package com.how2java.sqlite;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Types;
import org.hibernate.JDBCException;
import org.hibernate.ScrollMode;
import org.hibernate.dialect.Dialect;
import org.hibernate.dialect.function.AbstractAnsiTrimEmulationFunction;
import org.hibernate.dialect.function.NoArgSQLFunction;
import org.hibernate.dialect.function.SQLFunction;
import org.hibernate.dialect.function.SQLFunctionTemplate;
import org.hibernate.dialect.function.StandardSQLFunction;
import org.hibernate.dialect.function.VarArgsSQLFunction;
import org.hibernate.dialect.identity.IdentityColumnSupport;
import org.hibernate.dialect.pagination.AbstractLimitHandler;
import org.hibernate.dialect.pagination.LimitHandler;
import org.hibernate.dialect.pagination.LimitHelper;
import org.hibernate.dialect.unique.DefaultUniqueDelegate;
import org.hibernate.dialect.unique.UniqueDelegate;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.RowSelection;
import org.hibernate.exception.DataException;
import org.hibernate.exception.JDBCConnectionException;
import org.hibernate.exception.LockAcquisitionException;
import org.hibernate.exception.spi.SQLExceptionConversionDelegate;
import org.hibernate.exception.spi.TemplatedViolatedConstraintNameExtracter;
import org.hibernate.exception.spi.ViolatedConstraintNameExtracter;
import org.hibernate.internal.util.JdbcExceptionHelper;
import org.hibernate.mapping.Column;
import org.hibernate.type.StandardBasicTypes;
public class SQLiteDialect extends Dialect {
private final UniqueDelegate uniqueDelegate;
public SQLiteDialect() {
registerColumnType(Types.BIT, "boolean" );
registerColumnType(Types.DECIMAL, "decimal" );
registerColumnType(Types.CHAR, "char" );
registerColumnType(Types.LONGVARCHAR, "longvarchar" );
registerColumnType(Types.TIMESTAMP, "datetime" );
registerColumnType(Types.BINARY, "blob" );
registerColumnType(Types.VARBINARY, "blob" );
registerColumnType(Types.LONGVARBINARY, "blob" );
registerFunction( "concat" , new VarArgsSQLFunction(StandardBasicTypes.STRING, "" , "||" , "" ));
registerFunction( "mod" , new SQLFunctionTemplate(StandardBasicTypes.INTEGER, "?1 % ?2" ));
registerFunction( "quote" , new StandardSQLFunction( "quote" , StandardBasicTypes.STRING));
registerFunction( "random" , new NoArgSQLFunction( "random" , StandardBasicTypes.INTEGER));
registerFunction( "round" , new StandardSQLFunction( "round" ));
registerFunction( "substr" , new StandardSQLFunction( "substr" , StandardBasicTypes.STRING));
registerFunction( "trim" , new AbstractAnsiTrimEmulationFunction() {
protected SQLFunction resolveBothSpaceTrimFunction() {
return new SQLFunctionTemplate(StandardBasicTypes.STRING, "trim(?1)" );
protected SQLFunction resolveBothSpaceTrimFromFunction() {
return new SQLFunctionTemplate(StandardBasicTypes.STRING, "trim(?2)" );
protected SQLFunction resolveLeadingSpaceTrimFunction() {
return new SQLFunctionTemplate(StandardBasicTypes.STRING, "ltrim(?1)" );
protected SQLFunction resolveTrailingSpaceTrimFunction() {
return new SQLFunctionTemplate(StandardBasicTypes.STRING, "rtrim(?1)" );
protected SQLFunction resolveBothTrimFunction() {
return new SQLFunctionTemplate(StandardBasicTypes.STRING, "trim(?1, ?2)" );
protected SQLFunction resolveLeadingTrimFunction() {
return new SQLFunctionTemplate(StandardBasicTypes.STRING, "ltrim(?1, ?2)" );
protected SQLFunction resolveTrailingTrimFunction() {
return new SQLFunctionTemplate(StandardBasicTypes.STRING, "rtrim(?1, ?2)" );
uniqueDelegate = new SQLiteUniqueDelegate( this );
private static final SQLiteDialectIdentityColumnSupport IDENTITY_COLUMN_SUPPORT = new
SQLiteDialectIdentityColumnSupport( new SQLiteDialect());
public IdentityColumnSupport getIdentityColumnSupport() {
// limit/offset support ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
private static final AbstractLimitHandler LIMIT_HANDLER = new AbstractLimitHandler() {
public String processSql(String sql, RowSelection selection) {
final boolean hasOffset = LimitHelper.hasFirstRow(selection);
return sql + (hasOffset ? " limit ? offset ?" : " limit ?" );
public boolean supportsLimit() {
return true ;
public boolean bindLimitParametersInReverseOrder() {
return true ;
public LimitHandler getLimitHandler() {
// lock acquisition support ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
public boolean supportsLockTimeouts() {
// may be ?
return false ;
public String getForUpdateString() {
return "" ;
public boolean supportsOuterJoinForUpdate() {
return false ;
// current timestamp support ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
public boolean supportsCurrentTimestampSelection() {
return true ;
public boolean isCurrentTimestampSelectStringCallable() {
return false ;
public String getCurrentTimestampSelectString() {
return "select current_timestamp" ;
// SQLException support ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
private static final int SQLITE_BUSY = 5 ;
private static final int SQLITE_LOCKED = 6 ;
private static final int SQLITE_IOERR = 10 ;
private static final int SQLITE_CORRUPT = 11 ;
private static final int SQLITE_NOTFOUND = 12 ;
private static final int SQLITE_FULL = 13 ;
private static final int SQLITE_CANTOPEN = 14 ;
private static final int SQLITE_PROTOCOL = 15 ;
private static final int SQLITE_TOOBIG = 18 ;
private static final int SQLITE_CONSTRAINT = 19 ;
private static final int SQLITE_MISMATCH = 20 ;
private static final int SQLITE_NOTADB = 26 ;
public SQLExceptionConversionDelegate buildSQLExceptionConversionDelegate() {
return new SQLExceptionConversionDelegate() {
public JDBCException convert(SQLException sqlException, String message, String sql) {
final int errorCode = JdbcExceptionHelper.extractErrorCode(sqlException) & 0xFF ;
if (errorCode == SQLITE_TOOBIG || errorCode == SQLITE_MISMATCH) {
return new DataException(message, sqlException, sql);
} else if (errorCode == SQLITE_BUSY || errorCode == SQLITE_LOCKED) {
return new LockAcquisitionException(message, sqlException, sql);
} else if ((errorCode >= SQLITE_IOERR && errorCode <= SQLITE_PROTOCOL) || errorCode == SQLITE_NOTADB) {
return new JDBCConnectionException(message, sqlException, sql);
// returning null allows other delegates to operate
return null ;
public ViolatedConstraintNameExtracter getViolatedConstraintNameExtracter() {
private static final ViolatedConstraintNameExtracter EXTRACTER = new TemplatedViolatedConstraintNameExtracter() {
protected String doExtractConstraintName(SQLException sqle) throws NumberFormatException {
final int errorCode = JdbcExceptionHelper.extractErrorCode(sqle) & 0xFF ;
if (errorCode == SQLITE_CONSTRAINT) {
return extractUsingTemplate( "constraint " , " failed" , sqle.getMessage());
return null ;
// union subclass support ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
public boolean supportsUnionAll() {
return true ;
// DDL support ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
public boolean canCreateSchema() {
return false ;
public boolean hasAlterTable() {
// As specified in NHibernate dialect
return false ;
public boolean dropConstraints() {
return false ;
public boolean qualifyIndexName() {
return false ;
public String getAddColumnString() {
return "add column" ;
public String getDropForeignKeyString() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "No drop foreign key syntax supported by SQLiteDialect" );
public String getAddForeignKeyConstraintString(String constraintName,
String[] foreignKey, String referencedTable, String[] primaryKey,
boolean referencesPrimaryKey) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "No add foreign key syntax supported by SQLiteDialect" );
public String getAddPrimaryKeyConstraintString(String constraintName) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "No add primary key syntax supported by SQLiteDialect" );
public boolean supportsCommentOn() {
return true ;
public boolean supportsIfExistsBeforeTableName() {
return true ;
public boolean doesReadCommittedCauseWritersToBlockReaders() {
// TODO Validate (WAL mode...)
return true ;
public boolean doesRepeatableReadCauseReadersToBlockWriters() {
return true ;
public boolean supportsTupleDistinctCounts() {
return false ;
public int getInExpressionCountLimit() {
return 1000 ;
public UniqueDelegate getUniqueDelegate() {
return uniqueDelegate;
private static class SQLiteUniqueDelegate extends DefaultUniqueDelegate {
public SQLiteUniqueDelegate(Dialect dialect) {
super (dialect);
public String getColumnDefinitionUniquenessFragment(Column column) {
return " unique" ;
public String getSelectGUIDString() {
return "select hex(randomblob(16))" ;
public ScrollMode defaultScrollMode() {
return ScrollMode.FORWARD_ONLY;