#include < stdio.h >
#include < malloc.h >
#include < conio.h >
#include < stdlib.h >
#include < string .h >
/* 声明两种链表结构----start */
struct node_a{ /* 链表1-----作用:用来统计文件中字符的个数和种类(通过count) */
char data;
int count;
struct node_a * next;
typedef struct node_a node, * list;
list head = NULL;
struct nodeb{ /* 链表2-----作用:用来建立用相应的编码代替字符的新文件 */
char data;
struct nodeb * next;
typedef struct nodeb node_b, * list_b; /* jiang bianma xieru wenjian */
list_b head_b = NULL;
/* 声明两种链表结构----end */
/* 哈夫曼算法种相关的3种结构的声明-----start */
struct forest{
float weight;
int root;
struct alphabet{
char symbol;
float probability;
int leaf;
char * bianma;
struct tree{
int lchild;
int rchild;
int parent;
typedef struct tree * tree_ptr,tree_node;
typedef struct forest * forest_ptr,forest_node;
typedef struct alphabet * alphabet_ptr,alphabet_node;
tree_ptr tree1;
forest_ptr forest1;
alphabet_ptr alphabet1;
int lasttree,lastnode;
int least,second;
/* 哈夫曼算法种相关的3种结构的声明-----end */
/* *************stack difination start*************** */
struct stacknode{
char * bian_ma;
struct stacknode * next;
typedef struct stacknode stack_node;
typedef stack_node * link;
link top = NULL;
void push( char * item){
link p;
if (top != NULL){
p = (link)malloc( sizeof (stack_node));
if (p == NULL){
printf( " Memory allocation error! " );
return ;
p -> bian_ma = item;
p -> next = top;
top = p;
else {
top = (link)malloc( sizeof (stack_node));
if ( ! top){
printf( " Memory allocation error! " );
return ;
top -> bian_ma = item;
top -> next = NULL;
void pop( void ){
link p;
p = top;
top = top -> next;
void makenull( void ){
while (top != NULL)
int empty(){
if (top == NULL)
return 1 ;
return 0 ;
char * tops( void ){
return (top -> bian_ma);
void display_stack(link s){ /* 显示栈重的内容 */
link ptr;
ptr = s;
while (ptr != NULL){
printf( " %s " ,ptr -> bian_ma);
ptr = ptr -> next;
/* **************************stack__difination is end*********************** */
void display(list h){ /* 显示链表1 */
list ptr;
int i = 1 ;
ptr = h -> next;
while (ptr != NULL){
printf( " %d,%c,%d\n " ,i,ptr -> data,ptr -> count);
i ++ ;
ptr = ptr -> next;
void display_b(list_b h){ /* 显示链表2 */
list_b ptr;
int i = 1 ;
ptr = h -> next;
while (ptr != NULL){
printf( " %d,%c\n " ,i,ptr -> data);
i ++ ;
ptr = ptr -> next;
void insert( char item){ /* 用于插入元素以建立链表1 */
list temp,ptr;
int flag;
ptr = head -> next;
if (ptr == NULL){
head -> next = (list)malloc( sizeof (node));
head -> next -> data = item;
head -> next -> count = 1 ;
head -> next -> next = NULL;
else {
while (ptr != NULL){
if (ptr -> data == item){
ptr -> count = ptr -> count + 1 ;
flag = 1 ;
ptr = ptr -> next;
ptr = head;
if (flag == 1 )
return ;
else {
temp = ptr -> next;
ptr -> next = (list)malloc( sizeof (node));
ptr -> next -> data = item;
ptr -> next -> count = 1 ;
ptr -> next -> next = temp;
void insert_b( char item){ /* 插入元素以建立链表2 */
list_b ptr_b, temp_b;
ptr_b = head_b;
if (ptr_b -> next == NULL){
head_b -> next = (list_b)malloc( sizeof (node_b));
head_b -> next -> data = item;
head_b -> next -> next = NULL;
else {
while (ptr_b -> next != NULL){
ptr_b = ptr_b -> next;
ptr_b -> next = (list_b)malloc( sizeof (node_b));
ptr_b -> next -> data = item;
ptr_b -> next -> next = NULL;
void search( void ){ /* 搜索文件并将文件中的数据分别存入作用不同的链表中 */
FILE * fp;
list ptr;
char ch;
if ((fp = fopen( " test.txt " , " r " )) == NULL)
printf( " Reading error!\n " );
while ( ! feof(fp)){
ch = getc(fp);
if (ferror(fp)){
printf( " error!\n " );
break ;
if (ch == EOF)
break ;
insert(ch); /* 插入元素进链表1 */
insert_b(ch); /* 插入元素进链表2 */
printf( " \n " );
void display_struct( int n){ /* 显示哈夫曼算法中的3个结构树组 */
int i = 0 ;
printf( " \n\n=======================================\n\n " );
printf( " FOREST_STRUCT_ARRY :\n\n\n " );
for (i = 0 ;i <= n;i ++ ){
printf( " %f,%d\n " ,forest1[i].weight,forest1[i].root);
printf( " \n\nALPHABET_STRUCT_ARRY :\n\n\n " );
for (i = 0 ;i <= n;i ++ ){
printf( " %f,%d,%c\n " ,alphabet1[i].probability,alphabet1[i].leaf,alphabet1[i].symbol);
printf( " \n\nTREE_STRUCT_ARRY :\n\n\n " );
for (i = 0 ;i <= 2 * n - 1 ;i ++ )
printf( " %d,%d,%d\n " ,tree1[i].lchild,tree1[i].rchild,tree1[i].parent);
printf( " \n\n======================================\n\n " );
int init_struct( void ){ /* 初始化哈夫曼算法中3种结构数组 */
list ptr;
float count = . 0 ;
int i = 1 ,n = 0 ;
ptr = head -> next;
while (ptr != NULL){
count = ptr -> count + count;
n ++ ;
ptr = ptr -> next;
ptr = head -> next;
forest1 = (forest_ptr)malloc( sizeof (forest_node) * n + sizeof (forest_node));
alphabet1 = (alphabet_ptr)malloc( sizeof (alphabet_node) * n + sizeof (alphabet_node));
tree1 = (tree_ptr)malloc( sizeof (tree_node) * n * 2 - sizeof (tree_node));
forest1[ 0 ].weight = alphabet1[ 0 ].probability = 0.0 ;
forest1[ 0 ].root = alphabet1[ 0 ].leaf = 0 ;
alphabet1[ 0 ].symbol = ' 0 ' ;
while (ptr != NULL){
forest1[i].weight = alphabet1[i].probability = ptr -> count / count;
forest1[i].root = alphabet1[i].leaf = i;
alphabet1[i].symbol = ptr -> data;
i ++ ;
ptr = ptr -> next;
for (i = 0 ;i <= 2 * n - 1 ;i ++ ){
tree1[i].lchild = 0 ;
tree1[i].rchild = 0 ;
tree1[i].parent = 0 ;
return n;
void creat( void ){ /* 创建正文文件test.txt */
FILE * fp, * out ;
char ch;
if ((fp = fopen( " test.txt " , " r++ " )) == NULL)
printf( " Creat error!\n " );
printf( " Input the data:\n " );
ch = getch();
while (ch != ' # ' ){
ch = getch();
void creat_bianma( int number){ /* 根据哈夫曼算法建立文件中各种字符对应的编码 */
int i,j,n;
int p;
char * bm = malloc( sizeof ( char ) * number);
for (n = 1 ;n <= number;n ++ ){
j = i = n;
p = tree1[i].parent;
while (tree1[p].parent != 0 ){
if (tree1[p].lchild == i)
push( " 0 " );
push( " 1 " );
i = p;
p = tree1[p].parent;
if (tree1[p].lchild == i)
push( " 0 " );
push( " 1 " );
strcpy(bm, " " ); /* 目的:使创建编码文件中的各编码中间存在间隔 */
while ( ! empty()){
alphabet1[j].bianma = malloc( sizeof ( char ) * number);
printf( " \n%c:%s " ,alphabet1[j].symbol,alphabet1[j].bianma); /* 打印出相应的编码 */
void write_new_file( int number){ /* 根据相应的编码重新建立编码文件 */
FILE * fp;
list_b ptr;
int i;
char * ch = malloc( sizeof ( char ) * number);
ptr = head_b -> next;
if ((fp = fopen( " bianma.txt " , " w " )) == NULL)
printf( " Write in a new file error! " );
else {
while (ptr != NULL){
for (i = 1 ;i <= number;i ++ ){
if (ptr -> data == alphabet1[i].symbol){
ptr = ptr -> next;
void main( void ){
int i,num;
char ch;
void huffman( void );
void lightones();
head = (list)malloc( sizeof (node));
head -> next = NULL;
head -> data = ' \0 ' ;
head -> count = 0 ;
head_b = (list_b)malloc( sizeof (node_b));
head_b -> data = ' \0 ' ;
head_b -> next = NULL;
do {
system( " cls " );
printf( " \nlianbiao1:\n " );
display(head); /* 显示链表1 */
printf( " \nlianbiao2:\n " );
num = init_struct();
printf( " \n " );
printf( " The 3 init_struct of huffman?\n " );
display_struct(num); /* 显示初始化的哈夫曼书的相关3个结构数组 */
lastnode = num;
lasttree = num;
printf( " Now the 3 struct through huffman shuanfa\n " );
display_struct(num); /* 显示哈夫曼树中相关的3种结构(经过哈夫曼算法处理) */
printf( " \nThe bian_ma is:\n " );
printf( " \nDo you want to re_try(y/n)? " );
ch = getchar();
} while (ch == ' y ' );
/* 哈夫曼算法-----defination_start */
void lightones( void ){
int i;
if (forest1[ 1 ].weight <= forest1[ 2 ].weight){
least = 1 ;
second = 2 ;
else {
least = 2 ;
second = 1 ;
for (i = 3 ;i <= lasttree;i ++ )
if (forest1[i].weight < forest1[least].weight){
second = least;
least = i;
if (forest1[i].weight < forest1[second].weight)
second = i;
int creat_tree( int lefttree, int righttree){
lastnode = lastnode + 1 ;
tree1[lastnode].lchild = forest1[lefttree].root;
tree1[lastnode].rchild = forest1[righttree].root;
tree1[lastnode].parent = 0 ;
tree1[forest1[lefttree].root].parent = lastnode;
tree1[forest1[righttree].root].parent = lastnode;
return (lastnode);
void huffman( void ){
int i,j;
int newroot;
while (lasttree > 1 ){
i = least;
j = second;
newroot = creat_tree(i,j);
forest1[i].weight = forest1[i].weight + forest1[j].weight;
forest1[i].root = newroot;
forest1[j] = forest1[lasttree];
lasttree = lasttree - 1 ;