



data-step="1" data-intro="Ok, wasn't that fun?" data-position='right'






this._options = {
  /* Next button label in tooltip box */
  nextLabel: 'Next →',
  /* Previous button label in tooltip box */
  prevLabel: '← Back',
  /* Skip button label in tooltip box */
  skipLabel: 'Skip',
  /* Done button label in tooltip box */
  doneLabel: 'Done',
  /* Hide previous button in the first step? Otherwise, it will be disabled button. */
  hidePrev: false,
  /* Hide next button in the last step? Otherwise, it will be disabled button. */
  hideNext: false,
  /* Default tooltip box position */
  tooltipPosition: 'bottom',
  /* Next CSS class for tooltip boxes */
  tooltipClass: '',
  /* CSS class that is added to the helperLayer */
  highlightClass: '',
  /* Close introduction when pressing Escape button? */
  exitOnEsc: true,
  /* Close introduction when clicking on overlay layer? */
  exitOnOverlayClick: true,
  /* Show step numbers in introduction? */
  showStepNumbers: true,
  /* Let user use keyboard to navigate the tour? */
  keyboardNavigation: true,
  /* Show tour control buttons? */
  showButtons: true,
  /* Show tour bullets? */
  showBullets: true,
  /* Show tour progress? */
  showProgress: false,
  /* Scroll to highlighted element? */
  scrollToElement: true,
  /* Set the overlay opacity */
  overlayOpacity: 0.8,
  /* Padding to add after scrolling when element is not in the viewport (in pixels) */
  scrollPadding: 30,
  /* Precedence of positions, when auto is enabled */
  positionPrecedence: ["bottom", "top", "right", "left"],
  /* Disable an interaction with element? */
  disableInteraction: false,
  /* Default hint position */
  hintPosition: 'top-middle',
  /* Hint button label */
  hintButtonLabel: 'Got it',
  /* Adding animation to hints? */
  hintAnimation: true


introJs.fn = IntroJs.prototype = {
    clone: function () {
      return new IntroJs(this);
    setOption: function(option, value) {
      this._options[option] = value;
      return this;
    setOptions: function(options) {
      this._options = _mergeOptions(this._options, options);
      return this;
    start: function () {
      _introForElement.call(this, this._targetElement);
      return this;
    goToStep: function(step) {
      _goToStep.call(this, step);
      return this;
    addStep: function(options) {
      if (!this._options.steps) {
        this._options.steps = [];


      return this;
    addSteps: function(steps) {
      if (!steps.length) return;

      for(var index = 0; index < steps.length; index++) {

      return this;
    goToStepNumber: function(step) {
      _goToStepNumber.call(this, step);

      return this;
    nextStep: function() {
      return this;
    previousStep: function() {
      return this;
    exit: function() {
      _exitIntro.call(this, this._targetElement);
      return this;
    refresh: function() {
      // re-align intros
      _setHelperLayerPosition.call(this, document.querySelector('.introjs-helperLayer'));
      _setHelperLayerPosition.call(this, document.querySelector('.introjs-tooltipReferenceLayer'));

      //re-align hints
      return this;
    onbeforechange: function(providedCallback) {
      if (typeof (providedCallback) === 'function') {
        this._introBeforeChangeCallback = providedCallback;
      } else {
        throw new Error('Provided callback for onbeforechange was not a function');
      return this;
    onchange: function(providedCallback) {
      if (typeof (providedCallback) === 'function') {
        this._introChangeCallback = providedCallback;
      } else {
        throw new Error('Provided callback for onchange was not a function.');
      return this;
    onafterchange: function(providedCallback) {
      if (typeof (providedCallback) === 'function') {
        this._introAfterChangeCallback = providedCallback;
      } else {
        throw new Error('Provided callback for onafterchange was not a function');
      return this;
    oncomplete: function(providedCallback) {
      if (typeof (providedCallback) === 'function') {
        this._introCompleteCallback = providedCallback;
      } else {
        throw new Error('Provided callback for oncomplete was not a function.');
      return this;
    onhintsadded: function(providedCallback) {
      if (typeof (providedCallback) === 'function') {
        this._hintsAddedCallback = providedCallback;
      } else {
        throw new Error('Provided callback for onhintsadded was not a function.');
      return this;
    onhintclick: function(providedCallback) {
      if (typeof (providedCallback) === 'function') {
        this._hintClickCallback = providedCallback;
      } else {
        throw new Error('Provided callback for onhintclick was not a function.');
      return this;
    onhintclose: function(providedCallback) {
      if (typeof (providedCallback) === 'function') {
        this._hintCloseCallback = providedCallback;
      } else {
        throw new Error('Provided callback for onhintclose was not a function.');
      return this;
    onexit: function(providedCallback) {
      if (typeof (providedCallback) === 'function') {
        this._introExitCallback = providedCallback;
      } else {
        throw new Error('Provided callback for onexit was not a function.');
      return this;
    addHints: function() {
      _populateHints.call(this, this._targetElement);
      return this;
    hideHint: function (stepId) {
      _hideHint.call(this, stepId);
      return this;
    hideHints: function () {
      return this;
    showHint: function (stepId) {
      _showHint.call(this, stepId);
      return this;
    showHints: function () {
      return this;
    removeHints: function () {
      return this;
    removeHint: function (stepId) {
      _removeHint.call(this, stepId);
      return this;




function completeYindao(){
  return false;


