Install PHP Pear Mail / SMTP package on CentOS / Red Hat Enterprise Linux ZT

Recently I've noticed that Redhat removed support for following php pear packages:

a) NET/SMTP : An implementation of the SMTP protocol

b) Mail : Class that provides multiple interfaces for sending emails

c) Net/Socke : Network Socket Interface

The simplest solution is downloading and installs these files from php pear repo.

Step # 1: Download files

Use wget command to download all files:
# cd /tmp
# wget
# wget

Untar all files:
# tar -zxvf Mail-1.1.14.tgz
# tar -zxvf Net_SMTP-1.2.10.tgz
# tar -zxvf Net_Socket-1.0.8.tgz

Step # 2: Install files

Simply copy file to your webroot such as /www/usr/share/pear or standard location such as /usr/share/pear:
# cd /usr/share/pear
# mkdir Net
# cd Net
# cp /tmp/Net_SMTP-1.2.10/SMTP.php .
# cp /tmp/Net_Socket-1.0.8/Socket.php .
# cd ..
# cp -avr /tmp/Mail-1.1.14/Mail/ .
# cp -avr /tmp/Mail-1.1.14/Mail.php .

Step # 3: Test SMTP email

Now you have required files, all you have to do is send email using authenticated smtp server.
