi-AP Controller或Agent在1905 Topology Response消息中应包含SupportedService TLV。如果Multi-AP设备具有Agent,那么应在SupportedService TLV中指明Multi-AP Agent。如果Multi-AP设备具有Controller,那么应在SupportedService TLV中指明Multi-APController。

If a Multi-AP device sends a Topology Query message, it shall include one Multi-AP Profile TLV (see section 17.2.47) in the 1905 Topology Query message with the Multi-AP Profile field set to its highest Multi-AP Profile with all requirements met and include one Profile-2 AP Capability TLV (see section 17.2.48) with those supported feature bits set to one in the 1905 AP-Autoconfiguration Search message.
【译】如果一个Multi-AP设备发送Topology Query消息,那么应在消息中包含Multi-AP Profile TLV (见section 17.2.47),设置Multi-AP Profile域为自身最高支持的Profile,同时也要包含Profile-2 AP Capability TLV (见section 17.2.48),将已支持的Profile-2特性对应bit置1,如同在1905 AP-Autoconfiguration Search消息中设置的那样。

If a Multi-AP Agent sends a Topology Response message and there is at least one 802.11 client directly associated with any of the BSS(s) that is operated by the Multi-AP Agent, the Multi-AP Agent shall include an Associated Clients TLV in the message per section 17.1.4 to indicate all the 802.11 clients that are directly associated with each of the BSS(s) that is operated by the Multi-AP Agent. See A.2 for further explanation.
【译】如果有802.11客户端连接到Multi-AP Agent任意BSS上,根据17.1.4,Agent在发送Topology Response消息时应包含Associated Clients TLV,指明每个BSS关联的客户端。更多解释请见A.2

If a Multi-AP device that implements Profile-3 sends a Topology Response message, it shall include one Multi-AP Profile TLV in the 1905 Topology Response message with the Multi-AP Profile field set to Multi-AP Profile-3. Otherwise, if a Multi-AP device that implements Profile-2 sends a Topology Response message, it shall include one Multi-AP Profile TLV in the 1905 Topology Response message with the Multi-AP Profile field set to Multi-AP Profile-2. Otherwise, if a Multi-AP device sends a Topology Response message, it shall include one Multi-AP Profile TLV in the 1905 Topology Response message with the Multi-AP Profile field set to Multi-AP Profile-1.
【译】一个Multi-AP设备发送Topology Response消息,如果实现了Profile-3,应在消息中包含Multi-AP Profile TLV并设置Multi-AP Profile域为Profile-3;如果实现了Profile-2,应在消息中包含Multi-AP Profile TLV并设置Multi-AP Profile域为Profile-2;其他情况应在消息中包含Multi-AP Profile TLV并设置Multi-AP Profile域为Profile-1。

6.3 Client association and disassociation notification

This specification extends the 1905 Topology Notification message to allow other Multi-AP Agents to learn of client (re)association and disassociation events quickly.
【译】本规范扩展了1905 Topology Notification消息,使其他Multi-AP Agent可以快速获取客户端关联/断开的消息。

If a Wi-Fi client joins or leaves a BSS on a Multi-AP device, the Multi-AP Agent shall include a Client Association Event TLV in the 1905 Topology Notification message per section 17.1.5.
【译】如果一个Wi-Fi客户端加入或离开Multi-AP设备的BSS,根据17.1.5,Multi-AP Agent应在1905 Topology Notification消息中携带Client Association Event TLV。

If a Multi-AP Agent sends a 1905 Topology Notification message including a Client Association Event TLV with the Association Event bit set to zero (client disassociation), the Multi-AP Agent shall also send to the Multi-AP Controller a Client Disassociation Stats message including one STA MAC Address TLV identifying the station that has disassociated, one Reason Code TLV with the Reason Code set to indicate the reason for the disassociation or deauthentication as defined in Table 9-45 of [1] and one Associated STA Traffic Stats TLV indicating the final traffic stats of that client session.
如果一个Multi-AP Agent发送的1905 Topology Notification消息中有Client Association Event TLV,并且Association Event值为0(客户端断开),那么Agent应向Multi-AP Controller发送一个Client Disassociation Stats消息,包含一个STA MAC Address TLV以标识断开的station;包含一个Reason Code TLV并设置以标识STA断开/去鉴权原因,原因在表9-45 of [1]中定义;包含一个Associated STA Traffic Stats TLV来标识断开STA最终的流量统计。

If a Multi-AP Agent most recently received Multi-AP Policy Config Request contains an Unsuccessful Association Policy TLV with the Report Unsuccessful Associations bit set to one, and if the Multi-AP Agent has sent fewer than the maximum number of Failed Connection messages (as specified in the Maximum Reporting Rate element of the Unsuccessful Association Policy TLV) in the preceding minute, and the Multi-AP Agent detects that Wi-Fi client has made a failed attempt to connect to any BSS operated by the Multi-AP Agent, the Multi-AP Agent shall send to the Multi-AP Controller a Failed Connection message including a STA MAC Address TLV identifying the client that has attempted to connect and a Status Code TLV with the Status Code set to a non-zero value that indicates the reason for association or authentication failure as defined in Table 9-46 of [1], or a Status Code TLV with the Status Code set to zero and a Reason Code TLV with the Reason Code indicating the reason the STA was disassociated or deauthenticated as defined in Table 9-45 of [1].
【译】如果Multi-AP Agent收到Multi-AP Policy Config Request,包含了Unsuccessful Association Policy TLV并设置Report Unsuccessful Associations为1,并且Agent在前1分钟内发送Failed Connection次数小于最大允许值(在Unsuccessful Association Policy TLV中的Maximum Reporting Rate成员中设置),如果检测到任意BSS上有Wi-Fi客户端尝试连接并失败,Agent应向Controller发送Failed Connection消息,包含STA MAC地址来指示连接失败的STA。和一个Status Code TLV,设置Status Code为非零值来指示失败原因,失败原因定义在表9-46 of [1],或一个Status Code 为0的Status Code TLV和一个Reason Code的Reason Code TLV来指示断开连接的原因,原因定义在表9-45 of [1]。

If a Multi-AP Agent sends a Failed Connection message, the Multi-AP Agent shall include a BSSID TLV (see section 17.2.74) indicating the BSSID of the BSS to which the failed connection attempt was made.
【译】如果Multi-AP Agent发送了一个Failed Connection消息,那么应包含一个BSSID TLV (见section 17.2.74)来指示尝试连接失败所在BSS的BSSID。

Note: A STA does not send a Disassociation or Deauthentication frame to the source BSS when roaming using the 802.11 Reassociation procedure. If a STA roams away from a BSS for which it has negotiated Protected Management Frames with the AP, and subsequently attempts to (re)associate to that same BSS while the AP maintains associated state for the STA from the original association (i.e., if the AP has not realized that the STA left the BSS), the AP will initiate a security procedure per IEEE 802.11 standard intended to protect the original association from unauthorized tear down.

This procedure involves rejection of the subsequent (re)association request for a timeout period, which can result in significant outage for the STA. To avoid such outage, it is necessary for a Multi-AP Agent to internally synchronize association state between BSSs it is operating, and also to determine when an associated STA has roamed to a BSS of another Multi-AP Agent. For the latter, 1905 Topology Notification messages received from other Multi-AP Agents might be used. A possible race condition might occur when the STA roams away and then rapidly attempts to (re)associate back to the source BSS before the message indicating the initial roam has been received.
【译】注意:STA在使用802.11 Reassociation流程漫游时,不会向源BSS发送Disassociation或Deauthentication帧。如果一个STA在连接BSS时和AP协商了Protected Management Frames,当STA漫游离开这个BSS,并尝试回连到同一BSS时,AP还维护这原来的associated状态(例如AP还没有意识到STA已经离开了BSS),AP应根据IEEE 802.11标准启动安全流程来保护原来的连接免受未经授权的tear down影响。

此流程会包含在一段时间内拒绝STA关联请求,会导致STA严重中断。为避免断连,Multi-AP Agent需要同步BSS的关联状态,并决定STA漫游到哪个BSS。对于后者,从其他Multi-AP Agent收到的1905 Topology Notification消息可能会被用到。一个可能的风险是一个STA漫游离开后,在接收到指示漫游初始化消息前迅速回连到源BSS。

7 Multi-AP configuration

7.1 AP configuration

This specification extends the 1905 AP-Autoconfiguration procedure to enable a Multi-AP Controller to configure 802.11 interfaces (i.e., BSS) on each of the radio(s) of a Multi-AP Agent. A Multi-AP Agent treats each of its unconfigured radio(s) as an “unconfigured IEEE 802.11 interface” in section 10.1 of [2]. A Multi-AP Controller configures Traffic Separation policies using 1905 AP-Autoconfiguration WSC messages and / or Multi-AP AP Policy Config Request messages (see Section 19.1.2).
【译】本规范扩展扩展了1905 AP-Autoconfiguration流程,以使Multi-AP Controller可以配置Multi-AP Agent的每个Radio上的802.11接口(如:BSS)。一个Multi-AP Agent将自身没有配置过的radio视为“未配置的IEEE 802.11接口”,如10.1 [2]所示。一个Multi-AP Controller使用1905 AP-Autoconfiguration WSC消息或Multi-AP AP Policy Config Request消息(见19.1.2)配置分流策略。

This specification extends the Authentication Types in Table 32 of [5] by defining a new value 0x0040 for SAE
本规范扩展了表32[5]中鉴权类型,新定义了SAE 0x0040.
Table 13. Extension of Authentication Types Table 32 in [5]
Value Authentication
Types Notes
0x0040 SAE
Value Authentication
Types Notes
0x0040 SAE

To initiate (re)configuration of a radio, a Multi-AP Agent shall send a 1905 AP-Autoconfiguration WSC message per section 17.1.3. A Multi-AP Agent shall send a separate 1905 AP-Autoconfiguration WSC message per section 17.1.3 for each of its radio(s). The Multi-AP Agent shall indicate the radio of the 802.11 configuration with a Radio Unique Identifier in the AP Radio Basic Capabilities TLV (see section 17.2.7). The Multi-AP Agent shall set the MAC Address attribute in M1 in the 1905 AP-Autoconfiguration WSC message to the 1905 AL MAC address of the Multi-AP device. The Multi-AP Agent shall set the Authentication Type Flags attribute in M1 in the 1905 AP-Autoconfiguration WSC message to one of the values allowed in [5] or to 0x0040 (indicating SAE) or to any valid combination, depending on the radio’s supported AKMs from Table 9-133 of [1]. If a Multi-AP Agent sends a 1905 AP-Autoconfiguration WSC message, it shall include one Profile-2 AP Capability TLV and one AP Radio Advanced Capabilities TLV.
【译】为初始化radio,根据17.1.3,Multi-AP Agent应发送为它的每个radio发送一个1905 AP-Autoconfiguration WSC消息,并在消息中:
在AP Radio Basic Capabilities TLV(见17.2.7)中为每个802.11配置的radio指定一个唯一的radio标识符。
将1905 AP-Autoconfiguration WSC M1消息中的MAC Address属性设置为Multi-AP设备的1905 AL MAC address。
将1905 AP-Autoconfiguration WSC M1消息中的Authentication Type Flags设置成[5]中列举的类型或0x0040(SAE),或几种类型的联合,这取决于radio支持的AKM,AKM定义于表9-133 of [1]。
如果一个Multi-AP Agent发送1905 AP-Autoconfiguration WSC消息,应包含一个Profile-2 AP Capability TLV和一个AP Radio Advanced Capabilities TLV。

If a Multi-AP Controller receives a WSC TLV containing an M1, then it shall respond within one second with either 1) one or more M2s for each BSS to be configured on the radio identified in the AP Radio Identifier TLV or 2) one M2 with bit 4 (Tear down bit) set to one in the Multi-AP Extension subelement to indicate that zero BSS are to be configured on the radio identified in the AP Radio Identifier TLV per section 17.1.3.
【译】如果Multi-AP Controller收到一个WSC TLV且包含M1,那么它应在1秒内回复:

  1. 为每个AP Radio Identifier TLV中识别到的BSS发送一个或多个M2; 或者
  2. 根据17.1.3,发送一个M2,设置M2中Multi-AP扩展子成员bit 4(tear down bit)为1,以指示AP Radio Identifier TLV中识别到的BSS将不会被配置。
    A Multi-AP Controller shall include one WSC TLV containing an M2 (see [5]) for each BSS to be configured on the radio identified in the AP Radio Identifier TLV in a 1905 AP-Autoconfiguration WSC message per section 17.1.3. The N2 nonce specified in each M2 shall be unique. A Multi-AP Controller shall set the Authentication Type attribute in M2 to one of the
    values allowed in [5] or to 0x0040 (indicating SAE) or to any valid combination, as per the Multi-AP Agent declaration in M1’s Authentication Types Flags.
    【译】根据17.1.3,Multi-AP Controller在向AP Radio Identifier TLV中识别到的每个需配置的BSS发送1905 AP-Autoconfiguration WSC消息时,应携带M2(见[5])信息,每个M2中的N2 nonce应是唯一的。Multi-AP Controller需要设置M2中Authentication类型为[5]中列举的类型或0x0040(SAE),或几种类型的联合,这需要依据Multi-AP Agent在M1中声明的Authentication类型设置。
    【译者注】N2 nonce指Enrollee Nonce和Registrar Nonce
    A Multi-AP Controller indicates whether or not a BSS is to support Multi-AP backhaul connections and/or fronthaul connections in the Multi-AP Extension subelement listed in Table 14 as part of the 1905 AP-Autoconfiguration WSC message illustrated in Figure 4. If a Multi-AP Controller sends an M2 indicating Fronthaul BSS, it shall not set the Authentication Type attribute in that M2 to 0x0040 (SAE only).
    【译】Multi-AP Controller会在图4中描述的1905 AP-Autoconfiguration WSC消息的Multi-AP扩展子成员中,指示一个BSS是否支持Multi-AP backhaul连接或fronthaul连接。表14中列举了Multi-AP扩展子成员信息。如果Multi-AP Controller在M2中指示Fronthaul BSS,那么不应在M2中设置Authentication类型为0x0040(只支持SAE)。

The Multi-AP Controller shall not configure SAE-only mode on fronthaul BSSs. However, if the Multi-AP Agent indicates support for SAE in the M1, the Controller might configure a fronthaul BSS to 0x0060 (PSK+SAE), aka WPA3 Transition Mode.
【译】Multi-AP Controller不应配置fronthaul BSS的认证类型为SAE-only。然而,如果Multi-AP Agent在M1中表明支持SAE,那么Controller可以配置fronthaul BSS认证类型为0x0060 (PSK+SAE),同WPA3 Transition模式。
【译者注】WPA3 Transition = WPA2/WPA3 psk
The Multi-AP Extension subelement is carried in a Wi-Fi Alliance Vendor Extension attribute with the Vendor Extension attribute ID set to 0x1049, Vendor ID set to 0x00372A, and the subelement ID set to 0x06. See Table 29 of [5].
【译】Multi-AP扩展子成员在Wi-Fi Alliance Vendor扩展属性中携带,扩展属性ID为0x1049,Vendor ID设置为0x00372A,子成员ID设置为0x06。见[5]表29

If a BSS supports backhaul connections, a Multi-AP Controller shall include a Multi-AP Extension subelement in the 1905 AP-Autoconfiguration WSC containing an M2 with bit 6 of the subelement value set to one. If a Controller wants a backhaul BSS of a Multi-AP Agent that implements Traffic Separation to disallow association to any Backhaul STA that would result in a link that does not form a part of a Multi-AP Profile-2 Network Segment (as per section 12.1), a Multi-AP Controller shall include a Multi-AP Extension subelement in the 1905 AP-Autoconfiguration WSC containing an M2 with bit 6 of the subelement value set to one and bit 3 of the subelement value set to one. If a Controller wants a backhaul BSS of a Multi-AP Agent that implements Traffic Separation to disallow association to any Backhaul STA that would result in a link that forms a part of a Multi-AP Profile-2 Network Segment (as per section 12.1), a Multi-AP Controller shall include a Multi-AP Extension subelement in the 1905 AP-Autoconfiguration WSC containing an M2 with bit 6 of the subelement value set to one and bit 2 of the subelement value set to one. If a BSS supports fronthaul connections, a Multi-AP Controller shall include a Multi-AP Extension subelement in the 1905 AP-Autoconfiguration WSC containing an M2 with bit 5 of the subelement value set to one. The Wi-Fi Alliance Vendor Extension attribute shall be carried in ConfigData encrypted by the KeyWrapKey in the 1905 AP-Autoconfiguration WSC message containing an M2.
【译】如果一个BSS支持backhaul连接,那么Multi-AP Controller在1905 AP-Autoconfiguration WSC M2消息中应包含一个Multi-AP扩展子成员,并设置子成员的bit 6为1。
如果Controller想配置一个实现了分流功能的Multi-AP Agent中的backhaul BSS,使其不允许任何backhaul STA连接,从而不成为Multi-AP Profile-2网络中的一部分(如12.1所述),那么Controller需要在1905 AP-Autoconfiguration WSC M2消息中携带Multi-AP扩展子成员,并设置子成员bit 6为1,bit 2为1。
如果一个BSS支持fronthaul连接,Multi-AP Controller应在1905 AP-Autoconfiguration WSC containing M2消息中包含扩展子成员,并设置子成员bit 5为1。
Wi-Fi Alliance Vendor扩展属性应在1905 AP-Autoconfiguration WSC M2消息中的被KeyWrapKey加密的ConfigData中携带。
Table 14. Multi-AP Extension subelement
Field Length Value Description
Subelement ID 1 octet 0x06 Multi-AP Extension subelement identifier.
Subelement Length 1 octet 0x01 Number of Bytes in the subelement value.
Subelement Value bit 7 Variable Backhaul STA
bit 6 Variable Backhaul BSS
bit 5 Variable Fronthaul BSS
bit 4 Variable Tear Down
bit 3 Variable Profile-1 Backhaul STA association disallowed.
bit 2 Variable Profile-2 Backhaul STA association disallowed.
bits 1 - 0 Reserved
To facilitate one or more backhaul STAs acting as an enrollee to connect to a Multi-AP network, a Multi-AP Controller should indicate that at least one BSS on any of the Multi-AP Agent(s) is set to support Multi-AP backhaul connections.
【译】为方便多个backhaul STA作为enrollee加入到Multi-AP网络中,Multi-AP Controller应指示任意Multi-AP Agent上至少一个BSS为支持backhaul connection。
【译者注】每个Multi-AP Agent上至少一个?还是所有Agent上总计至少一个?
If triggered1, the Multi-AP Controller shall include a Multi-AP Extension subelement with bit 6 Backhaul BSS and/or bit 5 Fronthaul BSS set to one in the corresponding M2 in a 1905 AP-Autoconfiguration WSC message per section 17.1.3.
【译】如果配置流程被触发,根据17.1.3,Multi-AP Controller需要在1905 AP-Autoconfiguration WSC M2的消息里包含Multi-AP扩展子元素,并将Backhaul BSS的bit 6置1,或者将Fronthaul BSS的bit 5置1。
A Multi-AP Controller shall limit the number of WSC TLVs containing M2 in the 1905 AP-Autoconfiguration WSC message to no more than the value in the Maximum number of BSS(s) supported by this radio in the AP Radio Basic Capabilities TLV. A Multi-AP Controller shall set the Radio Unique Identifier field in the AP Radio Identifier TLV in the 1905 AP Autoconfiguration WSC message to the value of the same field specified in the AP Radio Basic Capabilities TLV in the corresponding 1905 AP-Autoconfiguration WSC message received from the Multi-AP Agent.
【译】Multi-AP Controller应在1905 AP-Autoconfiguration WSC M2消息中限制WSC TLV的数量,使其不大于AP Radio Basic Capabilities TLV中设置的最大radio支持BSS个数。
Multi-AP Controller在设置1905 AP Autoconfiguration WSC消息中AP Radio Identifier TLV中Radio Unique Identifier的值时,应和从Multi-AP Agent收到的1905 AP-Autoconfiguration WSC消息中AP Radio Basic Capabilities TLV的Radio Unique Identifier值相同。
If a Multi-AP Agent receives a 1905 AP-Autoconfiguration WSC message containing one or more M2, it shall validate each M2 (based on its 1905 AL MAC address) and configure a BSS on the corresponding radio for each of the M2. If the Multi-AP Agent is currently operating a BSS with operating parameters that do not completely match any of the M2 in the received 1905 AP-Autoconfiguration WSC message, it shall tear down that BSS. If a Multi-AP Agent receives a 1905 APAutoconfiguration WSC message containing an M2 with a Multi-AP Extension subelement with bit 4 (Tear Down bit) of the subelement value set to one (see Table 14), it shall tear down all currently operating BSS(s) on the radio indicated by the Radio Unique Identifier, and shall ignore the other attributes in the M2. If a Multi-AP Agent that implements Traffic Separation receives a 1905 AP-Autoconfiguration WSC message for a backhaul BSS with bit 3 of the Multi-AP Extension subelement set to one, it shall configure such BSS to refuse association from backhaul STAs that would result in a backhaul without Traffic Separation, as per section 12. If a Multi-AP Agent that implements Traffic Separation receives an 1905 AP-Autoconfiguration WSC message for a backhaul BSS with bit 2 of the Multi-AP Extension subelement set to one, it shall configure such BSS to refuse association from backhaul STAs that would result in a Backhaul link in a Multi-AP Profile-2 Network Segment, as per section 12.
If a Multi-AP Agent that implements Traffic Separation receives a 1905 AP-Autoconfiguration WSC with a Traffic Separation Policy TLV with the Number of SSIDs field set to a non-zero value and the Multi-AP Agent is unable to configure one or more BSS as indicated by the M2 TLVs and by the Traffic Separation Policy TLV, the Multi-AP Agent shall tear down each of those BSS and shall send an Error Response message per section 17.1.37 containing one Profile-2 Error Code TLVs with reason code field set to 0x07 or 0x08.
【译】如果Multi-AP Agent收到的1905 AP-Autoconfiguration WSC消息中包含一个或多个M2,应验证每个M2(根据1905 AL MAC address),并根据每个M2配置相应radio的BSS。
如果Multi-AP Agent当前运行的BSS的参数不能完全匹配任意收到的M2参数,那么Multi-AP应该关闭此BSS。
如果Multi-AP Agent收到的1905 AP-Autoconfiguration WSC M2消息包含Multi-AP扩展子成员且bit 4(tear down bit)设置为1,那么Multi-AP Agent应在Radio Unique Identifier指示的radio上关闭所有的BSS,并忽略M2中其他的配置。
如果一个实现了分流功能的Multi-AP Agent收到配置backhaul BSS的1905 AP-Autoconfiguration WSC消息中包含Multi-AP 扩展子成员,且bit 3设置为1, 根据12章,Agent应配置此BSS拒绝backhaul STA的连接,这将使此backhaul没有分流功能。
如果一个实现了分流功能的Multi-AP Agent收到配置backhaul BSS的1905 AP-Autoconfiguration WSC消息中包含Multi-AP 扩展子成员,且bit 2设置为1,根据12章,Agent应配置此BSS拒绝backhaul STA的连接,这将使Multi-AP Profile-2网络中的backhaul链路没有分流功能。
如果一个实现了分流功能的Multi-AP Agent收到1905 AP-Autoconfiguration WSC消息中包含Traffic Separation Policy TLV,其中SSIDs字段设置为非0值,但Multi-AP Agent不能配置M2 TLVs或Traffic Separation Policy TLV指定的一个或多个BSS,根据17.1.37,Multi-AP Agent应关闭这些不能配置的BSS,并反回错误响应,携带Profile-2错误码,错误码设置0x07或0x08。
If a Multi-AP Agent receives a 1905 AP-Autoconfiguration Renew message, then it shall respond within one second by sending one 1905 AP-Autoconfiguration WSC message per section 17.1.3 for each of its radios, irrespective of the value specified in the SupportedFreqBand TLV in the 1905 AP-Autoconfiguration Renew message.
【译】如果Multi-AP Agent收到1905 AP-Autoconfiguration Renew消息,根据17.1.3,它应在1秒内在每个radio上回复一条1905 AP-Autoconfiguration WSC消息,不论1905 AP-Autoconfiguration Renew消息中SupportedFreqBand TLV指定的band是多少。
If a Multi-AP Agent receives a 1905 AP-Autoconfiguration Renew message, then it shall retain all configuration and policy it has previously received in TLVs except those explicitly updated by the Autoconfig Renew procedure.
【译】如果Multi-AP Agent收到1905 AP-Autoconfiguration Renew消息,它应保持原来的配置,除非这些配置在Autoconfig Renew流程中被更新。
Note: A Multi-AP Agent might check that the 1905 AP-Autoconfiguration Renew message is from the Multi-AP Controller with which it previously on-boarded (for example, by comparing the ALID of the Controller for the new request against the ALID of the original Controller) and ignore the message if not.
【译】注意:Multi-AP Agent可能会校验1905 AP-Autoconfiguration Renew消息是否来自它之前on-boarded的Multi-AP Controller(例如,通过对比renew消息中controller的ALID和之前controller的ALID),如果不是则忽略此消息。
Table 15. Multi-AP Profile subelement
Field Length Value Description
Subelement ID 1 octet 0x07 Multi-AP Profile subelement identifier.
Length 1 octet 0x01 Number of octets in the subelement value (subelement payload).
Subelement Value 1 octet 0x00; Reserved
0x01: Multi-AP Profile-1
0x02: Multi-AP Profile-2
0x03: Multi-AP Profile-3
0x04~0xFF: Reserved Multi-AP Profile

7.2 AP operational BSS reporting

A Multi-AP Agent indicates the BSS(s) it is currently operating on each of its radios in the 1905 Topology Response message. A Multi-AP device treats each BSS as an IEEE 802.11 “local interface” specified in [2].
【译】如果Multi-AP Agent在1905 Topology Response消息中指示当前运行的所有Radio的BSS。Multi-AP设备将每个BSS视为[2]中指明的IEEE 802.11本地接口。
A Multi-AP Agent shall indicate each BSS that is operating in PWR_ON or PWR_SAVE mode as a separate (802.11) Local Interface in the Device Information Type TLV in the 1905 Topology Response message. The Multi-AP Agent shall set the MAC address of the Local Interface field in the Device Information Type TLV in the 1905 Topology Response message to the BSSID. A Multi-AP Agent shall include an AP Operational BSS TLV in the 1905 Topology Response message per section 17.1.4. The Multi-AP Agent shall indicate all BSS(s) it is currently operating in PWR_ON or PWR_SAVE mode on each of its radios in the AP Operational BSS TLV in the 1905 Topology Response message.
【译】Multi-AP Agent应在1905 Topology Response消息的Device Information Type TLV中:
将Local Interface字段的MAC地址设置为BSSID
根据17.1.4,Multi-AP Agent应在1905 Topology Response消息中包含一个AP Operational BSS TLV。并在其中表明所有radio上的每个运行模式为PWR_ON或PRW_SAVE的BSS。
If a Multi-AP Agent sends a 1905 Topology Response message, it shall also perform the following:
• Include one BSS Configuration Report TLV in the 1905 Topology Response message
• If the Multi-AP Agent configures a BSS to be a member of a Multiple BSSID set, the Multi-AP Agent shall set the Multiple BSSID Set bit of that BSSID to one in the BSS Configuration Report TLV. Otherwise, the Multi-AP Agent shall set the bit to zero.
• If the Multi-AP Agent configures a BSS to be the Transmitted BSSID of a Multiple BSSID Set, the Multi-AP Agent shall set the Transmitted BSSID bit of that BSSID to one in the BSS Configuration Report TLV. Otherwise, the Multi-AP Agent shall set the bit to zero.
【译】如果一个Multi-AP Agent发送了一条1905 Topology Response消息,它也应:
• 在1905 Topology Response包含一个BSS Configuration Report TLV
• 如果Multi-AP Agent配置一个BSS作为一个Multiple BSSID Set中的一个成员,那么Multi-AP Agent应设置BSS Configuration Report TLV中的Multiple BSSID Set中BSSID对应的bit为1,否者,设置对应bit为0。
• 如果Multi-AP Agent设置一个BSS为Multiple BSSID Set中的Transmitted BSSID,Multi-AP Agent应设置BSS Configuration Report TLV中Transmitted BSSID中BSSID对应的bit为1,否者,设置对应bit为0。

7.3 Policy configuration

The Multi-AP Policy Config Request message enables a Multi-AP Controller to configure Multi-AP control related policies on a Multi-AP Agent.
【译】Multi-AP Policy Config Request消息使Multi-AP Controller配置Multi-AP Agent上与控制相关的策略。
If triggered, a Multi-AP Controller shall send a Multi-AP Policy Config Request message per section 17.1.8 to a Multi-AP Agent. If a Multi-AP Agent receives a Multi-AP Policy Config Request message, then it shall respond within one second with a 1905 Ack message per section 17.1.32.
【译】如果被触发,根据17.1.8,Multi-AP Controller应发送一个Multi-AP Policy Config Request消息给Multi-AP Agent。如果Multi-AP Agent收到Multi-AP Policy Config Request消息,根据17.1.32,它应在1秒内回复一个1905 Ack消息。

The Steering Policy TLV defined in section 17.2.11 contains steering-related policies. The Local Steering Disallowed STA list indicates STAs that are only to be steered in response to a steering message indicating Steering Mandate from the Multi-AP Controller (see section 11.1). The BTM Steering Disallowed STA list indicates STAs that are to be steered using the Client Association Control mechanism (see section 11.6). The Steering Policy field indicates the policy for Multi-AP Agent-initiated steering on a given radio. The Channel Utilization Threshold and RCPI Steering Threshold fields indicate thresholds used in Agent-initiated steering for each radio.
【译】17.2.11中定义的Steering Policy TLV中,包含steering相关的策略。
禁止BTM Steering的STA列表,表示这些STA使用客户端关联控制机制(见11.6)steer。
Steering策略字段表明Multi-AP Agent初始化时指定radio使用的steer策略。信道使用率阈值和RCPI Steering阈值表明初始化时每个radio steering的阈值。

The Metrics Reporting Policy TLV defined in section 17.2.12 contains link metrics reporting related policies. The AP Metrics Reporting Interval field indicates if periodic AP metrics reporting is to be enabled, and if so the cadence. The STA Metrics Reporting RCPI Threshold and AP Metrics Channel Utilization Reporting Threshold fields indicate if threshold based metric reporting is to be enabled for STA and/or AP metrics, and if so the corresponding thresholds for each radio.
【译】17.2.12中定义的Metrics Reporting Policy TLV包含链路测量报告相关的策略。AP Metrics Reporting Interval字段表明周期AP测量报告是否开启,如果开启则指示周期。STA Metrics Reporting RCPI Threshold和AP Metrics Channel Utilization Reporting Threshold指示是否开启对STA 或AP的基于测量阈值的测量报告,如果开启则指示相应的阈值。

The Channel Scan Reporting Policy TLV defined in section 17.2.37 identifies whether a Multi-AP Agent is required to report the results of any Independent Channel Scan that it performs to the Multi-AP Controller.
【译】17.2.37中定义的Channel Scan Reporting Policy TLV表明一个Multi-AP Agent是否被要求上报它所有的独立信道扫描结果给Multi-AP Controller。

The Unsuccessful Association Policy TLV defined in section 17.2.58 contains policies related to reporting unsuccessful associations. The Report Unsuccessful Associations bit indicates whether a Multi-AP Agent shall report unsuccessful association attempts of client STAs. The Maximum Reporting Rate value indicates the maximum rate at which the unsuccessful associations shall be reported.
【译】17.2.58定义的Unsuccessful Association Policy TLV包含了上报失败关联相关的策略。Report Unsuccessful Associations bit指示一个Multi-AP Agent是否上报STA的关联失败事件。Maximum Reporting Rate值表明关联失败事件的最大上报速率。

8 Channel selection

Multi-AP control messages enable the configuration of a Multi-AP Agent with parameters for channel selection.
【译】Multi-AP控制消息可以使用channel selection参数配置Multi-AP Agent。

8.1 Channel Preference Query and Report

Channel Preference Query and Channel Preference Report messages enable a Multi-AP Controller to query operating channel preferences for AP radios of a Multi-AP Agent.
【译】Multi-AP Controller使用Channel Preference Query和Channel Preference Report消息查询Multi-AP Agent上AP radio的首选使用信道。

If triggered, a Multi-AP Controller shall send a Channel Preference Query message per section 17.1.9 to a Multi-AP Agent.
【译】如果被触发,Multi-AP Controller应向Multi-AP Agent发送一个Channel Preference Query消息,消息格式在17.1.9定义。

If a Multi-AP Agent receives a Channel Preference Query message, then it shall respond within one second with a Channel Preference Report message per section 17.1.10. The Channel Preference Report message shall contain the same MID that was received in the Channel Preference Query message. The Channel Preference Report message shall contain information regarding all the channels that a given radio of the Multi-AP Agent transmitting the report is temporarily unable to operate in, or prefers not to operate in, for each supported operating class as specified by the Multi-AP Agent (per Operating Classes field in the AP Radio Basic Capabilities TLV in section 17.2.7). Additionally, the Channel Preference Report message shall contain information regarding the channel separation (if any) that a given radio of the Multi-AP Agent requires between each of its own potential operating channels and the operating channel of another radio of the Multi-AP Agent, where the two radios may have one transmitting and the other receiving or transmitting simultaneously. If a Multi-AP Agent supports 6GHz channels, the Channel Preference Report message shall provide channel preference information on 6GHz channels obtained from any applicable 6GHz channel operation regulatory restriction information (e.g., out-of-band AFC query), shall set the Preference field for the channels that are disallowed to 0000 in the Channel Preference TLV and set the Reason Code field for the channels that are disallowed to 1100 in the Channel Preference TLV.
【译】如果Multi-AP Agent收到Channel Preference Query消息,那么它应在1s内回复Channel Preference Report消息,消息格式在17.1.10中定义。
Channel Preference Report中应包含MID,且和收到的Channel Preference Query中MID相同。
Channel Preference Report中应包含发送消息的Multi-AP Agent中指定radio暂不可用的channel信息,或Multi-AP支持但不倾向使用的operating class(根据AP Radio Basic Capabilities TLV中Operating Class字段,格式定义在17.2.7)。
另外Channel Preference Report消息应包含channel separation信息(如果有),channel separation指Multi-AP Agent的一个radio的潜在操作信道,和本Agent另外一个radio的当前使用信道需要隔离,两个radio可能一个在发送,同时另外一个radio在接收或发送。
如果Multi-AP Agent支持6GHz信道,Channel Preference Report消息应包含所有从6G监管规范(如 out-of-band AFC query)得到的6G channel preference信息,禁止的信道在Channel Preference TLV的Preference字段设置为0000,Reason Code字段设置1100。
【译者注】channel separation需再理解。

Note: Channels for which the Multi-AP Agent’s radio is statically (permanently) unable to operate are reported in the AP Radio Basic Capabilities TLV. A Channel Preference Report message does not include information on operating classes that are not supported by the corresponding radio of the Multi-AP Agent per the AP Radio Basic Capabilities TLV.
【译】注意:Multi-AP Agent上radio永久禁止的channel是在AP Radio Basic Capabilities TLV中上报的。Channel Preference Report消息不包含AP Radio Basic Capabilities TLV中指定的Multi-AP Agent radio不支持的channel。

If a Multi-AP Controller receives a Channel Preference Report message from a Multi-AP Agent, the Multi-AP Controller shall delete all (if any) previously stored channel preference information from the Multi-AP Agent pertaining to all radios of that Multi-AP Agent and replace it with the information contained within the Channel Preference Report message.
【译】如果Multi-AP Controller从Multi-AP Agent收到Channel Preference Report消息,Multi-AP Controller应删除之前存储的(如果有)该Agent所有radio的channel preference信息,并用新收到的信息替换。

If a Channel Preference Report does not specify a preference for a particular channel within a supported operating class as specified by the Multi-AP Agent for a given radio, the Multi-AP Controller shall infer that the Multi-AP Agent is indicating the highest preference (preference score 15) for the channel in that operating class on the corresponding radio. If a Channel Preference Report contains zero Channel Preference TLVs and zero Radio Operation Restriction TLVs, the Multi-AP Controller shall infer that the Multi-AP Agent is indicating the highest preference (preference score 15) for all channels and operating classes supported by all of the Multi-AP Agent’s radios.
【译】如果Channel Preference Report中Multi-AP Agent某radio支持的operating class中,没有为特定channel指定preference,Multi-AP Controller则认为Multi-AP Agent指示radio的operating class中所有channel使用最高preference(15分)。
如果Channel Preference Report中包含0个Channel Preference TLV,和0个Radio Operation Restriction TLV,Multi-AP Controller应认为Multi-AP Agent指示所有radio的支持的operating class的所有channel使用最高preference(15分)。

The mechanism by which a Multi-AP Agent determines and reevaluates its channel preferences is implementation-specific. However, a Multi-AP Agent shall indicate a channel is operable when indicating preferences in a Channel Preference Report with the following exceptions:
• If a radio cannot operate on a channel in an operating class due to detection of radar, that channel shall be indicated as a Non-operable channel
• If conditions exist whereby normal operation of a BSS by the radio on a channel would be unsuccessful (e.g., due to strong interference), the channel shall be indicated as a Non-operable channel.
【译】Multi-AP Agent确定和重新评估channel preference的机制是特定实现的。Multi-AP Agent在Channel Preference Report中指示preference时,应设置对应channel可用,但以下情况除外:
• 如果一个radio的某个operating class的某个channel因为检查到雷达信号而不可用,这个channel应被指示为Non-operable channel
• 如果Radio的BSS在某信道上执行正常操作失败(如强干扰),这个信道应被指示为Non-operable channel。

If a Multi-AP Agent’s channel preferences change, it shall send an unsolicited Channel Preference Report to the Multi-AP Controller indicating the Multi-AP Agent’s current preferences.
【译】如果Multi-AP Agent的channel preferences发生改变,它应发送unsolicited Channel Preference Report给Multi-AP Controller,指示Multi-AP Agent当前的preference。

If a Multi-AP Agent detects a change in the DFS status of any channel, it shall send an unsolicited Channel Preference Report to the Controller setting the appropriate DFS related Reason Code for the channel per Table 30 of section 17.2.13.
【译】如果Multi-AP Agent检测到任意channel的DFS状态发生变化,它应发送unsolicited Channel Preference Report给Multi-AP Controller,并设置合适的channel DFS相关Reason Code。Reason Code定义在17.2.13的表30。

If a Multi-AP Controller receives an unsolicited Channel Preference Report message, then it shall respond within one second with a 1905 Ack message.
【译】如果Multi-AP Controller收到unsolicited Channel Preference Report消息,它应在1秒内回复一个1905 Ack消息。

8.2 Channel Selection Request and Report

The Channel Selection Request message contains information regarding the Multi-AP Controller’s preferences and restrictions for the operating classes, channels and transmit power for each radio of a Multi-AP Agent.
【译】Channel Selection Request消息包含Multi-AP Controller对Multi-AP Agent每个radio的operating class,channel和发送功率相关的偏好和限制信息。

If triggered, a Multi-AP Controller shall send a Channel Selection Request message per section 17.1.11.
【译】如果被触发,Multi-AP Controller应发送Channel Selection Request消息,消息格式在17.1.11定义。

If a Multi-AP Controller sends a Channel Selection Request message, it shall specify an “operable” preference for at least one of the non-DFS channels that the Multi-AP Agent indicated as operable (i.e., that the Multi-AP Agent did not explicitly indicate the channel as a Non-operable channel) on each radio of the Multi-AP Agent per the most recently received
Channel Preference Report message and AP Radio Basic Capabilities TLV from the Multi-AP Agent.
【译】如果Multi-AP Controller发送Channel Selection Request消息,它应指明至少一个non-DFS channel作为可使用的偏好,这个channel在最近收到的Multi-AP Agent Channel Preference Report和AP Radio Basic Capabilities TLV中也指示为可用(如,那些Multi-AP没有明确指出不可用的信道)。

If a Multi-AP Controller sends a Channel Selection Request message, it shall not specify preferences in which the only allowed channels for a given radio violate the radio operation restrictions indicated in the most recently received Channel Preference Report message from the Multi-AP Agent.
【译】如果Multi-AP Controller发送Channel Selection Request消息,不应在指定preferences时只指定一个信道,而这个信道又不满足最近从Multi-AP Agent收到的Channel Preference Report中的规定。

If a Multi-AP Controller sends a Channel Selection Request message, it should specify preferences that take into account the corresponding preference values indicated by the Multi-AP Agent in the most recent Channel Preference Report message. Except where necessary for load balancing or other network management requirements, the Multi-AP Controller should refrain from indicating a preference of Non-operable channel for a channel and operating class that the Multi-AP Agent has indicated is operable on a given radio.
【译】如果Multi-AP Controller发送Channel Selection Request消息,在指定preference时,应参考最近从Multi-AP Agent收到Channel Preference Report中的preference。除非需要负载均衡或其他网络管理要求,Multi-AP Controller应避免使用Multi-AP Agent已指示不可用的channel和operating class。

If a Multi-AP Agent receives a Channel Selection Request message from the Multi-AP Controller, the Multi-AP Agent shall delete all (if any) previously stored channel preference information from the Multi-AP Controller pertaining to all radios of the Multi-AP Agent and replace it with the information contained within the message. A Multi-AP Agent shall store the channel preference information in non-volatile storage. If a Multi-AP Agent reboots, it may either continue to use the most recent channel preference information received from the Multi-AP Controller prior to the reboot, or it may flush any previously received channel preference information and assume all supported channels are preferred until such time that new channel preference information is received from the Multi-AP Controller.
【译】如果Multi-AP Agent收到Multi-AP Controller发送的Channel Selection Request消息,Multi-AP Agent应删除所有(如果有)之前从Multi-AP Controller收到并存储的所有radio的channel preference信息,并用新收到的信息替换。Multi-AP Agent应将channel preference信息存储在非易失性存储器中。如果Multi-AP重启,它可以使用之前存储的channel preference信息,也可以将之前信息清空并认为所有自身支持的channel都是首选项,直到再次从Multi-AP Controller收到新的channel preference信息。

If a Channel Selection Request message does not specify a preference for a particular channel within a supported operating class as specified by the Multi-AP Agent for a given radio, the Multi-AP Agent shall infer that the Multi-AP Controller is indicating the highest preference (preference score 15) for the channel in that operating class on the corresponding radio. If a Channel Selection Request message contains zero Channel Preference TLVs, the Multi-AP Agent shall infer that the Multi-AP Controller is indicating the highest preference (preference score 15) for all channels and operating classes supported by all of the Multi-AP Agent’s radios.
【译】如果Channel Selection Request消息中没有为Multi-AP Agent指明支持的operating class中的channel设置preference,Multi-AP Agent应默认使用最高preference(15分)。如果Channel Selection Request中包含0个Channel Preference TLVs,Multi-AP应将所有radio的所有支持的channel默认使用最高preference(15分)。

A Multi-AP Agent shall not operate a radio on a channel and operating class for which the currently stored Multi-AP Controller preference information indicates as a Non-operable channel.
【译】如果一个channel和operating class在Multi-AP Controller的preference信息中指示不可用,那么Multi-AP Agent不应使用。

If a Multi-AP Agent receives a Channel Selection Request message from the Multi-AP Controller, it shall attempt to operate each of its radios on one of the channels indicated as the highest preference for that radio per the Channel Selection Request message.
【译】如果Multi-AP Agent收到Multi-AP Controller发送的Channel Selection Request消息,它应尝试在每个radio上设置Channel Selection Request中指示的最高preference的channel。

If a Multi-AP Agent attempts to operate, or is already operating, a radio on a channel and that channel becomes an Inoperable channel, the Multi-AP Agent should take into account the corresponding preference values indicated in the most recently received Channel Selection Request message (if any). The exact mechanism by which the Multi-AP Agent selects the operating channel(s) and operating class(es) is implementation-specific.
【译】如果Multi-AP Agent尝试使用,或已经使用了某channel,而这个channel变为了不可用channel,那么应考虑最近接收到Channel Selection Request消息(如果有)中指定的preference。Multi-AP Agent选择信道和operating class的指定机制是特定实现的。

If a Multi-AP Agent performs Channel availability check (CAC), it should take into account the channel prioritization in the Channel Selection Request message when deciding which channels to check first.
【译】如果Multi-AP Agent执行了Channel availability check (CAC),那么在决定首先检查那些信道时,应考虑Channel Selection Request消息中信道的优先级。

A Multi-AP Agent should operate a radio at the maximum nominal transmit power the radio is capable of operating and is allowed to operate according to applicable regulatory rules. If a Multi-AP Agent receives a Channel Selection Request message containing a Transmit Power Limit TLV, it shall limit the nominal transmit power of the corresponding radio to the value specified in the TLV.
【译】Multi-AP Agent的发射功率应在radio能力范围且法规允许的范围中选择最大值来操作radio。如果Multi-AP Agent收到Channel Selection Request消息中包含Transmit Power Limit TLV,那么agent应根据TLV中指定的值来限制发射功率。

If a Multi-AP Agent receives a Channel Selection Request message, it shall within one second send a Channel Selection Response message (section 17.1.12) to the Multi-AP Controller indicating, for each radio, whether the Multi-AP Agent accepts or declines the request and, if appropriate, the reason for declining. The Channel Selection Response message shall contain the same MID that was received in the Channel Selection Request message.
【译】如果Multi-AP Agent收到Channel Selection Request消息,它应在1秒内发送Channel Selection Response消息(定义在17.1.12)给Multi-AP Controller,表明每个radio是否接受或拒绝请求,如果合适,也要给出拒绝原因。Channel Selection Response消息应的MID应和Channel Selection Request中的MID相同。

If a Multi-AP Agent sent a Channel Selection Response message indicating acceptance of the Multi-AP Controller’s request for a given radio, the Multi-AP Agent shall make any necessary adjustments to the operating channel, operating classes and transmit power of its radios and then, irrespective of whether any adjustments have been made, send an Operating Channel Report message per section 17.1.13 containing information regarding the current operating parameters for each of the Multi-AP Agent’s radios.
【译】如果Multi-AP Agent发送Channel Selection Response消息指示接受Multi-AP Controller的对某radio的请求,Multi-AP Agent应对当前channel,operating class和发送功率做出必要调整。不论是否调整,Multi-AP Agent都应发送Operating Channel Report消息(定义在17.1.13),包含每个radio当前使用的参数。

If a Multi-AP Controller receives an Operating Channel Report message, then it shall respond within one second with a 1905 Ack message.
【译】如果Multi-AP Controller收到Operating Channel Report消息,它应在1秒内回复一个1905 Ack消息。

If a Multi-AP Agent changes the operating channel, operating class and/or nominal transmit power of a radio of its own accord (i.e., not in response to reception of a Channel Selection Request message), then it shall send an unsolicited Operating Channel Report message per section 17.1.13 to the Multi-AP Controller indicating the new operating parameters for the corresponding radio.
【译】如果Multi-AP Agent根据自身判断改变了operating channel,operating class或nominal transmit power(如不在Channel Selection Request的选择范围中),它应发送unsolicited Operating Channel Report消息(17.1.13)给Multi-AP,表明当前radio使用了新的操作参数。

Note: The operating classes specified in an Operating Channel Report TLV are equal to the values indicated in the Operating Classes field of the Supported Operating Classes element (per section of [1]), if the Supported Operating Classes element is transmitted by the AP operating in the BSS on the corresponding radio. This includes an operating class corresponding to each channel bandwidth in which the radio is currently operating (e.g., typically 20, 40 and 80 MHz Operating Classes for a VHT80 AP). When a primary channel is used, the 20 MHz Operating Class indicates that primary channel.
【译】注意:如果Supported Operating Classes在AP相应的radio上发送,Operating Channel Report TLV中指定的operating class应和Supported Operating Classes(section of [1])中Operating Classes字段中指定的相同。这包含了radio当前运行的每个channel bandwidth对应的operating class(如VHT80 AP典型的20,40,80MHZ operating class)。当使用主信道时,20M operating class指示这个主信道。

8.2.1 Coordinated DFS CAC

A Multi-AP network provides the ability for a Multi-AP Controller to request that Multi-AP Agents perform Channel Availability Checks (CACs), or provide their CAC status. The Multi-AP Agents report the result of the requested CACs and report their CAC status if requested. These features provide assistance in efficiently meeting the regulatory requirements in various geographies.
【译】Multi-AP网络为Multi-AP Controller提供了一种能力,使controller可以要求agent执行Channel Availability Checks (CACs),或提供agent的CAC状态。Multi-AP Agent上报被要求到CAC执行结果,如果被要求也会上报CAC状态。这些特性帮助有效地满足不同地区的法规要求。

8.2.2 DFS CAC Scan Requirements on a Multi-AP Controller

If triggered, a Multi-AP Controller shall send a CAC Request message to a Multi-AP Agent, requesting one or more CACs.
【译】如果被触发,Multi-AP Controller应发送CAC Request消息给Multi-AP Agent,要求一次或多次CAC。

The Multi-AP Controller should not send another CAC request to a given Radio Unique Identifier until the previous CAC request has completed or has been terminated.
【译】Multi-AP Controller前一个CAC request执行完或被中断前,不应发送同一Radio识别码的CAC请求。

A Multi-AP Controller shall not send a CAC Request TLV of a method, operating class, or on an operating channel outside the Multi-AP Agent’s most recently received CAC Capabilities TLV (see section 17.2.46).
【译】除了收到最新收到的Multi-AP Agent的CAC Capabilities TLV(17.2.46)外,Multi-AP Controller不应发送包含method,operating class,operating channel的CAC Request TLV

If triggered, a Multi-AP Controller shall send a CAC Termination message to a Multi-AP Agent.
【译】如果被触发,Multi-AP Controller应发送CAC Termination消息给Multi-AP Agent。

If a Multi-AP Controller receives a Channel Preference Report message (see section 8.1) with a CAC Status Report TLV, it may consider spectrum available in one channel/class pair to be available in all channel/class pairs that include that spectrum.
【译】如果Multi-AP Controller收到一条Channel Preference Report消息(见8.1),其中包含CAC Status Report TLV,它可以认为如果某频道在一个channel/class对中可用,那么也可以在所有包含此频道的channel/class对中使用。

If triggered, a Multi-AP Controller may send a Channel Selection Request with a Controller DFS Channel Clear Indication.
【译】如果被触发,Multi-AP Controller可以发送一条包含Controller DFS Channel Clear Indication 的Channel Selection Request。

8.2.3 DFS CAC Scan Requirements on a Multi-AP Agent

If a Multi-AP Agent receives a CAC Request message from a Multi-AP Controller, it shall respond within one second with a 1905 Ack.
【译】如果Multi-AP Agent收到Multi-AP Controller发送的CAC Request消息,它应在1秒内回复1905 Ack。

If a Multi-AP Agent receives a CAC Request message from a Multi-AP Controller, it may decline to perform the CAC by sending a Channel Preference Report message (see section 8.1) with a CAC Completion Report TLV with the CAC Completion Status field indicating a CAC failure.
【译】如果Multi-AP Agent收到Multi-AP Controller发送的CAC Request消息,它可以拒绝执行CAC,并发送Channel Preference Report消息(8.1),包含Completion Report TLV并将CAC Completion Status字段设置为指示CAC失败的值。

If a Multi-AP Agent receives a CAC Request message from a Multi-AP Controller, and does not decline the request, then it shall commence a CAC on the requested channel, using the requested CAC type and bandwidth, within 15 seconds.
【译】如果Multi-AP Agent收到Multi-AP Controller发送的CAC Request消息,并且没有拒绝请求,那么它应在15秒内按照请求的channel,CAC type和bandwidth执行CAC检测。

If a Multi-AP Agent receives a CAC Request message that contains more than one CAC request, and it is unable to perform them simultaneously, it may perform them sequentially, in any order it chooses.
【译】如果Multi-AP Agent收到的CAC Request消息中包含多个CAC请求,并且不能同时执行这些CAC请求,那么可以按照任意顺序执行这些CAC。

If a Multi-AP Agent is performing a CAC and a Multi-AP Agent receives a CAC request for a different CAC method, bandwidth, or channel, on a given radio unique identifier, then it shall terminate any current CAC and begin a new CAC according to the new request within 15 seconds. If a Multi-AP Agent terminates an ongoing CAC due to receiving a new CAC Request, the Multi-AP Agent shall not send a Channel Preference Report message for the terminated CAC.
【译】如果Multi-AP Agent正在执行CAC,又收到一条CAC request消息,要求对同一radio执行不同的CAC method,bandwidth或channel,那么它在应15秒内终止当前的CAC并按照新的请求执行新的CAC。

If a Multi-AP Agent is performing a CAC and receives a CAC Termination message, it shall respond within one second with a 1905 ACK, terminate any ongoing CAC, and return the radio that was performing the CAC to its most recent operational configuration. The Multi-AP Agent shall not send a Channel Preference Report message for the terminated CAC.
If a Multi-AP Agent performing a CAC encounters any of the following three conditions:
• The full time required for the CAC has elapsed
• An error occurs which prevents continuing the CAC
• Radar is detected
then within 15 seconds a Multi-AP Agent shall send an unsolicited Channel Preference Report, and include a CAC Completion Report TLV and a Channel Preference TLV for the radio that experienced one of the three conditions. If a Multi-AP Agent sends a Channel Preference Report with a CAC Completion Report TLV that indicates detection of radar has occurred, the Multi-AP Agent may indicate which sub-channel(s) the radar appeared in.
【译】如果Multi-AP Agent正在执行CAC时收到CAC终止消息,它应在1秒内回复1905 Ack、终止当前CAC、将执行CAC的radio恢复到最新的配置。Multi-AP Agent不应因终止CAC而发送Channel Preference Report消息。
如果Multi-AP Agent执行CAC是遇到以下情况:
• 执行CAC超时
• 发生错误,阻止了CAC的继续执行
• 探测到雷达信号
那么Multi-AP Agent应在15秒内主动为遇到上述情况的radio发送Channel Preference Report,包含CAC Completion Report TLV和Channel Preference TLV。如果Multi-AP Agent发送Channel Preference Report中包含CAC Completion Report TLV并表明探测到雷达信号,Multi-AP Agent可以指示雷达信号出现在哪些子信道中。

If a Multi-AP Agent sends a CAC Channel Preference report with a CAC Completion Report TLV that indicates which subchannel(s) the radar appeared in, the report may include indications only at the lowest bandwidth classes to which the radar could be isolated.
【译】如果Multi-AP Agent发送CAC Channel Preference report包含CAC Completion Report TLV并指示哪些子信道探测到雷达信号,该报告可以指示规避雷达信号后可用的最低带宽等级。

Upon completion of a requested CAC, if a CAC was a Successful CAC, the Multi-AP Agent shall follow the CAC Completion Action specified in the CAC Request. If a CAC was an Unsuccessful CAC, the Multi-AP Agent shall return the radio that was performing the CAC to its most recent operational configuration.
【译】完成CAC后,如果执行成功,Multi-AP Agent应按照CAC Reqest中规定的CAC完成后的后续操作来执行动作。如果CAC没有成功执行,Multi-AP Agent应将执行CAC的radio恢复到最新的配置。

If a Multi-AP Agent sends an unsolicited Channel Preference Report with a Reason Code “0111”, this Channel Preference Report shall be sent within 15 seconds of detecting the radar or within 15 seconds of being re-connected to the network after detecting the radar.
【译】如果Multi-AP Agent主动发送Channel Preference Report并携带Reason Code “0111”,那么此报告应该在探测到雷达信号15秒内,或探测到雷达兵重新连接网络15秒内发送。

If a Multi-AP Agent sends a Channel Preference Report message for any reason, the Multi-AP Agent shall include Channel Preference TLVs for all radios in the Multi-AP Agent, and a CAC Status Report TLV. The Channel Preference TLVs and CAC Status Report TLV shall include a list of the Available Channels. The Channel Preference TLVs and CAC Status Report TLV shall also include a list of the non-occupancy channels and the Non-Occupancy Duration remaining on those channels. The Multi-AP Agent should report Non-Occupancy Channels in the lowest bandwidth class to which the radar could be isolated.
【译】如果Multi-AP Agent因任意原因发送Channel Preference Report消息,应包含Multi-AP Agent上所有radio的Channel Preference TLVs,和一个CAC Status Report TLV。在这两个TLV中应包含可用信道列表,也应报含非占用信道列表和这些信道上非占用剩余时间。Multi-AP Agent在上报非占用信道时应上报可隔离雷达后最小的带宽等级。

The CAC status report shall include the status of any ongoing CAC for all radios within the Multi-AP Agent.
【译】CAC status report应包含Multi-AP Agent上所有radio的所有进行中CAC的状态。

If a Multi-AP Agent receives a Channel Selection Request with a Controller DFS Channel Clear Indication, it may change to that channel without performing a CAC on that channel.
【译】如果Multi-AP Agent收到Channel Selection Request并指示Controller DFS channel已干净,它可以设置信道后在此信道不执行CAC检查。

8.2.4 Spatial Reuse

Wi-Fi EasyMesh supports the configuration and reporting of BSS Color and Spatial Reuse Group parameters of Multi-AP Agents. The parameters in a Spatial Reuse Request TLV refer to spatial reuse parameters to be used for the operation on the specified radio of the Multi-AP Agent. In addition, the Multi-AP Agent might instruct associated STAs to use the same spatial reuse parameters.
【译】Wi-Fi EasyMesh支持配置和报告Multi-AP Agent的BSS Color和Spatial Reuse Group参数。Spatial Reuse Request TLV中关于spatial reuse的参数用于在指定radio上操作。额外的,Multi-AP Agent可能将指示关联的STA使用相同的spatial reuse参数。

If a Multi-AP Agent sets the Spatial Reuse bit to 1 in its AP Wi-Fi 6 Capabilities TLV and receives a Channel Selection Request message from the Multi-AP Controller containing one or more Spatial Reuse Request TLVs, it shall:
For each RUID specified in a Spatial Reuse Request TLV:
Either configure the radio:
• To operate every BSS and bSTA according to the Spatial Reuse Configuration specified in the Spatial Reuse Request TLV. If the SRG Information Valid bit is set to one, the Multi-AP Agent shall operate the specified radio with at least those bits of its SRG BSS Color Bitmap and SRG Partial BSSID Bitmap set to one that are also set to one in the corresponding bitmaps in the TLV. The Multi-AP Agent may set additional bits in those bitmaps to one.
• To operate every BSS with the BSS Color specified in the Spatial Reuse Request TLV
• To include in the Channel Selection Response message a Spatial Reuse Configuration Response TLV with the Response Code set to zero.
Or, if it cannot so configure the radio, the Multi-AP Agent shall:
• Include in the Channel Selection Response message a Spatial Reuse Configuration Response TLV with the Response Code set to indicate the reason it cannot so configure the radio.
【译】如果Multi-AP Agent在其AP Wi-Fi 6 Capabilities TLV中设置Spatial Reuse bit为1,并收到Multi-AP Controller发送的Channel Selection Request消息,消息包含一个或多个Spatial Reuse Request TLV,那么它应:
为Spatial Reuse Request TLV中每个指定的RUDI:
• 根据Spatial Reuse Request TLV中指定Spatial Reuse配置操作每个BSS和bSTA。如果SRG Information Valid bit设置为1,Multi-AP Agent应根据TLV的bitmap在指定radio上至少将对应的SRG BSS Color Bitmap和SRG Partial BSSID Bitmap设置为1。Multi-AP Agent也可以设置bitmaps中其他bit为1。
• 根据Spatial Reuse Request TLV中指定的BSS Color设置每个BSS。
• 在Channel Selection Response消息中包含Spatial Reuse Configuration Response TLV并设置Response Code为0。
或者,如果无法配置radio,Multi-AP Agent应:
• 在Channel Selection Response消息中包含Spatial Reuse Configuration Response TLV并设置Response Code,以指示不能设置radio的原因。

If the HESIGA_Spatial_reuse_value15_allowed bit is set one and the Agent decides to transmit HE PPDUs where HESIGA.SpatialReuse field has value 15 then, per section 26.11.6 of [17], the Agent shall also transmit Spatial Reuse Parameter Set elements on all APs operating on the specified radio and set the SRControl.HESIGA_Spatial_reuse_value15_allowed subfield in those elements to one. Otherwise, the Agent is not required to transmit Spatial Reuse Parameter Set elements and the values of fields in any such elements that it transmits are at its discretion.
【译】如果HESIGA_Spatial_reuse_value15_allowed bit设置为1,并且Agent决定传输HESIGA.SpatialReuse 为15的HE PPDUs,那么根据section 26.11.6 of [17],Agent应在指定radio的所有AP上传输Spatial Reuse参数集,且将这些参数中的SRControl.HESIGA_Spatial_reuse_value15_allowed bit为1。否者,Agent不需要传输Spatial Reuse Parameter参数集,如传输,其中的字段值由自己决定。

If the PSR Disallowed bit is set to zero and the Agent decides to use PSR-based Spatial Reuse then, per section 26.10.3 of [17], it shall set HECapabilities.PSRbasedSRSupport field to one on all APs operating on the radio and set the HESIGA.SpatialReuse field of PPDUs it transmits in accordance with section 26.11.6 of [17]. This field does not imply any requirements regarding the transmission of Spatial Reuse Parameter Set elements or their contents by any APs operating on the radio.
【译】如果PSR Disallowed bit设置为0,并且Agent决定使用基于PSR的Spatial Reuse,那么根据26.10.3 of [17],它应在radio的所有AP上设置HECapabilities.PSRbasedSRSupport字段为1,并根据26.11.6 of [17]设置其发送的PPDU中HESIGA.SpatialReuse字段。此字段并不代表radio发送的Spatial Reuse Parameter参数集或其内容有任何要求。

The SRG OBSSPD Min Offset, SRG OBSSPD Max Offset, SRG BSS Color Bitmap, SRG Partial BSSID Bitmap and the reserved 2 octet fields apply to transmissions pertaining to all BSSs and/or bSTAs operating on the specified radio. These fields do not imply any requirements regarding the transmission of Spatial Reuse Parameter Set elements or their contents by any BSSs operating on the radio.
【译】SRG OBSSPD Min Offset, SRG OBSSPD Max Offset, SRG BSS Color Bitmap, SRG Partial BSSID Bitmap和保留的2个字段是用于指定radio上运行的BSS和bSTAs传输相关的参数。此字段并不代表radio发送的Spatial Reuse Parameter参数集或其内容有任何要求。

If a Multi-AP Agent sets the Spatial Reuse bit to one in the AP Wi-Fi 6 Capabilities TLV in its AP Capability Report message and sends an Operating Channel Report message, it shall include in the Operating Channel Report message one Spatial Reuse Report TLV for each radio that supports 802.11 High Efficiency capability.
【译】如果Multi-AP Agent在它的AP Capability Report消息中的AP Wi-Fi 6 Capabilities TLV中设置Spatial Reuse bit为1,并发送了一个Operating Channel Report消息,那么应在Operating Channel Report消息中为每个支持802.11 High Efficiency能力的radio包含一个Spatial Reuse Report TLV。

If a Multi-AP Agent sets the Spatial Reuse bit to one in the AP Wi-Fi 6 Capabilities TLV in its AP Capability Report message and it autonomously changes the Spatial Reuse Configuration (including a change in the NeighborBSSColorInUseBitmap) of any radio, or if it autonomously changes the BSS Color of a BSS (i.e., not in response to a Channel Selection Request message), it shall send an unsolicited Operating Channel Report message to the MultiAP Controller.
【译】如果Multi-AP Agent在它的AP Capability Report消息中的AP Wi-Fi 6 Capabilities TLV中设置Spatial Reuse bit为1,并且自主修改了任意radio的Spatial Reuse配置(包括修改NeighborBSSColorInUseBitmap),或自主修改了一个BSS(如不在Channel Selection Request的响应中)的BSS Color,Agent应发送一个unsolicited Operating Channel Report消息给Multi-AP Controller。

9 Capability information reporting

9.1 AP capability

AP Capability Query and AP Capability Report messages enable a Multi-AP Controller or a Multi-AP Agent to obtain the capability information of all AP radios on a Multi-AP device.
【译】AP Capability Query和AP Capability Report消息使Multi-AP Controller或Multi-AP Agent有能力获取Multi-AP设备上所有AP的能力信息。

If triggered, a Multi-AP Controller or a Multi-AP Agent shall send an AP Capability Query message per section 17.1.6. If a Multi-AP Agent receives an AP Capability Query message, then it shall respond within one second with an AP Capability Report message per section 17.1.7. A Multi-AP Agent shall include one AP Capability TLV in the AP Capability Report message. A Multi-AP Agent shall include one AP Radio Basic Capabilities TLV for each AP radio in the AP Capability Report message. A Multi-AP Agent shall include one Metric Collection Interval TLV in the AP Capability Report message.
【译】如果被触发,Multi-AP Controller或Multi-AP Agent应根据17.1.6发送AP Capability Query消息。如果Multi-AP Agent收到AP Capability Query消息,它应在1秒内根据17.1.7回复AP Capability Report消息,在消息中应包含:一个AP Capability TLV;为每个radio包含一个AP Radio Basic Capabilities TLV;一个Metric Collection Interval TLV。

If an AP radio supports 802.11 High Throughput capability, a Multi-AP Agent shall include an AP HT Capabilities TLV for that radio in the AP Capability Report message. If an AP radio supports 802.11 Very High Throughput capability, a Multi-AP Agent shall include an AP VHT Capabilities TLV for that radio in the AP Capability Report message. If an AP radio supports 802.11 High Efficiency capability, a Multi-AP Agent shall include an AP HE Capabilities TLV for that radio in the AP Capability Report message.
【译】如果AP radio支持802.11 High Throughput能力,Multi-AP Agent应在AP Capability Report中为此radio包含一个AP HT Capabilities TLV。
如果AP radio支持802.11 Very High Throughput能力,Multi-AP Agent应在AP Capability Report中为此radio包含一个AP VHT Capabilities。
如果AP radio支持802.11 High Efficiency能力,Multi-AP Agent应在AP Capability Report中为此radio包含一个AP HE Capabilities TLV。

If an AP radio managed by a Multi-AP Agent is capable of multiple virtual radio operation (see Table 1), then the Multi-AP Agent shall identify each of the virtual radios separately with a unique Radio unique identifier in the capabilities TLVs and indicate capability information only pertaining to indicated virtual radio in the capabilities TLVs in the AP Capability Report message.
【译】如果Multi-AP Agetn管理的一个radio具有多虚拟radio操作的能力(见表1),Multi-AP应在AP Capability Report 消息的capabilities TLVs中为每个虚拟radio使用独立的radio标识符以区分,并指示能力信息只和capabilities TLVs中对应的radio相关。

If a Multi-AP device sends an AP Capability Report message, then it configures the fields in the Device Inventory TLV as follows:
• The SerialNumber string shall remain fixed over the lifetime of the device, including across firmware updates
• If a Multi-AP Agent supports multiple firmware images, the SoftwareVersion string shall be the software version of the active firmware image
• To allow version comparisons, the SoftwareVersion string should be in the form of dot-delimited integers, where each successive integer represents a more minor category of variation. For example, 3.0.21 where the components mean: Major.Minor.Build
• If a Multi-AP Agent supports multiple execution environments, the ExecutionEnv string shall be the active execution environment
【译】如果Multi-AP设备发送AP Capability Report消息,它应按照如下方式配置Device Inventory TLV中的字段:
• SN应在设备生命周期内保持不变,包括firmware升级
• 如果Multi-AP Agent支持多image,SoftwareVersion应显示当前激活的image的软件版本号
• 为了允许版本比较,SoftwareVersion应使用点分隔整数方式,连续的整数变化代表小的升级。比如:3.0.21表示Major.Minor.Build
• 如果Multi-AP Agent支持多执行环境,ExecutionEnv字符串应为当前活动的执行环境

If a Multi-AP Agent sends an AP Capability Report message, it shall also perform the following:
• Include one Channel Scan Capabilities TLV in the AP Capability Report message. Operating classes specified in this TLV shall be 20 MHz operating classes from Table E-4 of [1]. If the “On boot only” bit is set to one, the Scan Impact field shall be set to 0x00.
• Include one CAC Capabilities TLV in an AP Capabilities Report message. A Multi-AP Agent may restrict its reported CAC capabilities to match the regulations of the country in which it is operating. The CAC Capabilities TLV shall include an indication of the country in which the Multi-AP Agent is operating according to the two letter codes provided in [6]. The Multi-AP Agent shall specify CAC capabilities for each Simultaneous CAC Radio in the Multi-AP Agent.
• Include one Profile-2 AP Capability TLV in the AP Capability Report message.
【译】如果Multi-AP Agent发送AP Capability Report消息,它还应执行如下操作:
• 在AP Capability Report消息中包含一个Channel Scan Capabilities TLV,其中指定的Operating classes应该是[1]表E-4中的20MHZ Operating classes。如果"On boot only" bit设置为1,Scan Impact字段应设置为0x00。

• 在AP Capability Report消息中包含一个CAC Capabilities TLV。Multi-AP Agent可能会根据所在国家法规来限制上报的CAC能力。CAC Capabilities TLV应使用两个字母来表示Multi-AP Agent所在的国家。Multi-AP Agent应为其每个同时执行CAC的radio指定CAC能力。

• 在AP Capability Report消息中包含一个Profile-2 AP Capability TLV

If a Multi-AP Agent that implements Traffic Separation sends a Profile-2 AP Capability TLV, it shall also set the Max VIDs field to 2 or greater.
【译】如果一个实现了分流功能的Multi-AP Agent发送Profile-2 AP Capability TLV,它也应设置Max VIDs field为2或更大值。

If a Multi-AP Agent onboards to a Multi-AP Controller that indicates support for Profile-1 and has not included a Controller Capability TLV with the KibMiB Counter bit set to one, the Multi-AP Agent shall set the Byte Counter Units field to 0x00 (bytes) and report the values of the BytesSent and BytesRecevied fields in the Associated STA Traffic Stats TLV in bytes. Otherwise. the Multi-AP Agent shall set the Byte Counter Units field to either 0x01 or 0x02.
【译】如果Multi-AP onboard到一个Multi-AP Controller,而Controller指示支持Profile-1 并且没有包含KibMiB Counter bit设置为1的Controller Capability TLV,Multi-AP Agent设置Byte Counter Units字段为0x00(字节为单位)并以字节为单位上报Associated STA Traffic Stats TLV 中BytesSent和BytesRecevied的值。否者Multi-AP Agent应设置Byte Counter Units字段为0x1或0x2。

If a Multi-AP Agent that implements Profile-3 sends an AP Capability Report message, it shall also perform the following:
• Set Prioritization bit of the Profile-2 AP Capability TLV to one.
• Set Max Prioritization Rules field to one.
【译】如果一个实现了Profile-3的Multi-AP Agent发送AP Capability Report消息,它也应执行:
• 设置Profile-2 AP Capability TLV中的Prioritization bit为1
• 设置Max Prioritization Rules字段为1

If a radio supports 802.11 High Efficiency capability, a Multi-AP Agent shall Include one AP Wi-Fi 6 Capabilities TLV in the AP Capability Report message for each radio.
【译】如果一个radio支持802.11 High Efficiency能力,Multi-AP Agent应在AP Capability Report中为每个radio携带一个AP Wi-Fi 6 Capabilities TLV。

A Multi-AP Agent shall include one Device Inventory TLV in the AP Capability Report message.
【译】Multi-AP Agent应在AP Capability Report中包含一个Device Inventory TLV。

If a Multi-AP Agent that indicates support for Profile-1 (but does not support all requirements of Profile-2 or Profile-3) sends an AP Capability Report message (see section 17.1.7), it shall include the TLVs listed in section 17.1.7 that indicates its supported features.
【译】如果一个Multi-AP Agent表明支持Profile-1(但是不完全支持Profile-2或Profile-3),那么它在发送AP Capability Report消息(见17.1.7)时,应包含17.1.7中定义的TLV列表来表明支持中的哪些特性。

If a Multi-AP Agent that implements Traffic Separation (see section 19) sends a Profile-2 AP Capability TLV, it shall set the Traffic Separation bit to one, otherwise it shall set the bit to zero.
【译】Multi-AP Agent发送Profile-2 AP Capability TLV,如果它实现了分流功能(见19章),应设置Traffic Separation bit为1,否者设置为0。

If a Multi-AP Agent that implements 802.1Q C-TAG based Service Prioritization (see section 20.2.3) sends a Profile-2 AP Capability TLV, it shall set the Prioritization bit to one, otherwise it shall set the bit to zero.
【译】Multi-AP Agent发送Profile-2 AP Capability TLV,如果它实现了基于802.1Q C-TAG的服务优先级(见20.2.3),应设置Prioritization bit为1,否者设置为0。

If a Multi-AP Agent that implements the DPP Onboarding feature (see section Error! Reference source not found.) sends a Profile-2 AP Capability TLV, it shall set the DPP Onboarding bit to one, otherwise it shall set the bit to zero.
【译】Multi-AP Agent发送Profile-2 AP Capability TLV,如果它实现了DPP Onboarding特性,应设置DPP Onboarding bit为1,否者设置为0。

If a Multi-AP Agent implements Anticipated Channel Usage (see section 10.2.3), it shall set the Anticipated Channel Usage bit to one in the AP Wi-Fi 6 Capabilities TLV, otherwise it shall set the bit to zero.
【译】如果Multi-AP Agent实现了Anticipated Channel Usage功能的,它应在AP Wi-Fi 6 Capabilities TLV中设置Anticipated Channel Usage bit为1,否者设置为0。

If a Multi-AP Agent that implements MSCS, SCS, DSCP Policy or DSCP-to-UP mapping functionality (see section 20.2.4) sends an AP Capability Report message, then the Multi-AP Agent shall include one AP Radio Advanced Capabilities TLV in the AP Capability Report message for each radio that implements such functionality.
【译】如果Multi-AP Agent实现了MSCS, SCS, DSCP Policy或DSCP-to-UP mapping功能,那么在发送AP Capability Report消息时,应为每个实现了上述功能的radio包含一个AP Radio Advanced Capabilities TLV。

The AP Capability Report message shall contain the same MID that was received in the AP Capability Query message.
【译】AP Capability Report消息中MID应和收到的AP Capability Query消息中MID相同。

9.2 Client capability

Multi-AP Client Capability Query and Client Capability Report messages enable a Multi-AP Controller to obtain capability information of a client STA associated with a Multi-AP Agent.
【译】Client Capability Query和Client Capability Report使Multi-AP Controller可以获取连接在Multi-AP Agent上STA客户端的能力信息。

If triggered, a Multi-AP Controller shall send a Client Capability Query message per section 17.1.14. If triggered and supported, a Multi-AP Agent shall send a Client Capability Query message per section 17.1.14.
【译】如果被触发,Multi-AP Controller应根据17.1.14发送一个Client Capability Query消息。
如果被触发并且支持,Multi-AP Agent应根据17.1.14发送一个Client Capability Query消息。

If a Multi-AP Agent receives a Client Capability Query message, then within one second it shall respond with a Client Capability Report message per section 17.1.15. The Client Capability Report message shall contain the same MID that was received in the Client Capability Query message. If the STA specified in the Client Capability Query message is not associated with any of the BSS operated by the Multi-AP Agent (an error scenario), the Multi-AP Agent shall set the result code in the Client Capability Report TLV to 0x01 per section 17.2.19 and include an Error Code TLV with the reason code set to 0x02 and the STA MAC address field included per section 17.2.36 in the Client Capability Report message. If the STA specified in the Client Capability Query message is associated with any of the BSS operated by the Multi-AP Agent and the Multi-AP Agent is unable to report the client’s capability, the Multi-AP Agent shall set the result code in the Client Capability Report TLV to 0x01 and include an Error Code TLV with the reason code set to 0x03 in the Client Capability Report message.
【译】如果Multi-AP收到Client Capability Query消息,它应在1秒内根据17.1.15回复Client Capability Report消息。其中MID应和收到的Client Capability Query中MID相同。
如果Client Capability Query消息中指定的STA没有连接到Multi-AP的任意一个BSS上(发生错误的情况),Multi-AP Agent应在Client Capability Report中:根据17.2.19设置Client Capability Report TLV中result code字段为0x01;包含一个Error Code TLV,根据17.2.36设置reason code为0x2并包含STA MAC address字段。
如果Client Capability Query消息中指定的STA连接到Multi-AP Agent的BSS上,但Multi-AP agent不能上报客户端能力,Multi-AP Agent应在Client Capability Report消息中:设置Client Capability Report TLV的result code为0x01; 包含一个an Error Code TLV并设置reason code为0x3。

9.3 Backhaul STA capability

Backhaul STA Capability Query and Backhaul STA Capability Report messages enable a Multi-AP Controller to obtain the capability information of all backhaul STA radios on a Multi-AP device.
【译】Backhaul STA Capability Query和Backhaul STA Capability Report消息使Multi-AP Controller可以获取Multi-AP设备上所有backhaul STA radio的能力信息。

If triggered, a Multi-AP Controller shall send a Backhaul STA Capability Query message per section 17.1.42. If a Multi-AP Agent receives a Backhaul STA Capability Query message, then it shall respond within one second with a Backhaul STA Capability Report message per section 17.1.43. A Multi-AP Agent shall include one Backhaul STA Radio Capabilities TLV for each Backhaul STA radio in the Backhaul STA Capability Report message.
【译】如果被触发,Multi-AP Controller应根据17.1.42发送Backhaul STA Capability Query消息。
如果Multi-AP Agent收到Backhaul STA Capability Query消息,应在1秒内根据17.1.43回复Backhaul STA Capability Report消息,在消息中为每个Backhaul STA radio包含一个Backhaul STA Radio Capabilities TLV。

The Backhaul STA Capability Report message shall contain a MID that was indicated in a previously received Backhaul STA Capability Query message.
【译】Backhaul STA Capability Report消息中MID应和之前收到的Backhaul STA Capability Query消息中MID相同。

10 Link metric collection

10.1 Backhaul link metrics

This section defines the protocol for a Multi-AP device to convey backhaul link metric information associated with each of the BSSs in which the Multi-AP device is operating.

The 1905 link metric information dissemination protocol is used to query and report link metrics for backhaul links (e.g., link between a Multi-AP Agent AP interface and a Multi-AP Agent backhaul STA interface, or between two Multi-AP Agent Ethernet interfaces. See [2]).
【译】1905链路度量信息传递协议用来查询和报告backhaul链路的度量信息(如:一个Multi-AP Agent的AP接口和另一Multi-AP Agent的backhaul STA接口,或两个Multi-AP Agent的Ethernet接口。见[2])。

If triggered, a Multi-AP Controller and Multi-AP Agent shall send a 1905 Link metric query message to a Multi-AP Agent.
【译】如果被触发,Multi-AP Controller和Multi-AP Agent应发送一个1905 Link metric query消息给另一个Multi-AP Agent。

Note: Additional clarifications with respect to fields in a 1905 Transmitter link metric TLV are as follows:
• macThroughputCapacity field is the estimated MAC data rate in Mb/s for the backhaul link in the downlink direction when reported by a Multi-AP Agent that operates the AP for the link, or the estimated MAC data rate in Mb/s for the backhaul link in the uplink direction when reported by the Multi-AP Agent that operates the backhaul STA for the link, if 100% of channel air time and BSS operating bandwidth were to be available.
• linkAvailability field is the predicted percentage of Air Time that the backhaul link would consume given the current channel condition, assuming sufficient BE traffic is generated over the backhaul link to the client STAs and/or other backhaul STAs associated with the downstream Multi-AP Agent to fill this Air Time.
【译】注意:关于1905 发送端link metric TLV中字段的额外说明如下:
• macThroughputCapacity字段,当报告是由Multi-AP Agent的AP上报时,表示被评估MAC的backhaul link下行方向的数据速率,单位是Mb/s;当报告是由Multi-AP Agent的backhaul STA上报时,表示被评估MAC的backhaul link的上行方向的数据速率,单位是Mb/s。前提是channel air time和BSS bandwidth 100%可用。
• linkAvailability字段指假设Multi-AP Agent的client STA和backhaul STA都满负荷BE流量时,backhaul link预计消耗的Air Time百分比。

Note: Additional clarifications with respect to fields in a 1905 Receiver link metric TLV are as follows:
• The RSSI field is calculated from the RCPI of a number of PPDU received when reported by a Multi-AP Agent that operates the AP for the link, or the Beacon RSSI when reported by a Multi-AP Agent that operates the backhaul STA for the link.
【译】注意:关于1905接收端link metric TLV中字段的额外说明如下:
• 当报告是由link中作为AP的Multi-AP Agent发送时,RSSI字段通过一系列报告中PPDU的RCPI计算得来;当报告是有link中作为backhaul STA的Multi-AP Agent发送时,RSSI指Beacon RSSI。

Note: A Multi-AP Agent supporting [11] might use the transmitter and receiver Link Metric TLVs as defined in [11] to report the metrics of Generic Phy non-Wi-Fi interfaces.
【译】注意:支持[11]的Multi-AP Agent可以使用[11]中定义的transmitter and receiver Link Metric TLVs来报告非Wi-Fi的通用phy接口的度量数据。

10.2 Per-AP metrics and bulk STA metrics

This section defines the protocol for a Multi-AP Agent to convey per-AP metric information about each of the BSS (fronthaul and/or backhaul) it is operating. These metrics pertain to the BSS overall, and can also include information relating to every STA associated to the AP. For metrics relating to a single specific STA that might be associated to the BSS, see section 10.3.
【译】本节定义了Multi-AP Agent传输其每个BSS(fronthaul或/和backhaul)的per-AP度量信息使用的协议。这些metrics包含全部BSS,也可以包括关联的STA的信息。关于关联到BSS上某特定STA的metric,见10.3

10.2.1 Link metric measurements from the AP

If triggered, a Multi-AP Controller shall send an AP Metrics Query message per section 17.1.16 to a Multi-AP Agent.
【译】如果被触发,Multi-AP Controller应发根据17.1.16发送一条AP Metrics Query消息给Multi-AP Agent。

If a Multi-AP Agent receives an AP Metrics Query message, then it shall respond within one second with an AP Metrics Response message (section 17.1.17) containing the following TLVs:
• One AP Metrics TLV per section 17.2.22 for each of the BSSs specified in the query.
• One AP Extended Metrics TLV for each of the BSSs specified in the query.
• One Radio Metrics TLV for each of the radios specified in the query.
【译】如果Multi-AP Agent收到AP Metrics Query消息,它应在1秒内按照17.1.17回复一条AP Metrics Response消息,包含如下TLVs:
• 为每一个query消息中指定的BSS包含一个AP Metrics TLV,定义在17.2.22。
• 为每一个query消息中指定的BSS包含一个AP Extended Metrics TLV。
• 为每一个query消息中指定的BSS包含一个Radio Metrics TLV。

The AP Metrics Response message shall contain the same MID that was received in the AP Metrics Query message.
【译】AP Metrics Response消息中MID应和收到的AP Metrics Query消息中MID相同。

If a Multi-AP Agent receives a Metric Reporting Policy TLV with AP Metrics Reporting Interval field set to a non-zero value, it shall send an AP Metrics Response message to the Multi-AP Controller once every reporting interval specified in the field and containing the following TLVs:
• One AP Metrics TLV for each BSS which it is operating.
• One AP Extended Metrics TLV for each BSS which it is operating
• One Radio Metrics TLV for each radio which it is operating.
【译】如果Multi-AP Agent收到一个Metric Reporting Policy TLV并且其中AP Metrics Reporting Interval字段不为0,它应按照指定interval周期向Multi-AP Controller上报AP Metrics Response消息,包含如下TLVs:
• 为每个活动的BSS包含一个AP Metrics TLV
• 为每个活动的BSS包含一个AP Extended Metrics TLV
• 为每个活动的BSS包含一个Radio Metrics TLV

If a Multi-AP Agent receives a Metric Reporting Policy TLV with AP Metrics Channel Utilization Reporting Threshold field set to a non-zero value for a given radio, it shall measure the channel utilization on that radio in each consecutive implementation-specific measurement period and, if the most recently measured channel utilization has crossed the reporting threshold in either direction (with respect to the previous measurement), it shall send an AP Metrics Response message to the Multi-AP Controller containing the following TLVs:
• One AP Metrics TLV for each of the BSSs on that radio.
• One AP Extended Metrics TLV for each of the BSSs on that radio.
• One Radio Metrics TLV for that radio.
【译】如果Multi-AP Agent收到一个Metric Reporting Policy TLV并且对某radio的AP Metrics Channel Utilization Reporting Threshold字段不为0,它应对此radio在持续的特定测量周期内探测信道利用率,如果最新的信道利用率查过上报门限,则应向Multi-AP Controller发送AP Metrics Response消息,包含如下TLV:
• 为radio上的每个BSS包含一个AP Metrics TLV
• 为radio上的每个BSS包含一个AP Extended Metrics TLV
• 为radio上的每个BSS包含一个Radio Metrics TLV

If a Multi-AP Agent sends an AP Extended Metrics TLV, it shall encode the byte counters in that TLV according to the value of the Byte Counter Units field in its last sent Profile-2 AP Capability TLV, or in bytes if it has not sent a Profile-2 AP Capability TLV.
【译】如果Multi-AP Agent发送一个AP Extended Metrics TLV,它应按照上次发送的Profile-2 AP Capability TLV中Byte Counter Units字段指定的单位设置TLV中的byte counters。如果上次没有发送Profile-2 AP Capability TLV,那么byte counters按照字节为单位填写。

If a Multi-AP Agent sends an AP Metrics Response message and if the most recently received (if any) Metric Reporting Policy TLV has Associated STA Traffic Stats Inclusion Policy set to one for a specified radio, the Multi-AP Agent shall also include one Associated STA Traffic Stats TLV for each STA associated to a BSS being reported on that radio unless it has sent a previous AP Metrics Response message including the corresponding STA Traffic Stats TLVs within the previous 10 seconds, in which case it may include or omit the STA Traffic Stats TLVs.
【译】如果Multi-AP Agent最近收到(如果有)Metric Reporting Policy TLV中某radio的Associated STA Traffic Stats Inclusion Policy设置为1,那么Multi-AP Agent发送AP Metrics Response消息时应为指定radio上活动的BSS上关联的每个STA包含一个Associated STA Traffic Stats TLV,除非Agent在10秒内已经已经发送过对应的STA Traffic Stats TLVs。

If a Multi-AP Agent sends an Associated STA Traffic Stats TLV, it shall encode the byte counters in that TLV according to the value of the Byte Counter Units field in its last sent Profile-2 AP Capability TLV, or in bytes if it has not sent a Profile-2 AP Capability TLV.
【译】如果Multi-AP Agent发送Associated STA Traffic Stats TLV,它应按照上次发送的Profile-2 AP Capability TLV中Byte Counter Units字段指定的单位设置TLV中的byte counters。如果上次没有发送Profile-2 AP Capability TLV,那么byte counters按照字节为单位填写

If a Multi-AP Agent sends an AP Metrics Response message and if the most recently received (if any) Metric Reporting Policy TLV has Associated STA Link Metrics Inclusion Policy set to one for a specified radio, the Multi-AP Agent shall also include one Associated STA Link Metrics TLV and one Associated STA Extended Link Metrics TLV for each STA associated to a BSS being reported on that radio.
【译】如果Multi-AP Agent最近收到(如果有)Metric Reporting Policy TLV中某radio的Associated STA Link Metrics Inclusion Policy设置为1,那么Multi-AP Agent发送AP Metrics Response消息时应为指定radio上活动的BSS上关联的每个STA包含一个Associated STA Link Metrics TLV和Associated STA Extended Link Metrics TLV。

When reporting STA Traffic Stats, a Multi-AP Agent should report the most recent counter information commensurate with maintaining AP throughput performance, and shall report counter information no older than 10 seconds.
【译】当上报STA Traffic Stats时,Multi-AP Agent应上报最近的与吞吐量相对应的counter信息,并且counter信息不包含10秒前的统计。

If a Multi-AP Agent sends an AP Metrics Response message and if the most recently received (if any) Metric Reporting Policy TLV has Associated Wi-Fi 6 STA Status Inclusion Policy set to one for a specified radio, the Multi-AP Agent shall also include one Associated Wi-Fi 6 STA Status Report TLV for each STA associated to a BSS being reported on that radio unless it has sent a previous AP Metrics Response message including the corresponding Associated Wi-Fi 6 STA Status Report TLVs within the previous 10 seconds, in which case it may include or omit the Associated Wi-Fi 6 STA Status Report TLVs.
【译】如果Multi-AP Agent最近收到(如果有)Metric Reporting Policy TLV中某radio的Associated Wi-Fi 6 STA Status Inclusion Policy设置为1,那么Multi-AP Agent发送AP Metrics Response消息时应为指定radio上活动的BSS上关联的每个STA包含一个Associated Wi-Fi 6 STA Status Report TLV,除非已经在前10秒内发送过AP Metrics Response消息,且包含了对应的Associated Wi-Fi 6 STA Status Report TLVs,这种情况下可以包含或不包含Associated Wi-Fi 6 STA Status Report TLVs。

Associated Wi-Fi 6 STA Status Report TLV includes uplink queue sizes of TIDs at a Wi-Fi 6 STA that are known to its associated Multi-AP Agent.
【译】Associated Wi-Fi 6 STA Status Report TLV包含关联到Multi-AP Agent的Wi-Fi 6 STA的TID上行队列大小。

A Wi-Fi 6 STA delivers buffer status reports to the Agent it is associated with using the procedures described in section of [17].
【译】Wi-Fi 6 STA使用[17]中描述的流程向其关联的Agent上报buffer status。

Note: The Estimated Air Time Fraction subfield in the Estimated Service Parameters Information field in an AP Metrics TLV is defined in of [1] and represents the predicted percentage of air time that a new STA joining the BSS would be allocated for data PPDUs (transmitted downlink from the AP) carrying data of the corresponding AC for the STA. For the purpose of defining the Estimated Air Time Fraction value, it is assumed that the downlink traffic load to the
hypothetical newly joining STA is sufficient to fill the estimated air time fraction.
【译】注意:AP Metrics TLV中Estimated Service Parameters Information字段的子字段Estimated Air Time Fraction定义在[1]中,表示为新加入BSS的STA分配的对应AC数据PPDUs(从AP发送的下行数据)预测使用的空口时间占用百分比。为了定义评估空口占比值,假设虚拟的新加入的STA足以占满空口百分比资源。
10.2.2 Channel Scan
A Multi-AP network managed by a Multi-AP Controller provides the ability for Multi-AP Agents to perform a set of channel scans and report the results of the scans to the Multi-AP Controller. A Multi-AP Agent has the capability to perform a set of channel scans either at boot only, or upon request from the Multi-AP Controller.
【译】由Multi-AP Controller管理的Multi-AP网络为Multi-AP Agent提供了一种能力,使其可以执行一组信道扫描并上报扫描结果给Multi-AP Controller。Multi-AP Agent有能力在启动时执行一组信道扫描,也可以依靠Multi-AP Controller请求以触发信道扫描。 Channel Scan Requirements on a Multi-AP Controller

If triggered, a Multi-AP Controller shall send a Channel Scan Request message (see section 17.1.33) to a Multi-AP Agent.
【译】如果被触发,Multi-AP Controller应发送Channel Scan Request消息(见17.1.33)给Multi-AP Agent。

If a Multi-AP Controller sends a Channel Scan Request to a Multi-AP Agent with the Perform Fresh Scan bit set to zero, it shall set the Number of Operating Classes field for each radio listed to zero.
【译】如果Multi-AP Controller发送Channel Scan Request给Multi-AP Agent,并设置Perform Fresh Scan bit为0,那么应设置所有radio的Number of Operating Classes字段为0。

If a Multi-AP Controller receives a Channel Scan Report message, it shall respond within one second with a 1905 Ack message.
【译】如果Multi-AP Controller收到Channel Scan Report消息,应在1秒内响应1905 Ack消息。 Channel Scan Requirements on a Multi-AP Agent

If a Multi-AP Agent receives a Channel Scan Request message, it shall respond within one second with a 1905 Ack message.
【译】如果Multi-AP Agent收到Channel Scan Request消息,应在1秒内响应1905 Ack消息。

On-Boot Scan
If a Multi-AP Agent sets the “On boot only” bit to 1 in its Channel Scan Capabilities TLV, it shall perform a Channel Scan at boot on each of the radio and operating class and channel combinations specified in its Channel Scan Capabilities and shall store the scan results.
【译】如果Multi-AP Agent在它的Channel Scan Capabilities TLV中设置"On boot only" bit为1,它应在boot时在每个radio上执行信道扫描,扫描operating class和信道在它的Channel Scan Capabilities中指定,扫描结束后保存扫描结果。

Requested Channel Scan – Fresh
If a Multi-AP Agent has set the “On boot only” bit to 0 in its Channel Scan Capabilities TLV and receives from the Multi-AP Controller a Channel Scan Request message containing a Channel Scan Request TLV with the “Perform Fresh Scan” bit set to one and the Multi-AP Agent is currently performing a Requested Channel Scan, the MultiAP Agent should abort the current Requested Channel Scan as soon as practical and shall send to the Multi-AP Controller a Channel Scan Report Message relating to that Channel Scan before acting on the new request as described in the following paragraph.
【译】如果Multi-AP Agent在它的Channel Scan Capabilities TLV中设置"On boot only" bit为0,并收到Multi-AP Controller发送的Channel Scan Request消息,其中Channel Scan Request TLV的“Perform Fresh Scan”bit设置为1,如果Multi-AP Agent当前正在执行信道扫描,那么应中断当前操作,并为之前的请求向Multi-AP Controller发送Channel Scan Report。

If a Multi-AP Agent that has set the “On boot only” bit to 0 in its Channel Scan Capabilities TLV receives from the Multi-AP Controller a Channel Scan Request message containing a Channel Scan Request TLV with the “Perform Fresh Scan” bit set to one and is not currently performing a Requested Channel Scan, the Multi-AP Agent shall, as soon as practical, start a sequence of Channel Scans on the requested radio and operating class and channel combinations. When finished scanning, or within 5 minutes, whichever comes sooner, the Multi-AP Agent shall send to the Multi-AP Controller a Channel Scan Report Message (see section 17.1.34) containing one Timestamp TLV (see section 17.2.41) indicating the current time and one Channel Scan Result TLV (see section 17.2.40) for each of the operating class and channel combinations listed in the Channel Scan Request TLV. Each Channel Scan Result TLV shall contain either a success Status Code and the scan result data or a non-Success Scan
Status code, as defined in Table 57, indicating the reason the scan could not be completed. The Multi-AP Agent shall set the Status Code as follows:
【译】如果Multi-AP Agent在它的Channel Scan Capabilities TLV中设置"On boot only" bit为0,并收到Multi-AP Controller发送的Channel Scan Request消息,其中Channel Scan Request TLV的“Perform Fresh Scan”bit设置为1,如果Multi-AP Agent当前没有执行信道扫描,应尽快按照要求在指定的radio,operating class和channel上扫描。当扫描结束,或5分钟超时后,Multi-AP Agent应想Multi-AP Controller发送Channel Scan Report消息(见17.1.34),包含一个Timestamp TLV(见17.2.41)表示当前时间,为每个要求扫描的operating class和channel集包含一个Channel Scan Result TLV(见17.2.40)。每个Channel Scan Result TLV应包含一个成功状态码和结果数据;或不成功状态码,如表57所示,表示不能完成扫描的原因。Multi-AP Agent应按照如下规则设置状态码:

If the requested Channel Scan operating class and channel combination is in the set of operating class and channel combinations in the Multi-AP Agent’s declared Channel Scan Capabilities and the Multi-AP Agent successfully completed the fresh Channel Scan, the Multi-AP Agent shall set the Status Code to 0x00 (Success).
【译】如果要求的信道扫描operating class和channel集在Multi-AP Agent的Channel Scan Capabilities声明已支持,并且执行fresh channel scan完成,Multi-AP Agent应设置状态码为0x00(成功)。

If the requested Channel Scan operating class and channel combination is not in the set of operating class and channel combinations in the Multi-AP Agent’s declared Channel Scan Capabilities, the Multi-AP Agent shall set the Status Code to 0x01.
【译】如果要求的信道扫描operating class和channel集没有在Multi-AP Agent的Channel Scan Capabilities声明已支持,Multi-AP Agent应设置状态码为0x01。

If the Multi-AP Agent received the Channel Scan Request less than the Minimum Scan Interval declared in the Multi-AP Agent’s Channel Scan Capabilities after the previously received Channel Scan Request, the Multi-AP Agent may set the Status Code to 0x02 and not perform the Channel Scan.
【译】如果Multi-AP Agent收到Channel Scan Request距离上次收到Channel Scan Request的时间间隔小于Multi-AP Agent在Channel Scan Capabilities中声明的值,Multi-AP Agent可以设置状态码为0x02并不执行信道扫描。

If the Multi-AP Agent has not performed the Channel Scan because the radio is too busy, the Multi-AP Agent shall set the Status Code to 0x03.
【译】如果Mulit-AP Agent因为radio繁忙不能执行信道扫描,应设置状态码为0x03.

If the Multi-AP Agent has not been able to complete the Channel Scan in the time available, the Multi-AP Agent shall set the Status Code to 0x04.
【译】如果Multi-AP Agent未能在可用时间内完成信道扫描,应设置状态码为0x04.

If the Multi-AP Agent has aborted the Channel Scan due to receiving another Channel Scan Request, the Multi-AP Agent shall set the Status Code to 0x05.
【译】如果Multi-AP Agent因为收到其他Channel Scan Request而终止本次扫描,应设置状态码为0x05.

The Multi-AP Agent shall store the result of the last successful scan on each radio and operating class and channel combination.
【译】Multi-AP Agent应保存每个radio和operating class和信道集最后成功扫描的结果。

If a Multi-AP Agent has set the “On boot only” bit to 1 in its Channel Scan Capabilities TLV and receives from the Multi-AP Controller a Channel Scan Request message containing a Channel Scan Request TLV with the “Perform Fresh Scan” bit set to one, the Multi-AP Agent shall respond with a Channel Scan Report Message containing one Timestamp TLV indicating the current time and one Channel Scan Result TLV for each of the operating class and channel combinations listed in the Channel Scan Request TLV and set the Status Code to 0x06.
【译】如果Multi-AP Agent在其Channel Scan Capabilities TLV中设置"On boot only" bit为1,收到Multi-AP Controller发送的Channel Scan Request消息,并设置Channel Scan Request TLV的“Perform Fresh Scan”bit为1,Multi-AP Agent应响应Channel Scan Report消息,包含Timestamp TLV指示当前时间,为每个要求扫描的operating class和channel集包含一个Channel Scan Result TLV并设置状态码为0x06.

Requested Channel Scan - Stored
If a Multi-AP Agent receives a Channel Scan Request message containing a Channel Scan Request TLV with the “Perform Fresh Scan” bit set to zero, the Multi-AP Agent shall respond with a Channel Scan Report Message (see section 17.1.34) containing one Timestamp TLV (see section 17.2.41) indicating the current time and one Channel Scan Result TLV (see section 17.2.40) for each of the operating class and channel combinations for which it has stored results for each of the radios listed in the Channel Scan Request TLV, even if the Channel Scan Result is from an Independent Channel Scan and the “Report Independent Channel Scans” bit was set to zero in the most recently received Channel Scan Reporting Policy TLV. If the Multi-AP Agent has set the “On boot only” bit to 1 in its Channel Scan Capabilities TLV and has not yet completed the On-boot Scan on an operating class and channel combination listed in its Channel Scan Capabilities TLV, the Multi-AP Agent shall also include a Channel Scan Result TLV for that operating class and channel combination with the Status Code set to 0x04.
【译】如果Multi-AP Agent收到Channel Scan Request,包含Channel Scan Request TLV且设置“Perform Fresh Scan”bit为0,Multi-AP Agent应响应Channel Scan Report消息(见17.1.34),包含Timestamp TLV(见17.2.41)表示当前时间,为每个radio的operating class和channel集包含一个Channel Scan Result TLV并设置扫描结果,即使最近收到Channel Scan Reporting Policy TLV中"Report Independent Channel Scans" bit设置为0,且本次扫描结果并不是这次请求而得来的。如果Multi-AP Agent在其Channel Scan Capabilities TLV中设置"On boot only" bit为1,且没有完成其Channel Scan Capabilities TLV 中列出的operating class 和channe集上的On-boot扫描,Multi-AP Agent应在对应的operating class和channel集的Channel Scan Result TLV中设置状态码为0x04.

Independent Channel Scan
A Multi-AP Agent may perform an Independent Channel Scan.
【译】Multi-AP Agent可以独立执行信道扫描。

If a Multi-AP Agent performs a set of Independent Channel Scans, and the “Report Independent Channel Scans” bit was set to one in the most recently received Channel Scan Reporting Policy TLV, then the Multi-AP Agent shall report the channel scan results to the Multi-AP Controller in a Channel Scan Report message as described above in Section for a fresh Requested Channel Scan.
【译】如果Multi-AP Agent最近收到的Channel Scan Reporting Policy TLV中“Report Independent Channel Scans” bit设置为1,那么Multi-AP Agent在执行一组独立的信道扫描后,应按照10.2.2.2描述的处理fresh Requested Channel Scan那样使用Channel Scan Report消息上报信道扫描结果给Multi-AP Controller。

If a Multi-AP Agent performs a set of Independent Channel Scans, and has not received a Channel Scan Reporting Policy TLV, then the Multi-AP Agent shall not report the channel scan results to the Multi-AP Controller.
【译】如果Multi-AP Agent没有收到Channel Scan Reporting Policy TLV,在执行独立信道扫描后,不应上报扫描结果给Multi-AP Controller。

If the number of neighbors detected during a channel scan would mean that the channel scan report message would not fit within one 1905 CMDU, the Multi-AP Agent shall split the channel scan report across multiple Channel Scan Result TLVs by splitting the information related to sets of neighbor BSSs into separate Channel Scan Result TLVs and setting the NumberofNeighbors field to the number of neighbors contained in the corresponding TLV.
【译】如果在信道扫描期间探测到的邻居数量不适合放在一个1905 CMDU中,Multi-AP Agent应根据邻居BSS集合相关信息,在信道扫描报告上对Channel Scan Result TLVs进行拆分,并在相应的TLV中设置NumberofNeighbors字段为邻居数量。

10.2.3 Anticipated Channel Usage

A Multi-AP Agent sends an Anticipated Channel Usage Report message to report anticipated medium usage on channels (and subsets of those channels) on which it is operating. Each Anticipated Channel Usage TLV in the message reports anticipated channel usage on a specified channel, on which the Agent is scanning, monitoring, or operating one or more BSSs. Each entry in an Anticipated Channel Usage TLV corresponds to anticipated channel usage by the Agent in a BSS it is operating, or one or more client STAs associated to a BSS operated by the Agent, or some other source that the Agent is aware of. The Agent sends an Anticipated Channel Usage Report message when it determines the anticipated channel usage has changed, including when anticipated channel usage that was previously reported with indefinite/unknown repetitions has completed.
【译】Multi-AP Agent发送Anticipated Channel Usage Report消息来上报正在使用中的信道(包含信道子集)的介质使用情况。消息中的每个Anticipated Channel Usage TLV上报一个信道的预测使用情况,这些信道包括Multi-AP Agent BSS扫描的、监视的,或正在使用的信道。Anticipated Channel Usage TLV中的每个实体代表了Agent上运行的BSS上关联的一个或多个STA占用信道的情况,或Agent观察到其他占用信道的情况。Agent在信道占用情况发生改变时发送Anticipated Channel Usage Report消息,包括先前报告的具有未定义/未知的重复报告已完成的情况。

A Multi-AP Agent might describe Anticipated Usage as an envelope of anticipated frame transmissions. For example, in the case where the Multi-AP Agent reports usage in the form of the timing of a TWT agreement, the Multi-AP Agent might not know a-priori how the data will be sent within that TWT service period – likely multiple PPDUs (at least data and ACK, maybe frameburst), and quite possibly multiple TXOPs with some gaps in between.
【译】Multi-AP Agent可能将预期使用描述为预期帧发送的封装方式。例如,当Multi-AP Agent使用TWT协议的定时格式发送使用报告时,Multi-AP Agent可能预先不知道如何在TWT服务周期内发送数据 – 如同多个PPDUs(至少有data和ACK,可能有突发帧),并且有多个有些间隙的TXOP。

A Multi-AP Controller or Agent uses the information in a received Anticipated Channel Usage Report message for diagnostic purposes and/or to optimize its behavior. For example, an Agent might perform interference coordination by taking into account the anticipated channel usage reports from other Agents when scheduling transmissions in the BSSs it is operating.
【译】Multi-AP Controller或Agent使用收到的Anticipated Channel Usage Report消息中的信息,实现的诊断目的,或优化行为。例如,Agent可能在调度其BSS的传输时,可以考虑使用从其他Agent处收到的预测信道使用信息来做干扰协调。

A Multi-AP Agent that receives an Anticipated Channel Usage Report message from another Agent might obtain the TSF value of the reference BSSID reported in a TLV in that message (to which channel usage start time values are referenced) by directly receiving Beacon frames from the reporting Agent.
【译】Multi-AP Agent收到其他Agent的Anticipated Channel Usage Report消息后,可以通过直接通过收取报告Agent的Beacon帧的形式获取报告中相应BSSID的TSF值。

If triggered, a Multi-AP device shall transmit an Anticipated Channel Preference message (see section 17.1.59) containing one Anticipated Channel Preference TLV (see section 17.2.87)
【译】如果被触发,Multi-AP设备应发送Anticipated Channel Preference消息(见17.1.59),包含一个Anticipated Channel Preference TLV(见17.2.87).

If a Multi-AP Agent receives an Anticipated Channel Preference message (see section 17.1.60), it shall respond within one second with a 1905 Ack message.
【译】如果Multi-AP Agent收到Anticipated Channel Preference消息(见17.1.60),它应在1秒内响应1905 Ack消息。

If a Multi-AP Agent has received an Anticipated Channel Preference TLV (section 17.2.88), is currently operating radios using an Operating Class and Channel listed in that TLV and the usage to be reported has materially changed, it should transmit Anticipated Channel Usage TLV reports to the sender of the Anticipated Channel Preference TLV per section 17.2.87. If a Multi-AP Agent has received an Anticipated Channel Preference TLV (17.2.87) with Number of Operating Class set to zero, it shall not transmit Anticipated Channel Usage TLV reports to sender of that Anticipated Channel Preference TLV.
【译】如果Multi-AP Agent收到Anticipated Channel Preference TLV(见17.2.88),其当前使用的radio的operating class和channel在TLV 的channel list中,且使用率已发生实质性变化,Agent应向发送者按照17.2.87发送Anticipated Channel Usage TLV。如果Multi-AP Agent收到Anticipated Channel Preference TLV(17.2.87)中operating class设置为0,那么它不应响应以Anticipated Channel Usage TLV报告。

A Multi-AP Agent that sends Anticipated Channel Usage Report TLV(s) should ensure that these messages do not result in excessive overhead on the backhaul. It is expected that Anticipated Channel Usage TLVs are only sent when a Multi-AP Agent is able to anticipate future channel usage, and the timing of that channel usage, with high probability. If a Multi-AP Agent sends an Anticipated Channel Usage Report TLV containing a usage entry where the Repetitions field is non-zero and the AP no longer anticipates the indicated channel usage, the AP shall send an Anticipated Channel Usage TLV for the same Operating Class and Channel Number that does not include that usage entry.
【译】Multi-AP Agent发送Anticipated Channel Usage报告应保证这些消息不会导致backhaul链路过度负载。Multi-AP Agent只有在高概率可以预测到未来信道使用和使用时间时才发送Anticipated Channel Usage TLVs。如果Multi-AP Agent发送的Anticipated Channel Usage Report TLV中Repetitions字段为非零值,并且AP不再预测对应channel使用情况,AP应发送Anticipated Channel Usage TLV,只包含report中没有的Operating Class和channel。

The information received in an Anticipated Channel Usage Report message shall supersede any information received from the same Multi-AP Agent in previous Anticipated Channel Usage Report TLV(s). If the Agent is not aware of, or does not intend to report, any anticipated channel usage on a given channel, a TLV corresponding to that channel number shall not be included in the message.
【译】收到Anticipated Channel Usage Report消息后应将之前从相同Multi-AP Agent收到的Anticipated Channel Usage Report中的信息覆盖。如果Agent没有意识到,或不想报告某信道上预测信道使情况,那么在report TLV中不应包含此信道。

10.3 Per-STA measurements

This section defines the protocol for a Multi-AP Agent to convey link metric information on a per-STA basis.
【译】本节定义了Multi-AP Agent传递基于STA的链路度量信息的协议。

10.3.1 Associated STA link measurements from the AP

This subsection defines the protocol for a Multi-AP Agent to report link quality metrics for the downlink and uplink links between a Multi-AP Agent AP and an associated STA.
【译】本节定义了Multi-AP Agent通告其AP和关联的STA间上下行链路质量度量的协议。

If triggered, a Multi-AP Controller shall send an Associated STA Link Metrics Query message per section 17.1.18 to a Multi-AP Agent.
【译】如果被触发,Multi-AP Controller应按照17.1.18发送Associated STA Link Metrics Query消息给Multi-AP Agent。

If a Multi-AP Agent receives an Associated STA Link Metrics Query message, then it shall respond within one second with an Associated STA Link Metrics Response message per section 17.1.19 containing one Associated STA Link Metrics TLV and one Associated STA Extended Link Metrics TLV for the specified STA. The Associated STA Link Metrics Response message shall contain the same MID that was received in the Associated STA Link Metrics Query message. If the specified STA is not associated with any of the BSS operated by the Multi-AP Agent (an error scenario), the Multi-AP shall set the Number of BSSIDs reported field in the Associated STA Link Metrics TLV to zero per section 17.2.24 and include an Error Code TLV with the reason code field set to 0x02 and the STA MAC address field included per section 17.2.36.
【译】如果Multi-AP Agent收到Associated STA Link Metrics Query消息,它应在1秒内按照17.1.19响应Associated STA Link Metrics Response消息,为指定的STA包含一个Associated STA Link Metrics TLV和一个Associated STA Extended Link Metrics TLV。响应消息的MID应和请求消息的MID相同。如果指定的STA没有关联到Multi-AP Agent的任何BSS(错误的情况),Multi-AP Agent应按照17.2.24设置消息中Associated STA Link Metrics TLV中的Number of BSSIDs reported字段为0;并包含Error Code TLV,设置reason code为0x02,并按照17.2.36设置STA MAC address字段。

If a Multi-AP Agent receives a Metric Reporting Policy TLV with STA Metrics Reporting RCPI Threshold field set to a nonzero value for a given radio, the Multi-AP Agent shall monitor the uplink RCPI for each STA associated to a BSS operating on that radio and, if the most recently measured uplink RCPI for a STA has crossed the STA Metrics Reporting RCPI Threshold including hysteresis margin in either direction (with respect to the previous measurement), the Multi-AP Agent shall send an Associated STA Link Metrics Response message to the Multi-AP Controller containing an Associated STA Link Metrics TLV and one Associated STA Extended Link Metrics TLV corresponding to that STA. Unless STA Metrics Reporting RCPI Hysteresis Margin Override field is set to a non-zero value in the most recently received Metric Reporting Policy TLV (if any) relating to a given radio, a Multi-AP Agent should use a non-zero implementation-specific hysteresis margin that is sufficient to avoid excessive generation of Associated STA Link Metrics Response messages caused by rapid fluctuations of uplink RCPI measurements around the RCPI threshold and the Multi-AP Agent shall not use a hysteresis margin that is greater than 5 dB. If STA Metrics Reporting RCPI Hysteresis Margin Override field is set to a non-zero value in the most recently received Metric Reporting Policy TLV, a Multi-AP Agent shall use the value specified for STA Metrics Reporting RCPI Hysteresis Margin Override field as RCPI hysteresis margin when determining when to send an Associated STA Link Metrics Response message for RCPI threshold based reporting.
【译】如果Multi-AP Agent收到Metric Reporting Policy TLV,其中指定radio上的STA Metrics Reporting RCPI Threshold字段不为0,Multi-AP Agent应监控次radio上运行BSS上关联的STA的上行链路RCPI,一旦有STA最新测量的上行链路RCPI在考虑滞后余量后仍超出阈值,Multi-AP Agent应发送Associated STA Link Metrics Response消息给Multi-AP Controller,包含对应STA的一个Associated STA Link Metrics TLV和Associated STA Extended Link Metrics TLV。除非在最近收到的Metric Reporting TLV(如果有)中对应的radio的STA Metrics Reporting RCPI Hysteresis Margin Override字段设置了非零值,否者Multi-AP Agent应使用非零值实现滞后余量,防止上行链路RCPI在阈值附近上下波动造成的过度报告,Multi-AP Agent不应使用大于5dB的滞后余量。如果Multi-AP Agent最近收到的Metric Reporting Policy TLV中,STA Metrics Reporting RCPI Hysteresis Margin Override设置了非0值,Multi-AP Agent应使用指定的值作为滞后余量,来判断是否发送基于RCPI阈值的Associated STA Link Metrics Response消息。

When a Multi-AP Agent measures RCPI or SNR values for the purpose of calculating the Estimated MAC Data Rate and uplink RCPI used for STA metric reporting, these values may be averaged over time using an implementation-specific smoothing function. When a non-zero STA Metrics Reporting RCPI Threshold is configured, a Multi-AP Agent should perform sufficient smoothing of uplink RCPI measurements to avoid excessive generation of Associated STA Link Metrics Response messages caused by measurement noise.
【译】如果Multi-AP Agent测量RCPI或SNR,目的是计算评估MAC数据速率和uplink RCPI,以供STA metric reporting使用,这些结果应使用特定实现的平滑函数按照时间取平均值。当STA度量报告RCPI阈值被设置,Multi-AP Agent应执行足够多的平滑的上行链路RCPI度量数据,以避免被干扰数据影响导致生成过量的Associated STA Link Metrics Response消息。

If a Multi-AP Agent sends an Associated STA Link Metrics TLV, it shall set the values of the Estimated MAC Data Rate metrics for downlink and uplink of the associated link based on the most recently measured uplink and downlink RCPI or SNR values. The Estimated MAC Data Rate metric is an estimate of the MAC layer throughput achievable on the link if 100% of channel air time and BSS operating bandwidth were to be available. The algorithm used by the Multi-AP Agent to calculate the Estimated MAC Data Rate metrics is implementation-specific. A reference method2 is defined in Annex R.7 of [1], which takes RCPI or SNR as inputs, and where with respect to Equation R-1,

【译】如果Multi-AP Agent发送一个Associated STA Link Metrics TLV,它应根据最近测量的uplink和downlink的RCPI或SNR值,为相关链路的downlink和uplink设置预估MAC数据速率度量的值。预估MAC数据速率度量是测量MAC层在100%信道利用率和满带宽的情况下在此link上可以达到的吞吐量评估。Multi-AP Agent用来计算评估MAC数据速率的算法是基于特定实现。一个参考方法定义在[1] Annex R.7,RCPI或SNR作为输入。

10.3.2 Unassociated STA RCPI measurements from the AP

This subsection defines the protocol for a Multi-AP Agent to report uplink RCPI for unassociated STAs.
【译】本节定义了Multi-AP Agent报告非关联STA uplink RCPI的协议。

If triggered, a Multi-AP Controller and Multi-AP Agent shall send an Unassociated STA Link Metrics Query message per section 17.1.20 to a Multi-AP Agent.
【译】如果被触发,Multi-AP Controller和Multi-AP Agent应按照17.1.20发送一条Unassociated STA Link Metrics Query消息给其他Multi-AP Agent。

A Multi-AP Controller and Multi-AP Agent shall not send an Unassociated STA Link Metrics Query message to a Multi-AP Agent that does not indicate support for Unassociated STA Link Metrics in the AP Capability TLV.
【译】Multi-AP Controller和Multi-AP Agent不应向在AP Capability TLV中表明自身不支持Unassociated STA Link Metrics的Multi-AP Agent发送Unassociated STA Link Metrics Query消息。

If a Multi-AP Agent that indicates support for Unassociated STA Link Metrics receives an Unassociated STA Link Metrics Query message, it shall respond within one second with a 1905 Ack message and attempt to measure the uplink RCPI for the specified STAs. If any of the STAs specified in the Unassociated STA Link Metrics Query message is associated with any BSS operated by the Multi-AP Agent (an error scenario), for each of those associated STAs, the Multi-AP Agent shall include an Error Code TLV with the reason code field set to 0x01 and the STA MAC address field included per section 17.2.36 in the 1905 Ack message. A Multi-AP Agent shall attempt RCPI measurement on the current operating channel(s) of its radio(s) and, if it indicated support with the Off-Channel Unassociated STA Link Metrics bit in the AP Capability TLV, shall attempt RCPI measurement on the other channels and Operating Classes specified in the query. When a Multi-AP Agent measures RCPI values for unassociated STA link metric reporting, these values may be averaged over time using an implementation-specific smoothing function.
【译】如果一个支持Unassociated STA Link Metrics的Multi-AP Agent收到Unassociated STA Link Metrics Query消息,它应在1秒内响应一个1905 Ack消息,并尝试测量指定STA的uplink RCPI。如果收到的消息中指定的STA关联在Multi-AP Agent任意BSS上(错误的情况),Multi-AP Agent应按照17.2.36在1905 Ack消息中为每个STA添加一个reason code字段设置为0x01的Error Code TLV,并设置STA MAC address字段。
Multi-AP Agent应尝试在当前radio和channel上测量RCPI,并且如果Agent在AP Capability TLV的Off-Channel Unassociated STA Link Metrics bit中表明支持,它还应在query消息中的其他channel和operating class上进行尝试测量RCPI。
当Multi-AP Agent为unassociated STA link metric reporting测量RCPI,这些结果应使用特定实现的平滑函数按照时间取平均值。

If the Multi-AP Agent has collected one or more uplink RCPI measurements, it shall send an Unassociated STA Link Metrics Response message per section 17.1.21. A Multi-AP Agent may send the uplink RCPI measurements in one or more Unassociated STA Link Metrics Response messages immediately after some of the measurements become available or may bundle into a single Unassociated STA Link Metrics Response message. If the Multi-AP Agent cannot obtain any RCPI measurements on all of the STAs specified in the Unassociated STA Link Metrics Query message after some implementation-specific timeout, the Multi-AP Agent shall set the number of STAs included field in the Unassociated STA Link Metrics Response message to zero per section 17.2.26.
【译】如果Multi-AP Agent已经收集了一个或多个RCPI测量值,它应按照17.1.21发送Unassociated STA Link Metrics Response消息。Multi-AP Agent发送uplink RCPI测量值,可以在获取测量值后立即用一个或多个Unassociated STA Link Metrics Response消息;也可以将所有测量值封装到一个Unassociated STA Link Metrics Response消息中。如果Multi-AP Agent在约定时间内没能获取到Query消息中任何一个STA的RCPI测量值,Multi-AP Agent应在响应消息中设置number of STAs字段为0.

If a Multi-AP Controller receives an Unassociated STA Link Metrics Response message, then it shall respond within one second with a 1905 Ack message.
【译】如果Multi-AP Controller收到Unassociated STA Link Metrics Response消息,应在1秒内响应一个1905 Ack消息。

10.3.3 802.11 beacon measurements from the client

This subsection defines the protocol to request a Multi-AP Agent to obtain 802.11 Beacon Report measurements from an associated STA and respond with the Beacon Report from that STA. The primary purpose is to obtain measurements of downlink RCPI from Beacon or Probe Response frames transmitted by the AP operating in a BSS, as the basis for steering decisions, however the mechanism can also be used to obtain Information Elements from the Beacon or Probe Response frames transmitted by the APs operating in those BSSs.
【译】本子节定义了要求Multi-AP Agent从STA获取802.11 Beacon Report measurements并以收到的Beacon report作为相应。主要目的是从AP中活动的BSS发送的Beacon或Probe Response中获取downlink RCPI,作为steering决策基础,然后此机制也可以用来从这些BSS发送的Beacon或Probe Response获取信息元素。

If triggered, a Multi-AP Controller and Multi-AP Agent shall send a Beacon Metrics Query message per section 17.1.22 to a Multi-AP Agent.
【译】如果被触发,Multi-AP Controller和Multi-AP Agent应按照17.1.22发送Beacon Metrics Query消息给其他Multi-AP Agent。

If a Multi-AP Agent receives a Beacon Metrics Query message, then it shall respond within one second with a 1905 Ack message. If the specified STA in the Beacon Metrics Query message is not associated with any of the BSS operated by the Multi-AP Agent (an error scenario), the Multi-AP Agent shall include an Error Code TLV with the reason code field set to 0x02 and the STA MAC address field included per section 17.2.36 in the 1905 Ack message. If the specified STA indicates support for 802.11 Beacon Report, the Multi-AP Agent shall perform the following:
• Send an 802.11 Beacon request to the STA.
• If the STA indicates support for Active and/or Passive 802.11 Beacon measurements, the Multi-AP Agent may set the Measurement Mode field in the Beacon request to Active or Passive unless an active QoS-sensitive traffic stream exists which the Multi-AP Agent expects would be unduly impacted by Active or Passive measurements, in which case Beacon Table mode may be requested.
• If the value of the SSID Length field in the query is non-zero, an SSID subelement shall be included in the 802.11 Beacon request, and shall be set to the value of the SSID field in the query. Else, an SSID subelement shall not be included.
• The Operating Class, Channel Number, BSSID and Reporting Detail fields in the Beacon Request shall be set to the corresponding values specified in the query
• If the value of the Number of AP Channel Reports field (h) in the query is greater than zero and the value of the Channel Number field in the query is 255, then h AP Channel Report subelements shall be included in the 802.11 Beacon request, each containing the specified Operating Class and Channel List.
【译】如果Multi-AP Agent收到Beacon Metrics Query消息,应在1秒内响应一个1905 Ack消息。如果Beacon Metrics Query消息中指定的STA没有关联到本Agent上任意一个BSS(错误的情况),Multi-AP Agent应按照17.2.36在1905 Ack消息中将Error Code TLV的reason code字段设置为0x02,并设置STA MAC address字段。如果指定的STA支持802.11 Beacon Report,Multi-AP Agent应执行以下操作:
• 发送802.11 Beacon request给STA
• 如果STA支持Active或Passive 802.11 Beacon度量,Multi-AP Agent可以在Beacon request中设置Measurement Mode字段为Active或Passive,除非有QoS敏感的流量在跑,会受到Active或Passive测量模式过度影响,这种情况下,应要求使用Beacon Table模式。
• 如果query消息中SSID Length字段不为0,也需要包含SSID子元素,并设置SSID字段。否者不应包含SSID子元素。
• Beacon Request中的Operating Class, Channel Number, BSSID和Reporting Detail字段应和query中相对应。
• 如果query中的Number of AP Channel Reports字段大于0,并且Channel Number字段等于255,那么802.11 Beacon request消息中应包含一组AP Channel Report子元素,每个子元素包含指定的Operating Class和channel list。

If a Multi-AP Controller or Multi-AP Agent sends a Beacon Metrics Query message, it should aim to minimize the disruption potentially caused to the ongoing traffic of the specified STA by:
• Minimizing the number of channels on which the STA is required to scan in order to make the measurements to only those channels on which BSS of interest are operating
• Setting the Specify SSID field to one unless reports for BSS outside the currently associated ESS are required
• Refraining from setting the Reporting Detail field to value two, and minimizing the number of Element IDs requested when Reporting Detail field is set to value one
【译】如果Multi-AP Controller或Multi-AP Agent发送Beacon Metrics Query消息,为尽量减小中断指定STA的数据流的可能性,应采取以下措施:
• 尽量减小要求STA扫描的信道数目,仅对BSS正在使用的感兴趣的信道进行测量。
• 设置Specify SSID字段为1,除非需要当前关联的ESS之外的BSS的报告。
• 避免将Reporting Detail字段设置为2,当此字段设置为1时尽量减少元素ID数量。

If a Multi-AP Agent receives a Beacon Report from the STA, it shall send a Beacon Metrics Response message to the Multi-AP Controller per section 17.1.23 for each Beacon Report received from the STA and include all the measurement reports contained in the Beacon Report from the STA.
【译】如果Multi-AP Agnent从STA收到Beacon Report,每收到一个报告,应按照17.1.23向Multi-AP Controller发送一个Beacon Metrics Response消息,并包含STA上报的Beacon Report中所有测量报告。

If a Multi-AP Controller receives a Beacon Metrics Response message, then it shall respond within one second with a 1905 Ack message.
【译】如果Multi-AP Controller收到Beacon Metrics Response消息,应在1秒内响应一个1905 Ack消息。

Note: A Measurement Report message in a Beacon Metrics Report message contains an Actual Measurement Start Time field indicating the time at which the STA performed the measurements indicated in the report. If the STA only supports Beacon Table mode (where the STA responds with cached Beacon Report measurements), it is possible that the time of this measurement will be prior to the time the Beacon Metrics Query was received by the Multi-AP Agent.
【译】注意:在Beacon Metrics Report中的Measurement Report包含了一个Actual Measurement Start Time字段,表明STA何时执行了测量。如果STA只支持Beacon Table模式(STA使用缓存的Beacon Report测量值),测量时间可能会早于Multi-AP Agent收到Beacon Metrics Query的时间。

10.4 Combined infrastructure metrics

This section defines the protocol for a Multi-AP Controller to convey combined metrics regarding all the BSS and all of the backhaul links in the Multi-AP network. A Multi-AP Controller typically provides this information to Multi-AP Agents just before directing a Multi-AP Agent to perform local steering of client(s).
【译】本节定义了Multi-AP Controller打包传输Multi-AP 网络中所有BSS和backhaul链路的测量数据的协议。一个典型应用是Multi-AP Controller在Multi-AP Agent steering客户端前向其发送这些信息。

If triggered, a Multi-AP Controller shall send a Combined Infrastructure Metrics message per section 17.1.24 to a Multi-AP Agent. If a Multi-AP Controller sends a Combined Infrastructure Metrics message, it includes the most recently received TLVs from the corresponding Multi-AP Agents in the Multi-AP network.
【译】如果被触发,Multi-AP Controller应按照17.1.23发送一个Combined Infrastructure Metrics消息给Multi-AP Agent,包含最近收到的Multi-AP网络中对应Multi-AP Agent发送的TLV。

If a Multi-AP Agent receives a Combined Infrastructure Metrics message, then it shall respond within one second with a 1905 Ack message.
【译】如果Multi-AP Agent收到Combined Infrastructure Metrics,应在1秒内响应1905 Ack消息。

11 Client steering

Multi-AP control messages enable efficient steering of STAs between BSSs in a Multi-AP network. These control messages enable steering of client STAs which support 802.11v BSS Transition Management (BTM) as well as client STAs which do not support BTM.

11.1 Multi-AP Controller initiated steering mandate

A Multi-AP Controller uses the Steering Mandate mechanism to mandate a Multi-AP Agent to attempt steering of one or more associated STAs.
【译】Multi-AP Controller使用Steering引导命令机制来引导Multi-AP Agent steering一个或多个关联的STA。

If triggered, a Multi-AP Controller shall send a Client Steering Request message with Request Mode bit set to one indicating a Steering Mandate to a Multi-AP Agent per section 17.1.25. If the Multi-AP Agent implements Profile-1, the Multi-AP Controller shall include a Steering Request TLV into the Client Steering Request message. If the Multi-AP Agent implements Wi-Fi Agile Multiband and all the STA(s) specified in the message are Wi-Fi Agile Multiband capable, a MultiAP Controller shall include a Profile-2 Steering Request TLV into the Client Steering Request message. If the Multi-AP Agent implements Wi-Fi Agile Multiband and all the STAs to be steered in the message are Wi-Fi Agile Multiband capable, a Multi-AP Controller shall include a Profile-2 Steering Request TLV into the Client Steering Request message. If the Multi-AP Agent implements Wi-Fi Agile Multiband and not all the STAs to be steered are Wi-Fi Agile Multiband capable, then the Multi-AP Controller shall include a Steering Request TLV into the Client Steering Request message to steer the STAs which are not Wi-Fi Agile Multiband capable, and a Profile-2 Steering Request TLV to steer the STAs which are Wi-Fi Agile Multiband capable.
【译】如果被触发,Multi-AP Controller应按照17.1.25发送Client Steering Request消息给Multi-AP Agent,设置Request Mode bit为1以表明steering指令。
如果Multi-AP Agent支持Profile-1,Multi-AP Controller应在消息中包含一个Steering Request TLV。如果Multi-AP Agent支持Wi-Fi Agile Multiband,而且消息中指定的STA也支持,Multi-AP Controller应在消息用包含Profile-2 Steering Request TLV。
如果Multi-AP Agent支持Wi-Fi Agile Multiband,但并不是所有需要steer的STA都支持Wi-Fi Agile Multiband,Multi-AP Controller应在消息中包含一个Steering Request TLV来steer那些不支持Wi-Fi Agile Multiband的STA,和一个Profile-2 Steering Request TLV来steer那些支持Wi-Fi Agile Multiband的STA。

If a Multi-AP Agent receives a Client Steering Request message with Request Mode bit set to one, then it shall respond within one second with a 1905 Ack message. If a STA specified in the Client Steering Request message is not associated with the source BSSID specified in the same message (an error scenario), for each of those unassociated STAs, the Multi-AP Agent shall include an Error Code TLV with the reason code field set to 0x02 and the STA MAC address field included per section 17.2.36 in the 1905 Ack message.
【译】如果Mulit-AP Agent收到Client Steering Request消息,其中Request Mode bit设置为1,它应在1秒内回复1905 Ack消息。如果消息中指定的STA没有关联到消息中的源BSSID(错误的情况),Multi-AP Agent应按照17.2.36将在1905 Ack消息中,为每个未关联的STA增加一个Error Code TLV,并设置0x02的错误码和STA MAC address字段。

If a Multi-AP Agent receives a Client Steering Request message with Request Mode bit set to one indicating a Steering Mandate, the Multi-AP Agent shall attempt to steer each STA identified in the request to the corresponding target BSS specified in the request message. If the Target BSSID specified for a STA in the Client Steering Request message is wildcard, the Multi-AP Agent shall attempt to steer the STA to the most suitable target BSS it has identified for that STA.
【译】如果Multi-AP Agent收到Client Steering Request消息,其中Request Mode bit设置为1以表明steering命令,Multi-AP Agent应尝试引导消息中的每个STA到消息中指定的对应的目标BSS上。如果消息中指定STA的目标BSSID是通配符,Multi-AP Agent应尝试引导STA到最合适的BSS上。

11.2 Multi-AP Controller initiated steering opportunity

A Multi-AP Controller uses the Steering Opportunity mechanism to provide a time window for a Multi-AP Agent to steer one or more associated STAs.
【译】Multi-AP Controller使用Steering Opportunity机制为Multi-AP Agent提供一个时间窗口,来steer一个或多个关联的STA。

If triggered, a Multi-AP Controller shall send a Client Steering Request message with Request Mode bit set to zero indicating a Steering Opportunity to a Multi-AP Agent per section 17.1.25.
【译】如果被触发,Multi-AP Controller应按照17.1.25发送一个Client Steering Request消息给Multi-AP Agent,设置Request Mode bit为0表明一次Steering Opportunity。

If a Multi-AP Controller sends a Client Steering Request message with Request Mode bit set to zero indicating a Steering Opportunity to a Multi-AP Agent, it shall not send another Client Steering Request message with Request Mode bit set to zero to the same Multi-AP Agent until the length of time indicated in the Steering Opportunity Window field of the field message has expired, or the Multi-AP Controller has received a Steering Completed message (see section 17.1.28) from the Multi-AP Agent.
【译】如果Multi-AP Controller发送Client Steering Request消息给Multi-AP Agent,设置Request Mode bit为0以表明一次Steering Opportunity,在Steering Opportunity窗口字段指定的时间用完前,或收到Multi-AP Agent发送的Steering Completed消息(见17.1.28)前,不应再次发送Request Mode bit为0的Client Steering Request给同一Multi-AP Agent。

If a Multi-AP Agent receives a Client Steering Request message with Request Mode bit set to zero, then it shall respond within one second with a 1905 Ack message.
【译】如果Multi-AP Agent收到Request Mode bit为0的Client Steering Request的消息,应在1秒内回复1905 Ack消息。

If a Multi-AP Agent receives a Client Steering Request message with Request Mode bit set to zero indicating a Steering Opportunity and all the following conditions are true, the Multi-AP Agent may attempt to steer the STA(s) identified in the request to any other BSS in the Multi-AP network that the Multi-AP Agent has identified as suitable target BSS(s):
• The time delta since the message was received is less than the value of the Steering Opportunity Window field in the message
• The Multi-AP Agent has not terminated the Steering Opportunity by sending a Steering Completed message
• The STA’s MAC address is not included in the Local Steering Disallowed STA List in the Steering Policy TLV
【译】如果Multi-AP Agent收到Request Mode bit为0的Client Steering Request消息,并且以下条件都满足,Multi-AP Agent可以尝试将请求消息中指定的STA steer到Multi-AP网络中被Agent认为合适的BSS上。
• 消息收到的时间距当前时间小于Steering Opportunity窗口时间
• Multi-AP Agent没有通过发送Steering Completed消息来终止本次Steering Opportunity
• STA的mac地址不在Steering Policy TLV的禁止steer STA的列表中

A Multi-AP Agent’s decision whether or not to steer a STA and whether to steer a STA to a target BSS identified in a Client Steering Request message that indicates a Steering Opportunity should use implementation-specific mechanisms per section 11.4.
【译】Multi-AP Agnet应使用11.4中的特定实现来决定是否steer一个STA,以及是否steer STA到Client Steering Request消息中指定的目标BSS。

If triggered, a Multi-AP Agent shall send a Steering Completed message per section 17.1.28 to the Multi-AP Controller to terminate a Steering Opportunity. The Steering Completed message shall contain a new MID value.
【译】如果触发,Multi-AP Agnet应根据17.1.28发送Steering Completed消息给Multi-AP Controller来结束一次Steering Opportunity。Steering Completed消息应使用新的MID。

If a Multi-AP Controller receives a Steering Completed message, then it shall respond within one second with a 1905 Ack message.
【译】如果Multi-AP Controller收到Steering Completed消息,应在1秒内回复1905 Ack消息。

11.3 Multi-AP Agent initiated RCPI-based steering

A Multi-AP Controller sets the steering policy on a Multi-AP Agent using the Steering Policy TLV (see section 17.2.11).
【译】Multi-AP Controller使用Steering Policy TLV(见17.2.11)来设置Multi-AP Agent的steering策略。

By default, a Multi-AP Agent shall only attempt to steer a STA per the rules in sections 11.1 and 11.2. If the Multi-AP Agent receives the Steering Policy TLV, it shall additionally follow the RCPI-based steering policy rules as follows:
• If the Steering Policy field is set to 0x00 (Agent-initiated Steering Disallowed), there are no additional rules by which the Multi-AP Agent is allowed to steer a STA.
• If the Steering Policy field is set to 0x01 (Agent-initiated RCPI-based Steering Mandated) and the Multi-AP Agent indicated support for Agent-Initiated RCPI-based Steering in the AP Capability TLV, the Multi-AP Agent shall additionally follow the RCPI-based steering rules per section 11.3.1.
• If the Steering Policy field is set to 0x02 (Agent-initiated RCPI-based Steering Allowed), the Multi-AP Agent may additionally follow the RCPI-based steering rules per section 11.3.1.
【译】默认情况下,Multi-AP Agent只应依据11.1和11.2中的规则来steer STA。如果它收到了Steering Policy TLV,则还应额外的遵从基于RCPI的steering策略,如下:
• 如果Steering Policy字段设置为0x00(禁止Agent启动steering),则Multi-AP Agent不允许steering STA
• 如果Steering Policy字段设置为0x01(强制要求Agent以基于RCPI的steering初始化),并且Multi-AP Agent在AP Capability TLV表明支持基于RCPI的steering,则Multi-AP Agent需遵循11.3.1基于RCPI的steering
• 如果Steering Policy字段设置为0x02(允许Agent以基于RCPI的steering初始化),则Multi-AP Agent可以遵循11.3.1的基于RCPI的steering

11.3.1 RCPI-based steering rules

RCPI-based steering is used to allow a Multi-AP Agent to steer an associated STA to another BSS when the RCPI of the current connection becomes low.
【译】基于RCPI的steering允许Multi-AP Agent在当前连接的RCPI变低时,steer一个关联的STA到另外的BSS上。

If a Multi-AP Agent is following the RCPI-based steering rules and all of the following three conditions are true, the MultiAP Agent attempts to steer a STA to the most suitable target BSS it has identified:
• The measured uplink RCPI for the STA falls below the RCPI Steering Threshold specified in the Steering Policy TLV for the corresponding radio.
• The STA’s MAC address is not included in the Local Steering Disallowed STA List in the Steering Policy TLV.
• The Agent has identified a suitable target BSS for the STA.
【译】如果Multi-AP Agent遵循RCPI-based steering规则,并且满足以下3个条件,Multi-AP Agent将尝试steer STA到它已标识为最合适的目标BSS上
• 当前STA的上行RCPI小于Steering Policy TLV中为当前radio设置的阈值
• STA的mac地址不在Steering Policy TLV的禁止steer列表中
• Agent已为STA挑选了合适的目标BSS

11.4 Multi-AP Agent determination of target BSS

A Multi-AP Agent uses implementation-specific mechanisms to determine a suitable target BSS for a STA for steering scenarios described in sections 11.1, 11.2 and 11.3. These implementation-specific mechanisms to determine a suitable target BSS might take into account the following information:
• The most recently measured link metrics.
• Received link metrics from a STA, other Multi-AP Agents and/or the Multi-AP Controller.
• RCPI Steering Threshold and Channel Utilization Threshold specified in the most recently received Steering Policy TLV from the Multi-AP Controller.
【译】在11.1, 11.2, 11.3的场景中,Multi-AP Agent使用基于特定实现的机制为STA挑选合适的目标BSS,在这种机制中,可以将一下信息加入考虑之中:
• 最近测量的链路度量信息
• 从STA及其他Multi-AP Agent或Controller收到的链路度量信息
• 最近从Multi-AP Controller收到的Steering Policy TLV中,指定的RCPI Steering阈值和信道利用率阈值

If a Multi-AP device receives an Association Status Notification TLV with the Association Allowance status field set to 0x00 in the most recently received Association Status Notification TLV message, then the Multi-AP device shall consider the target BSSs as not suitable for client steering.
【译】如果Multi-AP设备最近收到的Association Status Notification TLV中Association Allowance status字段为0,那么应认为目标BSS不适合再Steering。
【译者注】应该是从目标BSS收到Association Status Notification TLV

11.5 Steering mechanisms

If a Multi-AP Agent attempts to steer a STA that indicates support for BSS Transition Management and the STA’s MAC address is not included in the BTM Steering Disallowed STA list indicated in the most recently received Steering Policy TLV, the Multi-AP Agent shall:
• Transmit a BTM Request frame to the STA including a Neighbor Report element specifying the BSSID, Operating Class and Channel Number of the identified target BSS. The Operating Class shall contain an enumerated value from Table E-4 of [1].
o If the STA is a Wi-Fi Agile Multiband capable STA, a Multi-AP Agent that implements Wi-Fi Agile Multiband shall include in the BTM Request frame:
 A BSS Transition Candidate Preference subelement into the Neighbor Report element and shall set the value of the Preference field in the subelement to 255 per section 3.5.2 of [8].
 An MBO-OCE IE that contains a Transition Reason Code as specified in Table 18 of [8].
【译】如果Multi-AP Agent尝试steer一个支持BTM的STA,并且STA的mac不在最新收到的Steering Policy TLV中的禁止steer列表中,Multi-AP Agent应:
• 向STA发送BTM请求,包含Neighbor Report成员,其中指定了目标BSS的BSSID,Operating Class和Channel Number。Operating Class的值应在表E-4 of [1].范围中。
o 如果STA具有Agile Multiband能力,那么具有同样能力的Multi-AP Agent应在BTM请求中包含:
 在Neighbor Report成员中包含BSS Transition Candidate Preference子成员,并根据3.5.2 of [8]设置Preference字段值为255
 一个MBO-OCE IE,并设置表18 of [8]中的切换原因

• If the steering attempt is in response to the reception of a Client Steering Request message with Request Mode bit set to one (indicating a Steering Mandate):
o No additional Neighbor Report elements shall be included in the BTM Request frame
o The Abridged bit in the BTM Request frame shall be set to the value of the BTM Abridged field in the Client Steering Request message received for the Steering Mandate
o The Disassociation Imminent bit in the BTM Request frame shall be set to the value of the BTM Disassociation Imminent bit in the Client Steering Request message received for the Steering Mandate.
o If the Disassociation Imminent bit is set to one, the Disassociation Timer field in the BTM Request frame (in TBTTs) shall be set according to the BTM Disassociation Timer field (in TUs) in the Client Steering Request message received for the Steering Mandate, else the BTM Disassociation Timer field in Client Steering Request is ignored.
o If the Multi-AP Agent receives a BTM Response frame in response to the BTM Request frame, it shall send a Client Steering BTM Report message per section 17.1.26 containing the BTM Response to the Multi-AP Controller. The Client Steering BTM Report message shall contain a new MID value.
【译】如果steering尝试是因为收到了Client Steering Request消息,并且消息中Request Mode bit设置为1(表明强制steering):
o 在BTM请求帧中不应包含Neighbor Report 成员
o BTM请求帧中Abridged bit应和收到的Client Steering Request消息中Abridged bit相同
o BTM请求帧中Disassociation Imminent bit应和收到的Client Steering Request消息中Disassociation Imminent bit相同
o 如果Disassociation Imminent bit为1,BTM请求帧中的Disassociation Timer字段(以TBTT为单位)应和收到的Client Steering Request消息中BTM Disassociation Timer字段(以TU为单位)相同;否者忽略Client Steering Request 中的BTM Disassociation字段。
o 如果Multi-AP Agent收到了BTM Response帧,应向Multi-AP Controller根据17.1.26发送Client Steering BTM Report消息,将BTM Response帧包含其中,并使用新的MID。
• If the steering attempt is in response to reception of a Multi-AP Controller initiated Steering Opportunity, the BTM Disassociation Imminent, the BTM Abridged and the BTM Disassociation Timer fields in the Client Steering Request message are ignored.
【译】如果steering尝试是因为收到了Multi-AP Controller的steering请求,Client Steering Request中的Disassociation Imminent / Abridged / Disassociation Timer字段都将被忽略

If a Multi-AP Agent attempts to steer a STA that does not indicate support for BSS Transition Management or the STA’s MAC address is included in the BTM Steering Disallowed STA list indicated in the most recently received Steering Policy TLV, and:
• If the steering attempt is not in response to the reception of a Client Steering Request message with Request Mode bit set to one (indicating a Steering Mandate), the Multi-AP Agent may use the Client Association Control mechanism per section 11.6 to block the STA from associating to any BSS in the network other than the target BSS(s) and,
• If the Multi-AP Agent has not received indication that the STA has already left the BSS, the Multi-AP Agent shall send a Disassociation frame or Deauthentication frame to the STA.
【译】如果Multi-AP Agent尝试steer一个不支持BTM的STA,或STA的mac地址在最新收到的Steering Policy TLV的禁止steer列表中:
• 如果steer不是因为收到了Request Mode bit 为1的Client Steering Request消息而触发,Multi-AP Agent可以根据11.6使用客户端关联控制机制,将STA在所有非目标BSS上block,只保留目标BSS可连接
• 如果Multi-AP Agent没有收到STA已经离开BSS的消息,应发送Disassociation或Deauthentication给STA。

If a Multi-AP Agent transmits a BTM Request frame to a STA as result of a steering attempt for a Multi-AP Controller Initiated Steering Opportunity per section 11.2 or an Agent Initiated Steering per RCPI Threshold per section 11.3, and the Multi-AP Agent subsequently identifies that the STA does not intend to leave the BSS (e.g., the STA sends a BTM Response with “Reject” status code), the Multi-AP Agent may attempt to steer the STA using the Client Association Control mechanism per section 11.6 and by sending a Disassociation frame or Deauthentication frame to the STA.
【译】如果Multi-AP Agent如11.2中因为收到Multi-AP Controller的steer请求而发送BTM Request给STA,或如11.3中根据RCPI阈值自主发起steer,但随后发现STA并没有离开源BSS(如STA发送BTM Response并携带错误码“Reject”),Multi-AP Agent可以根据11.6描述,尝试使用客户端关联控制机制steer STA,并发送Disassociation或Deauthentication给STA。

If a Multi-AP Controller receives a Client Steering BTM Report message, then it shall respond within one second with a 1905 Ack message.
【译】如果Multi-AP Controller收到Client Steering BTM Report消息,应在1秒内响应1905 Ack消息。

11.6 Client association control mechanism

A Client Association Control Request message enables a Multi-AP Controller or a Multi-AP Agent to implicitly steer a STA (e.g., one that does not support/obey BTM requests) to a certain BSS by causing other BSS(s) in the Multi-AP network to block that STA.
【译】客户端关联控制消息使Multi-AP Controller或Multi-AP Agent可以通过在其他BSS上block STA(不支持BTM)的方式,确定的将STA引导到特定的BSS上。

If triggered, a Multi-AP Controller or a Multi-AP Agent shall send a Client Association Control Request message to a MultiAP Agent per section 17.1.27.
【译】如果触发,Multi-AP Controller或Multi-AP Agent应按照17.1.27发送Client Association Control Request消息给Multi-AP Agent。

If a Multi-AP Agent receives a Client Association Control Request message, then it shall respond within one second with a 1905 Ack message. If any of the STAs specified in the Client Association Control message with Association Control field set to 0x00 (indicating Client Blocking) is associated with the BSSID specified in the same message (an error scenario), then for each of those associated STAs, the Multi-AP Agent shall include an Error Code TLV with the reason code field set to 0x01 and the STA MAC address field included per section 17.2.36 in the 1905 Ack message.
【译】如果Multi-AP Agent收到Client Association Control Request消息,应在1秒内响应1905 Ack消息。如果消息中指定的STA的Association Control字段设置为0(表明blocking STA),但STA当前已关联在消息中指定的BSSID上(错误的情况),那么针对每个关联的STA,Multi-AP Agent应按照17.2.36在1905 Ack消息中包含一个Error Code TLV并设置reason code为1,并设置STA MAC address字段。
【译者注】如果指明需要通过阻断STA关联其他BSS的方式steer STA,但是STA当前已经关联在其他BSS上,应返回错误。

If a Multi-AP Agent receives a Client Association Control Request message with Association Control field set to 0x00 (indicating Client Blocking) and all the following conditions are true, it shall reject a first attempt by a STA specified in the request to associate to the specified BSS operated by the Multi-AP Agent and should not respond to any Probe Request frames sent by the specified STA(s) to the specified BSS:
 The time delta since the message was received is less than the value of Validity Period field in the Client Association Control Request message.
 The Multi-AP Agent has not subsequently received a Client Association Control Request message with Association Control field set to 0x01 (indicating Client Unblocking) specifying the STA.
Otherwise, the Multi-AP Agent shall not perform blocking of the STA.
【译】如果Multi-AP Agent收到Client Association Control Request消息,其中Association Control字段为0(表明blocking STA),如果以下条件都满足,它应在消息中指定的BSS上拒绝消息中指定STA的第一次关联请求,且不响应此STA发送的Probe Request帧:
• 收到消息到当前时间差小于Client Association Control Request中Validity Period字段值
• Multi-AP Agent随后没有收到针对相同STA但Association Control字段为1(表明不block STA)的Client Association Control Request。

A Multi-AP Agent that implements Wi-Fi Agile Multiband shall not reject associations using other association control mechanisms, such as ACL lists or (if supported) the configuration of an RSSI threshold with the RSSI based Association Rejection feature of the Wi-Fi Optimized Connectivity program (see [9]).
【译】支持Wi-Fi Agile Multiband 的Multi-AP Agent不应使用其他关联机制拒绝关联请求,比如ACL lists或(如果支持)基于RSSI的Wi-Fi连接优化程序,配置拒绝连接的RSSI阈值。

The Validity Period field in a Client Association Control Request message with Association Control field set to 0x01 (Client Unblocking) is ignored.
【译】如果Client Association Control Request中Association Control字段为1,Validity Period将被忽略。

Note: When a Multi-AP Agent rejects an association attempt, it does so either by sending an Authentication frame with a “Reject” status code or, if it does not reject the authentication, by sending a (Re-)Association Response frame with a “Reject” status code.
【译】注意:当Multi-AP Agent拒绝关联请求时,它会发送带有“Reject”状态码的Authentication帧,或者不拒绝鉴权,而是发送带有“Reject”状态码的关联响应帧。

If a Multi-AP Agent rejects an authentication request or (re-)association request as a result of having received a Client Association Control Request (i.e., if the Multi-AP Agent would have otherwise accepted the authentication or (re-)association), it shall set the Status Code in the Authentication frame or (Re-)Association Response frame to a value that does not indicate capabilities mismatch or negotiation failure, and should set the Status Code to value 33 (denied due to insufficient bandwidth) or 34 (denied due to poor channel conditions).
【译】如果Multi-AP Agent因为收到Client Association Control Request消息而拒绝authentication request或association request,它应当在响应帧中设置Status Code为33(带宽不足)或34(信道条件差),而不能设置为标识能力不匹配或协商失败的值。

11.7 Wi-Fi Agile Multiband and Tunneled Message support

The fronthaul BSSs of a Multi-AP Agent shall support Wi-Fi Agile Multiband and include a Wi-Fi Agile Multiband AP Capability Indication attribute in Beacon, Probe Response, and (Re)Association Response frames as defined in [8].
【译】Multi-AP Agent的fronthaul应支持Wi-Fi Agile Multiband,并在[8]中定义的Beacon,Probe Response和(Re)Association Response中指示指示具有Wi-Fi Agile Multiband能力。

If a Multi-AP Agent receives a (Re-)Association Request frame from a STA, it shall send a Tunneled message including the (Re-)Association Request frame body to the Multi-AP Controller per section 17.1.40. The Multi-AP Agent shall set the MAC address field in the Source Info TLV to be the MAC address of the STA that generated the request.
【译】如果Multi-AP Agent从STA收到(Re-)Association Request帧,应发按照17.1.40向Multi-AP Controller发送一个包含(Re-)Association Request帧主体的隧道消息,并设置消息中Source Info TLV中MAC address字段为STA的mac地址。

If a Multi-AP Agent receives a WNM Notification Request frame from an associated STA, it shall send a Tunneled message including the WNM Notification Request frame body to the Multi-AP Controller per section 17.1.40. The Multi-AP Agent shall set the MAC address field in the Source Info TLV to be the MAC address of the associated STA that generated the request.
【译】如果Multi-AP Agent从关联的STA收到WNM Notification Request帧,应发按照17.1.40向Multi-AP Controller发送一个包含WNM Notification Request帧主体的隧道消息,并设置消息中Source Info TLV中MAC address字段为STA的mac地址。

If a Multi-AP Agent receives a BTM Query frame from an associated STA, it shall send a Tunneled message including the BTM Query frame body to the Multi-AP Controller per section 17.1.40. The Multi-AP Agent shall set the MAC address field in the Source Info TLV to be the MAC address of the associated STA that generated the query. The Multi-AP Agent shall also generate a BTM Request per section of [8] to that STA.
【译】如果Multi-AP Agent从关联的STA收到BTM Query帧,应发按照17.1.40向Multi-AP Controller发送一个包含BTM Query帧主体的隧道消息,并设置消息中Source Info TLV中MAC address字段为STA的mac地址。同时Multi-AP Agent还应按照[8]生成BTM Request并发送给STA。

If a Multi-AP Agent receives an ANQP request for a Neighbor Report ANQP-element from a STA, it shall send a Tunneled message including the ANQP Request frame body to the Multi-AP Controller per section 17.1.40. The Multi-AP Agent shall set the MAC address field in the Source Info TLV to be the MAC address of the STA that generated the query.
【译】如果Multi-AP Agent从STA收到因Neighbor Report ANQP-element而发起的ANQP request帧,应发按照17.1.40向Multi-AP Controller发送一个包含ANQP request帧主体的隧道消息,并设置消息中Source Info TLV中MAC address字段为STA的mac地址。

If a Multi-AP Controller receives a Tunneled message from a Multi-AP Agent, it shall respond within one second with a 1905 Ack message.
【译】如果Multi-AP Controller收到Multi-AP Agent的隧道消息,应在1秒内响应1905 Ack消息。

If a Multi-AP Agent cannot accept new associations in a given BSS, it shall include the MBO-OCE IE with the Association Disallowed attribute (section 4.2.4 of [9]) in Beacon and Probe Response frames and send an Association Status Notification message to the Multi-AP Controller and all the other Multi-AP Agents with the Association Allowance status field set to 0x00. If the association status in the BSS changes, the Multi-AP Agent shall send a new Association Status
Notification message.
【译】如果Multi-AP Agent不能在指定BSS上接受新的关联,应在Beacon和Probe Response帧中添加带有Association Disallowed属性(见[9] 4.2.4)的MBO-OCE IE,并向Multi-AP Controller和所有其他Multi-AP Agent发送Association Status Notification消息,设置Association Allowance status字段为0x00。如果BSS的关联状态发生变化,Multi-AP Agent应发送一个新的Association Status

12 Backhaul optimization

In a Multi-AP network, the backhaul STA of a Multi-AP Agent connects to a BSS to access backhaul connectivity. A MultiAP Agent might have chosen from multiple candidate BSSs during onboarding and subsequently a Multi-AP Controller might want to move that Multi-AP Agent to a different BSS.
【译】在Multi-AP网络中,Multi-AP Agent的backhaul STA连接BSS以访问backhaul链路。Multi-AP Agent在onboarding时可能有多个候选BSS以供选择接入,随后Multi-AP Controller可能将Multi-AP Agent从一个BSS移动到另外一个BSS上
【译者注】在Multi-AP Controller的5G BH和2.4G BH之间移动?

If triggered, a Multi-AP Controller shall send a Backhaul Steering Request message to request the Multi-AP Agent to connect its backhaul STA to a different BSS per section 17.1.29.
【译】如果触发,Multi-AP Controller应根据17.1.29发送Backhaul Steering Request,要求Multi-AP Agent将backhaul STA连接到不同的BSS。

If a Multi-AP Agent receives a Backhaul Steering Request message, then it shall respond within one second with a 1905 Ack message to the Multi-AP Controller and attempt to (re-)associate with the target BSS specified in the message. After the Multi-AP Agent has associated with the target BSS successfully or 10 seconds has expired since the reception of the Backhaul Steering Request message, the Multi-AP Agent shall send a Backhaul Steering Response message to the MultiAP Controller per section 17.1.30. If the Multi-AP Agent successfully associated with the target BSS specified in the Backhaul Steering Request message, the Multi-AP Agent shall set the result code in the Backhaul Steering Response TLV to 0x00.
【译】如果Multi-AP Agent收到Backhaul Steering Request下次,应在1秒内回复1905 Ack消息,并尝试连接到消息中指定的目标BSS上。在Multi-AP Agent连接到目标BSS后,或从收到消息经过10秒后,Multi-AP Agent应按照17.1.30向Multi-AP Controller发送Backhaul Steering Response。如果成功连接到目标BSS,应在响应消息Backhaul Steering Response TLV中设置result code为0x00.

If the Multi-AP Agent cannot (re-)associate with the target BSS specified in the Backhaul Steering Request message, the Multi-AP Agent shall set the result code in the Backhaul Steering Response TLV to 0x01 and include an Error Code TLV in the Backhaul Steering Response message with the reason code set to one of the 0x04, 0x05 and 0x06 per section 17.2.36.
【译】如果Multi-AP Agent不能关联到Backhaul Steering Request消息中指定的目标BSS,应在响应消息Backhaul Steering Response TLV中设置设置result code为0x01,并包含Error Code TLV,根据17.2.36设置reason code为0x04/0x05/0x06中的一个.

In general, when a Multi-AP Agent performs the steering requested by the Multi-AP Controller, there might be a brief user data interruption on the STAs that are associated with the Multi-AP Agent due to data path change and the duration of the steering (similar to steering by using the BSS Transition Management message on a STA). If a Multi-AP Agent’s fronthaul BSS is operating on the same channel as its backhaul STA and the Multi-AP Agent receives a Backhaul Steering Request message that requires the backhaul STA to switch to a different channel, there might be connection interruption on the clients that are associated with the Multi-AP Agent’s fronthaul BSS while the channel switch occurs. The Multi-AP Controller should attempt to minimize or avoid such interruption if possible in such cases (e.g., by steering the clients to another fronthaul BSS, if available, prior to triggering backhaul steering).
【译】通常,当Multi-AP Agent根据Multi-AP Controller执行steering请求,关联到Agent上的STA会有短暂的数据中断(类似使用BTM消息steering STA)。如果Multi-AP Agent的fronthaul BSS和Backhaul STA使用相同的信道,并且收到Backhaul Steering Request消息,要求backhaul STA切换到其他信道,那么关联到Multi-AP Agent fronthaul BSS的STA可能会因为信道切换发生连接中断。Multi-AP Controller应尽量减少或避免这种情况出现(例如,可能的情况下,先steer STA到其他fronthaul BSS,在steer backhaul STA)。

If a Multi-AP Controller receives a Backhaul Steering Response message, then it shall respond within one second with a 1905 Ack message to the sender of the message
【译】如果Multi-AP Controller收到Backhaul Steering Response消息,应在1秒内响应1905 Ack消息。

12.1 Backhaul optimization by backhaul station association control

A Backhaul BSS on a Multi-AP Agent that indicates support for Traffic Separation can be configured by a Multi-AP Controller to disallow association of a backhaul STAs that would result in a link that either does or does not form a part of a Multi-AP Profile-2 Network Segment. A Multi-AP Controller can configure this feature when onboarding the Multi-AP Agent, by setting bits 3 and 2 to one in the Multi-AP Extension subelement in the 1905 AP-Autoconfiguration WSC
message (see section 5.2) or at any point in time by setting bit 7 and 6 to one in the Backhaul BSS Configuration TLV of a Multi-AP Policy Config Request message (see section 7.3).
【译】支持Traffic Separation的Multi-AP Agent的Backhaul BSS可以被Multi-AP Controller配置为拒绝backhual STA的关联,防止其成为Multi-AP Profile-2或非profile-2中的链路。Multi-AP Controller可以在Multi-AP Agent onboarding时,在1905 AP-Autoconfiguration WSC消息(见5.2)中的Multi-AP Extension子元素中,通过设置bit 3和bit 2为1来配置这些特性,或在任意时间点通过设置Multi-AP Policy Config Request中Backhaul BSS Configuration TLV(见7.3)的bit 7 和bit 6为1来配置这些特性。

If a Multi-AP Agent sets the Profile-2 bSTA Disallowed bit to one on the backhaul BSS, and receives an Association Request frame on that backhaul BSS from a backhaul STA that includes a Multi-AP Profile subelement indicating Multi-AP Profile-2, then the Multi-AP Agent shall reject the association request (see section 18) on that backhaul BSS.
【译】如果Multi-AP Agent设置backhaul BSS的Profile-2 bSTA Disallowed bit为1,并在backhaul BSS上收到Multi-AP Profile-2的关联请求,Multi-AP Agent应在此backhaul BSS上拒绝关联请求(见18节)

If a Multi-AP Agent sets the Profile-1 bSTA Disallowed bit to one on the backhaul BSS, and receives an Association Request frame on that backhaul BSS from a backhaul STA that does not include a Multi-AP Profile subelement, then the Multi-AP Agent shall reject the association request (see section 18) on that backhaul BSS.
【译】如果Multi-AP Agent设置backhaul BSS的Profile-1 bSTA Disallowed bit为1,并在backhaul BSS上收到未包含Multi-AP Profile子成员的关联请求,Multi-AP Agent应在此backhaul BSS上拒绝关联请求(见18节)

Note: When a Multi-AP Agent rejects an association attempt, it does so either by sending an Authentication frame with a “Reject” status code or, if it does not reject the authentication, by sending a (Re-)Association Response frame with a “Reject” status code.
【译】注:如果Multi-AP Agent拒绝一个关联请求,可以通过发送一个status code为“Reject”的Authentication帧,或者不拒绝鉴权,而是通过发送一个status code为“Reject”的(Re-)Association Response帧。

If a Multi-AP Agent rejects an Authentication Request or (Re-)Association Request as a result of a “Backhaul STA association disallowed” configuration and it is able to provide one or more alternative backhaul BSS, it shall set the Status Code in the Authentication frame or (Re-)Association Response frame to 82 (rejected_with_suggested_bss_transition) and append at least one Neighbor Report element indicating an alternative backhaul BSS.
【译】如果Multi-AP Agent因为“Backhaul STA association disallowed”配置拒绝了一个Authentication Request或(Re-)Association Request,但它可以提供一个或多个备选backhaul BSS,那么应在Authentication或(Re-)Association Response中设置Status Code为82(拒绝连接但建议bss transition),并附加至少一个Neighbor Report成员来指示候选backhaul BSS。

If a Multi-AP Agent rejects an authentication request or (re-)association request as a result of a “Backhaul STA association disallowed” configuration and it is not able to provide a suggested BSS transition target, it shall set the Status Code in the corresponding Authentication frame or (Re-)Association Response frame to 12 (denied other reasons).
【译】如果Multi-AP Agent因为“Backhaul STA association disallowed”配置拒绝了一个Authentication Request或(Re-)Association Request,并且不能提供备选backhaul BSS,那么应在Authentication或(Re-)Association Response中设置Status Code为12(其他原因拒绝)。

A Multi-AP Controller should not request a Multi-AP Agent that does not indicate support for Traffic Separation to associate its backhaul STA to a BSS configured as “Profile-1 Backhaul STA association disallowed”.
【译】Multi-AP Controller不应要求一个不支持Traffic Separation的Multi-AP Agent去关联bSTA到一个配置了“Profile-1 Backhaul STA association disallowed”的BSS上。

A Multi-AP Controller should not request a Multi-AP Agent that indicates support for Traffic Separation to associate its backhaul STA to a BSS configured as “Profile-2 Backhaul STA association disallowed”.
【译】Multi-AP Controller不应要求一个支持Traffic Separation的Multi-AP Agent去关联bSTA到一个配置了“Profile-2 Backhaul STA association disallowed”的BSS上。

13 Multi-AP messaging security(略)

14 Four-address MAC header format

The address handling description applies immediately after a Multi-AP Agent has connected to a Multi-AP network using an onboarding method per section 5.
【译】在Multi-AP Agent使用onboarding方法连接到Multi-AP网络后,将立即处理地址信息。

14.1 Wi-Fi backhaul frame and address handling

If a Multi-AP device receives a Multi-AP IE from another Multi-AP device, then thereafter a Multi-AP device frame formats shall be compliant with section 9 of [1] with the following exceptions:
【译】如果Multi-AP设备从其他Multi-AP设备收到一个Multi-AP信元,Multi-AP设备帧格式应在以下方面符合[1] 第9节要求:

14.1.1 Receiver requirements
If source address (SA field) has the same value as the IEEE MAC individual address of the backhaul STA (TA field), a Fronthaul AP shall support receiving both Four-Address and Three-Address MAC header format Data frames from a backhaul STA.
【译】如果源地址(SA字段)和bSTA的MAC地址(TA字段)相同,那么Fronthaul AP需支持从bSTA发送的4地址或3地址的MAC帧头的数据帧。

If source address (SA field) has a different value than the IEEE MAC individual address of the backhaulSTA (TA field), a Fronthaul AP shall support receiving Four-Address header format Data frames from a backhaul STA.
【译】如果源地址(SA字段)和bSTA的MAC地址(TA字段)不同,那么Fronthaul AP需支持从bSTA发送的4地址MAC帧头的数据帧。

If destination address (DA field) has the same value as the IEEE MAC individual address of the backhaul STA (RA field), a backhaul STA shall support receiving both Four-Address and Three-Address MAC header format Data frames from a Fronthaul AP.
【译】如果目的地址(DA字段)和bSTA的MAC地址(RA字段)相同,那么bSTA需支持从Fronthaul AP发送的4地址或3地址MAC帧头的数据帧。

If destination address (DA field) has a different value than the IEEE MAC individual address of the backhaul STA (RA field), a backhaul STA shall support receiving Four-Address MAC header format Data frames from a Fronthaul AP.
【译】如果目的地址(DA字段)和bSTA的MAC地址(RA字段)不同,那么bSTA需支持从Fronthaul AP发送的4地址MAC帧头的数据帧。

14.1.2 Transmitter requirements

If a backhaul STA sends a Data frame to an associated Fronthaul AP with a source address (SA field) different from the IEEE MAC individual address of the backhaul STA, then the backhaul STA shall set the To DS B8 field to one and From DS B9 field to one in the MAC Frame Control field, per section of [1].
【译】如果bSTA发送数据帧给关联的Fronthaul AP,并且源地址(SA字段)和bSTA的MAC不同,bSTA应按照[1]在MAC帧控制字段中设置 To DS B8字段为1,From DS B9字段为1。

If a backhaul STA sends a Data frame to an associated Fronthaul AP with a source address (SA field) same as the IEEE MAC individual address of the backhaul STA, then the backhaul STA shall either:
• Follow the Three-Address MAC header procedures of [1], or
• Set the To DS B8 field to one and From DS B9 field to one in the MAC Frame Control field, per section of [1].
【译】如果bSTA发送数据帧给关联的Fronthaul AP,并且源地址(SA字段)和bSTA的MAC相同,bSTA应执行以下选项之一:
• 遵循[1]中3地址MAC头部流程,或
• 按照[1],在MAC帧控制字段中设置 To DS B8字段为1,From DS B9字段为1

The backhaul STA shall set the RA field (“Address 1” (per Table 9-26 of [1])) in the Data frame sent over the backhaul link to the IEEE MAC individual address of the AP or group address. The backhaul STA shall set the TA field (“Address 2” (per Table 9-26 of [1])) in the Data frame sent over the backhaul link to the IEEE MAC individual address of the Backhaul STA.
【译】bSTA应设置backhaul链路上的数据帧的RA字段(“Address 1” (per Table 9-26 of [1]))为AP地址或地址组,TA字段(“Address 2” (per Table 9-26 of [1]))为bSTA地址。

If a Fronthaul AP sends a Data frame to an associated backhaul STA with a destination address (DA field) different from the IEEE MAC individual address of the backhaul STA, then the Fronthaul AP shall set the To DS B8 field to one and From DS B9 field to one in the MAC Frame Control field, per section of [1].
【译】如果Fronthaul AP发送数据帧给关联的bSTA,目的地址(DA字段)和bSTA的地址不同,应根据[1]在MAC帧控制字段中设置To DS B8字段为1,From DS B9字段为1.

If a Fronthaul AP sends a Data frame to an associated backhaul STA with a destination address (DA field) same as the IEEE MAC individual address of the backhaul STA, then the Fronthaul AP shall either:
• Follow the Three-Address MAC header procedures of [1], or
• Set the To DS B8 field to one and From DS B9 field to one in the MAC Frame Control field, per section of [1].
【译】如果Fronthaul AP发送数据帧给关联的bSTA,并且目的地址(DA字段)和bSTA的MAC相同,Fronthaul AP应执行以下选项之一:
• 遵循[1]中3地址MAC头部流程,或
• 按照[1],在MAC帧控制字段中设置 To DS B8字段为1,From DS B9字段为1

The Fronthaul AP shall set the RA field (“Address 1” (per Table 9-26 of [1])) in the Data frame sent over the backhaul link to the IEEE MAC individual address of the backhaul STA or group address. The Fronthaul AP shall set the TA field (“Address 2” (per Table 9-26 of [1])) in the Data frame sent over the backhaul link to the IEEE MAC individual address of the Fronthaul AP.
【译】Fronthaul AP应设置backhaul链路上的数据帧的RA字段(“Address 1” (per Table 9-26 of [1]))为bSTA地址或地址组,TA字段(“Address 2” (per Table 9-26 of [1]))为Fronthaul AP地址。

14.1.3 Wired backhaul frame and address handling

Data frames shall be carried with Ethernet frames and handled per section 3 of [3].

15 Supplemental protocol rules/procedures

This section describes supplemental protocol rules/procedures (see section 7 in [2]).

15.1 CMDU reliable multicast transmission

All Multi-AP control messages sent using the CMDU unicast transmission procedure rely on a paired transaction to provide reliability. Many Multi-AP control messages are request and response message pairs e.g., Client Capability Query message and Client Capability Report message. For Multi-AP control messages that are sent as unicast notifications without an expected information response, a generic 1905 Ack message is sent per section 17.1.32. The generic 1905
Ack message shall contain the same MID that was received in the Multi-AP control message that this Ack message is acknowledging.
【译】所有通过CMDU单播传送的Multi-AP控制消息都通过配对的业务保证可靠性。很多Multi-AP控制消息都是request和response成对出现,例如Client Capability Query和Client Capability Report消息。对于那些单播通知并不期望响应的控制消息,只需要根据17.1.32发送通用1905 Ack消息作为确认,并携带和控制消息相同的MID。

To improve reliability, if the request message and/or the response message is lost, the sender may send another request message (using a new MID value). Similarly, if the notification message and/or the 1905 Ack message is lost, the sender may send another notification message (using a new MID value).
【译】为了提高可靠性,如果请求消息或响应消息丢失,发送者可以重新发送请求消息(使用新的MID)。类似地,如果通知消息或1905 Ack消息丢失,发送者也可以重新发送通知消息(使用新的MID)。

A new transmission type and the corresponding procedures are defined to increase the reliability of a message defined in [2] sent using the CMDU relayed multicast transmission procedure. Its applicability to each message is described in Table 16.

Since the messages sent by the CMDU relayed multicast transmission procedure do not return an acknowledgement, in some extreme poor link condition (e.g., very high packet error probability condition) the CMDU might be lost. To increase the probability of receiving the CMDUs, a Multi-AP device sends the CMDU as relayed multicast and also sends the same CMDU (with the same MID) using the unicast procedure to other discovered Multi-AP devices. A receiver discards any
duplicated received CMDU based on the MID.

15.1.1 CMDU reliable multicast transmission procedures

In the CMDU reliable multicast transmission procedures,
• the Multi-AP device shall transmit the CMDU as a relayed multicast transmission per section 7.3 of [2] (i.e., with the relayIndicator field in the CMDU set to one).
• the Multi-AP device shall transmit the same CMDU as a unicast transmission (using the same MID but with the relayIndicator field in the CMDU set to zero) per section 7.4 of [2] to other discovered Multi-AP devices on the Multi-AP network.
• Multi-AP设备应发送根据[2]中7.3使用可靠组播传输来发送CMDU(例如,设置CMUD中relayIndicator字段为1)
• Multi-AP设备应发送根据[2]中7.4使用单播发送CMDU(使用相同MID但是设置CMDU中relayIndicator字段为0),给Multi-AP网络中其他已知Multi-AP设备

15.1.2 CMDU reliable multicast reception procedures

In the CMDU reliable multicast reception procedures,
• the Multi-AP device shall process a received CMDU with the relayIndicator set to one per section 7.6 of [2].
• the Multi-AP device shall process a received CMDU with the relayIndicator set to zero per section 7.7 of [2].
• Multi-AP设备应按照[2]中7.6处理接收到的relayIndicator字段为1的CMDU
• Multi-AP设备应按照[2]中7.7处理接收到的relayIndicator字段为0的CMDU

15.2 1905 CMDU adjustments

The use of DPP Onboarding and 1905-layer message encryption functionality might cause a single TLV to exceed 1492 octets. 1905 [2] has an arbitrary limit on TLV length to fit within a CMDU fragment that is now relaxed.
【译】使用DPP Onboarding和1905-layer消息加密功能可能导致单个TLV超过1492字节。1905对TLV的长度没有限制以适应CMDU。

If a Multi-AP device needs to construct a message only transmitted with CMDU unicast transmission procedures (see section 7.4 of [2]) to another Multi-AP device that indicates support for DPP Onboarding, the Multi-AP device shall interpret the second sentence of section 6.2 of [2],
“If the message is too large to fit within an Ethernet frame, then multiple fragments can be created at the TLV boundaries to form multiple messages”,
as follows:
“If the message is too large to fit within an Ethernet frame, then multiple CMDU fragments can be created.”
【译】如果一个Multi-AP设备需要创建一个消息,只通过CMDU单播传输流程(见[2] 7.4)发给另外一个支持DPP Onboarding的Multi-AP设备,Multi-AP设备应将[2]中6.2的这句话
" If the message is too large to fit within an Ethernet frame, then multiple fragments can be created at the TLV boundaries to form multiple messages",

If a Multi-AP device needs to construct a message only transmitted with CMDU unicast transmission procedures (see section 7.4 of [2]) to another Multi-AP device that indicates support for DPP Onboarding, the Multi-AP device shall interpret the second sentence of section 7.1.1 of [2],
“Each CMDU fragment may carry a partial payload of the original CMDU, fragmented at the 1905 protocol TLV boundaries.”,
as follows:
“Each CMDU fragment may carry a partial payload of the original CMDU, fragmented at an octet boundary.”
【译】如果一个Multi-AP设备需要创建一个消息,只通过CMDU单播传输流程(见[2] 7.4)发给另外一个支持DPP Onboarding的Multi-AP设备,Multi-AP设备应将[2]中7.1.1.的这句话
“Each CMDU fragment may carry a partial payload of the original CMDU, fragmented at the 1905 protocol TLV boundaries.”,

If a Multi-AP device sends a 1905 message to a Multi-AP device and needs to construct a message to be transmitted with CMDU neighbor multicast transmission procedures (see section 7.2 of [2]), CMDU relayed multicast transmission procedures (see section 7.3 of [2] or CMDU reliable multicast transmission procedures including the unicast retransmissions (see section 15.1), then the Multi-AP device shall interpret the above quoted two sentences from [2] in their original form.
【译】如果一个Multi-AP设备发送一个1905消息给另外一个Multi-AP设备,并且需要创建一个通过CMUD邻居组播传输流程(见[2] 7.2)发送的消息,CMDU中继组播传输流程(见[2] 7.3),或可靠的组播传输并包含单播重传(见15.1),那么Multi-AP设备应将上面两段理解为原来的意思。

15.3 Order of Processing

DPP Onboarding adds new functionality to a Multi-AP Agent such as encryption of the 1905-layer messages (see section 13.3) which may result in TLVs larger than 1492 octets (see section 15.2) that warrant clarification on the order of processing for transmission and reception of frames.
【译】DPP Onboarding增加的Multi-AP Agent的功能,比如1905-layer消息加密,可能导致TLV长度超过1492字节(见15.2),需要对发送和接收的帧顺序做说明。

15.3.1 Transmission Order

In preparation of sending a 1905-layer message (see section 17.1), a Multi-AP device performs the following in order:
• collects the underlying information that will be transmitted in one or more TLVs (see section 17.2) (some TLVs might have a length exceed 1492 octets)
• if the message transmission procedures (see Table 16) use encryption, perform the encryption transmission procedures (see section 13.3.2)
• if the message transmission procedures (see Table 16) use message integrity check, perform the MIC Transmission procedures and insert the MIC TLV (see section 13.2.2)
• if the aggregate of TLVs exceed 1492 octets, perform CMDU fragmentation (see section 15.2 above and section 7.1.1 of [2])
• 收集将要发送的信息,使用一个或多个TLV(见17.2)(有些TLV可能长度超过1492)
• 如果消息传输流程(见表16)需要加密,使用加密发送流程(见13.3.2)
• 如果消息传输流程(见表16)需要校验消息完整性,执行MIC传输流程并加入MIC TLV(见13.2.2)
• 如果TLV超过1492字节,使用CMDU分片(见15.2和[2]中7.1.1)

15.3.2 Reception Order

Upon reception of a first CMDU of Multi-AP message (see section 17.1), a Multi-AP device that has been onboarded using DPP Onboarding performs the following in order noting that a given step might terminate the processing and discard all of the received information:
• if lastFragmentIndicator is zero, perform and complete CMDU reassembly (see section 7.1.2 of [2])
• if any TLV is a MIC TLV, perform the MIC Reception procedures (see section 13.2.3)
• if any TLV is an Encryption Payload TLV, perform the decryption reception procedures (see section 13.3.3)
• process the underlying information contained in the TLVs (see section 17.2)
【译】根据收到的Multi-AP消息(见17.1)的第一个CMDU,使用DPP Onboarding上线的Multi-AP设备执行以下步骤,以便注意到某个步骤可能终止处理并丢弃所有收到的信息:
• 如果lastFragmentIndicator为0,执行并完成CMDU组装(见[2] 7.1.2)
• 如果任意TLV是MIC TLV,执行MIC接收流程(见13.2.3)
• 如果任意TLV是加密载荷TLV,执行解密接收流程(见13.3.3)
• 处理TLV中的基本信息(见17.2)

16 Higher layer data payload over 1905

Multi-AP control messages are defined to provide a generic mechanism to carry higher layer data as opaque payload over the 1905 abstraction layer. This generic mechanism can be used to transport higher layer protocol messages over 1905 on a Multi-AP device, e.g., transport higher layer messages to access and manipulate TR-181 data objects (see [4]).

If triggered by an HLE, a Multi-AP Controller or a Multi-AP Agent shall send a Higher Layer Data message per section 17.1.31. A Multi-AP Controller or a Multi-AP Agent shall include a Higher Layer Data TLV received from the HLE in the Higher Layer Data message.
【译】如果被HLE触发,Multi-AP Controller或Multi-AP Agent应根据17.1.31发送一个高层数据消息,包含从高层数据消息中HLE收到的Higher Layer Data TLV。

If a Multi-AP Controller or a Multi-AP Agent receives a Higher Layer Data message, then it shall respond within one second with a 1905 Ack message per section 17.1.32. The 1905 Ack message shall contain the same MID that was received in the Higher Layer Data message.
【译】如果Multi-AP Controller或Multi-AP Agent收到一个高层数据消息,那么应在1秒内按照17.1.32响应一个1905 Ack消息,MID需和收到消息中的MID相同。

17 Multi-AP control messaging(略)

18 Multi-AP Profiles(略)

19 Traffic Separation

19.1 Traffic Separation in Multi-AP Network

19.1.1 Traffic Separation Overview (Informative)

This informative description of traffic separation relies on terms defined in section 3.1.

A Multi-AP Controller is able to configure multiple fronthaul SSIDs in a Multi-AP network. A Multi-AP Profile-2 Network Segment supports traffic separation for each fronthaul SSIDs using a unique VLAN. The traffic belonging to each VLAN is distinguished using an 802.1Q C-TAG with a unique VLAN ID, or the lack of thereof.
【译】Multi-AP controller可以在Multi-AP网络中配置多个fronthaul SSID。Multi-AP Profile-2支持每个SSID使用独立的VLAN来实现数据隔离。每个VLAN的数据根据802.1Q C-TAG的VLAN ID或缺省值来区分。

The rules defined in section 19.1.3 ensure that traffic generated within a Multi-AP network is clearly identifiable as belonging to one SSID. Traffic generated outside of a Multi-AP network is tagged with a VLAN ID (or untagged as appropriate) prior to ingressing the Multi-AP network by means not defined in this specification and is expected to be identified as belonging to an SSID.
【译】在19.1.3中定义的规则确保了Multi-AP网络中的数据可以被识别属于哪个SSID。Multi-AP网络外的数据在通过本规范未定义的方式进入Multi-AP网络前会被加上VLAN ID(或untagged),并且被期望可以识别为属于某SSID。

A Multi-AP device is a layer-2 (Link Layer) logical device that can be embedded into a more complex physical device (e.g., a router, or a gateway) that implements both a Multi-AP Agent as well as other, above layer-2, functionalities. Often in this case, traffic generated outside of the network (e.g., ingressing thru the WAN interface) is classified by the gateway/routing subsystem and tagged (if needed) before being forwarded to the Multi-AP device subsystem. The abstract/logical interface between the Multi-AP subsystem and the rest of the device is considered a Multi-AP Logical Ethernet Interface as per the definition in section 3.1.3 and the rules in section 19.1.3.
【译】Multi-AP设备是二层(链路层)逻辑设备,可以集成到一个更复杂的物理设备中(例如路由器或网关),实现Multi-AP Agent和其他二层以上的功能。通常在这种情况下,网络外生成的数据(例如通过WAN进入)会在转发给Multi-AP设备子系统前被Gateway/routing子系统归类并标记(如果需要)。根据3.1.3的定义和19.1.3的规则,Multi-AP子系统和设备其他部分之间的抽象/逻辑接口被视为Multi-AP逻辑以太接口。

If Traffic Separation is not configured on a Multi-AP Agent that indicates support for Traffic Separation, the Multi-AP Agent might behave in a transparent manner to VLAN tags applied by other entities.
【译】如果Multi-AP Agent支持数据隔离功能,但是没有被配置数据隔离,那么Multi-AP Agent可能对其他设备的数据VLAN tag做透传处理。

A Multi-AP Controller configures SSID to VLAN ID mapping in a Traffic Separation Policy. Each mapping from one or many SSIDs to one VLAN ID is indicated in a Traffic Separation Policy TLV. The Multi-AP Controller distributes the Traffic Separation Policy to all Multi-AP Agents. It is recommended that a Multi-AP Controller provides each Multi-AP Agent with a complete list of VLAN ID to SSID mappings, including those VIDs that are mapped to SSIDs that are not configured on a given Multi-AP Agent, to enable that traffic on all VIDs is forwarded over backhaul links. Multi-AP Agents report to the Multi-AP Controller the maximum number of VIDs they are able to configure in the Profile-2 AP Capability TLV. A Controller that intends to use more VIDs than those supported on some of the Multi-AP Agents it manages, may rearrange the topology in such a way that traffic for all VIDs downstream of a Multi-AP Agent can be forwarded by such Agent.
【译】Multi-AP Controller在数据隔离策略中配置SSID和VLAN ID的映射关系。在Traffic Separation Policy TLV中指明一个或几个SSID对应某个VLAN ID。Multi-AP Controller向所有Multi-AP Agent分发数据隔离策略。需要注意的是,Multi-AP Controller会提供给每个Multi-AP Agent完整的VLAN ID和SSID的映射关系,包括不属于Multi-AP Agent的SSID的VID映射,来使能所有携带VID的数据可以在backhaul link上转发。Multi-AP Agent通过Profile-2 AP Capability TLV上报给Multi-AP Controller最大可配置VID数目。如果Controller需要使用的VID超过Multi-AP Agent支持的最大数目,可能重新规划网络拓扑结构,使VID数量减小到Multi-AP Agent可以支持的范围。

For each Ingress Packet, a Multi-AP Agent adds an 802.1Q C-TAG with a VLAN ID as specified in a Traffic Separation Policy.
For each Egress Packet, a Multi-AP Agent removes any 802.1Q C-TAG.
For a packet to be transmitted on a Multi-AP Logical Ethernet Interface, if the VLAN ID in the 802.1Q C-TAG is set to one of the Secondary VLAN IDs, a Multi-AP Agent maintains the 802.1Q C-TAG on those packets.
【译】对每个进入的报文,Multi-AP Agent根据数据隔离策略中指定的VLAN ID添加802.1Q C-TAG。
对每个离开的报文,Multi-AP Agent去除所有802.1Q C-TAG。
对需要经过Multi-AP Agent逻辑以太网接口传输的报文,如果802.1Q C-TAG的VLAN ID设置为第二VLAN ID中的一个,Multi-AP Agent需管理这些报文中的802.1Q C-TAG。
【译者注】第二VLAN IDs需再理解。

Multi-AP IEEE 1905 management frames are carried in the Primary Network.
A Default 802.1Q Settings TLV identifies a Primary VLAN ID for tagging packets on the Primary Network.
【译】Multi-AP IEEE 1905管理报文在主网络中承载
Default 802.1Q Settings TLV用于在主网络中识别为报文打tag的主VLAN ID

A Multi-AP Controller should not configure any SSID that is mapped to a Secondary VLAN ID on any Multi-AP Agent that does not indicate support for Traffic Separation or on any Multi-AP Agent that is downstream of a Multi-AP Agent that does not indicate support for Traffic Separation. If the location of the WAN connection in a network managed by a Multi-AP Controller changes (e.g., in order to use a backup WAN connection in the event the main WAN connection fails), the portions of the network where traffic separation is possible may change and the Multi-AP Controller may need to reconfigure the entire network accordingly, including Secondary SSIDs and VLAN(s).
【译】Multi-AP Controller不应配置这些SSID:Multi-AP Agent不支持数据隔离,且SSID映射到第二VLAN ID;或者SSID是在位于下游的且不支持数据隔离的Multi-AP Agent中。如果由Multi-AP Controller管理的网络中,WAN连接的位置发生变化(例如,当主WAN连接失败,使用备份WAN连接),网络中数据分离部分可能也会发生变化,Multi-AP Controller可能需要重新配置整个网络,包括第二SSID和VLAN(s)。

A Multi-AP Controller that reconfigures VLAN(s) in the entire Multi-AP Profile-2 Network Segment may reconfigure the traffic separation policy on the Multi-AP Agents, starting from those at the very end of the data-plane tree topology and finishing at the data-plane root. Failing to do so may result in the inability to deliver reconfiguration CMDUs to downstream Multi-AP Agents due to Primary VLAN ID mismatch. During VLAN reconfiguration data traffic loss may occur.
【译】Multi-AP Controller需要重新配置整个Multi-AP Profile-2网络时,也需要重新配置Multi-AP Agent的数据隔离策略,从网络拓扑树的叶子节点开始,到根节点结束。重新配置可能会因VLAN ID不匹配而导致重配置CMDU传输失败而导致整个流程失败。这在重新配置配置VLAN时,可能会发生丢包。

Figure 17 shows an example network configuration with traffic separation enabled.

Figure 17. Example Network Configuration with Traffic Separation Enabled Mixed backhaul and fronthaul (Informative)

As a result of the rules detailed in section 19.1.3, when a Multi-AP Agent transmits a packet on a backhaul Wi-Fi Interface that does not support Traffic Separation, it removes the 802.1Q C-VLAN tag. When a Multi-AP Agent transmits a packet on a Wi-Fi Backhaul link in a Multi-AP Profile-2 Network Segment it maintains the 802.1Q C-VLAN tag. When a BSS on a Multi-AP Agent has been configured as both fronthaul and backhaul BSS, the Multi-AP Agent removes the 802.1Q CVLAN tag from the packets it transmits to a fronthaul STA.
【译】如19.1.3中详细介绍的那样,当Multi-AP Agent在不支持数据隔离的Wi-Fi BH接口上传输数据时,将移除802.1Q C-VLAN tag。当Multi-AP Agent在Multi-AP Profile-2网络中通过Wi-Fi BH链路传输报文时,它将管理802.1Q C-VLAN tag。当Multi-AP Agent上的BSS被配置为同时作为FH和BH BSS时,Multi-AP Agent将在发送给FH STA时移除802.1Q C-VLAN tag。

Some Multi-AP Agent implementations may be able to comply with the requirements described in section 19.1.3, while others may only be able to comply when all of the STAs associated with the same BSS require the same VLAN processing. A Multi-AP Agent indicates its traffic separation capabilities to the Controller within the AP Radio Advanced Capabilities TLV in the 1905 AP-Autoconfiguration WSC message or BSS Configuration Request. In a Multi-AP network
where Traffic Separation is enabled and a single SSID is used as both fronthaul and backhaul, a Controller that configures a Multi-AP Agent that has reported Combined Front Back bit set to zero might achieve an equivalent topology by configuring this Multi-AP Agent with two BSSs, one used exclusively as fronthaul and one used exclusively as backhaul, both bearing the same SSID and credentials, on the same or on different radios, as permitted by the “Maximum number of BSSs” supported on each of the Multi-AP Agent’s radios.
【译】有些Multi-AP Agent的实现可能遵循了19.1.3的要求,其他的可能只有所有关联到相同BSS的STA使用相同的VLAN才符合19.1.3要求。Multi-AP Agent使用1905 AP-Autoconfiguration WSC或BSS Configuration Request消息中的AP Radio Advanced Capabilities TLV向Multi-AP Controller表明支持数据隔离功能。在启用了数据隔离功能且FH和BH使用相同SSID的Multi-AP网络中,配置声明Combined Front Back bit为0的Multi-AP Agent的Multi-AP Controller,可以通过在此Agent上配置两个BSS来实现等效拓扑,一个专用于FH,一个专用于BH,两者使用相同的SSID和认证信息,可以在相同的Radio,也可以在不同的Radio上,取决于Multi-AP Agent的Radio的“最大支持BSS数量”。

In a Multi-AP network where Traffic Separation is enabled and both Profile-1 and Profile-2 Multi-AP Agents are expected to associate with the backhaul BSS, a Controller that configures a Multi-AP Agent that has reported Combined Profile-1 and Profile-2 bit set to zero might achieve an equivalent topology by configuring this Multi-AP Agent with two backhaul BSSs, both configured as backhaul with same SSID and credentials, one configured with Profile-1 bSTA Disallowed bit set to one and the other with Profile-2 bSTA Disallowed bit set to one, on the same or on different radios as permitted by the “Maximum number of BSSs” supported on each of the Multi-AP Agent’s radios.
【译】在启用数据隔离,且Profile-1和Profile-2的Agent都被期望关联到backhaul BSS上的Multi-AP网络中,配置声明Combined Front Back bit为0的Multi-AP Agent的Multi-AP Controller,可以通过在此Agent上配置两个BSS来实现等效拓扑,一个专用于FH,一个专用于BH,两者使用相同的SSID和认证信息,可以在相同的Radio,也可以在不同的Radio上,取决于Multi-AP Agent的Radio的“最大支持BSS数量”。
【译者注】关联到backhaul BSS需要再理解

In a Multi-AP network where Traffic Separation is enabled and a single SSID is used as both fronthaul and backhaul, and Multi-AP Agents implementing Profile-1 as well as Multi-AP Agents implementing Traffic Seperation are expected to associate with the backhaul SSID, a Multi-AP Controller that configures an Multi-AP Agent that has reported Combined Front Back bit set to zero, and/or Combined Profile-1 and Profile-2 bit set to zero might achieve an equivalent topology by configuring such Multi-AP Agent with three BSSs, one used exclusively as fronthaul, a second one used exclusively as backhaul with Profile-1 bSTA Disallowed bit set to one, and a third one used exclusively as backhaul with Profile-2 bSTA Disallowed bit set to one. All of the BSSs bear the same SSID and credentials, on the same or on different radios, as permitted by the “Maximum number of BSSs” supported on each of the Multi-AP Agent’s radios.
【译】在启用数据隔离,且FH和BH使用相同SSID,且实现Profile-1的Multi-AP Agent和实现数据隔离的Multi-AP Agent都被期望使用backhaul SSID连接,配置声明Combined Front Back bit为0或声明Combined Profile-1和Profile-2 bit为0的Multi-AP Agent的Multi-AP Controller,可以通过在此Agent上配置三个BSS来实现等效拓扑,一个专用于FH,第二个专用于Profile-1且设置bSTA Disallowed bit为0的BH,第三个专用于Profile-2且设置bSTA Disallowed bit为0的BH,三者使用相同的SSID和认证信息,可以在相同的Radio,也可以在不同的Radio上,取决于Multi-AP Agent的Radio的“最大支持BSS数量”。

19.1.2 Multi-AP Controller Requirements

A Multi-AP Controller that implements Profile-2 configures Traffic Separation using a 1905 AP-Autoconfiguration WSC message, BSS Configuration Response message or a Multi-AP AP Policy Config Request message.
【译】实现了Profile-2的Multi-AP Controller使用1905 AP-Autoconfiguration WSC message, BSS Configuration Response message,或Multi-AP AP Policy Config Request message配置数据隔离。

If triggered, a Multi-AP Controller shall send a Traffic Separation Policy TLV to a Multi-AP Agent in a Multi-AP Policy Config Request message.
【译】如果被触发,Multi-AP Controller应发送一个携带Traffic Separation Policy TLV的Multi-AP Policy Config Request消息给Multi-AP Agent。

If a Multi-AP Controller sends a message with a Traffic Separation Policy TLV that has the Number of SSIDs field set to a non-zero value, it shall include a Default 802.1Q Settings TLV in the message.
【译】如果Multi-AP Controller发送消息中Traffic Separation Policy TLV的Number of SSIDs字段不为0,则应在消息中也包含一个Default 802.1Q Settings TLV。

If a Multi-AP Controller sends a Traffic Separation Policy TLV to a Multi-AP Agent, it shall send a Traffic Separation Policy TLV that includes a set of unique VIDs that does not exceed the Max VIDs reported in the most recent Profile-2 AP Capability TLV received from that Multi-AP Agent.
【译】如果Multi-AP Controller发送一个Traffic Separation Policy TLV给Multi-AP Agent,应在其中包含一组唯一的VIDs,VID数量不超过最近从Multi-AP Agent收到的Profile-2 AP Capability TLV中指明的最大数量。

If a Multi-AP Controller sends a Traffic Separation Policy TLV with the Number of SSIDs field set to a non-zero value to a Multi-AP Agent that has set the Combined Front Back bit and/or the Combined Profile-1 and Profile-2 bit to zero, the Multi-AP Controller should avoid sending a set of BSS configuration and Traffic Separation Policies that the Multi-AP Agent has advertised as unsupported.
【译】如果Multi-AP Controller发送Number of SSIDs字段不为0的Traffic Separation Policy TLV,给设置Combined Front Back bit或Combined Profile-1和Profile-2 bit为0的Multi-AP Agent,Multi-AP Controller应避免发送Multi-AP Agent已声明不支持的BSS配置和数据隔离策略。

If a Multi-AP Controller sends a Traffic Separation Policy TLV with the Number of SSIDs field set to a non-zero value and one or more M2 TLVs with bit 6 (Backhaul BSS) set to one and SSID assigned a Secondary VLAN ID as per the Traffic Separation Policy TLV, a Multi-AP Agent behavior is unspecified.
【译】如果Multi-AP Controller发送Traffic Separation Policy TLV,Number of SSIDs字段不为0,且一个或多个M2 TLV设置了bit 6(backhaul BSS)为1,且根据Traffic Separation Policy TLV 为SSID分配了第二VLAN ID,Multi-AP Agent的行为没有规定。

If a Multi-AP Controller sends a 1905 packet, it shall send it on the Primary Network.
【译】如果Multi-AP Controller发送一个1905报文,应通过主网络发送。

In order to avoid transient misconfiguration, if the Traffic Separation configuration is known to a Multi-AP Controller at the time a new Multi-AP Agent is onboarded, the Multi-AP Controller may include the Traffic Separation Policy TLV and the Default 802.1Q Settings TLV in the onboarding messages (as per section 7.1).
【译】为了避免瞬态错误配置,如果Multi-AP Controller在Multi-AP Agent在onboard时已知数据隔离配置,Multi-AP Controller可以在Onboarding消息(根据7.1)中包含Traffic Separation Policy TLV 和Default 802.1Q Settings TLV。

19.1.3 Multi-AP Agent Requirements

If a Multi-AP Agent receives a Multi-AP Policy Config Request message that includes a Traffic Separation Policy TLV, the Multi-AP Agent shall respond with a 1905 Ack message (per section 17.1.32) within one second and before implementing any policy in the received Multi-AP Policy Config Request message.
【译】如果Multi-AP Agent收到包含Traffic Separation Policy TLV的Multi-AP Policy Config Request消息,Multi-AP Agent应在1秒内且在应用任意收到的配置前,响应1905 Ack消息(根据17.1.32),

A Multi-AP Agent may receive a Traffic Separation Policy TLV and a Default 802.1Q Settings TLV in any of the following messages: 1905 AP-Autoconfiguration WSC message (see section 7.1), BSS Configuration Response message (see section 17.1.54), Multi-AP Policy Config Request message (see section 7.3). Additionally, it may receive a Multi-AP Default 802.1Q Setting subelement in (Re-)Association Response frames sent by a Multi-AP Agent that indicates support for Traffic Separation (see section 5.2). The subsequent paragraphs in 19.1.3 apply to all the scenarios described above.
【译】Multi-AP Agent可能在以下消息中收到Traffic Separation Policy TLV和Default 802.1Q Settings TLV:1905 AP-Autoconfiguration WSC message (see section 7.1), BSS Configuration Response message (see section 17.1.54), Multi-AP Policy Config Request message (see section 7.3)。另外,可能在Multi-AP Agent发送的表明支持数据隔离的(Re-)Association Response帧中收到Multi-AP Default 802.1Q设置的子成员。19.1.3后续段落适用于以上所有情况。

If a Multi-AP Agent receives a Traffic Separation Policy TLV that includes a set of VIDs that exceeds the Max VIDs the Multi-AP Agent supports, the Multi-AP Agent shall send an Error Response message per section 17.1.37 with one Profile-2 Error Code TLV for each misconfigured BSS with reason code field set to 0x05 per section 17.2.51. If a Multi-AP Agent receives the Traffic Separation Policy TLV in a Multi-AP Policy Config Request message, the Multi-AP Agent shall discard the unsupported policy. If a Multi-AP Agent receives the Traffic Separation Policy TLV in a 1905 AP-Autoconfiguration WSC message, the Multi-AP Agent shall tear down the misconfigured BSS, as defined in sections 7.1.
【译】如果Multi-AP Agent收到Traffic Separation Policy TLV,其中VID数量超过了Multi-AP Agent支持的最大VID数,Multi-AP Agent应根据17.1.37发送错误响应消息,并根据17.2.51为每个错误配置的BSS添加一个Profile-2 Error Code TLV,reason code字段设置为0x05。如果Multi-AP Agent收到携带Traffic Separation Policy TLV的Multi-AP Policy Config Request消息,Multi-AP Agent应丢弃不支持的策略。如果Multi-AP Agent收到携带Traffic Separation Policy TLV的1905 AP-Autoconfiguration WSC消息,Multi-AP Agent应按照7.1定义的,关闭错误配置的BSS。

If a Multi-AP Agent is unable to configure one or more BSS as indicated by the received Traffic Separation Policy TLV, the Multi-AP Agent shall send an Error Response message per section 17.1.37 with one Profile-2 Error Code TLV for each misconfigured BSS with reason code field set to 0x07 or 0x08 per section 17.2.51. If a Multi-AP Agent receives the Traffic Separation Policy TLV in a Multi-AP Policy Config Request message, the Multi-AP Agent shall discard the unsupported policy. If a Multi-AP Agent receives the Traffic Separation Policy TLV in a 1905 AP-Autoconfiguration WSC message, the Multi-AP Agent shall tear down the misconfigured BSS, as defined in section 7.1.
【译】如果Multi-AP Agent不能配置收到的Traffic Separation Policy TLV中的一个或多个BSS,Multi-AP Agent应根据17.1.37发送错误响应消息,并根据17.2.51为每个错误配置的BSS添加一个Profile-2 Error Code TLV,reason code字段设置为0x07或0x08. 如果Multi-AP Agent收到携带Traffic Separation Policy TLV的Multi-AP Policy Config Request消息,Multi-AP Agent应丢弃不支持的策略。如果Multi-AP Agent收到携带Traffic Separation Policy TLV的1905 AP-Autoconfiguration WSC消息,Multi-AP Agent应按照7.1定义的,关闭错误配置的BSS。

If a Multi-AP Agent has not received a Multi-AP Default 802.1Q Setting subelement in the (Re-)Association Response frame, or a Traffic Separation Policy TLV, or the most recently received Traffic Separation Policy TLV has the Number of SSIDs field set to zero, the Multi-AP Agent shall consider the Primary VLAN ID not configured and may forward VLAN tagged packets received at the Fronthaul interface or Logical Ethernet interface, and shall not add, modify or remove any VLAN tag on any packets it sends or receives and shall not perform traffic separation on the basis of any VLAN tag present in a packet.
【译】如果Multi-AP Agent在(Re-)Association Response帧中,或Traffic Separation Policy TLV中,或最近收到的Number of SSIDs为0的Traffic Separation Policy TLV中,没有Multi-AP Default 802.1Q Setting子成员,Multi-AP Agent应认为主VLAN ID没有配置,可以转发从FH接口或逻辑以太接口收到的带有VLAN的报文,不应添加、修改或删除任意接收和发送报文的VLAN tag,并且不应执行基于VLAN tag的数据隔离。

If a Multi-AP Agent has received a Traffic Separation Policy and the most recently received Traffic Separation Policy defines at least one SSID to VLAN ID mapping, then it shall perform VLAN tag processing as described below.
【译】如果Multi-AP Agent已经收到Traffic Separation Policy,并且最近收到的Traffic Separation Policy定义了至少一个SSID和VLAN ID的映射,那么它应按照下面描述对VLAN tag处理

If a Multi-AP Agent sends a 1905 packet, it shall send it on the Primary Network. If no Primary VLAN ID is configured on this Multi-AP Agent, the Multi-AP Agent shall send these 1905 packets on a Wi-Fi backhaul link without an 802.1Q C-Tag.
【译】如果Multi-AP Agent发送1905报文,应通过主网络发送。如果在Multi-AP Agent上没有配置主VLAN ID,那么应在一个没有802.1Q C-Tag的Wi-Fi BH链路上发送这些1905报文。

If a Primary VLAN ID is configured on this Multi-AP Agent, the Multi-AP Agent shall send these packets on a Wi-Fi backhaul link with an 802.1Q C-Tag with VLAN ID equal to the Primary VLAN ID.
【译】如果Multi-AP Agent配置了主VLAN ID,那么应在包含802.1Q C-Tag且VLAN ID和主VLAN ID相等的Wi-Fi BH链路上发送这些报文。

If a Multi-AP Agent generates a frame with EtherType 0x888E (EAPOL) on a Wi-Fi link in a Multi-AP Profile-2 Network Segment and no Primary VLAN ID is configured, the Multi-AP Agent shall send these frames without an 802.1Q C-Tag. If a Multi-AP Agent configures a Primary VLAN ID, the Multi-AP Agent shall send EtherType 0x888E frames on a Wi-Fi link in a Multi-AP Profile-2 Network Segment with an 802.1Q C-Tag with VLAN ID equal to the Primary VLAN ID.
【译】如果Multi-AP Agent在Multi-AP Profile-2网络且没有配置主VLAN ID的Wi-Fi链路上,生成EtherType 0x888E (EAPOL)帧,Multi-AP Agent在发送这些帧时应不带802.1Q C-Tag。如果Multi-AP Agent配置了主VLAN ID,应在Multi-AP Profile-2 Network网络的Wi-Fi链路上发送EtherType 0x888E帧,Wi-Fi链路的802.1Q C-Tag和主VLAN ID相等。 Backhaul STA behavior upon (re)association

• If the Backhaul STA of a Multi-AP Agent has successfully associated with a Backhaul BSS whose latest (Re)Association Response frame contains a Multi-AP Default 802.1Q Setting subelement in the Multi-AP IE, with a Primary VLAN ID that differs from the one in use on the newly-associated Agent, or no Primary VLAN ID is configured on the newly-associated Agent, then the newly-associated Agent shall set its Primary VLAN ID to the value contained in the (Re)Association Response frame.
【译】如果Multi-AP Agent的bSTA已经成功关联到backhaul BSS上,这个backhaul BSS最后的(Re)Association Response报文在Multi-AP IE中包含Multi-AP Default 802.1Q Setting子成员,且主VLAN ID和新关联的Agent使用的VLAN不同,或者新关联的Agent没有配置主VLAN ID,那么新关联的Agent应设置它的主VLAN ID为(Re)Association Response报文中的主VLAN ID。

• If the Backhaul STA of a Multi-AP Agent has successfully associated with a Backhaul BSS whose latest (Re)Association Response frame does not contain a Multi-AP Default 802.1Q Setting subelement in the Multi-AP IE and a Primary VLAN ID is configured on the newly-associated Agent, then the newly-associated Agent shall unconfigure its Primary VLAN ID and any Traffic Separation Policy until a Traffic Separation Policy is received from the Multi-AP Controller.
【译】如果Multi-AP Agent的bSTA已经成功关联到backhaul BSS上,这个backhaul BSS最后的(Re)Association Response报文在Multi-AP IE中没有包含Multi-AP Default 802.1Q Setting子成员,但是新关联的Agent配置了主VLAN ID,新关联的Agent应取消自己的主VLAN ID配置和数据隔离策略,直到从Multi-AP Controller收到数据隔离配置。

If a Multi-AP Agent has learned that the destination address of a packet is on one VLAN and the packet has an 802.1Q CTAG containing a different VLAN ID, the Multi-AP Agent shall discard the packet.
【译】如果Multi-AP Agent知道报文的目的地使用VLAN,而且和报文中802.1Q CTAG的值不同,Multi-AP Agent应丢弃此报文。 Wi-Fi Backhaul

• If a Multi-AP Agent receives a packet that is not classified as an Ingress Packet on a Wi-Fi Backhaul Interface (i.e., a Backhaul link in a Multi-AP Profile-2 Network Segment), the Multi-AP Agent shall retain the existing VLAN ID in the 802.1Q C-TAG. A Multi-AP Agent may discard such packets if the 802.1Q C-TAG VLAN ID is not included in the most recently received Traffic Separation Policy TLV
• If a Multi-AP Agent receives a packet that is classified as an Ingress Packet on a Wi-Fi Backhaul Interface, the Multi-AP Agent shall add an 802.1Q C-TAG onto the packet and set the VLAN ID to the Primary VLAN ID as specified in the Default 802.1Q Settings TLV.
• If a Multi-AP Agent sends a packet that is not classified as an Egress Packet on a Wi-Fi Backhaul Interface (i.e., a Backhaul link in a Multi-AP Profile-2 Network Segment), the Multi-AP Agent shall retain the existing 802.1Q CTAG, leaving the VLAN ID unmodified.
• If a Multi-AP Agent sends a packet that is classified as an Egress Packet on a Wi-Fi Backhaul Interface, the Multi-AP Agent shall remove the 802.1Q C-TAG on the packet.
• 如果Multi-AP Agent在Wi-Fi BH接口(例如Multi-AP Profile-2网络中的Backhaul链路)上收到报文,且没有归类为Ingress报文,Multi-AP Agent应保留802.1Q C-TAG中已有的VLAN ID。如果最近收到的Traffic Separation Policy TLV中没有报文中的802.1Q C-TAG VLAN ID,Multi-AP Agent可以丢弃此报文。
• 如果Multi-AP Agent在Wi-Fi BH接口上收到报文,且归类为Ingress报文,Multi-AP Agent应向报文添加802.1Q C-TAG并设置VLAN ID为Default 802.1Q Settings TLV中指定的主VLAN ID。
• 如果Multi-AP Agent在Wi-Fi BH接口(例如Multi-AP Profile-2网络中的Backhaul链路)上发送报文,且没有归类为Egress报文,Multi-AP Agent应保留已有的802.1Q CTAG和VLAN ID。
• 如果Multi-AP Agent在Wi-Fi BH接口上发送报文,且归类为Egress报文,Multi-AP Agent应移除报文中的802.1Q C-TAG。 Wi-Fi Fronthaul

• If a Multi-AP Agent receives a packet on a Wi-Fi Fronthaul Interface (i.e., from an associated non-backhaul STA) that has an 802.1Q VLAN Tag, it shall discard that packet.
• If a Multi-AP Agent receives a packet on a Wi-Fi Fronthaul Interface (i.e., from an associated non-backhaul STA) without an existing 802.1Q VLAN Tag, the Multi-AP Agent shall add an 802.1Q C-TAG onto the packet. If the SSID of the Wi-Fi Fronthaul Interface is present in the Traffic Separation Policy TLV, the Multi-AP Agent shall tag the VLAN ID field with the VLAN ID specified in that VLAN ID field in the Traffic Separation Policy TLV that corresponds to the SSID of the Wi-Fi Fronthaul Interface. If the SSID of the Wi-Fi Fronthaul Interface is not present in the Traffic Separation Policy TLV, the Multi-AP Agent shall tag the VLAN ID field with the Primary VLAN ID as specified in the Default 802.1Q Settings TLV.
• If a Multi-AP Agent sends a packet on a Wi-Fi Fronthaul Interface (i.e., to an associated non-backhaul STA), the Multi-AP Agent shall set the WMM UP on the packet according to section 20.2.5 and then remove the 802.1Q CTAG.
• 如果Multi-AP Agent在Wi-Fi FH接口(例如从关联的非backhaul的STA)上收到带有802.1Q VLAN tag的报文,应丢弃此报文
• 如果Multi-AP Agent在Wi-Fi FH接口(例如从关联的非backhaul的STA)上收到无802.1Q VLAN tag的报文,应为报文添加802.1Q C-TAG。如果Wi-Fi FH接口的SSID存在于Traffic Separation Policy TLV中,Multi-AP Agent应使用Traffic Separation Policy TLV中SSID对应的VLAN ID来设置报文的VLAN ID字段。如果Wi-Fi FH接口的SSID不存在于Traffic Separation Policy TLV中,Multi-AP Agent应使用Default 802.1Q Settings TLV中的主VLAN ID来设置报文的VLAN ID字段。
• 如果Multi-AP Agent通过Wi-Fi FH接口(例如发送给关联的非backhaul STA)发送报文,应根据20.2.5设置报文的WMM UP,并移除802.1Q CTAG。 Multi-AP Logical Ethernet

• If a Multi-AP Agent receives a packet on a Multi-AP Logical Ethernet Interface and the packet does not have an 802.1Q VLAN Tag, the Multi-AP Agent shall add an 802.1Q C-TAG, setting the VLAN ID to the Primary VLAN ID and the PCP value to the Default PCP value specified in the Default 802.1Q Settings TLV.
【译】如果Multi-AP Agent在逻辑以太接口上收到不带8021.Q VLAN Tag的报文,应添加802.1Q C-TAG,设置VLAN ID为主VLAN ID,PCP设置为Default 802.1Q Settings TLV中指定的默认PCP值。

• If a Multi-AP Agent receives a packet on a Multi-AP Logical Ethernet Interface and the packet has an 802.1Q VLAN Tag and the first 802.1Q VLAN Tag in the packet is an 802.1Q C-TAG that contains a C-VID value of the Primary VLAN ID as specified in the Default 802.1Q Settings TLV, then the Multi-AP Agent shall not forward it on that same interface, with or without a VLAN tag.
【译】如果Multi-AP Agent在逻辑以太接口上收到携带8021.Q VLAN Tag的报文,并且报文中第一个802.1Q VLAN Tag包含和Default 802.1Q Settings TLV 中指定主VLAN ID相等的C-VID的802.1Q C-TAG,那么Multi-AP Agent不应再相同的接口上转发此报文,不论接口有没有VLAN tag。

• If a Multi-AP Agent receives a packet on a Multi-AP Logical Ethernet Interface and the packet does not have an 802.1Q VLAN Tag, the Multi-AP Agent shall not forward it on that same interface, with or without a VLAN tag.
【译】如果Multi-AP Agent在Multi-AP逻辑以太接口上收到没有802.1Q VLAN Tag的报文,不应在相同的接口上转发,不论接口有没有VLAN tag。

• If a Multi-AP Agent receives a packet on a Multi-AP Logical Ethernet Interface and the packet has an 802.1Q VLAN Tag and the first 802.1Q VLAN Tag in the packet is an 802.1Q C-TAG that contains a C-VID value of a Secondary VLAN ID as specified in the Traffic Separation Policy, then the Multi-AP Agent shall retain the 802.1Q C-TAG.
【译】如果Multi-AP Agent在Multi-AP逻辑以太接口上收到带有802.1Q VLAN Tag的报文,报文中第一个802.1Q VLAN Tag是802.1Q C-TAG, 且802.1Q C-TAG中的C-VID和Traffic Separation Policy中指定第二VLAN ID相等,那么Multi-AP Agent应保留802.1Q C-TAG。

• If a Multi-AP Agent receives a packet on a Multi-AP Logical Ethernet Interface and the packet has an 802.1Q VLAN Tag and the first 802.1Q VLAN Tag is an 802.1Q C-TAG that contains a C-VID that is not listed in the Traffic Separation Policy, the Multi-AP Agent shall discard the packet.
【译】如果Multi-AP Agent在Multi-AP逻辑以太接口上收到带有802.1Q VLAN Tag的报文,第一个802.1Q VLAN Tag是包含C-VID的802.1Q C-TAG,但C-VID并没有包含在Traffic Separation Policy列表中,Multi-AP Agent应丢弃这个报文。

• If a Multi-AP Agent receives a packet on a Multi-AP Logical Ethernet Interface and the packet has an 802.1Q VLAN Tag and the first 802.1Q VLAN Tag is not an 802.1Q C-TAG, the Multi-AP Agent shall either discard the packet or strip the 802.1Q tag that is not a C-TAG and apply the rules described in this section to the resulting packet.
【译】如果Multi-AP Agent在Multi-AP逻辑以太接口上收到带有802.1Q VLAN Tag的报文,第一个802.1Q VLAN Tag不是802.1Q C-TAG,Multi-AP Agent或者丢弃报文,或者剥离不是C-TAG的802.1Q tag,并将本节描述的规则应用于新的报文。

• If a Multi-AP Agent sends a packet on a Multi-AP Logical Ethernet Interface and the packet has an 802.1Q C-TAG that contains a C-VID value of the Primary VLAN ID, the Multi-AP Agent shall remove that 802.1Q C-TAG. If a Multi-AP Agent sends a packet on a Multi-AP Logical Ethernet Interface and the packet has an 802.1Q C-TAG that contains a C-VID value of a Secondary VLAN ID, the Multi-AP Agent shall retain that 802.1Q C-TAG.
【译】如果Multi-AP Agent在Multi-AP逻辑以太接口上发送报文,报文有802.1Q C-TAG且在其中包含设置为Primary VLAN ID的C-VID,Multi-AP Agent应剥离这个802.1Q C-TAG。如果Multi-AP Agent在Multi-AP逻辑以太接口上发送报文,报文有802.1Q C-TAG且在其中包含设置为Secondary VLAN ID的C-VID,Multi-AP Agent应保留802.1Q C-TAG。

19.2 VLAN Tagging in Multi-AP

A Multi-AP Agent applies 802.1Q C-TAGs as described below.
【译】Multi-AP Agent按照如下描述实现802.1Q C-TAGs。

If a Multi-AP Agent includes an 802.1Q C-TAG in an IEEE 802.11 frame, the Multi-AP Agent shall insert the tag as the first and only VLAN tag following the SNAP Extension header as shown in Figure 18.
【译】如果Multi-AP Agent在IEEE 802.11帧中包含802.1Q C-TAG,应按照图18所示,在SNAP Extension之后插入tag,作为第一个且唯一一个VLAN tag。
在这里插入图片描述Figure 18. IEEE 802.11 frame with 802.1Q C-TAG

If a Multi-AP Agent includes an 802.1Q C-TAG in an Ethernet frame, the Multi-AP Agent shall insert the tag as the first and only VLAN tag following the source MAC address as shown in Figure 19.
【译】如果Multi-AP Agent在以太网帧中包含802.1Q C-TAG,应按照图19所示,在源MAC地址之后插入tag,作为第一个且唯一一个VLAN tag。
在这里插入图片描述Figure 19. Ethernet frame with 802.1Q C-TAG

If a Multi-AP Agent includes an 802.1Q C-TAG in a frame, it shall set the Drop Eligible Indicator (DEI) bit to 0.
【译】如果Multi-AP Agent在帧中包含802.1Q C-TAG,应设置Drop Eligible Indicator(DEI)bit为0.

20 Service Prioritization

20.1 Service Prioritization in Multi-AP Network (Informative)

A Multi-AP network provides two mechanisms for the support of service prioritization. The two optional mechanisms can be used individually or together.

The first mechanism uses 802.1Q C-TAGs to carry packet traffic priority information around the Multi-AP network in which a Multi-AP Controller can instruct a Multi-AP Agent to prioritize specified traffic using a set of Service Prioritization Rules.
【译】第一种机制使用802.1Q C-TAGs来承载Multi-AP网络中业务优先级信息,Multi-AP Controller可以指示Multi-AP Agent使用一组服务优先级规则来对指定业务进行优先级划分。

A Multi-AP Agent examines all Ingress Packets. If the packet matches a Service Prioritization Rule, the Multi-AP Agent marks the packet with a PCP value in the packet’s 802.1Q C-TAG.
Within a Multi-AP Profile-2 Network Segment, a Multi-AP Agent maps 802.1Q C-TAG PCP values to 802.11 User Priority / Access Categories based on Table 113. A Multi-AP Agent provides the corresponding QoS treatment to process packets in compliance with WMM [12] on Wi-Fi links. On non-Wi-Fi links, implementers may map the 802.1Q C-TAG PCP field to the link-level QoS mechanism used on that technology.
【译】Multi-AP Agent检查所有Ingress报文。如果报文和服务优先级规则匹配,Multi-AP Agent在报文的802.1Q C-TAG标记PCP值。在Multi-AP Profile-2网络中,Multi-AP Agent基于表113将802.1Q C-TAG PCP值映射到802.11用户优先级/接入类别。Multi-AP Agent在Wi-Fi链路上提供相应的QoS服务来处理符合WMM[12]的报文。在非Wi-Fi链路上,服务提供者可以将802.1Q C-TAG PCP字段映射到该技术上提供的链路层QoS机制。

This first mechanism relies upon at least a Primary VLAN having been configured using the Traffic Separation feature of section 19. Without configuring this VLAN, there will be no 802.1Q C-TAGs present to carry the PCP priority information, nor any default PCP values.
【译】第一种机制至少依赖于第19节Traffic Separation特性使用的Primary VLAN。没有配置VLAN,将没有802.1Q C-TAGs来承载PCP priority信息,也没有任何的PCP默认值。

The second mechanism allows the Wi-Fi QoS Management [25] treatment negotiated between an AP and a STA to be propagated, controlled and configured across a Multi-AP network. The QoS Management features (MSCS, SCS, DSCPto-UP mapping and DSCP Policy) defined in [25] enable negotiation of certain QoS treatment for particular traffic. A Multi-AP Agent sends a QoS Management Notification message with a QoS Management Descriptor TLV to inform the Multi-AP Controller when a STA successfully configures MSCS or an SCS stream. The Multi-AP Controller might propagate that QoS Management treatment by sending a Service Prioritization Request with that QoS Management Descriptor TLV to configure other Multi-AP Agent(s) with descriptors of those same MSCS/SCS configurations so that downstream traffic across the Multi-AP network is handled accordingly. Those other Multi-AP Agents will examine DA, SA and WMM UP of transiting packet traffic to provide QoS Management treatment to traffic of a STA that is not associated to them. To propagate WMM UP marking for upstream traffic transiting a Multi-AP Agent, a Multi-AP Agent copies the WMM UP value from the inbound packet onto the outbound packet unless there is an 802.1Q C-Tag. In the presence of a 802.1Q C-TAG, the WMM UP value is set according to the 802.1Q C-Tag PCP value.
【译】第二种机制允许在Multi-AP网络上传播,控制和配置AP和STA协商的Wi-Fi QoS Management [25] treatment。QoS Management特性(MSCS, SCS, DSCPto-UP mapping和DSCP Policy)在[25]中定义,可以针对特定业务协商特定的QoS。当一个STA成功配置了MSCS或SCS流,Multi-AP Agent会向Multi-AP Controller发送一条QoS Management Notification消息,携带QoS Management Descriptor TLV。Multi-AP Controller可以通过发送QoS Management Descriptor TLV 并携带相同MSCS/SCS的Service Prioritization Request来配置其他Multi-AP Agent,那么下行的数据流在Multi-AP网络中就可以被相应的处理。其他Multi-AP Agent将检查非关联STA所产生数据流的DA,SA和WMM UP来提供QoS Management treatment服务。为通过Multi-AP Agent的上行数据流传播WMM UP marking,Multi-AP Agent从inbound报文中cop WMM UP value到outbound报文,除非已经有了802.1Q C-Tag。在已有的802.1Q C-TAG中,根据802.1Q C-Tag PCP值设置WMM UP值。

The Multi-AP Controller uses a QMID to manage (add or remove) QoS Mangement descriptors on Multi-AP Agents. The Multi-AP Controller can instruct a Multi-AP Agent to disallow negotiation of MSCS or SCS with specified STAs. The Multi-AP Controller can distribute a DSCP-to-UP mapping Information to manage DSCP to WMM UP mapping (see section 3.2 of [25])on Multi-AP Agents and their associated clients.
【译】Multi-AP Controller使用QMID管理(添加或删除)Multi-AP Agent中的QoS Mangement描述符。Multi-AP Controller可以指示Multi-AP Agent拒绝和特定的STA协商MSCS或SCS。Multi-AP Controller可以分发DSCP-to-UP映射信息来管理Multi-AP Agent及关联的客户端上的DSCP到WMM UP的映射(见[25]中3.2)。

20.2 Service Prioritization Operation

20.2.1 Multi-AP Controller Requirements

If triggered, a Multi-AP Controller shall send a Service Prioritization Request message with a Service Prioritization Rule TLV (see section 17.1.47).
【译】如果被触发,Multi-AP Controller应发送Service Prioritization Request消息,并携带Service Prioritization Rule TLV(见17.1.47)。

If a Multi-AP Controller sends to a Multi-AP Agent a Service Prioritization Request message that contains a Service Prioritization Rule TLV, the Multi-AP Controller should ensure that the Service Prioritization Rule TLV is compatible with the Multi-AP Agent’s capabilities as identified in the most recent AP Capability Report message received from that Multi-AP Agent.
【译】如果Multi-AP Controller向Multi-AP Agent发送带有Service Prioritization Rule TLV的Service Prioritization Request消息,Multi-AP Controller应确保Service Prioritization Rule TLV和最近从Multi-AP Agent收到的AP Capability Report消息中上报的能力可以匹配。

A Multi-AP Controller shall assign a unique Service Prioritization Rule ID for each Service Prioritization Rule in a Service Prioritization Request message.
【译】Multi-AP Controller应在Service Prioritization Request消息中为每个Service Prioritization Rule分配独立且唯一的Service Prioritization Rule ID。

If triggered, a Multi-AP Controller shall send a Service Prioritization Request message with a DSCP Mapping Table TLV (see section 17.2.71).
【译】如果被触发,Multi-AP Controller应发送Service Prioritization Request消息,并携带DSCP Mapping Table TLV(见17.2.71)。

If triggered, a Multi-AP Controller shall send a Multi-AP Policy Config Request message with a QoS Management Policy TLV (see section 17.2.92).
【译】如果被触发,Multi-AP Controller应发送Multi-AP Policy Config Request消息,并携带QoS Management Policy TLV(见17.2.92)。

If triggered, a Multi-AP Controller shall send a Service Prioritization Request message with a QoS Management Descriptor TLV (see section 17.2.93).
【译】如果被触发,Multi-AP Controller应发送Service Prioritization Request消息,并携带QoS Management Descriptor TLV(见17.2.92)。

If a Multi-AP Controller sends a Service Prioritization Request message with a QoS Management Descriptor TLV, it shall set the QMID field in the TLV to a value that is unique between the Multi-AP Controller and that Multi-AP Agent.
【译】如果Multi-AP Controller发送带有QoS Management Descriptor TLV的Service Prioritization Request消息,TLV中QMID字段应设置为Multi-AP Controller和Multi-AP Agent之间独一无二的值。

If the Descriptor Element field within a QoS Management Descriptor TLV is an MSCS or SCS Descriptor element, the validity lifetime of the QMID is either until the Controller receives a Profile-2 Error Code TLV indicating the Multi-AP Agent is unable to configure the Descriptor or (if the Descriptor is accepted) until the Multi-AP Controller sends a QoS Mangagment Descriptor TLV removing the Descriptor.
【译】如果QoS Management Descriptor TLV中Descriptor Element字段是MSCS或SCS Descriptor element,那么QMID的声明周期要么到Controller收到Profile-2 Error Code TLV表明Multi-AP Agent不能配置这个Descriptor,要么(如果描述符被接受)到Multi-AP Controller发送移除描述符的QoS Mangagment Descriptor TLV。

If the Descriptor Element field within a QoS Management Descriptor TLV is a QoS Management element containing a DSCP Policy attibute, the QMID is used in a Profile-2 Error Code TLV to indicate the Multi-AP Agent is unable to configure the rule.
【译】如果QoS Management Descriptor TLV中的Descriptor Element字段是包含DSCP Policy属性的QoS Management元素,那么QMID被用在Profile-2 Error Code TLV以表明Multi-AP Agent不能配置这个规则。

If the Descriptor Element field within a QoS Management Descriptor TLV is a QoS Management element containing a DSCP Policy attribute, the Policy ID in the Descriptor Element field is chosen by the Multi-AP Controller, and (per [25]) has scope across the ESS (i.e., policy survives a roam after, after STA roams to another BSSID).
【译】如果QoS Management Descriptor TLV中的Descriptor Element字段是包含DSCP Policy属性的QoS Management元素,那么Descriptor Element字段中的Policy ID由Multi-AP Controller选择,且(根据[25])在ESS上生效(例如在STA漫游到另外BSSID后,策略依然生效)。

If triggered, a Multi-AP Controller may modify or remove a DSCP Policy by sending an updated QoS Mangement element containing a DSCP Policy attribute with the same Policy ID within a QoS Management Descriptor TLV in a Service Prioritization Request message to a Multi-AP Agent.
【译】如果被触发,Multi-AP Controller可以修改或删除DSCP Policy,方法是通过向Multi-AP Agent发送Service Prioritization Request消息,使用相同的Policy ID,携带QoS Management Descriptor TLV,使用更新的带有DSCP Policy 属性的QoS Mangement元素。

A Multi-AP Agent does not maintain any DSCP Policy state.
【译】Multi-AP Agent不维护任何DSCP Policy状态。

20.2.2 Multi-AP Agent Common Requirements

If a Multi-AP Agent receives a Service Prioritization Request message from the Multi-AP Controller, it shall respond within one second with a 1905 Ack message per section 17.1.32. If the received set of Service Prioritization Rule TLVs in the Service Prioritization Request message exceeds the Multi-AP Agent’s declared capabilities, it shall also respond with an Error Response message per section 17.1.37 containing one or more Profile-2 Error Code TLVs as described in sections 20.2.3 and 20.2.4. The Error Report message shall contain the same MID that was received in the Service Prioritization Request message.
【译】如果Multi-AP Agent收到Multi-AP Controller发送的Service Prioritization Request消息,应在1秒内根据17.1.32响应1905 Ack消息。如果收到的Service Prioritization Request中Service Prioritization Rule TLVs数量超过了Multi-AP Agent声明的能力,应按照17.1.37响应Error Response消息,包含一个或多个20.2.3和20.2.4中描述的Profile-2 Error Code TLVs。错误响应消息中MID应和收到的Service Prioritization Request消息中的相同。

20.2.3 Multi-AP Agent 802.1Q C-TAG Requirements Configuration of 802.1Q C-TAG Service Prioritization Rules

If a Multi-AP Agent receives a Service Prioritization Rule TLV in a Service Prioritization Request message from the Multi-AP Controller, it shall process that TLV as follows:
【译】如果Multi-AP Agent收到Multi-AP Controller发送的带有Service Prioritization Rule TLV的Service Prioritization Request消息,应按照如下处理TLV:

• If the Add-Remove Rule bit in the Service Prioritization Rule TLV is set to one:
o If the number of stored Service Prioritization Rules has reached the Max Prioritization Rules supported by the Multi-AP Agent and the Service Prioritization Rule does not have the same Service Prioritization Rule ID as an existing rule, the Multi-AP Agent shall send an Error Response message including a Profile-2 Error Code TLV with the reason code field set to 0x02 and the Service Prioritization Rule ID field set to the Service Prioritization Rule ID per section 17.2.51 and shall discard the rule.
o If the Service Prioritization Rule has the same Service Prioritization Rule ID as an existing rule, the Multi-AP Agent shall overwrite the existing rule with this Service Prioritization Rule. Otherwise, the Multi-AP Agent shall add this Service Priorotization Rule as a new rule.
o If the Always Matches bit is set to zero, a Multi-AP Agent may choose to not install such a rule.
• 如果Service Prioritization Rule TLV中Add-Remove Rule bit设置为1:
o 如果存储的Service Prioritization Rules超过了Multi-AP Agent最大支持数量,并且Service Prioritization Rule ID和已存在的rule也不相同,Multi-AP Agent应发送Error Response消息,携带Profile-2 Error Code TLV并设置reason code字段为0x02,并按照17.2.51设置Service Prioritization Rule ID字段为Service Prioritization Rule ID,并丢弃此rule。
o 如果Service Prioritization Rule和已有rule具有相同的Service Prioritization Rule ID,Multi-AP Agent应使用新的rule覆盖原来的rule。否则Multi-AP Agent应将此rule作为新的添加。
o 如果Always Matches bit为0,Multi-AP Agent可以选择不安装此rule。

• If the Add-Remove Rule bit in the Service Prioritization Rule TLV is set to zero:
o If the Service Prioritization Rule ID is found, the Multi-AP Agent shall remove this Service Prioritization Rule.
o If the Service Prioritization Rule ID is not found, the Multi-AP Agent shall include a Profile-2 Error Code TLV with the reason code field set to 0x01 and the Service Prioritization Rule ID field set to the Service Prioritization Rule ID per section 17.2.36 in the Error Response message.
• 如果Service Prioritization Rule TLV中Add-Remove Rule bit设置为0:
o 如果已存在此Service Prioritization Rule ID,Multi-AP Agent应删除此rule
o 如果不存在此Service Prioritization Rule ID,Multi-AP Agent应按照17.2.36回复Error Response消息,携带Profile-2 Error Code TLV并设置reason code字段为0x01,Service Prioritization Rule ID字段设置为Service Prioritization Rule ID。 Application of 802.1Q C-Tag Service Prioritization Rules

If a Multi-AP Agent receives a packet that is not an Ingress Packet, it shall not modify the PCP value in any VLAN tag on the packet.
【译】如果Multi-AP Agent收到一个不是Ingress的报文,不应修改报文中VLAN tag的PCP值。

If a Multi-AP Agent receives an Ingress Packet, it shall apply the following procedure.
【译】如果Multi-AP Agent收到Ingress报文,应执行以下流程。

A Multi-AP Agent shall compare each Ingress Packet to each stored Service Prioritization Rule in the order of decreasing Rule Precedence value.
【译】Multi-AP Agent应按照Rule Precedence value递减的顺序,依次将保存的Service Prioritization Rule和Ingress报文对比。

A Multi-AP Agent shall evaluate a Service Prioritization Rule as matching or not matching as follows:
• If the Always Matches bit is set to one, the Multi-AP Agent shall evaluate the rule as matching.
• If the Always Matches bit is set to zero, the Multi-AP Agent shall evaluate the rule as not matching.
【译】Multi-AP Agent应按照以下来评估是否匹配Service Prioritization Rule:
• 如果Always Matches bit为1,Multi-AP Agent应认为rule匹配
• 如果Always Matches bit为0,Multi-AP Agent应认为rule不匹配

If a Multi-AP Agent evaluates a rule as matching, it shall set the PCP field in the 802.1Q C-TAG according to the Rule Output value and stop any further Service Prioritization 802.1Q C-Tag rule proc
