Office 之将 PPT 图片完美插入 Word

将 PPT 图片完美插入 Word



PPT 提供了简单易用的基本绘图支持,而 Word 则提供了专业的文档撰写和处理的支持。但这些工具并不是独立且互相割裂的,如何将这些工具联动起来,充分发挥其协同作用,是日常使用的一个基本痛点。
本文主要探究如何将 PPT 中绘制的图像更好的插入 Word 中。



Office 之将 PPT 图片完美插入 Word_第1张图片
Office 之将 PPT 图片完美插入 Word_第2张图片
我们的基本需求是保证图片的原始的无损和在 Word 里调整后依然无损,所以选择矢量图最合适。这里可选的矢量图格式有:wmf、emf 和 svg。
而 WMF、EMF 则是微软的专有格式。Wikipedia 上的解释很详细:

Windows Metafile (WMF) is an image file format originally designed for Microsoft Windows in the 1990s. The original Windows Metafile format was not device-independent (though could be made more so with placement headers) and may contain both vector graphics and bitmap components. It acts in a similar manner to SVG files. WMF files were later superseded by Enhanced Metafiles (EMF files) which did provide for device-independence. EMF files were then themselves enhanced via EMF+ files.
Essentially, a metafile stores a list of records consisting of drawing commands, property definitions and graphics objects to display an image on screen. The drawing commands used are closely related to the commands of the Graphics Device Interface (GDI) API used for drawing in Microsoft Windows.
There are three major types of metafiles.

  • a WMF is a 16-bit format introduced in Windows 3.0. It is the native vector format for Microsoft Office applications such as Word, PowerPoint, and Publisher. As of 2017 revision 14 of the Windows Metafile Format specification is available for online reading or download as PDF.
  • EMF files, which replaced WMF files, work on the same principle only it is a 32-bit file format that also allows for the embedding of private data within “comment” records.
  • EMF+ is an extension to EMF files and embedded in these comment records, allowing for images and text using commands, objects and properties that are similar to Windows GDI+.

导出后我们在资源管理器中可以看到这些文件。wmf 和 emf 格式的文件一般没法直接展示缩略图,而 svg 可以通过微软开发的工具箱 PowerToys 来提供缩略图的支持。在 Word 中,直接从本设备导入即可。


Office 全家桶之间其实提供了跨软件复制粘贴功能的支持。我们直接复制组合后的图形,便可直接粘贴到 Word 中。但是这样粘贴后图像组往往尺寸不能令人满意。而若对其手动调整,其中的各个组件的放缩并不像图像那样可以完美一致,还需要各种精细调整,非常不方便。所以最好可以粘贴成矢量图。此时,强大的“选择性粘贴”就可以出场了。
Word 中,“开始”-> “粘贴”下侧的“选择性粘贴”:
Office 之将 PPT 图片完美插入 Word_第3张图片
其中的位图对应 bmp 图片,增强型图元文件对应 emf,office 图形对象对应前面提到的那种直接复制粘贴的方式。所以,与前面内容思路一致,这里可以选择 emf 或是 svg。他们都是矢量图。


  • BMP、GIF、TIFF、PNG、JPG 和 SVG 格式图像的特点 - 不脱发的程序猿的文章 - 知乎
  • 关于一些常见的矢量格式图(SVG,EPS,wmf,emf):
  • When to choose WMF, EMF or EMF+ format:
